path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqpixmap.cpp
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-** Implementation of TQPixmap class
-** Created : 950301
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include "tqpixmap.h"
-#include "tqbitmap.h"
-#include "tqimage.h"
-#include "tqwidget.h"
-#include "tqpainter.h"
-#include "tqdatastream.h"
-#include "tqbuffer.h"
-#include "tqobjectlist.h"
-#include "tqapplication.h"
-#include <private/tqinternal_p.h>
-#include "tqmime.h"
-#include "tqdragobject.h"
-#include "tqfile.h"
-#ifdef USE_QT4
-#include <Qt/qpaintengine.h>
-#include "tqbitmap.h"
-if (!dynamic_cast<const TQPixmap*>(static_cast<const QPixmap*>(this))) { \
- printf("[WARNING] An attempt was made to access the TQPixmap::mask method from an object not of type TQPixmap [possibly QPixmap]\n\r\tThis may indicate creation and subsequent [illegal] downcasting of a QPixmap object to a TQPixmap object within your application\n\r\tNo pixmap was returned\n\r"); \
- return x; \
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap() : QPixmap(), tqt_tqbitmap_ptr(0) {
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const QImage& image ) : QPixmap( QPixmap::fromImage(image) ), tqt_tqbitmap_ptr(0) {
-// [FIXME] Set depth correctly (in Qt4 is that even possible/wise?)
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( int w, int h, int depth, Optimization o ) : QPixmap( w, h ), tqt_tqbitmap_ptr(0) {
- TQ_UNUSED(depth);
-// [FIXME] Set depth correctly (in Qt4 is that even possible/wise?)
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const QSize &s, int depth, Optimization o ) : QPixmap( s ), tqt_tqbitmap_ptr(0) {
- TQ_UNUSED(depth);
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const QString& fileName, const char *format, TQPixmap::ColorMode mode ) : QPixmap( fileName, format ), tqt_tqbitmap_ptr(0) {
- TQ_UNUSED(mode);
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const QString& fileName, const char *format, int conversion_flags ) : QPixmap( fileName, format, (Qt::ImageConversionFlags)conversion_flags), tqt_tqbitmap_ptr(0) {
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const char *xpm[] ) : QPixmap( xpm ), tqt_tqbitmap_ptr(0) {
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const QByteArray &data ) : QPixmap( data ), tqt_tqbitmap_ptr(0) {
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const TQPixmap &p ) : QPixmap( p ), tqt_tqbitmap_ptr(0) {
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const QPixmap p ) : QPixmap( p ), tqt_tqbitmap_ptr(0) {
-TQPixmap::~TQPixmap() {
- // HACK
- // Make absolutely sure that this is a TQPixmap object!
-// printf("[WARNING] Memory leak likely at TQPixmap destruction [tqt_tqbitmap_ptr was %p]\n\r", (void*)tqt_tqbitmap_ptr); fflush(stdout); // [FIXME] [CRITICAL] [MEMORY LEAK]
- if (tqt_tqbitmap_ptr) delete tqt_tqbitmap_ptr;
-bool TQPixmap::selfMask() const {
- return false;
-bool TQPixmap::convertFromImage(const QImage &img, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags) {
- *this = fromImage(img, flags);
- return true;
-bool TQPixmap::convertFromImage(const QImage &img, int flags) {
- return QPixmap::convertFromImage(img, (Qt::ImageConversionFlag)flags);
-void TQPixmap::setOptimization( TQPixmap::Optimization ) {
-void TQPixmap::setDefaultOptimization( TQPixmap::Optimization ) {
-void TQPixmap::resize(const QSize s) {
- resize_helper(s);
-void TQPixmap::resize(int width, int height) {
- resize_helper(QSize(width, height));
-void *TQPixmap::x11AppVisual( void ) {
- return x11AppVisual(-1);
-void *TQPixmap::x11AppVisual( int screen ) {
- return QX11Info::appVisual(screen);
-int TQPixmap::x11AppCells( void ) {
- return x11AppCells(-1);
-int TQPixmap::x11AppCells( int screen ) {
- return QX11Info::appCells(screen);
-int TQPixmap::x11AppDepth( void ) {
- return x11AppDepth(-1);
-int TQPixmap::x11AppDepth( int screen ) {
- return QX11Info::appDepth(screen);
-Display *TQPixmap::x11AppDisplay( void ) {
- return QX11Info::display();
-int TQPixmap::x11AppScreen( void ) {
- return QX11Info::appScreen();
-bool TQPixmap::x11AppDefaultVisual( void ) {
- return x11AppDefaultVisual(-1);
-bool TQPixmap::x11AppDefaultVisual( int screen ) {
- return QX11Info::appDefaultVisual(screen);
-TQt::HANDLE TQPixmap::x11AppColormap( void ) {
- return x11AppColormap(-1);
-TQt::HANDLE TQPixmap::x11AppColormap( int screen ) {
- return QX11Info::appColormap(screen);
-bool TQPixmap::x11AppDefaultColormap( void ) {
- return x11AppDefaultColormap(-1);
-bool TQPixmap::x11AppDefaultColormap( int screen ) {
- return QX11Info::appDefaultColormap(screen);
-TQt::HANDLE TQPixmap::x11AppRootWindow( void ) {
- return x11AppRootWindow(-1);
-TQt::HANDLE TQPixmap::x11AppRootWindow( int screen ) {
- return QX11Info::appRootWindow(screen);
-const TQBitmap *TQPixmap::mask() const {
- // HACK
- // Make absolutely sure that this is a TQPixmap object!
- const QBitmap& ptrRef = QPixmap::mask();
- if (ptrRef.isNull() == true) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (tqt_tqbitmap_ptr) {
- delete tqt_tqbitmap_ptr;
- }
- tqt_tqbitmap_ptr = new TQBitmap(ptrRef);
- return tqt_tqbitmap_ptr;
-void TQPixmap::resize_helper(const QSize s)
- int w = s.width();
- int h = s.height();
- if (w < 1 || h < 1) {
- *this = TQPixmap();
- return;
- }
- if (size() == s)
- return;
- TQPixmap pm(QSize(w, h));
- if (!isNull()) {
- // Copy old pixmap
- if (hasAlphaChannel())
- pm.fill(Qt::transparent);
- QPainter p(&pm);
- p.drawPixmap(0, 0, *this, 0, 0, qMin(width(), w), qMin(height(), h));
- p.end();
- }
- // Mask too....
