#!/usr/bin/env python # # 2005-02-12 initial version hp import os import pickle from qt import * from dirview import Directory, DirectoryView bookmarks = [ "22 14 8 1", "# c #000080", "a c #585858", "b c #000000", "c c #ffffff", "d c #ffffff", "e c #ffffff", "f c #000000", ". c None", "...bb.................", "..bacb....bbb.........", "..badcb.bbccbab.......", "..bacccbadccbab.......", "..baecdbcccdbab.......", "..bacccbacccbab.......", "..badcdbcecdfab.......", "..bacecbacccbab.......", "..baccdbcccdbab.......", "...badcbacdbbab.......", "....bacbcbbccab.......", ".....babbaaaaab.......", ".....bbabbbbbbb.......", "......bb.............." ] home = [ "16 15 4 1", "# c #000000", "a c #ffffff", "b c #c0c0c0", ". c None", ".......##.......", "..#...####......", "..#..#aabb#.....", "..#.#aaaabb#....", "..##aaaaaabb#...", "..#aaaaaaaabb#..", ".#aaaaaaaaabbb#.", "###aaaaaaaabb###", "..#aaaaaaaabb#..", "..#aaa###aabb#..", "..#aaa#.#aabb#..", "..#aaa#.#aabb#..", "..#aaa#.#aabb#..", "..#aaa#.#aabb#..", "..#####.######.." ] class PixmapView(TQScrollView): def __init__(self, parent): TQScrollView.__init__(self, parent) self.pixmap = None self.viewport().setBackgroundMode(self.PaletteBase) def setPixmap(self, pix): self.pixmap = pix self.resizeContents(pix.size().width(), pix.size().height()) self.viewport().repaint(False) def drawContents(self, p, cx, cy, cw, ch): p.fillRect(cx, cy, cw, ch, self.colorGroup().brush(TQColorGroup.Base)) p.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.pixmap) class Preview(TQWidgetStack): def __init__(self, parent): TQWidgetStack.__init__(self, parent) self.normalText = TQMultiLineEdit(self) self.normalText.setReadOnly(True) self.html = TQTextView(self) self.pixmap = PixmapView(self) self.raiseWidget(self.normalText) def showPreview(self, url, size): if url.isLocalFile(): path = url.path() fi = TQFileInfo(path) if fi.isFile() and fi.size() > size * 1000: self.normalText.setText( "The File\n%s\nis too large, so I don't show it!" % path) self.raiseWidget(self.normalText) return pix = TQPixmap(path) if pix.isNull(): if fi.isFile(): err = False try: text = open(path.latin1(), "r").read() except IOError, msg: text = TQString(str(msg)) err = True if not err and fi.extension().lower().contains("htm"): url = self.html.mimeSourceFactory().makeAbsolute( path, self.html.context()) self.html.setText(text, url) self.raiseWidget(self.html) return else: self.normalText.setText(text) self.raiseWidget(self.normalText) return else: self.normalText.setText("") self.raiseWidget(self.normalText) else: self.pixmap.setPixmap(pix) self.raiseWidget(self.pixmap) else: self.normalText.setText("I only show local files!") self.raiseWidget(self.normalText) # We can't instantiate TQFilePreview directly because it is abstract. Note that # the previewUrl() abstract is patched in later to work around the fact that # you can't multiply inherit from more than one wrapped class. class FilePreview(TQFilePreview): pass class PreviewWidget(TQVBox): def __init__(self, parent): TQVBox.__init__(self, parent) self.setSpacing( 5 ) self.setMargin( 5 ) row = TQHBox(self) row.setSpacing(5) TQLabel("Only show files smaller than: ", row) self.sizeSpinBox = TQSpinBox(1, 10000, 1, row) self.sizeSpinBox.setSuffix(" KB") self.sizeSpinBox.setValue(128) row.setFixedHeight(10 + self.sizeSpinBox.sizeHint().height()) self.__preview = Preview(self) # workaround sip inability of multiple inheritance # create a local TQFilePreview instance and redirect # the method, which is called on preview, to us self.preview = FilePreview() self.preview.previewUrl = self.previewUrl def previewUrl(self, url): self.__preview.showPreview(url, self.sizeSpinBox.value()) class CustomFileDialog(TQFileDialog): def __init__(self, preview = False): TQFileDialog.