path: root/kbabel/filters/gettext/gettextimport.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kbabel/filters/gettext/gettextimport.cpp')
1 files changed, 821 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kbabel/filters/gettext/gettextimport.cpp b/kbabel/filters/gettext/gettextimport.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f54301d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kbabel/filters/gettext/gettextimport.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 3; replace-tabs on;
+/* ****************************************************************************
+ This file is part of KBabel
+ Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by Matthias Kiefer <>
+ 2001-2003 by Stanislav Visnovsky <>
+ Copyright (C) 2006 by Nicolas GOUTTE <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
+ permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
+ the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions
+ of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked
+ combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
+ Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
+ Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to
+ your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
+ you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
+ your version.
+**************************************************************************** */
+#include "gettextimport.h"
+#include <catalogitem.h>
+#include <resources.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qtextcodec.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( kbabel_gettextimport, KGenericFactory<GettextImportPlugin> ( "kbabelgettextimportfilter" ) )
+using namespace KBabel;
+GettextImportPlugin::GettextImportPlugin(QObject* parent, const char* name, const QStringList &) : CatalogImportPlugin(parent,name)
+ConversionStatus GettextImportPlugin::load(const QString& filename, const QString&)
+ kdDebug( KBABEL ) << k_funcinfo << endl;
+ if ( filename.isEmpty() ) {
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << "fatal error: empty filename to open" << endl;
+ return NO_FILE;
+ }
+ QFileInfo info(filename);
+ if(!info.exists() || info.isDir())
+ return NO_FILE;
+ if(!info.isReadable())
+ QFile file(filename);
+ if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) )
+ uint oldPercent = 0;
+ emit signalResetProgressBar(i18n("loading file"),100);
+ QByteArray ba = file.readAll();
+ file.close();
+ // find codec for file
+ bool hadCodec;
+ QTextCodec* codec=codecForArray( ba, &hadCodec );
+ bool recoveredErrorInHeader = false;
+ QTextStream stream(ba,IO_ReadOnly);
+ if(codec)
+ stream.setCodec(codec);
+ else
+ {
+ kdWarning() << "No encoding declared or found, using UTF-8" << endl;
+ stream.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+# warning Default UTF-8 encoding needs to be improved
+ // Templates define CHARSET, so if e make it a recoverable error, the template is not loadable anymore, as for templates recoverable errors are disqualifying.
+ //recoveredErrorInHeader = true;
+ }
+ QIODevice *dev = stream.device();
+ int fileSize = dev->size();
+ // if somethings goes wrong with the parsing, we don't have deleted the old contents
+ CatalogItem tempHeader;
+ QStringList tempObsolete;
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << "start parsing..." << endl;
+ // first read header
+ const ConversionStatus status = readHeader(stream);
+ if ( status == RECOVERED_PARSE_ERROR )
+ {
+ kdDebug( KBABEL ) << "Recovered error in header entry" << endl;
+ recoveredErrorInHeader = true;
+ }
+ else if ( status != OK )
+ {
+ emit signalClearProgressBar();
+ kdDebug( KBABEL ) << "Parse error in header entry" << endl;
+ return status;
+ }
+ kdDebug() << "HEADER MSGID: " << _msgid << endl;
+ kdDebug() << "HEADER MSGSTR: " << _msgstr << endl;
+ if ( !_msgid.isEmpty() && !_msgid.first().isEmpty() )
+ {
+ // The header must have an empty msgid
+ kdWarning(KBABEL) << "Header entry has non-empty msgid. Creating a temporary header! " << _msgid << endl;
+ tempHeader.setMsgid( QStringList() );
+ QStringList tmp;
+ tmp.append(
