optionDialogAccessibilityWidget optionDialogAccessibilityWidget 0 0 487 384 unnamed 0 kcfg_ChangeColors 5 7 0 0 Change &Colors true false unnamed warn 5 4 0 0 80 0 0 Warning: these options can badly affect drawing speed. PlainText kcfg_RenderMode false 5 4 0 0 NoFrame 0 unnamed 0 radioInverted &Invert colors true radioNormal Change &paper color tqlayout5 unnamed spacer14_3 Horizontal Fixed 16 20 textLabel1 false Paper color: kcfg_PaperColor kcfg_PaperColor false spacer7_2 Horizontal Expanding 30 20 radioRecolor &Change dark and light colors tqlayout2 unnamed 0 spacer12_2 Horizontal Expanding 48 21 kcfg_RecolorBackground false spacer14_2 Horizontal Fixed 16 20 kcfg_RecolorForeground false spacer12 Horizontal Expanding 48 21 textLabel3_2 false Light color: spacer14 Horizontal Fixed 16 20 textLabel3 false Dark color: radioContrast Convert to &black and white tqlayout5 unnamed textLabel2_2 false Contrast: spacer11_2 Horizontal Fixed 16 20 spacer11 Horizontal Fixed 16 20 kcfg_BWContrast false 7 0 0 0 1 Horizontal kcfg_BWThreshold false 7 0 0 0 16 Horizontal textLabel2 false Threshold: radioRecolor toggled(bool) textLabel3 setEnabled(bool) radioRecolor toggled(bool) kcfg_RecolorForeground setEnabled(bool) radioRecolor toggled(bool) textLabel3_2 setEnabled(bool) radioRecolor toggled(bool) kcfg_RecolorBackground setEnabled(bool) radioContrast toggled(bool) textLabel2 setEnabled(bool) radioContrast toggled(bool) kcfg_BWThreshold setEnabled(bool) radioNormal toggled(bool) textLabel1 setEnabled(bool) radioNormal toggled(bool) kcfg_PaperColor setEnabled(bool) radioContrast toggled(bool) textLabel2_2 setEnabled(bool) radioContrast toggled(bool) kcfg_BWContrast setEnabled(bool) kcfg_ChangeColors toggled(bool) kcfg_RenderMode setEnabled(bool) kdialog.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h