/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of digiKam project * http://www.digikam.org * * Date : 2007-12-08 * Description : a widget to display date and time statistics of pictures * * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 by Gilles Caulier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ // C++ includes. #include // TQt includes. #include #include #include // KDE includes. #include #include #include #include #include // Local includes. #include "ddebug.h" #include "themeengine.h" #include "timelinewidget.h" #include "timelinewidget.moc" namespace Digikam { class TimeLineWidgetPriv { public : typedef TQPair YearRefPair; // Year + a reference association (Month or week or day) typedef TQPair StatPair; // Statistic value + selection status. public: TimeLineWidgetPriv() { validMouseEvent = false; selMouseEvent = false; maxCountByDay = 1; maxCountByWeek = 1; maxCountByMonth = 1; maxCountByYear = 1; topMargin = 3; bottomMargin = 20; barWidth = 20; startPos = 96; nbItems = 10; timeUnit = TimeLineWidget::Month; scaleMode = TimeLineWidget::LinScale; calendar = TDEGlobal::locale()->calendar(); } bool validMouseEvent; // Current mouse enter event is valid to set cursor position or selection. bool selMouseEvent; // Current mouse enter event is about to make a selection. int maxCountByDay; int maxCountByWeek; int maxCountByMonth; int maxCountByYear; int topMargin; int bottomMargin; int barWidth; int nbItems; int startPos; TQDateTime refDateTime; // Reference date-time used to draw histogram from middle of widget. TQDateTime cursorDateTime; // Current date-time used to draw focus cursor. TQDateTime minDateTime; // Higher date on histogram. TQDateTime maxDateTime; // Lower date on histogram. TQDateTime selStartDateTime; TQDateTime selMinDateTime; // Lower date available on histogram. TQDateTime selMaxDateTime; // Higher date available on histogram. TQPixmap pixmap; // Used for widget double buffering. TQMap dayStatMap; // Store Days count statistics. TQMap weekStatMap; // Store Weeks count statistics. TQMap monthStatMap; // Store Month count statistics. TQMap yearStatMap; // Store Years count statistics. const KCalendarSystem *calendar; TimeLineWidget::TimeUnit timeUnit; TimeLineWidget::ScaleMode scaleMode; }; TimeLineWidget::TimeLineWidget(TQWidget *parent) : TQWidget(parent, 0, TQt::WDestructiveClose) { d = new TimeLineWidgetPriv; setBackgroundMode(TQt::NoBackground); setMouseTracking(true); setMinimumWidth(256); setMinimumHeight(192); TQDateTime ref = TQDateTime::currentDateTime(); setCursorDateTime(ref); setRefDateTime(ref); connect(ThemeEngine::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL(signalThemeChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotThemeChanged())); } TimeLineWidget::~TimeLineWidget() { delete d; } void TimeLineWidget::setTimeUnit(TimeUnit timeUnit) { d->timeUnit = timeUnit; setCursorDateTime(cursorDateTime()); setRefDateTime(cursorDateTime()); } TimeLineWidget::TimeUnit TimeLineWidget::timeUnit() const { return d->timeUnit; } void TimeLineWidget::setScaleMode(ScaleMode scaleMode) { d->scaleMode = scaleMode; updatePixmap(); update(); } TimeLineWidget::ScaleMode TimeLineWidget::scaleMode() const { return d->scaleMode; } int TimeLineWidget::totalIndex() { if (d->minDateTime.isNull() || d->maxDateTime.isNull()) return 0; int i = 0; TQDateTime dt = d->minDateTime; do { dt = nextDateTime(dt); i++; } while(dt < d->maxDateTime); return i; } int TimeLineWidget::indexForDateTime(const TQDateTime& date) { if (d->minDateTime.isNull() || d->maxDateTime.isNull() || date.isNull()) return 0; int i = 0; TQDateTime dt = d->minDateTime; do { dt = nextDateTime(dt); i++; } while(dt < date); return i; } int TimeLineWidget::indexForRefDateTime() { return (indexForDateTime(d->refDateTime)); } int TimeLineWidget::indexForCursorDateTime() { return (indexForDateTime(d->cursorDateTime)); } void TimeLineWidget::setCurrentIndex(int index) { if (d->minDateTime.isNull() || d->maxDateTime.isNull()) return; int i = 0; TQDateTime dt = d->minDateTime; do { dt = nextDateTime(dt); i++; } while(i <= index); setRefDateTime(dt); } void TimeLineWidget::setCursorDateTime(const TQDateTime& dateTime) { TQDateTime dt = dateTime; dt.setTime(TQTime(0, 0, 0, 0)); switch(d->timeUnit) { case Week: { // Go to the first day of week. int weekYear = 0; int weekNb = d->calendar->weekNumber(dt.date(), &weekYear); dt = firstDayOfWeek(weekYear, weekNb); break; } case Month: { // Go to the first day of month. dt.setDate(TQDate(dt.date().year(), dt.date().month(), 1)); break; } case Year: { // Go to the first day of year. dt.setDate(TQDate(dt.date().year(), 1, 1)); break; } default: break; } if (d->cursorDateTime == dt) return; d->cursorDateTime = dt; emit signalCursorPositionChanged(); } TQDateTime TimeLineWidget::cursorDateTime() const { return d->cursorDateTime; } int TimeLineWidget::cursorInfo(TQString& infoDate) { SelectionMode selected; TQDateTime dt = cursorDateTime(); switch(d->timeUnit) { case Day: { infoDate = TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDate(dt.date()); break; } case Week: { infoDate = i18n("Week #%1 - %2 %3") .arg(d->calendar->weekNumber(dt.date())) .arg(d->calendar->monthName(dt.date())) .arg(d->calendar->yearString(dt.date(), false)); break; } case Month: { infoDate = TQString("%1 %2") .arg(d->calendar->monthName(dt.date())) .arg(d->calendar->yearString(dt.date(), false)); break; } case Year: { infoDate = d->calendar->yearString(dt.date(), false); break; } } return statForDateTime(dt, selected); } void TimeLineWidget::setRefDateTime(const TQDateTime& dateTime) { TQDateTime dt = dateTime; dt.setTime(TQTime(0, 0, 0, 0)); switch(d->timeUnit) { case Week: { // Go to the first day of week. int dayWeekOffset = (-1) * (d->calendar->dayOfWeek(dt.date()) - 1); dt = dt.addDays(dayWeekOffset); break; } case Month: { // Go to the first day of month. dt.setDate(TQDate(dt.date().year(), dt.date().month(), 1)); break; } case Year: { // Go to the first day of year. dt.setDate(TQDate(dt.date().year(), 1, 1)); break; } default: break; } d->refDateTime = dt; updatePixmap(); update(); emit signalRefDateTimeChanged(); } void TimeLineWidget::slotResetSelection() { resetSelection(); updatePixmap(); update(); } void TimeLineWidget::resetSelection() { TQMap::iterator it; for (it = d->dayStatMap.begin() ; it != d->dayStatMap.end(); ++it) it.data().second = Unselected; for (it = d->weekStatMap.begin() ; it != d->weekStatMap.end(); ++it) it.data().second = Unselected; for (it = d->monthStatMap.begin() ; it != d->monthStatMap.end(); ++it) it.data().second = Unselected; TQMap::iterator it2; for (it2 = d->yearStatMap.begin() ; it2 != d->yearStatMap.end(); ++it2) it2.data().second = Unselected; } void TimeLineWidget::setSelectedDateRange(const DateRangeList& list) { if (list.isEmpty()) return; resetSelection(); TQDateTime start, end, dt; DateRangeList::const_iterator it; for (it = list.begin() ; it != list.end(); ++it) { start = (*it).first; end = (*it).second; if (end > start) { dt = start; do { setDateTimeSelected(dt, Selected); dt = dt.addDays(1); } while (dt < end); } } updatePixmap(); update(); } DateRangeList TimeLineWidget::selectedDateRange(int& totalCount) { // We will parse all selections done on Days stats map. DateRangeList list; totalCount = 0; TQMap::iterator it3; TQDateTime sdt, edt; TQDate date; for (it3 = d->dayStatMap.begin() ; it3 != d->dayStatMap.end(); ++it3) { if (it3.data().second == Selected) { date = TQDate(it3.key().first, 1, 1); date = date.addDays(it3.key().second-1); sdt = TQDateTime(date); edt = sdt.addDays(1); list.append(DateRange(sdt, edt)); totalCount += it3.data().first; } } DateRangeList::iterator it, it2; /* for (it = list.begin() ; it != list.end(); ++it) DDebug() << (*it).first.date().toString(Qt::ISODate) << " :: " << (*it).second.date().toString(Qt::ISODate) << endl; DDebug() << "Total Count of Items = " << totalCount << endl; */ // Group contiguous date ranges to optimize query on database. DateRangeList list2; TQDateTime first, second, first2, second2; for (it = list.begin() ; it != list.end(); ++it) { first = (*it).first; second = (*it).second; it2 = it; do { ++it2; if (it2 != list.end()) { first2 = (*it2).first; second2 = (*it2).second; if (first2 == second) { second = second2; ++it; } else break; } } while(it2 != list.end()); list2.append(DateRange(first, second)); } /* for (it = list2.begin() ; it != list2.end(); ++it) DDebug() << (*it).first.date().toString(Qt::ISODate) << " :: " << (*it).second.date().toString(Qt::ISODate) << endl; */ return list2; } void TimeLineWidget::slotDatesMap(const TQMap& datesStatMap) { // Clear all counts in all stats maps before to update it. Do not clear selections. TQMap::iterator it_iP; for ( it_iP = d->yearStatMap.begin() ; it_iP != d->yearStatMap.end(); ++it_iP ) it_iP.data().first = 0; TQMap::iterator it_YP; for ( it_YP = d->monthStatMap.begin() ; it_YP != d->monthStatMap.end(); ++it_YP ) it_YP.data().first = 0; for ( it_YP = d->weekStatMap.begin() ; it_YP != d->weekStatMap.end(); ++it_YP ) it_YP.data().first = 0; for ( it_YP = d->dayStatMap.begin() ; it_YP != d->dayStatMap.end(); ++it_YP ) it_YP.data().first = 0; // Parse all new Date stamp and store histogram stats relevant in maps. int count; TQMap::const_iterator it; if (datesStatMap.isEmpty()) { d->minDateTime = TQDateTime(); d->maxDateTime = TQDateTime(); } else { d->minDateTime = datesStatMap.begin().key(); d->maxDateTime = datesStatMap.begin().key(); } for ( it = datesStatMap.begin(); it != datesStatMap.end(); ++it ) { if (it.key() > d->maxDateTime) d->maxDateTime = it.key(); if (it.key() < d->minDateTime) d->minDateTime = it.key(); int year = it.key().date().year(); int month = it.key().date().month(); int day = d->calendar->dayOfYear(it.key().date()); int yearForWeek = year; // Used with week shared between 2 years decade (Dec/Jan). int week = d->calendar->weekNumber(it.key().date(), &yearForWeek); // Stats Years values. it_iP = d->yearStatMap.find(year); if ( it_iP == d->yearStatMap.end() ) { count = it.data(); d->yearStatMap.insert( year, TimeLineWidgetPriv::StatPair(count, Unselected) ); } else { count = it_iP.data().first + it.data(); d->yearStatMap.replace( year, TimeLineWidgetPriv::StatPair(count, it_iP.data().second) ); } if (d->maxCountByYear < count) d->maxCountByYear = count; // Stats Months values. it_YP = d->monthStatMap.find(TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(year, month)); if ( it_YP == d->monthStatMap.end() ) { count = it.data(); d->monthStatMap.insert( TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(year, month), TimeLineWidgetPriv::StatPair(count, Unselected) ); } else { count = it_YP.data().first + it.data(); d->monthStatMap.replace( TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(year, month), TimeLineWidgetPriv::StatPair(count, it_YP.data().second) ); } if (d->maxCountByMonth < count) d->maxCountByMonth = count; // Stats Weeks values. it_YP = d->weekStatMap.find(TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(yearForWeek, week)); if ( it_YP == d->weekStatMap.end() ) { count = it.data(); d->weekStatMap.insert( TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(yearForWeek, week), TimeLineWidgetPriv::StatPair(count, Unselected) ); } else { count = it_YP.data().first + it.data(); d->weekStatMap.replace( TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(yearForWeek, week), TimeLineWidgetPriv::StatPair(count, it_YP.data().second) ); } if (d->maxCountByWeek < count) d->maxCountByWeek = count; // Stats Days values. it_YP = d->dayStatMap.find(TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(year, day)); if ( it_YP == d->dayStatMap.end() ) { count = it.data(); d->dayStatMap.insert( TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(year, day), TimeLineWidgetPriv::StatPair(count, Unselected) ); } else { count = it_YP.data().first + it.data(); d->dayStatMap.replace( TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(year, day), TimeLineWidgetPriv::StatPair(count, it_YP.data().second) ); } if (d->maxCountByDay < count) d->maxCountByDay = count; } if (!datesStatMap.isEmpty()) { d->maxDateTime.setTime(TQTime(0, 0, 0, 0)); d->minDateTime.setTime(TQTime(0, 0, 0, 0)); } else { d->maxDateTime = d->refDateTime; d->minDateTime = d->refDateTime; } updatePixmap(); update(); emit signalDateMapChanged(); } void TimeLineWidget::updatePixmap() { // Drawing background and image. d->pixmap = TQPixmap(size()); d->pixmap.fill(palette().active().background()); TQPainter p(&d->pixmap); d->bottomMargin = (int)(p.fontMetrics().height()*1.5); d->barWidth = p.fontMetrics().width("00"); d->nbItems = (int)((width() / 2.0) / (float)d->barWidth); d->startPos = (int)((width() / 2.0) - ((float)(d->barWidth) / 2.0)); int dim = height() - d->bottomMargin - d->topMargin; TQDateTime ref = d->refDateTime; ref.setTime(TQTime(0, 0, 0, 0)); double max, logVal; int val, top; SelectionMode sel; TQRect focusRect, selRect, barRect; TQBrush selBrush; TQColor dateColor, subDateColor; // Date histogram drawing is divided in 2 parts. The current date-time // is placed on the center of the view and all dates on right are computed, // and in second time, all dates on the left. // Draw all dates on the right of ref. date-time. for (int i = 0 ; i < d->nbItems ; i++) { val = statForDateTime(ref, sel); max = (double)maxCount(); if (d->scaleMode == TimeLineWidget::LogScale) { if (max > 0.0) max = log(max); else max = 1.0; if (val <= 0) logVal = 0; else logVal = log(val); top = lround(dim + d->topMargin - ((logVal * dim) / max)); if (top < 0) val = 0; } else { top = lround(dim + d->topMargin - ((val * dim) / max)); } barRect.setTop(top); barRect.setLeft(d->startPos + i*d->barWidth); barRect.setBottom(height() - d->bottomMargin); barRect.setRight(d->startPos + (i+1)*d->barWidth); if (ref == d->cursorDateTime) focusRect = barRect; if (ref > d->maxDateTime) dateColor = palette().active().mid(); else dateColor = palette().active().foreground(); p.setPen(palette().active().foreground()); p.fillRect(barRect, TQBrush(ThemeEngine::instance()->textSpecialRegColor())); p.drawRect(barRect); p.drawLine(barRect.right(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.right(), barRect.bottom()+3); p.drawLine(barRect.left(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.left(), barRect.bottom()+3); if (val) { if (sel) subDateColor = palette().active().highlightedText(); else subDateColor = palette().active().foreground(); } else subDateColor = palette().active().mid(); if (sel == Selected || sel == FuzzySelection) { selBrush.setColor(ThemeEngine::instance()->thumbSelColor()); selBrush.setStyle(TQBrush::SolidPattern); if (sel == FuzzySelection) selBrush.setStyle(TQBrush::Dense4Pattern); selRect.setTop(height() - d->bottomMargin + 1); selRect.setLeft(d->startPos + i*d->barWidth); selRect.setBottom(height() - d->bottomMargin/2); selRect.setRight(d->startPos + (i+1)*d->barWidth); p.fillRect(selRect, selBrush); } switch(d->timeUnit) { case Day: { { p.save(); TQFont fnt = p.font(); fnt.setPointSize(fnt.pointSize()-4); p.setFont(fnt); p.setPen(subDateColor); TQString txt = TQString(d->calendar->weekDayName(ref.date(), true)[0]); TQRect br = p.fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, width(), height(), 0, txt); p.drawText(barRect.left() + ((barRect.width()-br.width())/2), barRect.bottom()+br.height(), txt); p.restore(); } if (d->calendar->dayOfWeek(ref.date()) == 1) { p.setPen(dateColor); p.drawLine(barRect.left(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.left(), barRect.bottom()+d->bottomMargin/2); TQString txt = TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDate(ref.date(), true); TQRect br = p.fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, width(), height(), 0, txt); p.drawText(barRect.left()-br.width()/2, barRect.bottom() + d->bottomMargin, txt); } break; } case Week: { int week = d->calendar->weekNumber(ref.date()); { p.save(); TQFont fnt = p.font(); fnt.setPointSize(fnt.pointSize()-4); p.setFont(fnt); p.setPen(subDateColor); TQString txt = TQString::number(week); TQRect br = p.fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, width(), height(), 0, txt); p.drawText(barRect.left() + ((barRect.width()-br.width())/2), barRect.bottom()+br.height(), txt); p.restore(); } p.setPen(dateColor); if (week == 1 || week == 10 || week == 20 || week == 30 || week == 40 || week == 50) { p.drawLine(barRect.left(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.left(), barRect.bottom()+d->bottomMargin/2); TQString txt = TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDate(ref.date(), true); TQRect br = p.fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, width(), height(), 0, txt); if (week != 50) p.drawText(barRect.left()-br.width()/2, barRect.bottom() + d->bottomMargin, txt); } else if (week == 6 || week == 16 || week == 26 || week == 36 || week == 46) { p.drawLine(barRect.left(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.left(), barRect.bottom()+d->bottomMargin/4); } break; } case Month: { { p.save(); TQFont fnt = p.font(); fnt.setPointSize(fnt.pointSize()-4); p.setFont(fnt); p.setPen(subDateColor) ; TQString txt = TQString(d->calendar->monthName(ref.date(), true)[0]); TQRect br = p.fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, width(), height(), 0, txt); p.drawText(barRect.left() + ((barRect.width()-br.width())/2), barRect.bottom()+br.height(), txt); p.restore(); } p.setPen(dateColor); if (ref.date().month() == 1) { p.drawLine(barRect.left(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.left(), barRect.bottom()+d->bottomMargin/2); TQString txt = TQString::number(ref.date().year()); TQRect br = p.fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, width(), height(), 0, txt); p.drawText(barRect.left()-br.width()/2, barRect.bottom() + d->bottomMargin, txt); } else if (ref.date().month() == 7) { p.drawLine(barRect.left(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.left(), barRect.bottom()+d->bottomMargin/4); } break; } case Year: { p.setPen(dateColor); if (ref.date().year() % 10 == 0) { p.drawLine(barRect.left(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.left(), barRect.bottom()+d->bottomMargin/2); TQString txt = TQString::number(ref.date().year()); TQRect br = p.fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, width(), height(), 0, txt); p.drawText(barRect.left()-br.width()/2, barRect.bottom() + d->bottomMargin, txt); } else if (ref.date().year() % 5 == 0) p.drawLine(barRect.left(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.left(), barRect.bottom()+d->bottomMargin/4); break; } } ref = nextDateTime(ref); } // Draw all dates on the left of ref. date-time. ref = d->refDateTime; ref.setTime(TQTime(0, 0, 0, 0)); ref = prevDateTime(ref); for (int i = 0 ; i < d->nbItems-1 ; i++) { val = statForDateTime(ref, sel); max = (double)maxCount(); if (d->scaleMode == TimeLineWidget::LogScale) { if (max > 