path: root/kpovmodeler/pmjuliafractal.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kpovmodeler/pmjuliafractal.cpp')
1 files changed, 449 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kpovmodeler/pmjuliafractal.cpp b/kpovmodeler/pmjuliafractal.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49ca9de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kpovmodeler/pmjuliafractal.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+ description
+ --------------------
+ copyright : (C) 2002 by Andreas Zehender
+ email :
+* *
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+* (at your option) any later version. *
+* *
+#include "pmjuliafractal.h"
+#include "pmxmlhelper.h"
+#include "pmjuliafractaledit.h"
+#include "pmmemento.h"
+#include "pmviewstructure.h"
+#include "pm3dcontrolpoint.h"
+#include "pmenumproperty.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+const PMVector c_defaultJuliaParameter = PMVector( -0.083, 0.0, -0.83, -0.025 );
+const PMVector c_defaultSliceNormal = PMVector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+const double c_defaultSliceDistance = 0.0;
+const int c_defaultMaxIterations = 20;
+const PMJuliaFractal::AlgebraType c_defaultAlgebraType = PMJuliaFractal::Quaternion;
+const QString c_defaultAlgebraString = "quaternion";
+const PMJuliaFractal::FunctionType c_defaultFunctionType = PMJuliaFractal::FTsqr;
+const QString c_defaultFunctionString = "sqr";
+const PMVector c_defaultExponent = PMVector( 0.0, 0.0 );
+const double c_defaultPrecision = 20.0;
+PMDefinePropertyClass( PMJuliaFractal, PMJuliaFractalProperty );
+PMDefineEnumPropertyClass( PMJuliaFractal, PMJuliaFractal::AlgebraType,
+ PMAlgebraTypeProperty );
+PMDefineEnumPropertyClass( PMJuliaFractal, PMJuliaFractal::FunctionType,
+ PMFunctionTypeProperty );
+PMMetaObject* PMJuliaFractal::s_pMetaObject = 0;
+PMObject* createNewJuliaFractal( PMPart* part )
+ return new PMJuliaFractal( part );
+PMJuliaFractal::PMJuliaFractal( PMPart* part )
+ : Base( part )
+ m_juliaParameter = c_defaultJuliaParameter;
+ m_algebraType = c_defaultAlgebraType;
+ m_functionType = c_defaultFunctionType;
+ m_maxIterations = c_defaultMaxIterations;
+ m_precision = c_defaultPrecision;
+ m_sliceNormal = c_defaultSliceNormal;
+ m_sliceDistance = c_defaultSliceDistance;
+ m_exponent = c_defaultExponent;
+PMJuliaFractal::PMJuliaFractal( const PMJuliaFractal& f )
+ : Base( f )
+ m_juliaParameter = f.m_juliaParameter;
+ m_algebraType = f.m_algebraType;
+ m_functionType = f.m_functionType;
+ m_maxIterations = f.m_maxIterations;
+ m_precision = f.m_precision;
+ m_sliceNormal = f.m_sliceNormal;
+ m_sliceDistance = f.m_sliceDistance;
+ m_exponent = f.m_exponent;
+PMJuliaFractal::~PMJuliaFractal( )
+QString PMJuliaFractal::description( ) const
+ return i18n( "julia fractal" );
+void PMJuliaFractal::serialize( QDomElement& e, QDomDocument& doc ) const
+ e.setAttribute( "julia_parameter", m_juliaParameter.serializeXML( ) );
+ e.setAttribute( "algebra_type", algebraTypeToString( m_algebraType ) );
+ e.setAttribute( "function_type", functionTypeToString( m_functionType ) );
+ e.setAttribute( "max_iterations", m_maxIterations );
+ e.setAttribute( "precision", m_precision );
+ e.setAttribute( "slice_normal", m_sliceNormal.serializeXML( ) );
+ e.setAttribute( "slice_distance", m_sliceDistance );
+ e.setAttribute( "exponent", m_exponent.serializeXML( ) );
+ Base::serialize( e, doc );
+void PMJuliaFractal::readAttributes( const PMXMLHelper& h )
+ m_juliaParameter = h.vectorAttribute( "julia_parameter", c_defaultJuliaParameter );
+ m_algebraType = stringToAlgebraType( h.stringAttribute( "algebra_type", c_defaultAlgebraString ) );
+ m_functionType = stringToFunctionType( h.stringAttribute( "function_type", c_defaultFunctionString ) );
+ m_maxIterations = h.intAttribute( "max_iterations", c_defaultMaxIterations );
+ m_precision = h.doubleAttribute( "precision", c_defaultPrecision );
+ m_sliceNormal = h.vectorAttribute( "slice_normal", c_defaultSliceNormal );
+ m_sliceDistance = h.doubleAttribute( "slice_distance", c_defaultSliceDistance );
+ m_exponent = h.vectorAttribute( "exponent", c_defaultExponent );
+ Base::readAttributes( h );
