base_K3bSetup2 Form1 0 0 500 450 unnamed 0 layout6 unnamed groupBox3 Settings unnamed layout1 unnamed m_checkUseBurningGroup Use burning group: <p>If this option is checked, only the users in the specified group will be able to burn CDs and DVDs, since only they will have access to the devices and the CD recording programs used by K3b.</p> <p>Otherwise all users on the system have access to the devices and to all K3b functionality. m_editBurningGroup false burning layout2 unnamed spacer1 Horizontal Fixed 20 10 textLabel2 Users allowed to burn (separated by space): m_editUsers false groupBox1 Devices unnamed textLabel1_2 Check the devices whose permissions you want to be changed Device true true Devicenode true true Permissions true true New Permissions true true m_viewDevices layout3 unnamed spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 m_buttonAddDevice Add Device... groupBox2 External Programs unnamed tabWidget2 tab Found Programs unnamed textLabel1 Check the programs whose permissions you want to be changed Program true true Version true true Path true true Permissions true true New Permissions true true m_viewPrograms tab Search Path unnamed m_editSearchPath Search Path false textLabel1_3 <qt><b>Hint:</b> to force K3b to use another than the default name for the executable specify it in the search path.</qt> m_checkUseBurningGroup toggled(bool) m_editBurningGroup setEnabled(bool) m_checkUseBurningGroup toggled(bool) m_editUsers setEnabled(bool) tdelistview.h tdelistview.h keditlistbox.h klineedit.h