Using &ktorrent; Adding a Torrent Opening a Torrent To open a torrent directly from a web site, use FileOpen URL. This will launch a dialog in which you can paste location of the torrent you wish to open. Torrent and Data Options After you have opened a torrent, following dialog will appear, where you can modify default options. When you are OK to add torrent. Group: With this option you can add opened torrent to a custom group. User controlled Use this option to manually start and stop this torrent. Selecting this option will not set torrent as quelled in the Queue Manager. Start torrent Whether or not to start downloading a torrent. Toplevel directory: Name of the directory in which to save files of a multifile torrent. Setting the same directory name, you can download two different torrents with exactly same files. Skip data check if existing files are found When selected, data will not be checked for errors if files exists. Partialy Downloaded Torrent Partialy Downloaded Torrent Grouping Torrents &ktorrent; is able to display your torrents in diffrent groups. There are several default groups which will display torrents by their state (downloading or uploading) or activity (running or not). You can also choose their sub-category groups. To display all torrents use All Torrents group. To create a custom group and add a torrent to that group, do following: Torrents that are not in any custom group will appear under Ungrouped Torrents. Queue Manager The Queue Manager enables you to fully automatize starting and stopping of torrents. This is useful when you want to dedicate your bandwidth to few torrents and automatically start next torrent when one is finished. When a torrent is opened in &ktorrent;, it will be quelled and set as last in the list of quelled torrents. You can queue and dequeue torrents in the Queue Manager tab, located in the bottom left corner of &ktorrent; window. There you can also reorder your quelled torrents. If you manually start or stop a quelled torrent, that torrent will be dequelled.