+PMMetaObject* PMJuliaFractal::metaObject( ) const
+ if( !s_pMetaObject )
+ {
+ s_pMetaObject = new PMMetaObject( "JuliaFractal", Base::metaObject( ),
+ createNewJuliaFractal );
+ s_pMetaObject->addProperty(
+ new PMJuliaFractalProperty( "juliaParameter", &PMJuliaFractal::setJuliaParameter,
+ &PMJuliaFractal::juliaParameter ) );
+ s_pMetaObject->addProperty(
+ new PMJuliaFractalProperty( "maximumIterations", &PMJuliaFractal::setMaximumIterations,
+ &PMJuliaFractal::maximumIterations ) );
+ s_pMetaObject->addProperty(
+ new PMJuliaFractalProperty( "precision", &PMJuliaFractal::setPrecision,
+ &PMJuliaFractal::precision ) );
+ s_pMetaObject->addProperty(
+ new PMJuliaFractalProperty( "sliceNormal", &PMJuliaFractal::setSliceNormal,
+ &PMJuliaFractal::sliceNormal ) );
+ s_pMetaObject->addProperty(
+ new PMJuliaFractalProperty( "sliceDistance", &PMJuliaFractal::setSliceDistance,
+ &PMJuliaFractal::sliceDistance ) );
+ s_pMetaObject->addProperty(
+ new PMJuliaFractalProperty( "exponent", &PMJuliaFractal::setExponent,
+ &PMJuliaFractal::exponent ) );
+ PMAlgebraTypeProperty* ap = new PMAlgebraTypeProperty(
+ "algebraType", &PMJuliaFractal::setAlgebraType, &PMJuliaFractal::algebraType );
+ ap->addEnumValue( "Quaternion", Quaternion );
+ ap->addEnumValue( "Hypercomplex", Hypercomplex );
+ s_pMetaObject->addProperty( ap );
+ PMFunctionTypeProperty* fp = new PMFunctionTypeProperty(
+ "functionType", &PMJuliaFractal::setFunctionType, &PMJuliaFractal::functionType );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "sqr", FTsqr );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "cube", FTcube );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "exp", FTexp );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "reciprocal", FTreciprocal );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "sin", FTsin );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "asin", FTasin );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "sinh", FTsinh );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "asinh", FTasinh );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "cos", FTcos );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "acos", FTacos );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "cosh", FTcosh );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "acosh", FTacosh );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "tan", FTtan );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "atan", FTatan );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "tanh", FTtanh );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "atanh", FTatanh );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "log", FTlog );
+ fp->addEnumValue( "pwr", FTpwr );
+ s_pMetaObject->addProperty( fp );
+ }
+ return s_pMetaObject;
+void PMJuliaFractal::cleanUp( ) const
+ if( s_pMetaObject )
+ {
+ delete s_pMetaObject;
+ s_pMetaObject = 0;
+ }
+ Base::cleanUp( );
+void PMJuliaFractal::setJuliaParameter( const PMVector& p )
+ if( p != m_juliaParameter )
+ {
+ if( m_pMemento )
+ m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMJuliaParameterID, m_juliaParameter );
+ m_juliaParameter = p;
+ m_juliaParameter.resize( 4 );
+ }
+void PMJuliaFractal::setAlgebraType( PMJuliaFractal::AlgebraType t )
+ if( m_algebraType != t )
+ {
+ if( m_pMemento )
+ m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMAlgebraTypeID, m_algebraType );
+ m_algebraType = t;
+ }
+void PMJuliaFractal::setFunctionType( PMJuliaFractal::FunctionType t )
+ if( m_functionType != t )
+ {
+ if( m_pMemento )
+ m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMFunctionTypeID, m_functionType );
+ m_functionType = t;
+ }
+void PMJuliaFractal::setMaximumIterations( int max )
+ if( max <= 0 )
+ {
+ kdError( PMArea ) << "max <= 0 in PMJuliaFractal::setMaximumIterations\n";
+ max = 20;
+ }
+ if( m_maxIterations != max )
+ {
+ if( m_pMemento )
+ m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMMaxIterationsID, m_maxIterations );
+ m_maxIterations = max;
+ }
+void PMJuliaFractal::setPrecision( double p )
+ if( p < 1.0 )
+ {
+ kdError( PMArea ) << "p < 1.0 in PMJuliaFractal::setPrecision\n";
+ p = 1.0;
+ }
+ if( m_precision != p )
+ {
+ if( m_pMemento )