0.0) max = log(max); else max = 1.0; if (val <= 0) logVal = 0; else logVal = log(val); top = lround(dim + d->topMargin - ((logVal * dim) / max)); if (top < 0) val = 0; } else { top = lround(dim + d->topMargin - ((val * dim) / max)); } barRect.setTop(top); barRect.setRight(d->startPos - i*d->barWidth); barRect.setBottom(height() - d->bottomMargin); barRect.setLeft(d->startPos - (i+1)*d->barWidth); if (ref == d->cursorDateTime) focusRect = barRect; if (ref < d->minDateTime) dateColor = palette().active().mid(); else dateColor = palette().active().foreground(); p.setPen(palette().active().foreground()); p.fillRect(barRect, TQBrush(ThemeEngine::instance()->textSpecialRegColor())); p.drawRect(barRect); p.drawLine(barRect.right(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.right(), barRect.bottom()+3); p.drawLine(barRect.left(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.left(), barRect.bottom()+3); if (val) { if (sel) subDateColor = palette().active().highlightedText(); else subDateColor = palette().active().foreground(); } else subDateColor = palette().active().mid(); if (sel == Selected || sel == FuzzySelection) { selBrush.setColor(ThemeEngine::instance()->thumbSelColor()); selBrush.setStyle(TQBrush::SolidPattern); if (sel == FuzzySelection) selBrush.setStyle(TQBrush::Dense4Pattern); selRect.setTop(height() - d->bottomMargin + 1); selRect.setLeft(d->startPos - (i+1)*d->barWidth); selRect.setBottom(height() - d->bottomMargin/2); selRect.setRight(d->startPos - i*d->barWidth); p.fillRect(selRect, selBrush); } switch(d->timeUnit) { case Day: { { p.save(); TQFont fnt = p.font(); fnt.setPointSize(fnt.pointSize()-4); p.setFont(fnt); p.setPen(subDateColor) ; TQString txt = TQString(d->calendar->weekDayName(ref.date(), true)[0]); TQRect br = p.fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, width(), height(), 0, txt); p.drawText(barRect.left() + ((barRect.width()-br.width())/2), barRect.bottom()+br.height(), txt); p.restore(); } if (d->calendar->dayOfWeek(ref.date()) == 1) { p.setPen(dateColor); p.drawLine(barRect.left(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.left(), barRect.bottom()+d->bottomMargin/2); TQString txt = TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDate(ref.date(), true); TQRect br = p.fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, width(), height(), 0, txt); p.drawText(barRect.left()-br.width()/2, barRect.bottom() + d->bottomMargin, txt); } break; } case Week: { int week = d->calendar->weekNumber(ref.date()); { p.save(); TQFont fnt = p.font(); fnt.setPointSize(fnt.pointSize()-4); p.setFont(fnt); p.setPen(subDateColor) ; TQString txt = TQString::number(week); TQRect br = p.fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, width(), height(), 0, txt); p.drawText(barRect.left() + ((barRect.width()-br.width())/2), barRect.bottom()+br.height(), txt); p.restore(); } p.setPen(dateColor); if (week == 1 || week == 10 || week == 20 || week == 30 || week == 40 || week == 50) { p.drawLine(barRect.left(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.left(), barRect.bottom()+d->bottomMargin/2); TQString txt = TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDate(ref.date(), true); TQRect br = p.fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, width(), height(), 0, txt); if (week != 50) p.drawText(barRect.left()-br.width()/2, barRect.bottom() + d->bottomMargin, txt); } else if (week == 6 || week == 16 || week == 26 || week == 36 || week == 46) { p.drawLine(barRect.left(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.left(), barRect.bottom()+d->bottomMargin/4); } break; } case Month: { { p.save(); TQFont fnt = p.font(); fnt.setPointSize(fnt.pointSize()-4); p.setFont(fnt); p.setPen(subDateColor) ; TQString txt = TQString(d->calendar->monthName(ref.date(), true)[0]); TQRect br = p.fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, width(), height(), 0, txt); p.drawText(barRect.left() + ((barRect.width()-br.width())/2), barRect.bottom()+br.height(), txt); p.restore(); } p.setPen(dateColor); if (ref.date().month() == 1) { p.drawLine(barRect.left(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.left(), barRect.bottom()+d->bottomMargin/2); TQString txt = TQString::number(ref.date().year()); TQRect br = p.fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, width(), height(), 0, txt); p.drawText(barRect.left()-br.width()/2, barRect.bottom() + d->bottomMargin, txt); } else if (ref.date().month() == 7) { p.drawLine(barRect.right(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.right(), barRect.bottom()+d->bottomMargin/4); } break; } case Year: { p.setPen(dateColor); if (ref.date().year() % 10 == 