- if (!QPixmap::mask().isNull()) {
- TQBitmap m = QPixmap::mask();
- if (m.size() != QSize(w,h)) {
- TQBitmap pmr(QSize(w, h));
- pmr.fill(Qt::color0);
- QPainter pr(&pmr);
- pr.setBrush(Qt::color1);
- pr.drawPixmap(0, 0, m, 0, 0, qMin(m.width(), w), qMin(m.height(), h));
- pr.end();
- pm.setMask(pmr);
- }
- else {
- pm.setMask(m);
- }
- }
- // [FIXME]
- // Note that the Xorg pixmap and/or gc (if any) is not created via the above process
- // Therefore resize is more of a copy operation than a true resize
- #warning TQPixmap::resize() partially implemented
- *this = pm;
-TQImage TQPixmap::convertToImage() const {
- return TQImage(toImage());
-TQPixmap::operator TQImage() const {
- return TQImage(toImage());
-TQPixmap TQPixmap::xForm(const QMatrix &matrix) const {
- return TQPixmap(transformed(QTransform(matrix)));
-void copyBlt(QPixmap *dst, int dx, int dy,
- const QPixmap *src, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh)
- Q_ASSERT_X(dst, "::copyBlt", "Destination pixmap must be non-null");
- Q_ASSERT_X(src, "::copyBlt", "Source pixmap must be non-null");
- if (src->hasAlphaChannel()) {
- if (dst->paintEngine()->hasFeature(QPaintEngine::PorterDuff)) {
- QPainter p(dst);
- p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source);
- p.drawPixmap(dx, dy, *src, sx, sy, sw, sh);
- } else {
- QImage image = dst->toImage().convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
- QPainter p(&image);
- p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source);
- p.drawPixmap(dx, dy, *src, sx, sy, sw, sh);
- p.end();
- *dst = QPixmap::fromImage(image);
- }
- } else {
- QPainter p(dst);
- p.drawPixmap(dx, dy, *src, sx, sy, sw, sh);
- }
-extern const Q_GUI_EXPORT QX11Info *qt_x11Info(const QPaintDevice *pd); // Defined in tqpaintdevice_x11.cpp
-Display *TQPixmap::x11Display() const
- const QX11Info *info = qt_x11Info(this);
- if (info)
- return info->display();
- return QX11Info::display();
-int TQPixmap::x11Screen() const
- const QX11Info *info = qt_x11Info(this);
- if (info)
- return info->screen();
- return QX11Info::appScreen();
-void *TQPixmap::x11Visual() const
- const QX11Info *info = qt_x11Info(this);
- if (info)
- return info->visual();
- return QX11Info::appVisual();
-int TQPixmap::x11Depth() const
- const QX11Info *info = qt_x11Info(this);
- if (info)
- return info->depth();
- return QX11Info::appDepth();
-int TQPixmap::x11Cells() const
- const QX11Info *info = qt_x11Info(this);
- if (info)
- return info->cells();
- return QX11Info::appCells();
-Qt::HANDLE TQPixmap::x11Colormap() const
- const QX11Info *info = qt_x11Info(this);
- if (info)
- return info->colormap();
- return QX11Info::appColormap();
-bool TQPixmap::x11DefaultColormap() const
- const QX11Info *info = qt_x11Info(this);
- if (info)
- return info->defaultColormap();
- return QX11Info::appDefaultColormap();
-bool TQPixmap::x11DefaultVisual() const
- const QX11Info *info = qt_x11Info(this);
- if (info)
- return info->defaultVisual();
- return QX11Info::appDefaultVisual();
-void TQPixmap::x11SetAppDpiX(int dpi, int screen)
- QX11Info::setAppDpiX(dpi, screen);
-void TQPixmap::x11SetAppDpiY(int dpi, int screen)
- QX11Info::setAppDpiY(dpi, screen);
-int TQPixmap::x11AppDpiX(int screen)
- return QX11Info::appDpiX(screen);
-int TQPixmap::x11AppDpiY(int screen)
- return QX11Info::appDpiY(screen);
-/*! Convenience function. Gets the data associated with the absolute
- name \a abs_name from the default mime source factory and decodes it
- to a pixmap.
- \sa TQMimeSourceFactory, TQImage::fromMimeSource(), TQImageDrag::decode()
-#ifndef TQT_NO_MIME
-TQPixmap TQPixmap::fromMimeSource( const TQString &abs_name )
- const TQMimeSource *m = TQT_TQMIMESOURCE_CONST(TQMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->data( abs_name ));
- if ( !m ) {
- if ( TQFile::exists( abs_name ) )
- return TQPixmap( abs_name );
-#if defined(TQT_CHECK_STATE)
- if ( !abs_name.isEmpty() )
- qWarning( "TQPixmap::fromMimeSource: Cannot find pixmap \"%s\" in the mime source factory",
- abs_name.latin1() );
- return TQPixmap();
- }
- TQPixmap pix;
- TQImageDrag::decode( m, pix );
- return pix;
-TQBitmap TQPixmap::createHeuristicMask( bool clipTight ) const {
- return TQBitmap(QPixmap::createHeuristicMask(clipTight));
-#else // USE_QT4
- \class TQPixmap tqpixmap.h
- \brief The TQPixmap class is an off-screen, pixel-based paint tqdevice.
- \ingroup graphics
- \ingroup images
- \ingroup shared
- \mainclass
- TQPixmap is one of the two classes TQt provides for dealing with
- images; the other is TQImage. TQPixmap is designed and optimized
- for drawing; TQImage is designed and optimized for I/O and for
- direct pixel access/manipulation. There are (slow) functions to
- convert between TQImage and TQPixmap: convertToImage() and
- convertFromImage().
- One common use of the TQPixmap class is to enable smooth updating
- of widgets. Whenever something complex needs to be drawn, you can
- use a pixmap to obtain flicker-free drawing, like this:
- \list 1
- \i Create a pixmap with the same size as the widget.
- \i Fill the pixmap with the widget background color.
- \i Paint the pixmap.
- \i bitBlt() the pixmap contents onto the widget.
- \endlist
- Pixel data in a pixmap is internal and is managed by the
- underlying window system. Pixels can be accessed only through
- TQPainter functions, through bitBlt(), and by converting the
- TQPixmap to a TQImage.
- You can easily display a TQPixmap on the screen using
- TQLabel::setPixmap(). For example, all the TQButton subclasses
- support pixmap use.
- The TQPixmap class uses \link shclass.html copy-on-write\endlink,
- so it is practical to pass TQPixmap objects by value.
- You can retrieve the width(), height(), depth() and size() of a
- pixmap. The enclosing rectangle is given by rect(). Pixmaps can be
- filled with fill() and resized with resize(). You can create and
- set a mask with createHeuristicMask() and setMask(). Use
- selfMask() to see if the pixmap is identical to its mask.
