require 'Estimators' require 'Sample' class EstimationResults attr_reader :estimator def initialize(estimator, samples) @samples = samples @totalTime = samples.keys.max @totalSize = @samples[@totalTime].bytesDownloaded + @samples[@totalTime].bytesLeft @estimator = estimator @maxError = nil @estimations = nil @absoluteErrors = nil @relativeErrors = nil @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative = nil end def getRootMeanSquareErrorRelative if @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative == nil relativeErrors = getRelativeErrors @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative = 0.0 relativeErrors.each_value do |x| @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative += x**2 end @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative = Math.sqrt( @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative / relativeErrors.size ) end return @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative end # returns the root mean square error for a specific interval of the download # left and right must be floats between 0.0 (no bytes downloaded, start of download) and 1.0 (download complete), right must be greater than left def getRootMeanSquareErrorRelative(left, right) relativeErrors = getRelativeErrors rmser = 0.0 n = 0 @samples.keys.each do |x| percentage = @samples[x].bytesDownloaded.to_f / @totalSize if percentage >= left and percentage <= right rmser += relativeErrors[x]**2 n += 1 end end rmser = Math.sqrt( rmser / n ) return rmser end def getRelativeErrors if @relativeErrors == nil @relativeErrors = absoluteErrors = getAbsoluteErrors absoluteErrors.keys.sort.each do |time| timeLeft = @totalTime - time; @relativeErrors[time] = absoluteErrors[time].abs.to_f / timeLeft @relativeErrors[time] = @maxError if @maxError != nil and @relativeErrors[time] > @maxError end end return @relativeErrors end def setMaxError(maxError) if maxError != @maxError @maxError = maxError @relativeErrors = nil @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative = nil end end def getAbsoluteErrors if @absoluteErrors == nil @absoluteErrors = estimations = getEstimations estimations.keys.sort.each do |time| @absoluteErrors[time] = @estimations[time] - (@totalTime - time) end end return @absoluteErrors end def getEstimations if @estimations == nil @estimations = @samples.values.sort.each do |sample| @estimator.process(sample) @estimations[sample.time] = @estimator.estimate end end return @estimations end end