[KSplash Theme: moreblue-orbit-moodin] Name = MoreBlue Orbit (Moodin) Description = MoreBlue Orbit KSplash Theme using Moodin engine, based on MoreBlue Orbit artwork by Andre L. R. Ferreira and Valessio S. Brito Version = 1.0 Author = Fathi Boudra, based on MoreBlue Orbit artwork by Andre L. R. Ferreira and Valessio S. Brito Homepage = http://www.debian.org Engine = Moodin BeginOpacity = 0.1 Translate = true Background = Background.png ShowStatusText = true UseIconSet = true IconSetSize = 32 LineUpImages = false BaseResolution = 1280x1024 AppendX = true ImageSpacer = -1 Labels = 2 LabelShadow = false Image1 = kcmmemory Image2 = kcmsystem Image3 = printer1 Image7 = kmenuedit Image8 = kmenu ImageCoords1 = 474,511 ImageCoords2 = 524,511 ImageCoords3 = 574,511 ImageCoords4 = 624,511 ImageCoords5 = 674,511 ImageCoords6 = 724,511 ImageCoords7 = 774,511 ImageCoords8 = 624,651 StatusFont = DejaVu Sans Condensed,9,-1,5,50,0 StatusCoords = -1,480 StatusColor = #222222