- In addition to loading a pixmap from file using load() you can
- also loadFromData(). You can control optimization with
- setOptimization() and obtain a transformed version of the pixmap
- using xForm()
- Note regarding Windows 95 and 98: on Windows 9x the system crashes
- if you create more than about 1000 pixmaps, independent of the
- size of the pixmaps or installed RAM. Windows NT-systems (including
- 2000, XP and following versions) do not have the same limitation,
- but depending on the graphics equipment the system will fail to
- allocate pixmap objects at some point (due to system running out of
- GDI resources).
- TQt tries to work around the resource limitation. If you set the
- pixmap optimization to \c TQPixmap::MemoryOptim and the width of
- your pixmap is less than or equal to 128 pixels, TQt stores the
- pixmap in a way that is very memory-efficient when there are many
- pixmaps.
- If your application uses dozens or hundreds of pixmaps (for
- example on tool bar buttons and in popup menus), and you plan to
- run it on Windows 95 or Windows 98, we recommend using code like
- this:
- \code
- TQPixmap::setDefaultOptimization( TQPixmap::MemoryOptim );
- while ( ... ) {
- // load tool bar pixmaps etc.
- TQPixmap *pixmap = new TQPixmap(fileName);
- }
- TQPixmap::setDefaultOptimization( TQPixmap::NormalOptim );
- \endcode
- In general it is recommended to make as much use of TQPixmap's
- implicit sharing and the TQPixmapCache as possible.
- \sa TQBitmap, TQImage, TQImageIO, \link shclass.html Shared Classes\endlink
- \enum TQPixmap::ColorMode
- This enum type defines the color modes that exist for converting
- TQImage objects to TQPixmap.
- \value Auto Select \c Color or \c Mono on a case-by-case basis.
- \value Color Always create colored pixmaps.
- \value Mono Always create bitmaps.
- \enum TQPixmap::Optimization
- TQPixmap has the choice of optimizing for speed or memory in a few
- places; the best choice varies from pixmap to pixmap but can
- generally be derived heuristically. This enum type defines a
- number of optimization modes that you can set for any pixmap to
- tweak the speed/memory tradeoffs:
- \value DefaultOptim Whatever TQPixmap::defaultOptimization()
- returns. A pixmap with this optimization will have whatever
- the current default optimization is. If the default
- optimization is changed using setDefaultOptimization(), then
- this will not effect any pixmaps that have already been
- created.
- \value NoOptim No optimization (currently the same as \c
- MemoryOptim).
- \value MemoryOptim Optimize for minimal memory use on Windows
- 9x and X11 systems.
- \value NormalOptim Optimize for typical usage. Often uses more
- memory than \c MemoryOptim, and is often faster.
- \value BestOptim Optimize for pixmaps that are drawn very often
- and where performance is critical. Generally uses more memory
- than \c NormalOptim and may provide a little more speed.
- We recommend using \c DefaultOptim.
-TQPixmap::Optimization TQPixmap::defOptim = TQPixmap::NormalOptim;
- \internal
- Private constructor which takes the bitmap flag, the optimization.and a screen.
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( int w, int h, int depth, bool bitmap,
- Optimization optimization )
- : TQPaintDevice( TQInternal::Pixmap )
- init( w, h, depth, bitmap, optimization );
- Constructs a null pixmap.
- \sa isNull()
- : TQPaintDevice( TQInternal::Pixmap )
- init( 0, 0, 0, FALSE, defOptim );
- Constructs a pixmap from the TQImage \a image.
- \sa convertFromImage()
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const TQImage& image )
- : TQPaintDevice( TQInternal::Pixmap )
- init( 0, 0, 0, FALSE, defOptim );
- convertFromImage( image );
- Constructs a pixmap with \a w width, \a h height and \a depth bits
- per pixel. The pixmap is optimized in accordance with the \a
- optimization value.
- The contents of the pixmap is uninitialized.
- The \a depth can be either 1 (monochrome) or the depth of the
- current video mode. If \a depth is negative, then the hardware
- depth of the current video mode will be used.
- If either \a w or \a h is zero, a null pixmap is constructed.
- \sa isNull() TQPixmap::Optimization
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( int w, int h, int depth, Optimization optimization )
- : TQPaintDevice( TQInternal::Pixmap )
- init( w, h, depth, FALSE, optimization );
- \overload TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const TQSize &size, int depth, Optimization optimization )
- Constructs a pixmap of size \a size, \a depth bits per pixel,
- optimized in accordance with the \a optimization value.
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const TQSize &size, int depth, Optimization optimization )
- : TQPaintDevice( TQInternal::Pixmap )
- init( size.width(), size.height(), depth, FALSE, optimization );
- Constructs a pixmap from the file \a fileName. If the file does
- not exist or is of an unknown format, the pixmap becomes a null
- pixmap.
- The \a fileName, \a format and \a conversion_flags parameters are
- passed on to load(). This means that the data in \a fileName is
- not compiled into the binary. If \a fileName contains a relative
- path (e.g. the filename only) the relevant file must be found
- relative to the runtime working directory.
- If the image needs to be modified to fit in a lower-resolution
- result (e.g. converting from 32-bit to 8-bit), use the \a
- conversion_flags to specify how you'd prefer this to happen.
- \sa TQt::ImageConversionFlags isNull(), load(), loadFromData(), save(), imageFormat()
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const TQString& fileName, const char *format,
- int conversion_flags )
- : TQPaintDevice( TQInternal::Pixmap )
- init( 0, 0, 0, FALSE, defOptim );
- load( fileName, format, conversion_flags );
- Constructs a pixmap from the file \a fileName. If the file does
- not exist or is of an unknown format, the pixmap becomes a null
- pixmap.
- The \a fileName, \a format and \a mode parameters are passed on to
- load(). This means that the data in \a fileName is not compiled
- into the binary. If \a fileName contains a relative path (e.g. the
- filename only) the relevant file must be found relative to the
- runtime working directory.
- \sa TQPixmap::ColorMode isNull(), load(), loadFromData(), save(), imageFormat()
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const TQString& fileName, const char *format, ColorMode mode )
- : TQPaintDevice( TQInternal::Pixmap )
- init( 0, 0, 0, FALSE, defOptim );
- load( fileName, format, mode );
- Constructs a pixmap from \a xpm, which must be a valid XPM image.
- Errors are silently ignored.
- Note that it's possible to squeeze the XPM variable a little bit
- by using an unusual declaration:
- \code
- static const char * const start_xpm[]={
- "16 15 8 1",
- "a c #cec6bd",
- ....
- \endcode
- The extra \c const makes the entire definition read-only, which is
- slightly more efficient (for example, when the code is in a shared
- library) and ROMable when the application is to be stored in ROM.