+ m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMPrecisionID, m_precision );
+ m_precision = p;
+ }
+void PMJuliaFractal::setSliceNormal( const PMVector& n )
+ if( m_sliceNormal != n )
+ {
+ if( m_pMemento )
+ m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMSliceNormalID, m_sliceNormal );
+ m_sliceNormal = n;
+ m_sliceNormal.resize( 4 );
+ }
+void PMJuliaFractal::setSliceDistance( double d )
+ if( m_sliceDistance != d )
+ {
+ if( m_pMemento )
+ m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMSliceDistanceID, m_sliceDistance );
+ m_sliceDistance = d;
+ }
+void PMJuliaFractal::setExponent( const PMVector& e )
+ if( m_exponent != e )
+ {
+ if( m_pMemento )
+ m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMExponentID, m_exponent );
+ m_exponent = e;
+ m_exponent.resize( 2 );
+ }
+PMDialogEditBase* PMJuliaFractal::editWidget( QWidget* parent ) const
+ return new PMJuliaFractalEdit( parent );
+void PMJuliaFractal::restoreMemento( PMMemento* s )
+ PMMementoDataIterator it( s );
+ PMMementoData* data;
+ for( ; it.current( ); ++it )
+ {
+ data = it.current( );
+ if( data->objectType( ) == s_pMetaObject )
+ {
+ switch( data->valueID( ) )
+ {
+ case PMJuliaParameterID:
+ setJuliaParameter( data->vectorData( ) );
+ break;
+ case PMAlgebraTypeID:
+ setAlgebraType( ( AlgebraType ) data->intData( ) );
+ break;
+ case PMFunctionTypeID:
+ setFunctionType( ( FunctionType ) data->intData( ) );
+ break;
+ case PMMaxIterationsID:
+ setMaximumIterations( data->intData( ) );
+ break;
+ case PMPrecisionID:
+ setPrecision( data->doubleData( ) );
+ break;
+ case PMSliceNormalID:
+ setSliceNormal( data->vectorData( ) );
+ break;
+ case PMSliceDistanceID:
+ setSliceDistance( data->doubleData( ) );
+ break;
+ case PMExponentID:
+ setExponent( data->vectorData( ) );
+ break;
+ default:
+ kdError( PMArea ) << "Wrong ID in PMJuliaFractal::restoreMemento\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Base::restoreMemento( s );
+QString PMJuliaFractal::functionTypeToString( PMJuliaFractal::FunctionType t )
+ QString result = "sqr";
+ switch( t )
+ {
+ case FTsqr:
+ result = "sqr";
+ break;
+ case FTcube:
+ result = "cube";
+ break;
+ case FTexp:
+ result = "exp";
+ break;
+ case FTreciprocal:
+ result = "reciprocal";
+ break;
+ case FTsin:
+ result = "sin";
+ break;
+ case FTasin:
+ result = "asin";
+ break;
+ case FTsinh:
+ result = "sinh";
+ break;
+ case FTasinh:
+ result = "asinh";
+ break;
+ case FTcos:
+ result = "cos";
+ break;
+ case FTacos:
+ result = "acos";
+ break;
+ case FTcosh:
+ result = "cosh";
+ break;
+ case FTacosh:
+ result = "acosh";
+ break;
+ case FTtan:
+ result = "tan";
+ break;
+ case FTatan:
+ result = "atan";
+ break;
+ case FTtanh:
+ result = "tanh";
+ break;
+ case FTatanh:
+ result = "atanh";
+ break;
+ case FTlog:
+ result = "log";
+ break;
+ case FTpwr:
+ result = "pwr";
+ break;
+ }
+ return result;
+PMJuliaFractal::FunctionType PMJuliaFractal::stringToFunctionType( const QString& str )
+ FunctionType t = c_defaultFunctionType;
+ if( str == "sqr" )
+ t = FTsqr;
+ else if( str == "cube" )
+ t = FTcube;
+ else if( str == "exp" )
+ t = FTexp;
+ else if( str == "reciprocal" )
+ t = FTreciprocal;
+ else if( str == "sin" )
+ t = FTsin;
+ else if( str == "asin" )
+ t = FTasin;
+ else if( str == "sinh" )
+ t = FTsinh;
+ else if( str == "asinh" )
+ t = FTasinh;
+ else if( str == "cos" )
+ t = FTcos;
+ else if( str == "acos" )
+ t = FTacos;
+ else if( str == "cosh" )
+ t = FTcosh;
+ else if( str == "acosh" )
+ t = FTacosh;
+ else if( str == "tan" )
+ t = FTtan;
+ else if( str == "atan" )
+ t = FTatan;
+ else if( str == "tanh" )
+ t = FTtanh;
+ else if( str == "atanh" )
+ t = FTatanh;
+ else if( str == "log" )
+ t = FTlog;
+ else if( str == "pwr" )
+ t = FTpwr;
+ return t;
+QString PMJuliaFractal::algebraTypeToString( PMJuliaFractal::AlgebraType t )
+ QString result;
+ if( t == Quaternion )
+ result = "quaternion";
+ else
+ result = "hypercomplex";
+ return result;
+PMJuliaFractal::AlgebraType PMJuliaFractal::stringToAlgebraType( const QString& str )
+ AlgebraType t = c_defaultAlgebraType;
+ if( str == "quaternion" )
+ t = Quaternion;
+ else if( str == "hypercomplex" )
+ t = Hypercomplex;
+ return t;