$Id$ Planned features: Version 1.0: - Mouse cursor type configuration - Right mouse menu - Configuration dialog - Translations - New Icon * show cursor * Put the toolbar at the bottom by default * Documentation * KDE3 port * Mouse cursor show/hide * Toolbar configuration * Shortcut configuration * Maximizing use of the zoomed image display area * zooming control on toolbar * on/off rectangle update * block "garbage" effect when rectangle is outside screen * Add "Pause" button to pause to the current view * More cleaner/bare minimal GUI * Grab window moving with the mouse * Code cleanup * New grab-and-move mode for moving zoom area * Add grabbing and saving of the currently selected area or zoomed area. * Saving of settings across different instances * Add printing support * Always show selected region * Allow setting of refresh rate * Copying zoomed image to clipboard on "copy" * Saving zoomed image to a remote file (via KIO slaves) * Compilable under KDE 2.x Bug Fixing for 1.0: @ When the zoom area is resized, the zoom display shows garbage outside the zoomed region - Sometimes the selection window remains on the screen => Use overlay to draw the selection window. * Zoom selection going out of screen at the bottom edge * Saved zoomed image always gets saved in home directory Version 2.0: - Show the exact cursor as on screen - Advanced view to control everything using spin-boxes - Block mirrror-to-mirror efect when zoom rectangle intersect KMag window - Different profiles : for vision-impared & regular users. Key: - : todo * : done @ : done, but not released yet (download via CVS) % : in progress