0) { p.drawLine(barRect.left(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.left(), barRect.bottom()+d->bottomMargin/2); TQString txt = TQString::number(ref.date().year()); TQRect br = p.fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, width(), height(), 0, txt); p.drawText(barRect.left()-br.width()/2, barRect.bottom() + d->bottomMargin, txt); } else if (ref.date().year() % 5 == 0) p.drawLine(barRect.right(), barRect.bottom(), barRect.right(), barRect.bottom()+d->bottomMargin/4); break; } } ref = prevDateTime(ref); } // Draw cursor rectangle over current date-time. if (focusRect.isValid()) { focusRect.setTop(d->topMargin); TQPoint p1(focusRect.left(), height() - d->bottomMargin); TQPoint p2(focusRect.right(), height() - d->bottomMargin); focusRect.setBottom(focusRect.bottom() + d->bottomMargin/2); p.setPen(palette().active().shadow()); p.drawLine(p1.x(), p1.y()+1, p2.x(), p2.y()+1); p.drawRect(focusRect); focusRect.addCoords(-1,-1, 1, 1); p.setPen(ThemeEngine::instance()->textSelColor()); p.drawRect(focusRect); p.drawLine(p1.x()-1, p1.y(), p2.x()+1, p2.y()); focusRect.addCoords(-1,-1, 1, 1); p.drawRect(focusRect); p.drawLine(p1.x()-1, p1.y()-1, p2.x()+1, p2.y()-1); focusRect.addCoords(-1,-1, 1, 1); p.setPen(palette().active().shadow()); p.drawRect(focusRect); p.drawLine(p1.x(), p1.y()-2, p2.x(), p2.y()-2); } p.end(); } TQDateTime TimeLineWidget::prevDateTime(const TQDateTime& dt) { TQDateTime prev; switch(d->timeUnit) { case Day: { prev = dt.addDays(-1); break; } case Week: { prev = dt.addDays(-7); break; } case Month: { prev = dt.addMonths(-1); break; } case Year: { prev = dt.addYears(-1); break; } } return prev; } TQDateTime TimeLineWidget::nextDateTime(const TQDateTime& dt) { TQDateTime next; switch(d->timeUnit) { case Day: { next = dt.addDays(1); break; } case Week: { next = dt.addDays(7); break; } case Month: { next = dt.addMonths(1); break; } case Year: { next = dt.addYears(1); break; } } return next; } int TimeLineWidget::maxCount() { int max = 1; switch(d->timeUnit) { case Day: { max = d->maxCountByDay; break; } case Week: { max = d->maxCountByWeek; break; } case Month: { max = d->maxCountByMonth; break; } case Year: { max = d->maxCountByYear; break; } } return max; } int TimeLineWidget::statForDateTime(const TQDateTime& dt, SelectionMode& selected) { int count = 0; int year = dt.date().year(); int month = dt.date().month(); int day = d->calendar->dayOfYear(dt.date()); int yearForWeek; // Used with week shared between 2 years decade (Dec/Jan). int week = d->calendar->weekNumber(dt.date(), &yearForWeek); selected = Unselected; switch(d->timeUnit) { case Day: { TQMap::iterator it = d->dayStatMap.find(TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(year, day)); if ( it != d->dayStatMap.end() ) { count = it.data().first; selected = it.data().second; } break; } case Week: { TQMap::iterator it = d->weekStatMap.find(TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(yearForWeek, week)); if ( it != d->weekStatMap.end() ) { count = it.data().first; selected = it.data().second; } break; } case Month: { TQMap::iterator it = d->monthStatMap.find(TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(year, month)); if ( it != d->monthStatMap.end() ) { count = it.data().first; selected = it.data().second; } break; } case Year: { TQMap::iterator it = d->yearStatMap.find(year); if ( it != d->yearStatMap.end() ) { count = it.data().first; selected = it.data().second; } break; } } return count; } void TimeLineWidget::setDateTimeSelected(const TQDateTime& dt, SelectionMode selected) { int year = dt.date().year(); int month = dt.date().month(); int yearForWeek; // Used with week shared between 2 years decade (Dec/Jan). int week = d->calendar->weekNumber(dt.date(), &yearForWeek); TQDateTime dts, dte; switch(d->timeUnit) { case Day: { dts = dt; dte = dts.addDays(1); setDaysRangeSelection(dts, dte, selected); break; } case Week: { dts = firstDayOfWeek(yearForWeek, week); dte = dts.addDays(7); setDaysRangeSelection(dts, dte, selected); updateWeekSelection(dts, dte); break; } case Month: { dts = TQDateTime(TQDate(year, month, 1)); dte = dts.addDays(d->calendar->daysInMonth(dts.date())); setDaysRangeSelection(dts, dte, selected); updateMonthSelection(dts, dte); break; } case Year: { dts = TQDateTime(TQDate(year, 1, 1)); dte = dts.addDays(d->calendar->daysInYear(dts.date())); setDaysRangeSelection(dts, dte, selected); updateYearSelection(dts, dte); break; } } } void TimeLineWidget::updateWeekSelection(const TQDateTime dts, const TQDateTime dte) { TQMap::iterator it; TQDateTime dtsWeek, dteWeek, dt; int week; int yearForWeek; // Used with week shared between 2 years decade (Dec/Jan). dt = dts; do { yearForWeek = dt.date().year(); week = d->calendar->weekNumber(dt.date(), &yearForWeek); dtsWeek = firstDayOfWeek(yearForWeek, week); dteWeek = dtsWeek.addDays(7); it = d->weekStatMap.find(TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(yearForWeek, week)); if ( it != d->weekStatMap.end() ) it.data().second = checkSelectionForDaysRange(dtsWeek, dteWeek); dt = dt.addDays(7); } while (dt <= dte); } void TimeLineWidget::updateMonthSelection(const TQDateTime dts, const TQDateTime dte) { TQMap::iterator it; TQDateTime dtsMonth, dteMonth, dt; int year, month; dt = dts; do { year = dt.date().year(); month = dt.date().month(); dtsMonth = TQDateTime(TQDate(year, month, 1)); dteMonth = dtsMonth.addDays(d->calendar->daysInMonth(dtsMonth.date())); it = d->monthStatMap.find(TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(year, month)); if ( it != d->monthStatMap.end() ) it.data().second = checkSelectionForDaysRange(dtsMonth, dteMonth); dt = dteMonth; } while (dt <= dte); } void TimeLineWidget::updateYearSelection(const TQDateTime dts, const TQDateTime dte) { TQMap::iterator it; TQDateTime dtsYear, dteYear, dt; int year; dt = dts; do { year = dt.date().year(); dtsYear = TQDateTime(TQDate(year, 1, 1)); dteYear = dtsYear.addDays(d->calendar->daysInYear(dtsYear.date())); it = d->yearStatMap.find(year); if ( it != d->yearStatMap.end() ) it.data().second = checkSelectionForDaysRange(dtsYear, dteYear); dt = dteYear; } while (dt <= dte); } void TimeLineWidget::updateAllSelection() { TQMap::iterator it; TQDateTime dts, dte; TQDate date; for (it = d->dayStatMap.begin() ; it != d->dayStatMap.end(); ++it) { if (it.data().second == Selected) { date = TQDate(it.key().first, 1, 1); date = date.addDays(it.key().second-1); dts = TQDateTime(date); dte = dts.addDays(1); updateWeekSelection(dts, dte); updateMonthSelection(dts, dte); updateYearSelection(dts, dte); } } } void TimeLineWidget::setDaysRangeSelection(const TQDateTime dts, const TQDateTime dte, SelectionMode selected) { int year, day; TQDateTime dt = dts; TQMap::iterator it; do { year = dt.date().year(); day = d->calendar->dayOfYear(dt.date()); it = d->dayStatMap.find(TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(year, day)); if ( it != d->dayStatMap.end() ) it.data().second = selected; dt = dt.addDays(1); } while(dt < dte); } TimeLineWidget::SelectionMode TimeLineWidget::checkSelectionForDaysRange(const TQDateTime dts, const TQDateTime dte) { int year, day; int items = 0; int itemsFuz = 0; int itemsSel = 0; TQDateTime dt = dts; TQMap::iterator it; do { year = dt.date().year(); day = d->calendar->dayOfYear(dt.date()); it = d->dayStatMap.find(TimeLineWidgetPriv::YearRefPair(year, day)); if ( it != d->dayStatMap.end() ) { items++; if (it.data().second != Unselected) { if (it.data().second == FuzzySelection) itemsFuz++; else itemsSel++; } } dt = dt.addDays(1); } while (dt < dte); if (items == 0) return Unselected; if (itemsFuz == 0 && itemsSel == 0) return Unselected; if (itemsFuz > 0) return FuzzySelection; if (items > itemsSel) return FuzzySelection; return Selected; } void TimeLineWidget::paintEvent(TQPaintEvent*) { bitBlt(this, 0, 0, &d->pixmap); } void TimeLineWidget::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent*) { updatePixmap(); } void TimeLineWidget::slotBackward() { TQDateTime ref = d->refDateTime; switch(d->timeUnit) { case Day: { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) ref = prevDateTime(ref); break; } case Week: { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) ref = prevDateTime(ref); break; } case Month: { for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) ref = prevDateTime(ref); break; } case Year: { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) ref = prevDateTime(ref); break; } } if (ref < d->minDateTime) ref = d->minDateTime; setRefDateTime(ref); } void TimeLineWidget::slotPrevious() { if (d->refDateTime <= d->minDateTime) return; TQDateTime ref = prevDateTime(d->refDateTime); setRefDateTime(ref); } void TimeLineWidget::slotNext() { if (d->refDateTime >= d->maxDateTime) return; TQDateTime ref = nextDateTime(d->refDateTime); setRefDateTime(ref); } void TimeLineWidget::slotForward() { TQDateTime ref = d->refDateTime; switch(d->timeUnit) { case Day: { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) ref = nextDateTime(ref); break; } case Week: { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) ref = nextDateTime(ref); break; } case Month: { for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) ref = nextDateTime(ref); break; } case Year: { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) ref = nextDateTime(ref); break; } } if (ref > d->maxDateTime) ref = d->maxDateTime; setRefDateTime(ref); } void TimeLineWidget::wheelEvent(TQWheelEvent* e) { if (e->delta() < 0) { if (e->state() & TQt::ShiftButton) slotForward(); else