- In order to use that sort of declaration you must cast the
- variable back to \c{const char **} when you create the TQPixmap.
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const char *xpm[] )
- : TQPaintDevice( TQInternal::Pixmap )
- init( 0, 0, 0, FALSE, defOptim );
- TQImage image( xpm );
- if ( !image.isNull() )
- convertFromImage( image );
- Constructs a pixmaps by loading from \a img_data. The data can be
- in any image format supported by TQt.
- \sa loadFromData()
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const TQByteArray & img_data )
- : TQPaintDevice( TQInternal::Pixmap )
- init( 0, 0, 0, FALSE, defOptim );
- loadFromData( img_data );
-#endif //TQT_NO_IMAGEIO
- Constructs a pixmap that is a copy of \a pixmap.
-TQPixmap::TQPixmap( const TQPixmap &pixmap )
- : TQPaintDevice( TQInternal::Pixmap )
- if ( pixmap.paintingActive() ) { // make a deep copy
- data = 0;
- operator=( pixmap.copy() );
- } else {
- data =;
- data->ref();
- devFlags = pixmap.devFlags; // copy TQPaintDevice flags
-#if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
- hdc = pixmap.hdc; // copy Windows tqdevice context
-#elif defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- hd = pixmap.hd; // copy X11 drawable
- rendhd = pixmap.rendhd;
- copyX11Data( &pixmap ); // copy x11Data
-#elif defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
- hd = pixmap.hd;
- }
- Destroys the pixmap.
- deref();
-/*! Convenience function. Gets the data associated with the absolute
- name \a abs_name from the default mime source factory and decodes it
- to a pixmap.
- \sa TQMimeSourceFactory, TQImage::fromMimeSource(), TQImageDrag::decode()
-#ifndef TQT_NO_MIME
-TQPixmap TQPixmap::fromMimeSource( const TQString &abs_name )
- const TQMimeSource *m = TQMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->data( abs_name );
- if ( !m ) {
- if ( TQFile::exists( abs_name ) )
- return TQPixmap( abs_name );
-#if defined(TQT_CHECK_STATE)
- if ( !abs_name.isEmpty() )
- qWarning( "TQPixmap::fromMimeSource: Cannot find pixmap \"%s\" in the mime source factory",
- abs_name.latin1() );
- return TQPixmap();
- }
- TQPixmap pix;
- TQImageDrag::decode( m, pix );
- return pix;
- Returns a \link shclass.html deep copy\endlink of the pixmap using
- the bitBlt() function to copy the pixels.
- \sa operator=()
-TQPixmap TQPixmap::copy( bool ignoreMask ) const
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- int old = x11SetDefaultScreen( x11Screen() );
-#endif // TQ_WS_X11
- TQPixmap pm( data->w, data->h, data->d, data->bitmap, data->optim );
- if ( !pm.isNull() ) { // copy the bitmap
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- pm.cloneX11Data( this );
-#endif // TQ_WS_X11
- if ( ignoreMask )
- bitBlt( &pm, 0, 0, this, 0, 0, data->w, data->h, TQt::CopyROP, TRUE );
- else
- copyBlt( &pm, 0, 0, this, 0, 0, data->w, data->h );
- }
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- x11SetDefaultScreen( old );
-#endif // TQ_WS_X11
- return pm;
- Assigns the pixmap \a pixmap to this pixmap and returns a
- reference to this pixmap.
-TQPixmap &TQPixmap::operator=( const TQPixmap &pixmap )
- if ( paintingActive() ) {
-#if defined(TQT_CHECK_STATE)
- qWarning("TQPixmap::operator=: Cannot assign to pixmap during painting");
- return *this;
- }
->ref(); // avoid 'x = x'
- deref();
- if ( pixmap.paintingActive() ) { // make a deep copy
- init( pixmap.width(), pixmap.height(), pixmap.depth(),
->bitmap,>optim );
- data->uninit = FALSE;
- if ( !isNull() )
- copyBlt( this, 0, 0, &pixmap, 0, 0, pixmap.width(), pixmap.height() );
- } else {
- data =;
- devFlags = pixmap.devFlags; // copy TQPaintDevice flags
-#if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
- hdc = pixmap.hdc;
-#elif defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- hd = pixmap.hd; // copy TQPaintDevice drawable
- rendhd = pixmap.rendhd;
- copyX11Data( &pixmap ); // copy x11Data
-#elif defined(TQ_WS_MACX) || defined(TQ_OS_MAC9)
- hd = pixmap.hd;
- }
- return *this;
- \overload
- Converts the image \a image to a pixmap that is assigned to this
- pixmap. Returns a reference to the pixmap.
- \sa convertFromImage().
-TQPixmap &TQPixmap::operator=( const TQImage &image )
- convertFromImage( image );
- return *this;
- \fn bool TQPixmap::isTQBitmap() const
- Returns TRUE if this is a TQBitmap; otherwise returns FALSE.
- \fn bool TQPixmap::isNull() const
- Returns TRUE if this is a null pixmap; otherwise returns FALSE.
- A null pixmap has zero width, zero height and no contents. You
- cannot draw in a null pixmap or bitBlt() anything to it.
- Resizing an existing pixmap to (0, 0) makes a pixmap into a null
- pixmap.
- \sa resize()
- \fn int TQPixmap::width() const
- Returns the width of the pixmap.
- \sa height(), size(), rect()
- \fn int TQPixmap::height() const
- Returns the height of the pixmap.
- \sa width(), size(), rect()
- \fn TQSize TQPixmap::size() const
- Returns the size of the pixmap.
- \sa width(), height(), rect()
- \fn TQRect TQPixmap::rect() const
- Returns the enclosing rectangle (0,0,width(),height()) of the pixmap.
- \sa width(), height(), size()
- \fn int TQPixmap::depth() const
- Returns the depth of the pixmap.
- The pixmap depth is also called bits per pixel (bpp) or bit planes
- of a pixmap. A null pixmap has depth 0.
- \sa defaultDepth(), isNull(), TQImage::convertDepth()
- \overload void TQPixmap::fill( const TQWidget *widget, const TQPoint &ofs )
- Fills the pixmap with the \a widget's background color or pixmap.
- If the background is empty, nothing is done.
- The \a ofs point is an offset in the widget.
- The point \a ofs is a point in the widget's coordinate system. The
- pixmap's top-left pixel will be mapped to the point \a ofs in the
- widget. This is significant if the widget has a background pixmap;
- otherwise the pixmap will simply be filled with the background
- color of the widget.
