NewProfileWizardOpenvpnAuth Christoph Thielecke NewProfileWizardOpenvpnAuth 0 0 518 183 New profile wizard OpenVPN unnamed layout66 unnamed layout65 unnamed textLabel3 OpenVPN authentication settings layout17 unnamed AuthWithUsernameAndPasswordCheckBox Authenticate &with username and password Authenticate with server using username and password spacer7_2 Horizontal Expanding 191 20 layout98 unnamed UseOnlyCaCertAndUserAuthCheckBox false Use onl&y CA cert and authenticate with username and password spacer7_2_2_4 Horizontal Expanding 46 20 layout64 unnamed layout63 unnamed UseAuthenticationAlgorithmCheckBox Use authentication method: Use non standard authentication algorithm spacer7_3_2 Horizontal Expanding 233 20 UserdefiniedDigestComboBox false Cipher algorithm spacer57 Vertical Expanding 20 16 spacer43 Horizontal Expanding 494 20 AuthWithUsernameAndPasswordCheckBox useUserdefiniedCipherToggled(bool) useTlsAuthToggled(bool) useTlsRemoteHostToggled(bool) useHttpProxyToggeled(bool) userdefinedOpenvpnPortToggeled(bool) kcombobox.h