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n" // Unknown charset
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n"
+ "Mime-Version: 1.0" );
+ tempHeader.setMsgstr( tmp );
+ // We keep the comment of the first entry, as it might really be a header comment (at least partially)
+ const QString comment( "# Header entry was created by KBabel!\n#\n" + _comment );
+ tempHeader.setComment( comment );
+ recoveredErrorInHeader = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tempHeader.setMsgid( _msgid );
+ tempHeader.setMsgstr( _msgstr );
+ tempHeader.setComment( _comment );
+ }
+ if(tempHeader.isFuzzy())
+ {
+ tempHeader.removeFuzzy();
+ }
+ // check if header seems to indicate docbook content generated by xml2pot
+ const bool docbookContent = (tempHeader.msgstr().find("application/x-xml2pot") != tempHeader.msgstr().end());
+ // now parse the rest of the file
+ uint counter=0;
+ QValueList<uint> errorIndex;
+ bool recoveredError=false;
+ bool docbookFile=false;
+ while( !stream.eof() )
+ {
+ kapp->processEvents(10);
+ if( isStopped() )
+ {
+ return STOPPED;
+ }
+ const ConversionStatus success=readEntry(stream);
+ if(success==OK)
+ {
+ if( _obsolete )
+ {
+ tempObsolete.append(_comment);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CatalogItem tempCatItem;
+ tempCatItem.setMsgctxt( _msgctxt );
+ tempCatItem.setMsgid( _msgid );
+ tempCatItem.setMsgstr( _msgstr );
+ tempCatItem.setComment( _comment );
+ tempCatItem.setGettextPluralForm( _gettextPluralForm );
+ // add new entry to the list of entries
+ appendCatalogItem(tempCatItem);
+ // check if first comment seems to indicate a docbook source file
+ if(counter==0)
+ docbookFile = ( tempCatItem.comment().find(".docbook") != -1 );
+ }
+ }
+ else if(success==RECOVERED_PARSE_ERROR)
+ {
+ kdDebug( KBABEL ) << "Recovered parse error in entry: " << counter << endl;
+ recoveredError=true;
+ errorIndex.append(counter);
+ CatalogItem tempCatItem;
+ tempCatItem.setMsgctxt( _msgctxt );
+ tempCatItem.setMsgid( _msgid );
+ tempCatItem.setMsgstr( _msgstr );
+ tempCatItem.setComment( _comment );
+ tempCatItem.setGettextPluralForm( _gettextPluralForm );
+ // add new entry to the list of entries
+ appendCatalogItem(tempCatItem);
+ }
+ else if ( success == PARSE_ERROR )
+ {
+ kdDebug( KBABEL ) << "Parse error in entry: " << counter << endl;
+ return PARSE_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kdWarning( KBABEL ) << "Unknown success status, assumig parse error " << success << endl;
+ return PARSE_ERROR;
+ }
+ counter++;
+ const uint newPercent = (100*dev->at())/fileSize;
+ if(newPercent > oldPercent)
+ {
+ oldPercent = newPercent;
+ emit signalProgress(oldPercent);
+ }
+ }
+ // to be sure it is set to 100, if someone don't connect to
+ // signalClearProgressBar()
+ emit signalProgress(100);
+ emit signalClearProgressBar();
+ // ### TODO: can we check that there is no useful entry?
+ if ( !counter )
+ {
+ // Empty file? (Otherwise, there would be a try of getting an entry and the count would be 1 !)
+ kdDebug( KBABEL ) << k_funcinfo << " Empty file?" << endl;
+ return PARSE_ERROR;
+ }
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << k_funcinfo << " ready" << endl;
+ // We have succesfully loaded the file (perhaps with recovered errors)
+ setGeneratedFromDocbook(docbookContent || docbookFile);
+ setHeader(tempHeader);
+ setCatalogExtraData(tempObsolete);
+ setErrorIndex(errorIndex);
+ if(hadCodec)
+ setFileCodec(codec);
+ else
+ setFileCodec(0);
+ setMimeTypes( "application/x-gettext" );
+ if ( recoveredErrorInHeader )
+ {
+ kdDebug( KBABEL ) << k_funcinfo << " Returning: header error" << endl;
+ }
+ else if ( recoveredError )
+ {
+ kdDebug( KBABEL ) << k_funcinfo << " Returning: recovered parse error" << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kdDebug( KBABEL ) << k_funcinfo << " Returning: OK! :-)" << endl;
+ return OK;
+ }
+QTextCodec* GettextImportPlugin::codecForArray(QByteArray& array, bool* hadCodec)
+ if(hadCodec)
+ {
+ *hadCodec=false;
+ }
+ QTextStream stream( array, IO_ReadOnly );
+ // ### TODO Qt4: see if it can be done with QByteArray alone, in an encoding-neutral way.
