EnterUsernamePasswordDialogBase EnterUsernamePasswordDialogBase 0 0 340 260 Enter Account Data unnamed layout12 unnamed textLabel2 layout7 unnamed layout6 unnamed layout5 unnamed layout4 unnamed LabelUsername Username: Username for authentication LabelGroupPassword Pre-shared key (PSK): re-shared key for authenticat (shared secret) spacer13 Horizontal Expanding 156 20 PasswordEdit Password Password for authentication IDEdit false Normal IPsec ID spacer12 Horizontal Expanding 88 20 LabelPassword Password: Password for authentication spacer13_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 156 20 LabelID false ID: Username for authentication UsernameEdit Normal Username for authentication PSKLineEdit Password Pre-shared key for authenticat (shared secret) Enter here the group password spacer13_2 Horizontal Expanding 156 20 SaveUsernameCheckBox Save &username Save username, shared secret and password <br>in config file or in TDEWallet SavePskCheckBox Save PSK Save username, shared secret and password <br>in config file or in TDEWallet SavePasswordCheckBox Save password Save username, shared secret and password <br>in config file or in TDEWallet spacer23 Vertical Expanding 20 16 spacer22 Horizontal Expanding 16 21 UsernameEdit PSKLineEdit PasswordEdit