//======================================================================== // // Page.cpp // // Copyright 1996-2007 Glyph & Cog, LLC // //======================================================================== #include #ifdef USE_GCC_PRAGMAS #pragma implementation #endif #include #include "GlobalParams.h" #include "Object.h" #include "Array.h" #include "Dict.h" #include "XRef.h" #include "Link.h" #include "OutputDev.h" #ifndef PDF_PARSER_ONLY #include "Gfx.h" #include "GfxState.h" #include "Annot.h" #endif #include "Error.h" #include "Catalog.h" #include "Page.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // PDFRectangle //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void PDFRectangle::clipTo(PDFRectangle *rect) { if (x1 < rect->x1) { x1 = rect->x1; } else if (x1 > rect->x2) { x1 = rect->x2; } if (x2 < rect->x1) { x2 = rect->x1; } else if (x2 > rect->x2) { x2 = rect->x2; } if (y1 < rect->y1) { y1 = rect->y1; } else if (y1 > rect->y2) { y1 = rect->y2; } if (y2 < rect->y1) { y2 = rect->y1; } else if (y2 > rect->y2) { y2 = rect->y2; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // PageAttrs //------------------------------------------------------------------------ PageAttrs::PageAttrs(PageAttrs *attrs, Dict *dict) { Object obj1; // get old/default values if (attrs) { mediaBox = attrs->mediaBox; cropBox = attrs->cropBox; haveCropBox = attrs->haveCropBox; rotate = attrs->rotate; attrs->resources.copy(&resources); } else { // set default MediaBox to 8.5" x 11" -- this shouldn't be necessary // but some (non-compliant) PDF files don't specify a MediaBox mediaBox.x1 = 0; mediaBox.y1 = 0; mediaBox.x2 = 612; mediaBox.y2 = 792; cropBox.x1 = cropBox.y1 = cropBox.x2 = cropBox.y2 = 0; haveCropBox = gFalse; rotate = 0; resources.initNull(); } // media box readBox(dict, "MediaBox", &mediaBox); // crop box if (readBox(dict, "CropBox", &cropBox)) { haveCropBox = gTrue; } if (!haveCropBox) { cropBox = mediaBox; } else { // cropBox can not be bigger than mediaBox if (cropBox.x2 - cropBox.x1 > mediaBox.x2 - mediaBox.x1) { cropBox.x1 = mediaBox.x1; cropBox.x2 = mediaBox.x2; } if (cropBox.y2 - cropBox.y1 > mediaBox.y2 - mediaBox.y1) { cropBox.y1 = mediaBox.y1; cropBox.y2 = mediaBox.y2; } } // other boxes bleedBox = cropBox; readBox(dict, "BleedBox", &bleedBox); trimBox = cropBox; readBox(dict, "TrimBox", &trimBox); artBox = cropBox; readBox(dict, "ArtBox", &artBox); // clip all other boxes to the media box cropBox.clipTo(&mediaBox); bleedBox.clipTo(&mediaBox); trimBox.clipTo(&mediaBox); artBox.clipTo(&mediaBox); // rotate dict->lookup("Rotate", &obj1); if (obj1.isInt()) { rotate = obj1.getInt(); } obj1.free(); while (rotate < 0) { rotate += 360; } while (rotate >= 360) { rotate -= 360; } // misc attributes dict->lookup("LastModified", &lastModified); dict->lookup("BoxColorInfo", &boxColorInfo); dict->lookup("Group", &group); dict->lookup("Metadata", &metadata); dict->lookup("PieceInfo", &pieceInfo); dict->lookup("SeparationInfo", &separationInfo); // resource dictionary dict->lookup("Resources", &obj1); if (obj1.isDict()) { resources.free(); obj1.copy(&resources); } obj1.free(); } PageAttrs::~PageAttrs() { lastModified.free(); boxColorInfo.free(); group.free(); metadata.free(); pieceInfo.free(); separationInfo.free(); resources.free(); } GBool PageAttrs::readBox(Dict *dict, char *key, PDFRectangle *box) { PDFRectangle tmp; double t; Object obj1, obj2; GBool ok; dict->lookup(key, &obj1); if (obj1.isArray() && obj1.arrayGetLength() == 4) { ok = gTrue; obj1.arrayGet(0, &obj2); if (obj2.isNum()) { tmp.x1 = obj2.getNum(); } else { ok = gFalse; } obj2.free(); obj1.arrayGet(1, &obj2); if (obj2.isNum()) { tmp.y1 = obj2.getNum(); } else { ok = gFalse; } obj2.free(); obj1.arrayGet(2, &obj2); if (obj2.isNum()) { tmp.x2 = obj2.getNum(); } else { ok = gFalse; } obj2.free(); obj1.arrayGet(3, &obj2); if (obj2.isNum()) { tmp.y2 = obj2.getNum(); } else { ok = gFalse; } obj2.free(); if (ok) { if (tmp.x1 > tmp.x2) { t = tmp.x1; tmp.x1 = tmp.x2; tmp.x2 = t; } if (tmp.y1 > tmp.y2) { t = tmp.y1; tmp.y1 = tmp.y2; tmp.y2 = t; } *box = tmp; } } else { ok = gFalse; } obj1.free(); return ok; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // PageTransition //------------------------------------------------------------------------ PageTransition::PageTransition(Dict *dict) : type(Replace), duration(1), alignment(Horizontal), direction(Inward), angle(0), scale(1.0), rectangular(false) { Object dictObj; Object obj; dict->lookup("Trans", &dictObj); if (dictObj.isDict()) { Dict *transDict = dictObj.getDict(); if (transDict->lookup("S", &obj)->isName()) { const char *s = obj.getName(); if (strcmp("R", s) == 0) type = Replace; else if (strcmp("Split", s) == 0) type = Split; else if (strcmp("Blinds", s) == 0) type = Blinds; else if (strcmp("Box", s) == 0) type = Box; else if (strcmp("Wipe", s) == 0) type = Wipe; else if (strcmp("Dissolve", s) == 0) type = Dissolve; else if (strcmp("Glitter", s) == 0) type = Glitter; else if (strcmp("Fly", s) == 0) type = Fly; else if (strcmp("Push", s) == 0) type = Push; else if (strcmp("Cover", s) == 0) type = Cover; else if (strcmp("Uncover", s) == 0) type = Push; else if (strcmp("Fade", s) == 0) type = Cover; } obj.free(); if (transDict->lookup("D", &obj)->isInt()) { duration = obj.getInt(); } obj.free(); if (transDict->lookup("Dm", &obj)->isName()) { const char *dm = obj.getName(); if ( strcmp( "H", dm ) == 0 ) alignment = Horizontal; else if ( strcmp( "V", dm ) == 0 ) alignment = Vertical; } obj.free(); if (transDict->lookup("M", &obj)->isName()) { const char *m = obj.getName(); if ( strcmp( "I", m ) == 0 ) direction = Inward; else if ( strcmp( "O", m ) == 0 ) direction = Outward; } obj.free(); if (transDict->lookup("Di", &obj)->isInt()) { angle = obj.getInt(); } obj.free(); if (transDict->lookup("Di", &obj)->isName()) { if ( strcmp( "None", obj.getName() ) == 0 ) angle = 0; } obj.free(); if (transDict->lookup("SS", &obj)->isReal()) { scale = obj.getReal(); } obj.free(); if (transDict->lookup("B", &obj)->isBool()) { rectangular = obj.getBool(); } obj.free(); } dictObj.free(); } PageTransition::~PageTransition() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Page //------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page::Page(XRef *xrefA, int numA, Dict *pageDict, PageAttrs *attrsA) { ok = gTrue; xref = xrefA; num = numA; // get attributes attrs = attrsA; // get transition transition = new PageTransition( pageDict ); // annotations pageDict->lookupNF("Annots", &annots); if (!(annots.isRef() || annots.isArray() || annots.isNull())) { error(-1, "Page annotations object (page %d) is wrong type (%s)", num, annots.getTypeName()); annots.free(); goto err2; } // contents pageDict->lookupNF("Contents", &contents); if (!(contents.isRef() || contents.isArray() || contents.isNull())) { error(-1, "Page contents object (page %d) is wrong type (%s)", num, contents.getTypeName()); contents.free(); goto err1; } return; err2: annots.initNull(); err1: contents.initNull(); ok = gFalse; } Page::~Page() { delete attrs; delete transition; annots.free(); contents.free(); } Links *Page::getLinks(Catalog *catalog) { Links *links; Object obj; links = new Links(getAnnots(&obj), catalog->getBaseURI()); obj.free(); return links; } void Page::display(OutputDev *out, double hDPI, double vDPI, int rotate, GBool useMediaBox, GBool crop, GBool printing, Catalog *catalog, GBool (*abortCheckCbk)(void *data), void *abortCheckCbkData) { displaySlice(out, hDPI, vDPI, rotate, useMediaBox, crop, -1, -1, -1, -1, printing, catalog, abortCheckCbk, abortCheckCbkData); } void Page::displaySlice(OutputDev *out, double hDPI, double vDPI, int rotate, GBool useMediaBox, GBool crop, int sliceX, int sliceY, int sliceW, int sliceH, GBool printing, Catalog *catalog, GBool (*abortCheckCbk)(void *data), void *abortCheckCbkData) { #ifndef PDF_PARSER_ONLY PDFRectangle *mediaBox, *cropBox; PDFRectangle box; Gfx *gfx; Object obj; Annots *annotList; Dict *acroForm; int