path: root/kolf/canvasitem.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kolf/canvasitem.h')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kolf/canvasitem.h b/kolf/canvasitem.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7a37cb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kolf/canvasitem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#include <qcanvas.h>
+#include "config.h"
+class Ball;
+class KConfig;
+class StateDB;
+class KolfGame;
+class CanvasItem
+ CanvasItem() { game = 0; }
+ virtual ~CanvasItem() {}
+ /**
+ * load your settings from the KConfig, which represents a course.
+ */
+ virtual void load(KConfig *) {}
+ /**
+ * load a point if you wish. Rarely necessary.
+ */
+ virtual void loadState(StateDB * /*db*/) {}
+ /**
+ * returns a bool that is true if your item needs to load after other items
+ */
+ virtual bool loadLast() const { return false; }
+ /**
+ * called if the item is made by user while editing, with the item that was selected on the hole;
+ */
+ virtual void selectedItem(QCanvasItem * /*item*/) {}
+ /**
+ * called after the item is moved the very first time by the game
+ */
+ virtual void firstMove(int /*x*/, int /*y*/) {}
+ /**
+ * save your settings.
+ */
+ virtual void save(KConfig *cfg);
+ /**
+ * save a point if you wish. Rarely necessary.
+ */
+ virtual void saveState(StateDB * /*db*/) {}
+ /**
+ * called for information when shot started
+ */
+ virtual void shotStarted() {}
+ /**
+ * called right before any items are saved.
+ */
+ virtual void aboutToSave() {}
+ /**
+ * called right after all items are saved.
+ */
+ virtual void savingDone() {}
+ /**
+ * called when the edit mode has been changed.
+ */
+ virtual void editModeChanged(bool /*editing*/) {}
+ /**
+ * the item should delete any other objects it's created.
+ */
+ virtual void aboutToDie() {}
+ /**
+ * returns the object to get rid of when the delete button is pressed on this item. Some sub-objects will return something other than this.
+ */
+ virtual CanvasItem *itemToDelete() { return this; }
+ /**
+ * called when user presses delete key while editing. This is very rarely reimplemented, and generally shouldn't be.
+ */
+ virtual void aboutToDelete() {}
+ /**
+ * returns whether this item should be able to be deleted by user while editing.
+ */
+ virtual bool deleteable() const { return true; }
+ /**
+ * returns whether this item should get doAdvance called -- it is called in sync with ball advancing (which is twice as fast as the advance() calling rate)
+ */
+ virtual bool fastAdvance() const { return false; }
+ /**
+ * called when all items have had their chance at a doAdvance
+ */
+ virtual void fastAdvanceDone() {}
+ /**
+ * called if fastAdvance is enabled
+ */
+ virtual void doAdvance() {}
+ /**
+ * if all items of this type of item (based on rtti()) that are "colliding" (ie, in the same spot) with ball should get collision() called.
+ */
+ virtual bool terrainCollisions() const { return false; }
+ /**
+ * returns whether or not this item lifts items on top of it.
+ */
+ virtual bool vStrut() const { return false; }
+ /**
+ * show extra item info
+ */
+ virtual void showInfo() {};
+ /**
+ * hide extra item info
+ */
+ virtual void hideInfo() {};
+ /**
+ * update your Z value (this is called by various things when perhaps the value should change) if this is called by a vStrut, it will pass 'this'.
+ */
+ virtual void updateZ(QCanvasRectangle * /*vStrut*/ = 0) {};
+ /**
+ * clean up for prettyness
+ */
+ virtual void clean() {};
+ /**
+ * scale factor changed (game->scaleFactor(), the world matrix is game->worldMatrix())
+ * NOTE: not used in Kolf 1.1, which comes with KDE 3.1.
+ */
+ virtual void scaleChanged() {};
+ /**
+ * returns whether this item can be moved by others (if you want to move an item, you should honor this!)
+ */
+ virtual bool canBeMovedByOthers() const { return false; }
+ /**
+ * returns a Config that can be used to configure this item by the user.
+ * The default implementation returns one that says 'No configuration options'.
+ */
+ virtual Config *config(QWidget *parent) { return new DefaultConfig(parent); }
+ /**
+ * returns other items that should be moveable (besides this one of course).
+ */
+ virtual QPtrList<QCanvasItem> moveableItems() const { return QPtrList<QCanvasItem>(); }
+ /**
+ * returns whether this can be moved by the user while editing.
+ */
+ virtual bool moveable() const { return true; }
+ void setId(int newId) { id = newId; }
+ int curId() const { return id; }
+ /**
+ * call to play sound (ie, playSound("wall") plays kdedir/share/apps/kolf/sounds/wall.wav).
+ * optionally, specify vol to be between 0-1, for no sound to full volume, respectively.
+ */
+ void playSound(QString file, double vol = 1);
+ /**
+ * called on ball's collision. Return if terrain collisions should be processed.
+ */
+ virtual bool collision(Ball * /*ball*/, long int /*id*/) { return true; }
+ /**
+ * reimplement if you want extra items to have access to the game object.
+ * playSound() relies on having this.
+ */
+ virtual void setGame(KolfGame *game) { this->game = game; }
+ /**
+ * returns whether this is a corner resizer
+ */
+ virtual bool cornerResize() const { return false; }
+ QString name() const { return m_name; }
+ void setName(const QString &newname) { m_name = newname; }
+ /**
+ * pointer to main KolfGame
+ */
+ KolfGame *game;
+ /**
+ * returns the highest vertical strut the item is on
+ */
+ QCanvasRectangle *onVStrut();
+ QString m_name;
+ int id;