- Example:
- \code
- void CuteWidget::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent *e )
- {
- TQRect ur = e->rect(); // rectangle to update
- TQPixmap pix( ur.size() ); // Pixmap for double-buffering
- pix.fill( this, ur.topLeft() ); // fill with widget background
- TQPainter p( &pix );
- p.translate( -ur.x(), -ur.y() ); // use widget coordinate system
- // when drawing on pixmap
- // ... draw on pixmap ...
- p.end();
- bitBlt( this, ur.topLeft(), &pix );
- }
- \endcode
- \overload void TQPixmap::fill( const TQWidget *widget, int xofs, int yofs )
- Fills the pixmap with the \a widget's background color or pixmap.
- If the background is empty, nothing is done. \a xofs, \a yofs is
- an offset in the widget.
-void TQPixmap::fill( const TQWidget *widget, int xofs, int yofs )
- const TQPixmap* bgpm = widget->backgroundPixmap();
- fill( widget->backgroundColor() );
- if ( bgpm ) {
- if ( !bgpm->isNull() ) {
- TQPoint ofs = widget->backgroundOffset();
- xofs += ofs.x();
- yofs += ofs.y();
- TQPainter p;
- p.begin( this );
- p.setPen( NoPen );
- p.drawTiledPixmap( 0, 0, width(), height(), *widget->backgroundPixmap(), xofs, yofs );
- p.end();
- }
- }
- \overload void TQPixmap::resize( const TQSize &size )
- Resizes the pixmap to size \a size.
- Resizes the pixmap to \a w width and \a h height. If either \a w
- or \a h is 0, the pixmap becomes a null pixmap.
- If both \a w and \a h are greater than 0, a valid pixmap is
- created. New pixels will be uninitialized (random) if the pixmap
- is expanded.
-void TQPixmap::resize( int w, int h )
- if ( w < 1 || h < 1 ) { // becomes null
- TQPixmap pm( 0, 0, 0, data->bitmap, data->optim );
- *this = pm;
- return;
- }
- int d;
- if ( depth() > 0 )
- d = depth();
- else
- d = isTQBitmap() ? 1 : -1;
- // Create new pixmap
- TQPixmap pm( w, h, d, data->bitmap, data->optim );
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
- pm.x11SetScreen( x11Screen() );
-#endif // TQ_WS_X11
- if ( !data->uninit && !isNull() ) // has existing pixmap
- bitBlt( &pm, 0, 0, this, 0, 0, // copy old pixmap
- TQMIN(width(), w),
- TQMIN(height(),h), CopyROP, TRUE );
-#if defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
- if(data->alphapm) {
- data->alphapm->resize(w, h);
- } else
-#elif defined(TQ_WS_X11) && !defined(TQT_NO_XFTFREETYPE)
- if (data->alphapm)
- qWarning("TQPixmap::resize: TODO: resize alpha data");
- else
-#endif // TQ_WS_X11
- if ( data->mask ) { // resize mask as well
- if ( data->selfmask ) { // preserve self-mask
- pm.setMask( *((TQBitmap*)&pm) );
- } else { // independent mask
- TQBitmap m = *data->mask;
- m.resize( w, h );
- pm.setMask( m );
- }
- }
- *this = pm;
- \fn const TQBitmap *TQPixmap::mask() const
- Returns the mask bitmap, or 0 if no mask has been set.
- \sa setMask(), TQBitmap, hasAlpha()
- Sets a mask bitmap.
- The \a newmask bitmap defines the clip mask for this pixmap. Every
- pixel in \a newmask corresponds to a pixel in this pixmap. Pixel
- value 1 means opaque and pixel value 0 means transparent. The mask
- must have the same size as this pixmap.
- \warning Setting the mask on a pixmap will cause any alpha channel
- data to be cleared. For example:
- \code
- TQPixmap alpha( "image-with-alpha.png" );
- TQPixmap alphacopy = alpha;
- alphacopy.setMask( *alphacopy.mask() );
- \endcode
- Now, alpha and alphacopy are visually different.
- Setting a \link isNull() null\endlink mask resets the mask.
- \sa mask(), createHeuristicMask(), TQBitmap
-void TQPixmap::setMask( const TQBitmap &newmask )
- const TQPixmap *tmp = &newmask; // dec cxx bug
- if ( (data == tmp->data) ||
- ( newmask.handle() && newmask.handle() == handle() ) ) {
- TQPixmap m = tmp->copy( TRUE );
- setMask( *((TQBitmap*)&m) );
- data->selfmask = TRUE; // mask == pixmap
- return;
- }
- if ( newmask.isNull() ) { // reset the mask
- if (data->mask) {
- detach();
- data->selfmask = FALSE;
- delete data->mask;
- data->mask = 0;
- }
- return;
- }
- detach();
- data->selfmask = FALSE;
- if ( newmask.width() != width() || newmask.height() != height() ) {
-#if defined(TQT_CHECK_RANGE)
- qWarning( "TQPixmap::setMask: The pixmap and the mask must have "
- "the same size" );
- return;
- }
-#if defined(TQ_WS_MAC) || (defined(TQ_WS_X11) && !defined(TQT_NO_XFTFREETYPE))
- // when setting the mask, we get rid of the alpha channel completely
- delete data->alphapm;
- data->alphapm = 0;
-#endif // TQ_WS_X11 && !TQT_NO_XFTFREETYPE
- delete data->mask;
- TQBitmap* newmaskcopy;
- if ( newmask.mask() )
- newmaskcopy = (TQBitmap*)new TQPixmap( tmp->copy( TRUE ) );
- else
- newmaskcopy = new TQBitmap( newmask );
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
- newmaskcopy->x11SetScreen( x11Screen() );
- data->mask = newmaskcopy;
- \fn bool TQPixmap::selfMask() const
- Returns TRUE if the pixmap's mask is identical to the pixmap
- itself; otherwise returns FALSE.
- \sa mask()
- Creates and returns a heuristic mask for this pixmap. It works by
- selecting a color from one of the corners and then chipping away
- pixels of that color, starting at all the edges.
- The mask may not be perfect but it should be reasonable, so you
- can do things such as the following:
- \code
- pm->setMask( pm->createHeuristicMask() );
- \endcode
- This function is slow because it involves transformation to a
- TQImage, non-trivial computations and a transformation back to a
- TQBitmap.
- If \a clipTight is TRUE the mask is just large enough to cover the
- pixels; otherwise, the mask is larger than the data pixels.
- \sa TQImage::createHeuristicMask()
-TQBitmap TQPixmap::createHeuristicMask( bool clipTight ) const
- TQBitmap m;
- m.convertFromImage( convertToImage().createHeuristicMask(clipTight) );
- return m;
- Returns a string that specifies the image format of the file \a
- fileName, or 0 if the file cannot be read or if the format cannot
- be recognized.