slotNext(); } if (e->delta() > 0) { if (e->state() & TQt::ShiftButton) slotBackward(); else slotPrevious(); } } void TimeLineWidget::mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *e) { if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { TQPoint pt(e->x(), e->y()); bool ctrlPressed = e->state() & TQt::ControlButton; TQDateTime ref = dateTimeForPoint(pt, d->selMouseEvent); d->selStartDateTime = TQDateTime(); if (d->selMouseEvent) { if (!ctrlPressed) resetSelection(); d->selStartDateTime = ref; d->selMinDateTime = ref; d->selMaxDateTime = ref; setDateTimeSelected(ref, Selected); } if (!ref.isNull()) setCursorDateTime(ref); d->validMouseEvent = true; updatePixmap(); update(); } } void TimeLineWidget::mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent *e) { if (d->validMouseEvent == true) { TQPoint pt(e->x(), e->y()); bool sel; TQDateTime selEndDateTime = dateTimeForPoint(pt, sel); setCursorDateTime(selEndDateTime); // Clamp start and end date-time of current contiguous selection. if (!selEndDateTime.isNull() && !d->selStartDateTime.isNull()) { if (selEndDateTime > d->selStartDateTime && selEndDateTime > d->selMaxDateTime) { d->selMaxDateTime = selEndDateTime; } else if (selEndDateTime < d->selStartDateTime && selEndDateTime < d->selMinDateTime) { d->selMinDateTime = selEndDateTime; } TQDateTime dt = d->selMinDateTime; do { setDateTimeSelected(dt, Unselected); dt = nextDateTime(dt); } while(dt <= d->selMaxDateTime); } // Now perform selections on Date Maps. if (d->selMouseEvent) { if (!d->selStartDateTime.isNull() && !selEndDateTime.isNull()) { TQDateTime dt = d->selStartDateTime; if (selEndDateTime > d->selStartDateTime) { do { setDateTimeSelected(dt, Selected); dt = nextDateTime(dt); } while(dt <= selEndDateTime); } else { do { setDateTimeSelected(dt, Selected); dt = prevDateTime(dt); } while(dt >= selEndDateTime); } } } updatePixmap(); update(); } } void TimeLineWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent*) { d->validMouseEvent = false; // Only dispatch changes about selection when user release mouse selection // to prevent multiple queries on database. if (d->selMouseEvent) { updateAllSelection(); emit signalSelectionChanged(); } d->selMouseEvent = false; } TQDateTime TimeLineWidget::dateTimeForPoint(const TQPoint& pt, bool &isOnSelectionArea) { TQRect barRect, selRect; isOnSelectionArea = false; // Check on the right of reference date. TQDateTime ref = d->refDateTime; ref.setTime(TQTime(0, 0, 0, 0)); TQRect deskRect = TDEGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(this); int items = deskRect.width() / d->barWidth; for (int i = 0 ; i < items ; i++) { barRect.setTop(0); barRect.setLeft(d->startPos + i*d->barWidth); barRect.setBottom(height() - d->bottomMargin + 1); barRect.setRight(d->startPos + (i+1)*d->barWidth); selRect.setTop(height() - d->bottomMargin + 1); selRect.setLeft(d->startPos + i*d->barWidth); selRect.setBottom(height()); selRect.setRight(d->startPos + (i+1)*d->barWidth); if (selRect.contains(pt)) isOnSelectionArea = true; if (barRect.contains(pt) || selRect.contains(pt)) { if (i >= d->nbItems) { // Point is outside visible widget area. We scrolling widget contents. slotNext(); } return ref; } ref = nextDateTime(ref); } // Check on the left of reference date. ref = d->refDateTime; ref.setTime(TQTime(0, 0, 0, 0)); ref = prevDateTime(ref); for (int i = 0 ; i < items ; i++) { barRect.setTop(0); barRect.setRight(d->startPos - i*d->barWidth); barRect.setBottom(height() - d->bottomMargin + 1); barRect.setLeft(d->startPos - (i+1)*d->barWidth); selRect.setTop(height() - d->bottomMargin + 1); selRect.setLeft(d->startPos - (i+1)*d->barWidth); selRect.setBottom(height()); selRect.setRight(d->startPos - i*d->barWidth); if (selRect.contains(pt)) isOnSelectionArea = true; if (barRect.contains(pt) || selRect.contains(pt)) { if (i >= d->nbItems-1) { // Point is outside visible widget area. We scrolling widget contents. slotPrevious(); } return ref; } ref = prevDateTime(ref); } return TQDateTime(); } TQDateTime TimeLineWidget::firstDayOfWeek(int year, int weekNumber) { // Search the first day of first week of year. // We start to scan from 1st december of year-1 because // first week of year OR last week of year-1 can be shared // between year-1 and year. TQDateTime d1(TQDate(year-1, 12, 1)); TQDateTime dt = d1; int weekYear = 0; int weekNum = 0; do { dt = dt.addDays(1); weekNum = d->calendar->weekNumber(dt.date(), &weekYear); } while(weekNum != 1 && weekYear != year); dt = dt.addDays((weekNumber-1)*7); /* DDebug() << "Year= " << year << " Week= " << weekNumber << " 1st day= " << dt << endl; */ return dt; } void TimeLineWidget::slotThemeChanged() { updatePixmap(); update(); } } // NameSpace Digikam