/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ /* Copyright (C) 2005 Ismail Donmez Copyright (C) 2006 Dario Abatianni Copyright (C) 2006 John Tapsell Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein */ #include "theme_preferences.h" #include "preferences_base.h" #include "images.h" #include "common.h" #include "konversationapplication.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // unlink() using namespace Konversation; Theme_Config::Theme_Config(TQWidget* parent, const char* name) : Theme_ConfigUI( parent, name) { m_defaultThemeIndex = -1; // load the current settings loadSettings(); connect(iconThemeIndex,TQ_SIGNAL(highlighted(int)),this,TQ_SLOT(updatePreview(int))); connect(iconThemeIndex,TQ_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),this,TQ_SLOT(updateButtons())); connect(iconThemeIndex,TQ_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),this,TQ_SIGNAL(modified())); connect(installButton,TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()),this,TQ_SLOT(installTheme())); connect(removeButton,TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()),this,TQ_SLOT(removeTheme())); } Theme_Config::~Theme_Config() { } void Theme_Config::loadSettings() { TQString themeName, themeComment, themeDir; TQString currentTheme = Preferences::iconTheme(); int currentThemeIndex = 0; // get list of theme dirs m_dirs = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("data","konversation/themes/*/index.desktop"); // if we have any themes if(m_dirs.count() > 0) { m_dirs.sort(); // clear listview iconThemeIndex->clear(); // initialize index counter int i = 0; // iterate through all found theme directories for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it = m_dirs.begin(); it != m_dirs.end(); ++it) { KDesktopFile themeRC(*it); // get the name and comment from the theme themeName = themeRC.readName(); themeComment = themeRC.readComment(); // extract folder name themeDir=(*it).section('/',-2,-2); // is this our currently used theme? if (themeDir==currentTheme) { // remember for hasChanged() m_oldTheme=themeDir; // remember for updatePreview() currentThemeIndex = i; } if (themeDir=="default") m_defaultThemeIndex= i; // if there was a comment to the theme, add it to the listview entry string if(!themeComment.isEmpty()) themeName = themeName+" ("+themeComment+')'; // insert entry into the listview iconThemeIndex->insertItem(themeName); // increment index counter ++i; } // highlight currently active theme and update preview box iconThemeIndex->setSelected(currentThemeIndex, true); updatePreview(currentThemeIndex); } // if there was no currently used theme found, use the default theme // If anyone knows how to get the default value from this, please change this! if(m_oldTheme.isEmpty()) m_oldTheme = "default"; // update enabled/disabled state of buttons updateButtons(); } bool Theme_Config::hasChanged() { // return true if the theme selected is different from the saved theme return ( m_oldTheme != m_currentTheme ); } void Theme_Config::saveSettings() { // if there are any themes in the listview ... if(iconThemeIndex->count()) { // and if anything has changed ... if(hasChanged()) { // save icon theme name TDEConfig* config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup("Themes"); config->writeEntry("IconTheme",m_currentTheme); // set in-memory theme to the saved theme Preferences::setIconTheme(m_currentTheme); // update theme on runtime KonversationApplication::instance()->images()->initializeNickIcons(); // remember current theme for hasChanged() m_oldTheme = m_currentTheme; } } } void Theme_Config::restorePageToDefaults() { if (m_defaultThemeIndex != -1) iconThemeIndex->setSelected(m_defaultThemeIndex, true); } void Theme_Config::installTheme() { KURL themeURL = KFileDialog::getOpenURL(TQString(), i18n("*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Konversation Themes"), NULL, i18n("Select Theme Package") ); if(themeURL.isEmpty()) return; TQString themesDir(locateLocal("data", "konversation/themes/")); TQString tmpThemeFile; if(!TDEIO::NetAccess::download(themeURL, tmpThemeFile, NULL)) { KMessageBox::error(0L, TDEIO::NetAccess::lastErrorString(), i18n("Failed to Download Theme"), KMessageBox::Notify ); return; } TQDir themeInstallDir(tmpThemeFile); if(themeInstallDir.exists()) // We got a directory not a file { if(themeInstallDir.exists("index.desktop")) TDEIO::NetAccess::dircopy(KURL(tmpThemeFile),KURL(themesDir),0L); else { KMessageBox::error(0L, i18n("Theme archive is invalid."), i18n("Cannot Install Theme"), KMessageBox::Notify ); } } else // we got a file { KTar themeArchive(tmpThemeFile); themeArchive.open(IO_ReadOnly); kapp->processEvents(); const KArchiveDirectory* themeDir = themeArchive.directory();; TQStringList allEntries = themeDir->entries(); for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it=allEntries.begin(); it != allEntries.end(); ++it) { if(themeDir->entry(*it+"/index.desktop") == NULL) { KMessageBox::error(0L, i18n("Theme archive is invalid."), i18n("Cannot Install Theme"), KMessageBox::Notify ); break; } else themeDir->copyTo(themesDir); } themeArchive.close(); } loadSettings(); TDEIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile(tmpThemeFile); } void Theme_Config::removeTheme() { TQString dir; TQString themeName = iconThemeIndex->currentText(); dir = m_dirs[iconThemeIndex->currentItem()]; int remove = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(0L, i18n("Do you want to remove %1 ?").arg(themeName), i18n("Remove Theme"), KStdGuiItem::del(), "warningRemoveTheme" ); if(remove == KMessageBox::Continue) { unlink(TQFile::encodeName(dir)); TDEIO::DeleteJob* job = TDEIO::del(KURL(dir.remove("index.desktop"))); connect(job, TQ_SIGNAL(result(TDEIO::Job*)), this, TQ_SLOT(postRemoveTheme(TDEIO::Job*))); } } void Theme_Config::postRemoveTheme(TDEIO::Job* /* delete_job */) { loadSettings(); } void Theme_Config::updatePreview(int id) { TQString dir; dir = m_dirs[id]; dir.remove("/index.desktop"); TQPixmap normal(dir+"/irc_normal.png"); previewLabel1->setPixmap(normal); previewLabel2->setPixmap(overlayPixmaps(normal,TQPixmap(dir+"/irc_away.png"))); previewLabel3->setPixmap(overlayPixmaps(normal,TQPixmap(dir+"/irc_voice.png"))); previewLabel4->setPixmap(overlayPixmaps(normal,TQPixmap(dir+"/irc_halfop.png"))); previewLabel5->setPixmap(overlayPixmaps(normal,TQPixmap(dir+"/irc_op.png"))); previewLabel6->setPixmap(overlayPixmaps(normal,TQPixmap(dir+"/irc_admin.png"))); previewLabel7->setPixmap(overlayPixmaps(normal,TQPixmap(dir+"/irc_owner.png"))); } void Theme_Config::updateButtons() { // don't allow clicking "remove" if there is only one or even no theme installed if(iconThemeIndex->count() < 2) { removeButton->setEnabled(false); return; } // get directory of current theme TQString dir = m_dirs[iconThemeIndex->currentItem()]; TQFile themeRC(dir); // get name for directory m_currentTheme = dir.section('/',-2,-2); // allow delete action only for themes that have been installed by the user if(!themeRC.open(IO_ReadOnly | IO_WriteOnly)) removeButton->setEnabled(false); else removeButton->setEnabled(true); themeRC.close(); } #include "theme_preferences.moc"