+ // Set ISO-8859-1 as it is a relatively neutral encoding when reading (compared to UTF-8 or a random locale encoing)
+ stream.setEncoding( QTextStream::Latin1 );
+ // first read header
+ ConversionStatus status = readHeader(stream);
+ if(status!=OK && status != RECOVERED_PARSE_ERROR)
+ {
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << "wasn't able to read header" << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const QString head = _msgstr.first();
+ QRegExp regexp("Content-Type:\\s*\\w+/[-\\w]+;?\\s*charset\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)\\s*\\\\n");
+ if( head ) == -1 )
+ {
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << "no charset entry found" << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const QString charset = regexp.cap(1);
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << "charset: " << charset << endl;
+ QTextCodec* codec=0;
+ if(!charset.isEmpty())
+ {
+ // "CHARSET" is the default charset entry in a template (pot).
+ // characters in a template should be either pure ascii or
+ // at least utf8, so utf8-codec can be used for both.
+ if( charset == "CHARSET")
+ {
+ if(hadCodec)
+ *hadCodec=false;
+ codec=QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8");
+ kdDebug(KBABEL)
+ << QString("file seems to be a template: using utf-8 encoding.")
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ codec=QTextCodec::codecForName(charset.latin1());
+ if(hadCodec)
+ *hadCodec=true;
+ }
+ if(!codec)
+ {
+ kdWarning(KBABEL) << "charset found, but no codec available, using UTF-8 instead" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // No charset? So it is probably ASCII, therefore UTF-8
+ kdWarning(KBABEL) << "No charset defined! Assuming UTF-8!" << endl;
+ }
+ return codec;
+ConversionStatus GettextImportPlugin::readHeader(QTextStream& stream)
+ CatalogItem temp;
+ int filePos=stream.device()->at();
+ ConversionStatus status=readEntry(stream);
+ if(status==OK || status==RECOVERED_PARSE_ERROR)
+ {
+ // test if this is the header
+ if(!_msgid.first().isEmpty())
+ {
+ stream.device()->at(filePos);
+ }
+ return status;
+ }
+ return PARSE_ERROR;
+ConversionStatus GettextImportPlugin::readEntry(QTextStream& stream)
+ //kdDebug( KBABEL ) << k_funcinfo << " START" << endl;
+ enum {Begin,Comment,Msgctxt,Msgid,Msgstr} part=Begin;
+ QString line;
+ bool error=false;
+ bool recoverableError=false;
+ bool seenMsgctxt=false;
+ _msgstr.clear();
+ _msgstr.append(QString());
+ _msgid.clear();
+ _msgid.append(QString());
+ _msgctxt=QString();
+ _comment=QString();
+ _gettextPluralForm=false;
+ _obsolete=false;
+ QStringList::Iterator msgstrIt=_msgstr.begin();
+ while( !stream.eof() )
+ {
+ const int pos=stream.device()->at();
+ line=stream.readLine();
+ //kdDebug() << "Parsing line: " << line << endl;
+ // ### Qt4: no need of a such a check
+ if(line.isNull()) // file end
+ break;
+ else if ( line.startsWith( "<<<<<<<" ) || line.startsWith( "=======" ) || line.startsWith( ">>>>>>>" ) )
+ {
+ // We have found a CVS/SVN conflict marker. Abort.
