GeneralConfigWidget Matthias Kretz <> GeneralConfigWidget 0 0 398 327 unnamed 0 Layout4 unnamed m_pMinHeight Minimum height: 1 200 The height of the image shown will not get smaller than the size you enter here. A value of 10 would cause a 1x1 image to be stretched vertically by a factor of 10. m_pMaxHeight Maximum height: 1 100000 The height of the image shown will not get bigger than the size you enter here. A value of 100 would cause a 1000x1000 image to be compressed vertically by a factor of 0.1. m_pMinWidth Minimum width: 1 200 The width of the image shown will not get smaller than the size you enter here. A value of 10 would cause a 1x1 image to be stretched horizontally by a factor of 10. m_pMaxWidth Maximum width: 1 100000 The width of the image shown will not get bigger than the size you enter here. A value of 100 would cause a 1000x1000 image to be compressed horizontally by a factor of 0.1. Spacer3 Horizontal MinimumExpanding 0 0 Spacer2 Horizontal MinimumExpanding 0 0 layout3 unnamed TextLabel3 Choose which blend effects should be used: Effect true true m_pListView NoSelection true Every effect selected may be used to create a transition effect between the images. If you select multiple effects they will be chosen randomly. layout4 unnamed m_pSmoothScaling Use smooth scaling (high quality but slower) m_pKeepRatio Keep aspect ratio If this is checked KView will always try to keep the aspect ratio. That means if the width is scaled with a factor x, the height is scaled with the same factor. m_pCenterImage Center image groupBox3 &Background Color unnamed m_bgColor 0 0 0 0 32 32 spacer9 Horizontal Expanding 151 21 m_pSmoothScaling m_pKeepRatio m_pCenterImage m_pMinWidth m_pMinHeight m_pMaxWidth m_pMaxHeight m_pListView kcolorbutton.h kdialog.h knuminput.h tdelistview.h