__init__(self, None, None, True) self.bookmarkFile = ".pybookmarks" self.bookmarkList = [] if os.path.exists(self.bookmarkFile): try: self.bookmarkList = pickle.loads(open(self.bookmarkFile, "rb").read()) except IOError, msg: print msg self.setDir("/") self.dirView = DirectoryView(self, None, True) self.dirView.addColumn("") self.dirView.header().hide() root = Directory(self.dirView, "/") root.setOpen(True) self.dirView.setFixedWidth(200) self.addLeftWidget(self.dirView) p = TQPushButton(self) p.setPixmap(TQPixmap(bookmarks)) TQToolTip.add(p, "Bookmarks") self.bookmarkMenu = TQPopupMenu(self) self.connect(self.bookmarkMenu, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), self.bookmarkChosen) self.addId = self.bookmarkMenu.insertItem("Add bookmark") self.bookmarkMenu.insertSeparator() for l in self.bookmarkList: self.bookmarkMenu.insertItem(l) p.setPopup(self.bookmarkMenu) self.addToolButton(p, True) self.connect(self.dirView, PYSIGNAL("folderSelected(const TQString &)"), self.setDir2) self.connect(self, SIGNAL("dirEntered(const TQString &)"), self.dirView.setDir) b = TQToolButton(self) TQToolTip.add(b, "Go Home!") b.setPixmap(TQPixmap(home)) self.connect(b, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.goHome) self.addToolButton(b) if preview: self.setContentsPreviewEnabled(True) pw = PreviewWidget(self) self.setContentsPreview(pw, pw.preview) self.setViewMode(TQFileDialog.List) self.setPreviewMode(TQFileDialog.Contents) w = self.width() h = self.height() if preview: self.resize(w + w / 2, h + h / 3) else: self.resize(w + w / 3, h + h / 4) def done(self, r): if self.bookmarkList: try: open(self.bookmarkFile, "wb").write(pickle.dumps(self.bookmarkList)) except IOError, msg: print msg return TQFileDialog.done(self, r) def showEvent(self, e): TQFileDialog.showEvent(self, e) self.dirView.setDir(self.dirPath()) def setDir2(self, path): self.blockSignals(True) self.setDir(path) self.blockSignals(False) def bookmarkChosen(self, i): if i == self.addId: # keep bookmarks pythonic dp = self.dirPath().latin1() if dp not in self.bookmarkList: self.bookmarkList.append(dp) self.bookmarkMenu.insertItem(dp) else: self.setDir(self.bookmarkMenu.text(i)) def goHome(self): if os.getenv("HOME"): self.setDir(os.getenv("HOME")) else: self.setDir("/") if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import getopt def usage(msg = None): if msg: print >> sys.stderr, msg print >> sys.stderr, """\ usage: qdir [--any | --dir | --custom] [--preview] [--default f] {--filter f} [caption ...] --any Get any filename, need not exist. --dir Return a directory rather than a file. --custom Opens a customized TQFileDialog with dir browser, bookmark menu, etc. --preview Show a preview widget. --default f Start from directory/file f. --filter f eg. '*.gif' '*.bmp' caption ... Caption for dialog. """ sys.exit(1) def main(): options = ["help", "any", "dir", "custom", "preview", "default=", "filter="] mode = TQFileDialog.ExistingFile preview = False custom = False start = None filter = TQString.null app = TQApplication(sys.argv) try: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", options) except getopt.error, msg: usage(msg) for opt, par in optlist: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage() elif opt == "--any": mode = TQFileDialog.AnyFile elif opt == "--dir": mode = TQFileDialog.Directory elif opt == "--default": start = par elif opt == "--filter": filter = par elif opt == "--preview": preview = True elif opt == "--custom": custom = True if args: caption = " ".join(args) elif mode == TQFileDialog.Directory: caption = "Choose directory..." else: caption = "Choose file..." if not start: start = TQDir.currentDirPath() if not custom: fd = TQFileDialog(TQString.null, filter, None, None, True) fd.setMode(mode) if preview: fd.setContentsPreviewEnabled(True) pw = PreviewWidget(fd) fd.setContentsPreview(pw, pw.preview) fd.setViewMode(TQFileDialog.List) fd.setPreviewMode(TQFileDialog.Contents) w = fd.width() h = fd.height() fd.resize(w + w / 3, h + h / 4) fd.setCaption(caption) fd.setSelection(start) if fd.exec_loop() == TQDialog.Accepted: print "%s\n" % fd.selectedFile().latin1() return 0 else: return 1 else: fd = CustomFileDialog(preview) fd.exec_loop() return 1 sys.exit(main())