tokenize(): orig_line is , orig_col is , text() '// Turning on sp_inside_braces=add fixes it, but also changes a lot of initializer code we don't want to touch (like x = {}). May need special support, or perhaps there's a bug..', type is COMMENT_CPP, orig_col_end is tokenize(): orig_line is , orig_col is , , nl is tokenize(): orig_line is , orig_col is , text() '// long comment line(s), such as here, might be too long to produce a correct LOG-file such as', type is COMMENT_CPP, orig_col_end is tokenize(): orig_line is , orig_col is , , nl is tokenize(): orig_line is , orig_col is , text() '// with the use of option -L A', type is COMMENT_CPP, orig_col_end is tokenize(): orig_line is , orig_col is , , nl is tokenize(): orig_line is , orig_col is , text() '// in such a case, the output of the log will be cut.', type is COMMENT_CPP, orig_col_end is tokenize(): orig_line is , orig_col is , , nl is