/* * * $Id: k3bmkisofshandler.cpp 802340 2008-04-29 07:43:07Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2005 Sebastian Trueg * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include "k3bmkisofshandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include class K3bMkisofsHandler::Private { public: const K3bExternalBin* mkisofsBin; double firstProgressValue; bool readError; }; K3bMkisofsHandler::K3bMkisofsHandler() { d = new Private; d->mkisofsBin = 0; } K3bMkisofsHandler::~K3bMkisofsHandler() { delete d; } bool K3bMkisofsHandler::mkisofsReadError() const { return d->readError; } const K3bExternalBin* K3bMkisofsHandler::initMkisofs() { d->mkisofsBin = k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "mkisofs" ); if( d->mkisofsBin ) { if( !d->mkisofsBin->copyright.isEmpty() ) handleMkisofsInfoMessage( i18n("Using %1 %2 - Copyright (C) %3") .arg("mkisofs").arg(d->mkisofsBin->version).arg(d->mkisofsBin->copyright), K3bJob::INFO ); d->firstProgressValue = -1; d->readError = false; } else { kdDebug() << "(K3bMkisofsHandler) could not find mkisofs executable" << endl; handleMkisofsInfoMessage( i18n("Mkisofs executable not found."), K3bJob::ERROR ); } return d->mkisofsBin; } void K3bMkisofsHandler::parseMkisofsOutput( const QString& line ) { if( !line.isEmpty() ) { if( line.startsWith( d->mkisofsBin->path ) ) { // error or warning QString errorLine = line.mid( d->mkisofsBin->path.length() + 2 ); if( errorLine.startsWith( "Input/output error. Cannot read from" ) ) { handleMkisofsInfoMessage( i18n("Read error from file '%1'").arg( errorLine.mid( 38, errorLine.length()-40 ) ), K3bJob::ERROR ); d->readError = true; } else if( errorLine.startsWith( "Value too large for defined data type" ) ) { handleMkisofsInfoMessage( i18n("Used version of mkisofs does not have large file support."), K3bJob::ERROR ); handleMkisofsInfoMessage( i18n("Files bigger than 2 GB cannot be handled."), K3bJob::ERROR ); d->readError = true; } } else if( line.contains( "done, estimate" ) ) { int p = parseMkisofsProgress( line ); if( p != -1 ) handleMkisofsProgress( p ); } else if( line.contains( "extents written" ) ) { handleMkisofsProgress( 100 ); } else if( line.startsWith( "Incorrectly encoded string" ) ) { handleMkisofsInfoMessage( i18n("Encountered an incorrectly encoded filename '%1'") .arg(line.section( QRegExp("[\\(\\)]"), 1, 1 )), K3bJob::ERROR ); handleMkisofsInfoMessage( i18n("This may be caused by a system update which changed the local character set."), K3bJob::ERROR ); handleMkisofsInfoMessage( i18n("You may use convmv (http://j3e.de/linux/convmv/) to fix the filename encoding."), K3bJob::ERROR ); d->readError = true; } else if( line.endsWith( "has not an allowable size." ) ) { handleMkisofsInfoMessage( i18n("The boot image has an invalid size."), K3bJob::ERROR ); d->readError = true; } else if( line.endsWith( "has multiple partitions." ) ) { handleMkisofsInfoMessage( i18n("The boot image contains multiple partitions.."), K3bJob::ERROR ); handleMkisofsInfoMessage( i18n("A hard-disk boot image has to contain a single partition."), K3bJob::ERROR ); d->readError = true; } else { kdDebug() << "(mkisofs) " << line << endl; } } } int K3bMkisofsHandler::parseMkisofsProgress( const QString& line ) { // // in multisession mode mkisofs' progress does not start at 0 but at (X+Y)/X // where X is the data already on the cd and Y the data to create // This is not very dramatic but kind or ugly. // We just save the first emitted progress value and to some math ;) // QString perStr = line; perStr.truncate( perStr.find('%') ); bool ok; double p = perStr.toDouble( &ok ); if( !ok ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bMkisofsHandler) Parsing did not work for " << perStr << endl; return -1; } else { if( d->firstProgressValue < 0 ) d->firstProgressValue = p; return( (int)::ceil( (p - d->firstProgressValue)*100.0/(100.0 - d->firstProgressValue) ) ); } }