[KSplash Theme: nightly-moodin] Name = Nightly (Moodin) Description = Nightly KSplash Theme using Moodin engine, based on Nightly wallpaper and Vallerie theme, with icons from Nuvola iconset. Version = 1.0 Author = Robert Jaehne Engine = Moodin BeginOpacity = 0.1 Background = background.png BaseResolution = 1600,1200 UseIconSet = false ShowStatusText = true StatusFont = Arial Black L,14,-1,5,50,1 StatusCoords = -1,350 ImageCoords1 = 50,450 ImageCoords2 = 250,320 ImageCoords3 = 450,200 ImageCoords4 = 650,140 ImageCoords5 = 850,140 ImageCoords6 = 1050,200 ImageCoords7 = 1250,320 ImageCoords8 = 1450,450