// ApnSerial_USB.cpp: implementation of the CApnSerial_USB class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "apogee.h" #include "ApnSerial_USB.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CApnSerial_USB::CApnSerial_USB() { } CApnSerial_USB::~CApnSerial_USB() { } bool CApnSerial_USB::InitPort( unsigned long CamIdA, unsigned short CamIdB, unsigned short SerialId ) { return true; } bool CApnSerial_USB::ClosePort() { return true; } bool CApnSerial_USB::GetBaudRate( unsigned long *BaudRate ) { return true; } bool CApnSerial_USB::SetBaudRate( unsigned long BaudRate ) { return true; } bool CApnSerial_USB::GetFlowControl( Apn_SerialFlowControl *FlowControl ) { return true; } bool CApnSerial_USB::SetFlowControl( Apn_SerialFlowControl FlowControl ) { return true; } bool CApnSerial_USB::GetParity( Apn_SerialParity *Parity ) { return true; } bool CApnSerial_USB::SetParity( Apn_SerialParity Parity ) { return true; } bool CApnSerial_USB::Read( char *ReadBuffer, unsigned short *ReadCount ) { return true; } bool CApnSerial_USB::Write( char *WriteBuffer, unsigned short WriteCount ) { return true; }