+ // (It cannot be any useful data of the PO file, as otherwise the line would start with at least a quote)
+ kdError(KBABEL) << "CVS/SVN conflict marker found! Aborting!" << endl << line << endl;
+ return PARSE_ERROR;
+ }
+ // remove whitespaces from beginning and end of line
+ line=line.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if(part==Begin)
+ {
+ // ignore trailing newlines
+ if(line.isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ if(line.startsWith("#~"))
+ {
+ _obsolete=true;
+ part=Comment;
+ _comment=line;
+ }
+ else if(line.startsWith("#"))
+ {
+ part=Comment;
+ _comment=line;
+ }
+ else if(line.find(QRegExp("^msgctxt\\s*\".*\"$")) != -1)
+ {
+ part=Msgctxt;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgctxt\\s*\""));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ _msgctxt=line;
+ seenMsgctxt=true;
+ }
+ else if(line.find(QRegExp("^msgid\\s*\".*\"$")) != -1)
+ {
+ part=Msgid;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgid\\s*\""));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ (*(_msgid).begin())=line;
+ }
+ // one of the quotation marks is missing
+ else if(line.find(QRegExp("^msgid\\s*\"?.*\"?$")) != -1)
+ {
+ part=Msgid;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgid\\s*\"?"));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ (*(_msgid).begin())=line;
+ if(!line.isEmpty())
+ recoverableError=true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << "no comment, msgctxt or msgid found after a comment: " << line << endl;
+ error=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(part==Comment)
+ {
+ if(line.isEmpty() && _obsolete ) return OK;
+ if(line.isEmpty() )
+ continue;
+ else if(line.startsWith("#~"))
+ {
+ _comment+=("\n"+line);
+ _obsolete=true;
+ }
+ else if(line.startsWith("#"))
+ {
+ _comment+=("\n"+line);
+ }
+ else if(line.find(QRegExp("^msgctxt\\s*\".*\"$")) != -1)
+ {
+ part=Msgctxt;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgctxt\\s*\""));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ _msgctxt=line;
+ seenMsgctxt=true;
+ }
+ else if(line.find(QRegExp("^msgid\\s*\".*\"$")) != -1)
+ {
+ part=Msgid;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgid\\s*\""));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ (*(_msgid).begin())=line;
+ }
+ // one of the quotation marks is missing
+ else if(line.find(QRegExp("^msgid\\s*\"?.*\"?$")) != -1)
+ {
+ part=Msgid;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgid\\s*\"?"));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ (*(_msgid).begin())=line;
+ if(!line.isEmpty())
+ recoverableError=true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << "no comment or msgid found after a comment while parsing: " << _comment << endl;
+ error=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(part==Msgctxt)
+ {
+ if(line.isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ else if(line.find(QRegExp("^\".*\\n?\"$")) != -1)
+ {
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^\""));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ // add Msgctxt line to item
+ if(_msgctxt.isEmpty())
+ _msgctxt=line;
+ else
+ _msgctxt+=("\n"+line);
+ }
+ else if(line.find(QRegExp("^msgid\\s*\".*\"$")) != -1)
+ {
+ part=Msgid;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgid\\s*\""));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ (*(_msgid).begin())=line;
+ }
+ // one of the quotation marks is missing
+ else if(line.find(QRegExp("^msgid\\s*\"?.*\"?$")) != -1)
+ {
+ part=Msgid;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgid\\s*\"?"));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ (*(_msgid).begin())=line;
+ if(!line.isEmpty())
+ recoverableError=true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << "no msgid found after a msgctxt while parsing: " << _msgctxt << endl;
+ error=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(part==Msgid)
+ {
+ if(line.isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ else if(line.find(QRegExp("^\".*\\n?\"$")) != -1)
+ {
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^\""));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ QStringList::Iterator it;
+ if(_gettextPluralForm)
+ it = _msgid.fromLast();
+ else
+ it = _msgid.begin();
+ // add Msgid line to item
+ if((*it).isEmpty())
+ (*it)=line;
+ else
+ (*it)+=("\n"+line);
+ }
+ else if(line.find(QRegExp("^msgid_plural\\s*\".*\"$")) != -1)
+ {
+ part=Msgid;
+ _gettextPluralForm = true;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgid_plural\\s*\""));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ _msgid.append(line);
+ }
+ // one of the quotation marks is missing
+ else if(line.find(QRegExp("^msgid_plural\\s*\"?.*\"?$")) != -1)
+ {
+ part=Msgid;
+ _gettextPluralForm = true;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgid_plural\\s*\"?"));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ _msgid.append(line);
+ if(!line.isEmpty())
+ recoverableError=true;
+ }
+ else if(!_gettextPluralForm
+ && (line.find(QRegExp("^msgstr\\s*\".*\\n?\"$")) != -1))
+ {
+ part=Msgstr;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgstr\\s*\"?"));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ (*msgstrIt)=line;
+ }
+ else if(!_gettextPluralForm
+ && line.find(QRegExp("^msgstr\\s*\"?.*\\n?\"?$")) != -1)
+ {
+ part=Msgstr;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgstr\\s*\"?"));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ (*msgstrIt)=line;
+ if(!line.isEmpty())
+ recoverableError=true;
+ }
+ else if( _gettextPluralForm
+ && (line.find(QRegExp("^msgstr\\[0\\]\\s*\".*\\n?\"$")) != -1))
+ {
+ part=Msgstr;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgstr\\[0\\]\\s*\"?"));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ (*msgstrIt)=line;
+ }
+ else if( _gettextPluralForm
+ && (line.find(QRegExp("^msgstr\\[0\\]\\s*\"?.*\\n?\"?$")) != -1))
+ {
+ part=Msgstr;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgstr\\[0\\]\\s*\"?"));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ (*msgstrIt)=line;
+ if(!line.isEmpty())
+ recoverableError=true;
+ }
+ else if ( line.startsWith( "#" ) )
+ {
+ // ### TODO: could this be considered recoverable?
