ConfigLogOptionsBase ConfigLogOptionsBase 0 0 340 317 Debug unnamed layout3 unnamed layout57_3 unnamed LogFontSizeSpinBox true 4 -4 0 Font size in the debug console LogFontSizetextLabel Font size: Font size in the debug console spacer28_2_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 16 20 layout211 unnamed UseColorizedLogOutputcheckBox Enable colori&zed log output Enable color messages in the debug console (recommend) spacer100 Horizontal Expanding 61 20 ColorGroupBox Color settings unnamed textLabel2_2 Error message Message type RemoteLogLabel 25 25 85 0 255 Box Sunken InfoLogLabel 25 25 0 0 0 Box Sunken 1 ErrorLogLabel 25 25 255 0 0 Box Sunken spacer28_3_2 Horizontal Expanding 173 20 spacer28_3_3 Horizontal Expanding 173 20 RemoteLogFontPushButton C&hange... Change color of this message type textLabel2_3 Success message Message type spacer28_3 Horizontal Expanding 173 20 spacer28_3_3_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 173 20 textLabel2_3_2_2 Remote message Message type ErrorLogFontPushButton Ch&ange... Change color of this message type SuccessLogFontPushButton Cha&nge... Change color of this message type InfoLogFontPushButton Chan&ge... Change color of this message type SuccessLogLabel 25 25 0 170 0 Box Sunken textLabel2_3_2 Debug message Message type spacer28_3_3_2 Horizontal Expanding 173 20 DebugLogFontPushButton &Change... Change color of this message type DebugLogLabel 25 25 255 170 0 Box Sunken textLabel2_3_2_3 Background color Message type spacer28_3_3_2_3 Horizontal Expanding 43 20 BackgroundLogFontPushButton &Change... Change color of this message type BackgroundLogLabel 25 25 255 255 255 Box Sunken textLabel2 Informal message Message type spacer8 Vertical Expanding 21 20 DebugLogFontPushButton clicked() ConfigLogOptionsBase debugLogColorClicked() ErrorLogFontPushButton clicked() ConfigLogOptionsBase errorLogColorClicked() InfoLogFontPushButton clicked() ConfigLogOptionsBase infoLogColorClicked() RemoteLogFontPushButton clicked() ConfigLogOptionsBase remoteLogColorClicked() SuccessLogFontPushButton clicked() ConfigLogOptionsBase successLogColorClicked() UseColorizedLogOutputcheckBox toggled(bool) ConfigLogOptionsBase useColorizedLogOutputToggled(bool) BackgroundLogFontPushButton clicked() ConfigLogOptionsBase backgroundLogColorClicked() LogFontSizeSpinBox UseColorizedLogOutputcheckBox InfoLogFontPushButton RemoteLogFontPushButton ErrorLogFontPushButton SuccessLogFontPushButton DebugLogFontPushButton debugLogColorClicked() errorLogColorClicked() successLogColorClicked() infoLogColorClicked() remoteLogColorClicked() useColorizedLogOutputToggled(bool) backgroundLogColorClicked() kpushbutton.h