- The TQImageIO documentation lists the supported image formats.
- \sa load(), save()
-const char* TQPixmap::imageFormat( const TQString &fileName )
- return TQImageIO::imageFormat(fileName);
- Loads a pixmap from the file \a fileName at runtime. Returns TRUE
- if successful; otherwise returns FALSE.
- If \a format is specified, the loader attempts to read the pixmap
- using the specified format. If \a format is not specified
- (default), the loader reads a few bytes from the header to guess
- the file's format.
- See the convertFromImage() documentation for a description of the
- \a conversion_flags argument.
- The TQImageIO documentation lists the supported image formats and
- explains how to add extra formats.
- \sa loadFromData(), save(), imageFormat(), TQImage::load(),
- TQImageIO
-bool TQPixmap::load( const TQString &fileName, const char *format,
- int conversion_flags )
- TQImageIO io( fileName, format );
- bool result =;
- if ( result ) {
- detach(); // ###hanord: Why detach here, convertFromImage does it
- result = convertFromImage( io.image(), conversion_flags );
- }
- return result;
- \overload
- Loads a pixmap from the file \a fileName at runtime.
- If \a format is specified, the loader attempts to read the pixmap
- using the specified format. If \a format is not specified
- (default), the loader reads a few bytes from the header to guess
- the file's format.
- The \a mode is used to specify the color mode of the pixmap.
- \sa TQPixmap::ColorMode
-bool TQPixmap::load( const TQString &fileName, const char *format,
- ColorMode mode )
- int conversion_flags = 0;
- switch (mode) {
- case Color:
- conversion_flags |= ColorOnly;
- break;
- case Mono:
- conversion_flags |= MonoOnly;
- break;
- default:
- break;// Nothing.
- }
- return load( fileName, format, conversion_flags );
-#endif //TQT_NO_IMAGEIO
- \overload
- Converts \a image and sets this pixmap using color mode \a mode.
- Returns TRUE if successful; otherwise returns FALSE.
- \sa TQPixmap::ColorMode
-bool TQPixmap::convertFromImage( const TQImage &image, ColorMode mode )
- if ( image.isNull() ) {
- // convert null image to null pixmap
- *this = TQPixmap();
- return TRUE;
- }
- int conversion_flags = 0;
- switch (mode) {
- case Color:
- conversion_flags |= ColorOnly;
- break;
- case Mono:
- conversion_flags |= MonoOnly;
- break;
- default:
- break;// Nothing.
- }
- return convertFromImage( image, conversion_flags );
- Loads a pixmap from the binary data in \a buf (\a len bytes).
- Returns TRUE if successful; otherwise returns FALSE.
- If \a format is specified, the loader attempts to read the pixmap
- using the specified format. If \a format is not specified
- (default), the loader reads a few bytes from the header to guess
- the file's format.
- See the convertFromImage() documentation for a description of the
- \a conversion_flags argument.
- The TQImageIO documentation lists the supported image formats and
- explains how to add extra formats.
- \sa load(), save(), imageFormat(), TQImage::loadFromData(),
- TQImageIO
-bool TQPixmap::loadFromData( const uchar *buf, uint len, const char *format,
- int conversion_flags )
- TQByteArray a;
- a.setRawData( (char *)buf, len );
- TQBuffer b( a );
- IO_ReadOnly );
- TQImageIO io( &b, format );
- bool result =;
- b.close();
- a.resetRawData( (char *)buf, len );
- if ( result ) {
- detach();
- result = convertFromImage( io.image(), conversion_flags );
- }
- return result;
- \overload
- Loads a pixmap from the binary data in \a buf (\a len bytes) using
- color mode \a mode. Returns TRUE if successful; otherwise returns
- If \a format is specified, the loader attempts to read the pixmap
- using the specified format. If \a format is not specified
- (default), the loader reads a few bytes from the header to guess
- the file's format.
- \sa TQPixmap::ColorMode
-bool TQPixmap::loadFromData( const uchar *buf, uint len, const char *format,
- ColorMode mode )
- int conversion_flags = 0;
- switch (mode) {
- case Color:
- conversion_flags |= ColorOnly;
- break;
- case Mono:
- conversion_flags |= MonoOnly;
- break;
- default:
- break;// Nothing.
- }
- return loadFromData( buf, len, format, conversion_flags );
- \overload
-bool TQPixmap::loadFromData( const TQByteArray &buf, const char *format,
- int conversion_flags )
- return loadFromData( (const uchar *)(, buf.size(),
- format, conversion_flags );
- Saves the pixmap to the file \a fileName using the image file
- format \a format and a quality factor \a quality. \a quality must
- be in the range [0,100] or -1. Specify 0 to obtain small
- compressed files, 100 for large uncompressed files, and -1 to use
- the default settings. Returns TRUE if successful; otherwise
- returns FALSE.
- \sa load(), loadFromData(), imageFormat(), TQImage::save(),
- TQImageIO
-bool TQPixmap::save( const TQString &fileName, const char *format, int quality ) const
- if ( isNull() )
- return FALSE; // nothing to save
- TQImageIO io( fileName, format );
- return doImageIO( &io, quality );
- \overload
- This function writes a TQPixmap to the TQIODevice, \a tqdevice. This
- can be used, for example, to save a pixmap directly into a
- TQByteArray:
- \code
- TQPixmap pixmap;
- TQByteArray ba;
- TQBuffer buffer( ba );
- IO_WriteOnly );
- &buffer, "PNG" ); // writes pixmap into ba in PNG format
- \endcode
-bool TQPixmap::save( TQIODevice* tqdevice, const char* format, int quality ) const
- if ( isNull() )
- return FALSE; // nothing to save
- TQImageIO io( tqdevice, format );
- return doImageIO( &io, quality );
-/*! \internal
-bool TQPixmap::doImageIO( TQImageIO* io, int quality ) const
- if ( !io )
- return FALSE;
- io->setImage( convertToImage() );
-#if defined(TQT_CHECK_RANGE)
- if ( quality > 100 || quality < -1 )
- qWarning( "TQPixmap::save: quality out of range [-1,100]" );
- if ( quality >= 0 )
- io->setQuality( TQMIN(quality,100) );
- return io->write();
-#endif //TQT_NO_IMAGEIO
- \fn int TQPixmap::serialNumber() const
- Returns a number that uniquely identifies the contents of this
- TQPixmap object. This means that multiple TQPixmap objects can have
- the same serial number as long as they refer to the same contents.
- An example of where this is useful is for caching TQPixmaps.
- \sa TQPixmapCache
- Returns the default pixmap optimization setting.