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << "comment found after a msgid while parsing: " << _msgid.first() << endl;
+ error=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if ( line.startsWith( "msgid" ) )
+ {
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << "Another msgid found after a msgid while parsing: " << _msgid.first() << endl;
+ error=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // a line of the msgid with a missing quotation mark
+ else if(line.find(QRegExp("^\"?.+\\n?\"?$")) != -1)
+ {
+ recoverableError=true;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^\""));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ QStringList::Iterator it;
+ if( _gettextPluralForm )
+ it = _msgid.fromLast();
+ else
+ it = _msgid.begin();
+ // add Msgid line to item
+ if((*it).isEmpty())
+ (*it)=line;
+ else
+ (*it)+=("\n"+line);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << "no msgstr found after a msgid while parsing: " << _msgid.first() << endl;
+ error=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(part==Msgstr)
+ {
+ if(line.isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ // another line of the msgstr
+ else if(line.find(QRegExp("^\".*\\n?\"$")) != -1)
+ {
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^\""));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ if((*msgstrIt).isEmpty())
+ (*msgstrIt)=line;
+ else
+ (*msgstrIt)+=("\n"+line);
+ }
+ else if( _gettextPluralForm
+ && (line.find(QRegExp("^msgstr\\[[0-9]+\\]\\s*\".*\\n?\"$")) != -1))
+ {
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgstr\\[[0-9]+\\]\\s*\"?"));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ msgstrIt=_msgstr.append(line);
+ }
+ else if( _gettextPluralForm
+ && (line.find(QRegExp("^msgstr\\[[0-9]\\]\\s*\"?.*\\n?\"?$")) != -1))
+ {
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^msgstr\\[[0-9]\\]\\s*\"?"));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ msgstrIt=_msgstr.append(line);
+ if(!line.isEmpty())
+ recoverableError=true;
+ }
+ else if((line.find(QRegExp("^\\s*msgid")) != -1) || (line.find(QRegExp("^\\s*#")) != -1))
+ {
+ // We have read successfully one entry, so end loop.
+ stream.device()->at(pos);// reset position in stream to beginning of this line
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(line.startsWith("msgstr"))
+ {
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << "Another msgstr found after a msgstr while parsing: " << _msgstr.last() << endl;
+ error=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // another line of the msgstr with a missing quotation mark
+ else if(line.find(QRegExp("^\"?.+\\n?\"?$")) != -1)
+ {
+ recoverableError=true;
+ // remove quotes at beginning and the end of the lines
+ line.remove(QRegExp("^\""));
+ line.remove(QRegExp("\"$"));
+ if((*msgstrIt).isEmpty())
+ (*msgstrIt)=line;
+ else
+ (*msgstrIt)+=("\n"+line);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << "no msgid or comment found after a msgstr while parsing: " << _msgstr.last() << endl;
+ error=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(_gettextPluralForm)
+ {
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << "gettext plural form:\n"
+ << "msgid:\n" << _msgid.first() << "\n"
+ << "msgid_plural:\n" << _msgid.last() << "\n" << endl;
+ int counter=0;
+ for(QStringList::Iterator it = _msgstr.begin(); it != _msgstr.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ kdDebug(KBABEL) << "msgstr[" << counter << "]:\n"
+ << (*it) << endl;
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ //kdDebug( KBABEL ) << k_funcinfo << " NEAR RETURN" << endl;
+ if(error)
+ return PARSE_ERROR;
+ else if(recoverableError)
+ else
+ {
+ return OK;
+ }