fatzer2@gmail.com Alexander Golubev Build addbookmarks plugin that automatically adds incoming urls to bookmarks. Build alias plugin. Build autoreplace plugin. Build connectionstatus plugin. Build contactnotes plugin. Enaple Gadu protocol support with net-libs/libgadu. Enable Groupwise protocol support. Add app-mobilephone/gsmlib support to sms plugin. Build highlight plugin that allows you to specify highlights on specific events. Build history plugin. Enable IRC protocol support. Enable voice calls for jabber Build motionautoaway plugin. Enable "Windows live messenger" protocol support Add Netmeeting plugin and support to the msn protocol. Build nowlistening plugin. Enable Oscar (AIM/ICQ) IM protocol support Add sametime protocol support with net-libs/meanwhile. Build smpppdsc plugin. Enable sms sending functionality. Build statistics plugin. Build texteffect plugin. Build history plugin that automaticaly translates incoming and outgoing messages. Build webpresence plugin that shows your status and some more information on web.. Enable pop-up messages sending on windows. (same as good old "net send" messages ;]) Enable yahoo protocol support.