KXEElementDialogBase KXEElementDialogBase 0 0 344 321 3 5 0 0 XML Element true unnamed 11 6 Spacer3 Vertical Expanding 16 37 m_pLblPrefix &Prefix: m_pEditPrefix <b>Prefix</b> <br/> You can enter the namespace prefix for this XML element here. Spacer4 Vertical Expanding 16 37 Spacer5 Vertical Expanding 16 37 m_pEditNsURI <b>Namespace URI</b><br/> You can enter the namespace URI of this XML element here. m_pEditName <b>Local Name</b> <br/> You have to enter this XML elements name here. m_pEditPrefix <b>Prefix</b> <br/> You can enter the namespace prefix for this XML element here. m_pLblTagName Local &Name: m_pEditName <b>Local Name</b> <br/> You have to enter this XML elements name here. m_pLblNsURI Namespace &URI: m_pEditNsURI <b>Namespace URI</b><br/> You can enter the namespace URI of this XML element here. Layout1 unnamed 0 6 Horizontal Spacing2 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 m_pBtnOK &OK Alt+O true true m_pBtnCancel &Cancel Alt+C true Layout4 unnamed 0 6 m_pLblInsert &Insert: m_pComboInsert <b>Insert</b> <br/> Choose, where to place this XML element in the parent elements list of childelements. at bottom at top m_pComboInsert <b>Insert</b> <br/> Choose, where to place this XML element in the parent elements list of childelements. Spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 181 16 m_pTextLabelMessage 255 0 0 PlainText m_pBtnOK clicked() KXEElementDialogBase accept() m_pBtnCancel clicked() KXEElementDialogBase reject() m_pEditName m_pComboInsert m_pBtnOK m_pBtnCancel m_pEditNsURI m_pEditPrefix