- \sa setDefaultOptimization(), setOptimization(), optimization()
-TQPixmap::Optimization TQPixmap::defaultOptimization()
- return defOptim;
- Sets the default pixmap optimization.
- All \e new pixmaps that are created will use this default
- optimization. You may also set optimization for individual pixmaps
- using the setOptimization() function.
- The initial default \a optimization setting is \c TQPixmap::Normal.
- \sa defaultOptimization(), setOptimization(), optimization()
-void TQPixmap::setDefaultOptimization( Optimization optimization )
- if ( optimization != DefaultOptim )
- defOptim = optimization;
-// helper for next function.
-static TQPixmap grabChildWidgets( TQWidget * w )
- TQPixmap res( w->width(), w->height() );
- if ( res.isNull() && w->width() )
- return res;
- res.fill( w, TQPoint( 0, 0 ) );
- TQPaintDevice *oldRedirect = TQPainter::redirect( w );
- TQPainter::redirect( w, &res );
- bool dblbfr = TQSharedDoubleBuffer::isDisabled();
- TQSharedDoubleBuffer::setDisabled( TRUE );
- TQPaintEvent e( w->rect(), FALSE );
- TQApplication::sendEvent( w, &e );
- TQSharedDoubleBuffer::setDisabled( dblbfr );
- TQPainter::redirect( w, oldRedirect );
- if ( !w->childrenListObject().isEmpty() ) {
- TQPainter p( &res );
- TQObjectListIt it( w->childrenListObject() );
- TQObject * child;
- while( (child=it.current()) != 0 ) {
- ++it;
- if ( child->isWidgetType() &&
- !((TQWidget *)child)->isHidden() &&
- !((TQWidget *)child)->isTopLevel() &&
- ((TQWidget *)child)->tqgeometry().intersects( w->rect() ) ) {
- // those conditions aren't quite right, it's possible
- // to have a grandchild completely outside its
- // grandparent, but partially inside its parent. no
- // point in optimizing for that.
- // make sure to evaluate pos() first - who knows what
- // the paint event(s) inside grabChildWidgets() will do.
- TQPoint childpos = ((TQWidget *)child)->pos();
- TQPixmap cpm = grabChildWidgets( (TQWidget *)child );
- if ( cpm.isNull() ) {
- // Some child pixmap failed - abort and reset
- res.resize( 0, 0 );
- break;
- }
- p.drawPixmap( childpos, cpm);
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
- Creates a pixmap and paints \a widget in it.
- If the \a widget has any tqchildren, then they are also painted in
- the appropriate positions.
- If you specify \a x, \a y, \a w or \a h, only the rectangle you
- specify is painted. The defaults are 0, 0 (top-left corner) and
- -1,-1 (which means the entire widget).
- (If \a w is negative, the function copies everything to the right
- border of the window. If \a h is negative, the function copies
- everything to the bottom of the window.)
- If \a widget is 0, or if the rectangle defined by \a x, \a y, the
- modified \a w and the modified \a h does not overlap the \a
- {widget}->rect(), this function will return a null TQPixmap.
- This function actually asks \a widget to paint itself (and its
- tqchildren to paint themselves). TQPixmap::grabWindow() grabs pixels
- off the screen, which is a bit faster and picks up \e exactly
- what's on-screen. This function works by calling paintEvent() with
- painter redirection turned on. If there are overlaying windows,
- grabWindow() will see them, but not this function.
- If there is overlap, it returns a pixmap of the size you want,
- containing a rendering of \a widget. If the rectangle you ask for
- is a superset of \a widget, the areas outside \a widget are
- covered with the widget's background.
- If an error occurs when trying to grab the widget, such as the
- size of the widget being too large to fit in memory, an isNull()
- pixmap is returned.
- \sa grabWindow() TQPainter::redirect() TQWidget::paintEvent()
-TQPixmap TQPixmap::grabWidget( TQWidget * widget, int x, int y, int w, int h )
- TQPixmap res;
- if ( !widget )
- return res;
- if ( w < 0 )
- w = widget->width() - x;
- if ( h < 0 )
- h = widget->height() - y;
- TQRect wr( x, y, w, h );
- if ( wr == widget->rect() )
- return grabChildWidgets( widget );
- if ( !wr.intersects( widget->rect() ) )
- return res;
- res.resize( w, h );
- if( res.isNull() )
- return res;
- res.fill( widget, TQPoint( w,h ) );
- TQPixmap tmp( grabChildWidgets( widget ) );
- if( tmp.isNull() )
- return tmp;
- ::bitBlt( &res, 0, 0, &tmp, x, y, w, h );
- return res;
- Returns the actual matrix used for transforming a pixmap with \a w
- width and \a h height and matrix \a matrix.
- When transforming a pixmap with xForm(), the transformation matrix
- is internally adjusted to compensate for unwanted translation,
- i.e. xForm() returns the smallest pixmap containing all
- transformed points of the original pixmap.
- This function returns the modified matrix, which maps points
- correctly from the original pixmap into the new pixmap.
- \sa xForm(), TQWMatrix
-TQWMatrix TQPixmap::trueMatrix( const TQWMatrix &matrix, int w, int h )
- const double dt = (double)0.;
- double x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3, x4,y4; // get corners
- double xx = (double)w;
- double yy = (double)h;
- TQWMatrix mat( matrix.m11(), matrix.m12(), matrix.m21(), matrix.m22(), 0., 0. );
- dt, dt, &x1, &y1 );
- xx, dt, &x2, &y2 );
- xx, yy, &x3, &y3 );
- dt, yy, &x4, &y4 );
- double ymin = y1; // lowest y value
- if ( y2 < ymin ) ymin = y2;
- if ( y3 < ymin ) ymin = y3;
- if ( y4 < ymin ) ymin = y4;
- double xmin = x1; // lowest x value
- if ( x2 < xmin ) xmin = x2;
- if ( x3 < xmin ) xmin = x3;
- if ( x4 < xmin ) xmin = x4;
- double ymax = y1; // lowest y value
- if ( y2 > ymax ) ymax = y2;
- if ( y3 > ymax ) ymax = y3;
- if ( y4 > ymax ) ymax = y4;
- double xmax = x1; // lowest x value
- if ( x2 > xmax ) xmax = x2;
- if ( x3 > xmax ) xmax = x3;
- if ( x4 > xmax ) xmax = x4;
- if ( xmax-xmin > 1.0 )
- xmin -= xmin/(xmax-xmin);
- if ( ymax-ymin > 1.0 )
- ymin -= ymin/(ymax-ymin);
- mat.setMatrix( matrix.m11(), matrix.m12(), matrix.m21(), matrix.m22(), -xmin, -ymin );
- return mat;
-#endif // TQT_NO_WMATRIX
- TQPixmap stream functions
- *****************************************************************************/
-#if !defined(TQT_NO_DATASTREAM) && !defined(TQT_NO_IMAGEIO)
- \relates TQPixmap
- Writes the pixmap \a pixmap to the stream \a s as a PNG image.
