make sure control and are in sync --with-distribution="Kubuntu (`lsb_release --codename --short`) $(DEB_VERSION)" binary-install/kdelibs-data installs aboutkde-kubuntu.png.uu and cr*-device-system.png.uu none of libgamin-dev, libfam-dev stop kdelibs4-dev depending on gamin/fam don't install .svgz icons in kdelibs-data.install rosetta support in rules common-install-prehook-impl:: and common-post-build-arch:: and include debian/kubuntu-desktop-i18n/ build-dep on: gettext-kde, kdesdk-scripts, lsb-release, base-files, sudo cdbs build-dep 0.4.41ubuntu2 kdelibs4-dev depends on gettext-kde, kdesdk-scripts copy debian/icons over Make kdelibs4c2a depend on launchpad-integration, sudo. Recommends on xdg-user-dirs Remove 19_debianize_useragent.diff (changed to kubuntu_19_debianize_useragent.diff) s/Debian/Kubuntu remove kdelibs4c2a depends on menu-xdg include kubuntu_01_kdepot.diff and kde.pot in debian/patches/common use a local copy of without the common-install-prehook-impl:: rule; edit to include debian/cdbs/ build with --with-sudo-kdesu-backend and build-dep on sudo and make kdelibs4c2a depend on sudo kdelibs-data.install : Add nzb mimetype Make kdelibs4-dev replace more recent kdelibs4c2a for overlapping files make sure control and are in sync