base_K3bAudioRippingOptionWidget Sebastian Trueg Form1 0 0 436 182 unnamed groupBox2 Filetype unnamed m_comboFileType 1 0 1 0 m_buttonConfigurePlugin ... Configure Plugin groupBox3 Options unnamed m_checkCreatePlaylist Create m&3u playlist Create playlist for the ripped files <p>If this option is checked K3b will create a playlist of the ripped files which can be used with programs like xmms or noatun. <p>You may use the special strings to give the playlist a unique filename. layout6 unnamed spacer1_2 Horizontal Fixed 20 16 m_checkPlaylistRelative false &Use relative paths Use relative paths instead of absolute <p>If this option is checked, the entries in the playlist will be relative to its location. <p>Example: If your playlist is located in <em>/home/myself/music</em> and your audio files are in <em>/home/myself/music/cool</em>; then the entries in the playlist will look something like: <em>cool/track1.ogg</em>. m_checkSingleFile Create si&ngle file Rip all tracks to a single file <p>If this option is checked K3b will create only one audio file no matter how many tracks are ripped. This file will contain all tracks one after the other. <p>This might be useful to rip a live album or a radio play. <p><b>Caution:</b> The file will have the name of the first track. layout6_2 unnamed spacer1_2_2 Horizontal Fixed 20 16 m_checkWriteCueFile false Write &cue file Write a cuefile <p>If this option is checked K3b will create a CDRWIN cue file which allows to easily write a copy of the audio CD on other systems. groupBox1 5 5 0 1 Target Folder unnamed textLabel1 Free space in directory: m_editBaseDir m_labelFreeSpace - AlignVCenter|AlignRight textLabel1_2 Space needed: m_labelNeededSpace - AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_checkCreatePlaylist toggled(bool) m_checkPlaylistRelative setEnabled(bool) m_checkSingleFile toggled(bool) m_checkWriteCueFile setEnabled(bool) kurlrequester.h kpushbutton.h