i; if (!out->checkPageSlice(this, hDPI, vDPI, rotate, useMediaBox, crop, sliceX, sliceY, sliceW, sliceH, printing, catalog, abortCheckCbk, abortCheckCbkData)) { return; } rotate += getRotate(); if (rotate >= 360) { rotate -= 360; } else if (rotate < 0) { rotate += 360; } makeBox(hDPI, vDPI, rotate, useMediaBox, out->upsideDown(), sliceX, sliceY, sliceW, sliceH, &box, &crop); cropBox = getCropBox(); if (globalParams->getPrintCommands()) { mediaBox = getMediaBox(); printf("***** MediaBox = ll:%g,%g ur:%g,%g\n", mediaBox->x1, mediaBox->y1, mediaBox->x2, mediaBox->y2); printf("***** CropBox = ll:%g,%g ur:%g,%g\n", cropBox->x1, cropBox->y1, cropBox->x2, cropBox->y2); printf("***** Rotate = %d\n", attrs->getRotate()); } gfx = new Gfx(xref, out, num, attrs->getResourceDict(), hDPI, vDPI, &box, crop ? cropBox : (PDFRectangle *)NULL, rotate, abortCheckCbk, abortCheckCbkData); contents.fetch(xref, &obj); if (!obj.isNull()) { gfx->saveState(); gfx->display(&obj); gfx->restoreState(); } obj.free(); // draw annotations annotList = new Annots(xref, catalog, getAnnots(&obj)); obj.free(); acroForm = catalog->getAcroForm()->isDict() ? catalog->getAcroForm()->getDict() : NULL; if (acroForm) { if (acroForm->lookup("NeedAppearances", &obj)) { if (obj.isBool() && obj.getBool()) { annotList->generateAppearances(acroForm); } } obj.free(); } if (annotList->getNumAnnots() > 0) { if (globalParams->getPrintCommands()) { printf("***** Annotations\n"); } for (i = 0; i < annotList->getNumAnnots(); ++i) { annotList->getAnnot(i)->draw(gfx, printing); } out->dump(); } delete annotList; delete gfx; #endif } void Page::makeBox(double hDPI, double vDPI, int rotate, GBool useMediaBox, GBool upsideDown, double sliceX, double sliceY, double sliceW, double sliceH, PDFRectangle *box, GBool *crop) { PDFRectangle *mediaBox, *cropBox, *baseBox; double kx, ky; mediaBox = getMediaBox(); cropBox = getCropBox(); if (sliceW >= 0 && sliceH >= 0) { baseBox = useMediaBox ? mediaBox : cropBox; kx = 72.0 / hDPI; ky = 72.0 / vDPI; if (rotate == 90) { if (upsideDown) { box->x1 = baseBox->x1 + ky * sliceY; box->x2 = baseBox->x1 + ky * (sliceY + sliceH); } else { box->x1 = baseBox->x2 - ky * (sliceY + sliceH); box->x2 = baseBox->x2 - ky * sliceY; } box->y1 = baseBox->y1 + kx * sliceX; box->y2 = baseBox->y1 + kx * (sliceX + sliceW); } else if (rotate == 180) { box->x1 = baseBox->x2 - kx * (sliceX + sliceW); box->x2 = baseBox->x2 - kx * sliceX; if (upsideDown) { box->y1 = baseBox->y1 + ky * sliceY; box->y2 = baseBox->y1 + ky * (sliceY + sliceH); } else { box->y1 = baseBox->y2 - ky * (sliceY + sliceH); box->y2 = baseBox->y2 - ky * sliceY; } } else if (rotate == 270) { if (upsideDown) { box->x1 = baseBox->x2 - ky * (sliceY + sliceH); box->x2 = baseBox->x2 - ky * sliceY; } else { box->x1 = baseBox->x1 + ky * sliceY; box->x2 = baseBox->x1 + ky * (sliceY + sliceH); } box->y1 = baseBox->y2 - kx * (sliceX + sliceW); box->y2 = baseBox->y2 - kx * sliceX; } else { box->x1 = baseBox->x1 + kx * sliceX; box->x2 = baseBox->x1 + kx * (sliceX + sliceW); if (upsideDown) { box->y1 = baseBox->y2 - ky * (sliceY + sliceH); box->y2 = baseBox->y2 - ky * sliceY; } else { box->y1 = baseBox->y1 + ky * sliceY; box->y2 = baseBox->y1 + ky * (sliceY + sliceH); } } } else if (useMediaBox) { *box = *mediaBox; } else { *box = *cropBox; *crop = gFalse; } } void Page::processLinks(OutputDev *out, Catalog *catalog) { Links *links; int i; links = getLinks(catalog); for (i = 0; i < links->getNumLinks(); ++i) { out->processLink(links->getLink(i), catalog); } delete links; } void Page::getDefaultCTM(double *ctm, double hDPI, double vDPI, int rotate, GBool useMediaBox, GBool upsideDown) { GfxState *state; int i; rotate += getRotate(); if (rotate >= 360) { rotate -= 360; } else if (rotate < 0) { rotate += 360; } state = new GfxState(hDPI, vDPI, useMediaBox ? getMediaBox() : getCropBox(), rotate, upsideDown); for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { ctm[i] = state->getCTM()[i]; } delete state; }