/*************************************************************************** query dialog for articles ----------------------------------------------------------------------- begin : Fri Dec 3 18:28:18 1999 copyright : (C) 1999-2001 Ewald Arnold (C) 2001 The KDE-EDU team (C) 2004-2005 Peter Hedlund ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "ArtQueryDlg.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ArtQueryDlg::ArtQueryDlg ( TQString type, int entry, int col, int query_cycle, int query_num, int query_startnum, kvoctrainExpr *exp, kvoctrainDoc *doc, const Article &articles) : QueryDlgBase(i18n("Article Training")) { mw = new ArtQueryDlgForm(this); setMainWidget(mw); qtimer = 0; mw->artGroup->insert (mw->natural); mw->artGroup->insert (mw->male); mw->artGroup->insert (mw->rb_fem); connect(mw->dont_know, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQ_SLOT(dontKnowClicked()) ); connect(mw->know_it, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQ_SLOT(knowItClicked()) ); connect(mw->verify, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQ_SLOT(verifyClicked()) ); connect(mw->show_all, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQ_SLOT(showAllClicked()) ); connect(mw->natural, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQ_SLOT(slotNaturalClicked()) ); connect(mw->male, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQ_SLOT(slotMaleClicked()) ); connect(mw->rb_fem, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQ_SLOT(slotFemClicked()) ); setQuery (type, entry, col, query_cycle, query_num, query_startnum, exp, doc, articles); mw->countbar->setFormat("%v/%m"); mw->timebar->setFormat("%v"); resize(configDialogSize("ArtQueryDialog")); } ArtQueryDlg::~ArtQueryDlg() { saveDialogSize("ArtQueryDialog"); } void ArtQueryDlg::setQuery(TQString, int entry, int col, int q_cycle, int q_num, int q_start, kvoctrainExpr *exp, kvoctrainDoc *doc, const Article &art) { //type_timeout = type_to; kv_exp = exp; kv_doc = doc; q_row = entry; q_ocol = col; mw->timebar->setEnabled(Prefs::showCounter()); mw->timelabel->setEnabled(Prefs::showCounter()); mw->show_all->setDefault(true); articles = art; TQString s; if (col == 0) s = exp->getOriginal().stripWhiteSpace(); else s = exp->getTranslation(q_ocol).stripWhiteSpace(); TQString def, indef; bool removed = false; articles.female(def, indef); mw->rb_fem->setText (i18n("&female:\t")+def+" / "+indef); mw->rb_fem->setEnabled (!TQString(def+indef).isEmpty() ); if (!removed && s.find(def+" ") == 0) { s.remove (0, def.length()+1); removed = true; } if (!removed && s.find(indef+" ") == 0) { s.remove (0, indef.length()+1); removed = true; } articles.male(def, indef); mw->male->setText (i18n("&male:\t")+def+" / "+indef); mw->male->setEnabled (!TQString(def+indef).isEmpty() ); if (!removed && s.find(def+" ") == 0) { s.remove (0, def.length()+1); removed = true; } if (!removed && s.find(indef+" ") == 0) { s.remove (0, indef.length()+1); removed = true; } articles.natural(def, indef); mw->natural->setText (i18n("&natural:\t")+def+" / "+indef); mw->natural->setEnabled (!TQString(def+indef).isEmpty() ); if (!removed && s.find(def+" ") == 0) { s.remove (0, def.length()+1); removed = true; } if (!removed && s.find(indef+" ") == 0) { s.remove (0, indef.length()+1); removed = true; } mw->orgField->setText(s); s.setNum (q_cycle); mw->progCount->setText (s); mw->countbar->setTotalSteps(q_start); mw->countbar->setProgress(q_start - q_num + 1); int mqtime = Prefs::maxTimePer(); if (mqtime > 0) { if (qtimer == 0) { qtimer = new TQTimer( this ); connect( qtimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(timeoutReached()) ); } if (Prefs::queryTimeout() != Prefs::EnumQueryTimeout::NoTimeout) { timercount = mqtime; mw->timebar->setTotalSteps(timercount); mw->timebar->setProgress(timercount); qtimer->start(1000, TRUE); } else mw->timebar->setEnabled(false); } else mw->timebar->setEnabled(false); } void ArtQueryDlg::initFocus() const { mw->rb_fem->setFocus(); } void ArtQueryDlg::showAllClicked() { resetButton(mw->rb_fem); resetButton(mw->male); resetButton(mw->natural); if (kv_exp->getType (q_ocol) == TQM_NOUN TQM_TYPE_DIV TQM_NOUN_F) { mw->rb_fem->setChecked (true); verifyButton(mw->rb_fem, true); } else if (kv_exp->getType (q_ocol) == TQM_NOUN TQM_TYPE_DIV TQM_NOUN_M) { mw->male->setChecked (true); verifyButton(mw->male, true); } else if (kv_exp->getType (q_ocol) == TQM_NOUN TQM_TYPE_DIV TQM_NOUN_S) { mw->natural->setChecked (true); verifyButton(mw->natural, true); } mw->dont_know->setDefault(true); } void ArtQueryDlg::showMoreClicked() { } void ArtQueryDlg::verifyClicked() { bool known = false; if (kv_exp->getType (q_ocol) == TQM_NOUN TQM_TYPE_DIV TQM_NOUN_F) known = mw->rb_fem->isChecked (); else if (kv_exp->getType (q_ocol) == TQM_NOUN TQM_TYPE_DIV TQM_NOUN_M) known = mw->male->isChecked (); else if (kv_exp->getType (q_ocol) == TQM_NOUN TQM_TYPE_DIV TQM_NOUN_S) known = mw->natural->isChecked (); if (mw->rb_fem->isChecked() ) { verifyButton(mw->rb_fem, known); resetButton(mw->male); resetButton(mw->natural); } else if (mw->male->isChecked() ) { verifyButton(mw->male, known); resetButton(mw->rb_fem); resetButton(mw->natural); } else if (mw->natural->isChecked() ) { verifyButton(mw->natural, known); resetButton(mw->male); resetButton(mw->rb_fem); } if (known) // know_it->setDefault(true); knowItClicked(); else mw->dont_know->setDefault(true); } void ArtQueryDlg::knowItClicked() { emit sigQueryChoice(Known); } void ArtQueryDlg::timeoutReached() { if (timercount > 0) { timercount--; mw->timebar->setProgress(timercount); qtimer->start(1000, TRUE); } if (timercount <= 0) { mw->timebar->setProgress(0); if (Prefs::queryTimeout() == Prefs::EnumQueryTimeout::Show) { showAllClicked(); mw->dont_know->setDefault(true); } else if (Prefs::queryTimeout() == Prefs::EnumQueryTimeout::Continue) emit sigQueryChoice(Timeout); } } void ArtQueryDlg::dontKnowClicked() { emit sigQueryChoice (Unknown); } void ArtQueryDlg::slotUser2() { if (qtimer != 0) qtimer->stop(); emit sigEditEntry (q_row, KV_COL_ORG+q_ocol); } void ArtQueryDlg::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent *e ) { switch( e->key() ) { case Key_Escape: dontKnowClicked(); break; case Key_Return: case Key_Enter: if (mw->dont_know->isDefault() ) dontKnowClicked(); else if (mw->know_it->isDefault() ) knowItClicked(); else if (mw->show_all->isDefault() ) showAllClicked(); else if (mw->verify->isDefault() ) verifyClicked(); break; default: e->ignore(); break; } } void ArtQueryDlg::returnPressed() { } void ArtQueryDlg::slotFemClicked() { resetButton(mw->rb_fem); resetButton(mw->male); resetButton(mw->natural); verifyClicked(); } void ArtQueryDlg::slotMaleClicked() { resetButton(mw->male); resetButton(mw->natural); resetButton(mw->rb_fem); verifyClicked(); } void ArtQueryDlg::slotNaturalClicked() { resetButton(mw->natural); resetButton(mw->male); resetButton(mw->rb_fem); verifyClicked(); } #include "ArtQueryDlg.moc"