- Note that writing the stream to a file will not produce a valid image file.
- \sa TQPixmap::save()
- \link datastreamformat.html Format of the TQDataStream operators \endlink
-TQDataStream &operator<<( TQDataStream &s, const TQPixmap &pixmap )
- s << pixmap.convertToImage();
- return s;
- \relates TQPixmap
- Reads a pixmap from the stream \a s into the pixmap \a pixmap.
- \sa TQPixmap::load()
- \link datastreamformat.html Format of the TQDataStream operators \endlink
-TQDataStream &operator>>( TQDataStream &s, TQPixmap &pixmap )
- TQImage img;
- s >> img;
- pixmap.convertFromImage( img );
- return s;
- TQPixmap (and TQImage) helper functions
- *****************************************************************************/
- This internal function contains the common (i.e. platform independent) code
- to do a transformation of pixel data. It is used by TQPixmap::xForm() and by
- TQImage::xForm().
- \a trueMat is the true transformation matrix (see TQPixmap::trueMatrix()) and
- \a xoffset is an offset to the matrix.
- \a msbfirst specifies for 1bpp images, if the MSB or LSB comes first and \a
- depth specifies the colordepth of the data.
- \a dptr is a pointer to the destination data, \a dbpl specifies the bits per
- line for the destination data, \a p_inc is the offset that we advance for
- every scanline and \a dHeight is the height of the destination image.
- \a sprt is the pointer to the source data, \a sbpl specifies the bits per
- line of the source data, \a sWidth and \a sHeight are the width and height of
- the source data.
-#undef IWX_MSB
-#define IWX_MSB(b) if ( trigx < maxws && trigy < maxhs ) { \
- if ( *(sptr+sbpl*(trigy>>16)+(trigx>>19)) & \
- (1 << (7-((trigx>>16)&7))) ) \
- *dptr |= b; \
- } \
- trigx += m11; \
- trigy += m12;
-#undef IWX_LSB
-#define IWX_LSB(b) if ( trigx < maxws && trigy < maxhs ) { \
- if ( *(sptr+sbpl*(trigy>>16)+(trigx>>19)) & \
- (1 << ((trigx>>16)&7)) ) \
- *dptr |= b; \
- } \
- trigx += m11; \
- trigy += m12;
-#undef IWX_PIX
-#define IWX_PIX(b) if ( trigx < maxws && trigy < maxhs ) { \
- if ( (*(sptr+sbpl*(trigy>>16)+(trigx>>19)) & \
- (1 << (7-((trigx>>16)&7)))) == 0 ) \
- *dptr &= ~b; \
- } \
- trigx += m11; \
- trigy += m12;
-bool qt_xForm_helper( const TQWMatrix &trueMat, int xoffset,
- int type, int depth,
- uchar *dptr, int dbpl, int p_inc, int dHeight,
- uchar *sptr, int sbpl, int sWidth, int sHeight
- )
- int m11 = int(trueMat.m11()*65536.0 + 1.);
- int m12 = int(trueMat.m12()*65536.0 + 1.);
- int m21 = int(trueMat.m21()*65536.0 + 1.);
- int m22 = int(trueMat.m22()*65536.0 + 1.);
- int dx = tqRound(trueMat.dx() *65536.0);
- int dy = tqRound(trueMat.dy() *65536.0);
- int m21ydx = dx + (xoffset<<16);
- int m22ydy = dy;
- uint trigx;
- uint trigy;
- uint maxws = sWidth<<16;
- uint maxhs = sHeight<<16;
- for ( int y=0; y<dHeight; y++ ) { // for each target scanline
- trigx = m21ydx;
- trigy = m22ydy;
- uchar *maxp = dptr + dbpl;
- if ( depth != 1 ) {
- switch ( depth ) {
- case 8: // 8 bpp transform
- while ( dptr < maxp ) {
- if ( trigx < maxws && trigy < maxhs )
- *dptr = *(sptr+sbpl*(trigy>>16)+(trigx>>16));
- trigx += m11;
- trigy += m12;
- dptr++;
- }
- break;
- case 16: // 16 bpp transform
- while ( dptr < maxp ) {
- if ( trigx < maxws && trigy < maxhs )
- *((ushort*)dptr) = *((ushort *)(sptr+sbpl*(trigy>>16) +
- ((trigx>>16)<<1)));
- trigx += m11;
- trigy += m12;
- dptr++;
- dptr++;
- }
- break;
- case 24: { // 24 bpp transform
- uchar *p2;
- while ( dptr < maxp ) {
- if ( trigx < maxws && trigy < maxhs ) {
- p2 = sptr+sbpl*(trigy>>16) + ((trigx>>16)*3);
- dptr[0] = p2[0];
- dptr[1] = p2[1];
- dptr[2] = p2[2];
- }
- trigx += m11;
- trigy += m12;
- dptr += 3;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 32: // 32 bpp transform
- while ( dptr < maxp ) {
- if ( trigx < maxws && trigy < maxhs )
- *((uint*)dptr) = *((uint *)(sptr+sbpl*(trigy>>16) +
- ((trigx>>16)<<2)));
- trigx += m11;
- trigy += m12;
- dptr += 4;
- }
- break;
- default: {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- } else {
- switch ( type ) {
- while ( dptr < maxp ) {
- IWX_MSB(128);
- IWX_MSB(64);
- IWX_MSB(32);
- IWX_MSB(16);
- IWX_MSB(8);
- IWX_MSB(4);
- IWX_MSB(2);
- IWX_MSB(1);
- dptr++;
- }
- break;
- while ( dptr < maxp ) {
- IWX_LSB(1);
- IWX_LSB(2);
- IWX_LSB(4);
- IWX_LSB(8);
- IWX_LSB(16);
- IWX_LSB(32);
- IWX_LSB(64);
- IWX_LSB(128);
- dptr++;
- }
- break;
-# if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
- while ( dptr < maxp ) {
- IWX_PIX(128);
- IWX_PIX(64);
- IWX_PIX(32);
- IWX_PIX(16);
- IWX_PIX(8);
- IWX_PIX(4);
- IWX_PIX(2);
- IWX_PIX(1);
- dptr++;
- }
- break;
-# endif
- }
- }
- m21ydx += m21;
- m22ydy += m22;
- dptr += p_inc;
- }
- return TRUE;
-#undef IWX_MSB
-#undef IWX_LSB
-#undef IWX_PIX
-#endif // USE_QT4