path: root/kbabel/kbabel/kbabelview.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kbabel/kbabel/kbabelview.h')
1 files changed, 712 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kbabel/kbabel/kbabelview.h b/kbabel/kbabel/kbabelview.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a52ed4dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kbabel/kbabel/kbabelview.h
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+/* ****************************************************************************
+ This file is part of KBabel
+ Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by Matthias Kiefer
+ <>
+ 2002-2005 by Stanislav Visnovsky
+ <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
+ permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
+ the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions
+ of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked
+ combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
+ Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
+ Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to
+ your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
+ you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
+ your version.
+**************************************************************************** */
+class HidingMsgEdit;
+class MsgMultiLineEdit;
+class GotoDialog;
+class QPopupMenu;
+class KLed;
+class FindDialog;
+class ReplaceDialog;
+namespace KBabel
+ class EditCommand;
+ class RegExpExtractor;
+ class FindOptions;
+ class ReplaceOptions;
+class QListBoxItem;
+class QTextView;
+class QTabWidget;
+class KListBox;
+class KSpell;
+class KSpellConfig;
+class KBabelDictBox;
+class KDataToolInfo;
+struct ReplaceOptions;
+struct ModuleInfo;
+#include <kdockwidget.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qstrlist.h>
+#include <resources.h>
+#include <catalogview.h>
+#include "kbcatalog.h"
+#include "kbproject.h"
+#include "projectsettings.h"
+class KBabelMW;
+class CommentView;
+class ContextView;
+class KBCatalogListView;
+class CharacterSelectorView;
+class SourceView;
+class TagListView;
+ * This is the main view class for KBabel. Most of the non-menu,
+ * non-toolbar, and non-statusbar (e.g., non frame) GUI code should go
+ * here.
+ * @short Main view
+ * @author Matthias Kiefer <>
+ * @version 0.1
+ */
+class KBabelView : public QWidget, public KBabel::CatalogView
+ /**
+ * Default constructor
+ * @param buildLeds flag, if status leds should be created in editor
+ */
+ KBabelView(KBCatalog* catalog,KBabelMW *parent, KBabel::Project::Ptr project);
+ /**
+ * Destructor
+ */
+ virtual ~KBabelView();
+ /**
+ * @return the view, that has opened file url or 0 if this
+ * file is not opened
+ */
+ static KBabelView *viewForURL(const KURL& url, const QString project);
+ /**
+ * @return the view, that has no opened file url or 0 if there
+ * is no such view
+ */
+ static KBabelView *emptyView(const QString project);
+ KURL currentURL() const;
+ QString project() const { return _project->filename(); }
+ void useProject (KBabel::Project::Ptr project);
+ bool isLastView() const;
+ bool isModified() const;
+ /** the edit mode of the entry-editors*/
+ bool isOverwriteMode() const;
+ bool isReadOnly() const;
+ /** the edit mode of the entry-editors*/
+ void setOverwriteMode(bool ovr);
+ bool isSearching() const;
+ void saveView(KConfig *config);
+ void restoreView(KConfig *config);
+ void saveSession(KConfig*);
+ void restoreSession(KConfig*);
+ void readSettings(KConfig* config);
+ void saveSettings();
+ void readProject(KBabel::Project::Ptr project);
+ void saveProject(KConfig* config);
+ void openTemplate(const KURL& openURL, const KURL& saveURL);
+ bool saveFile(bool checkSyntax=true);
+ bool saveFileAs(KURL url = KURL(), bool checkSyntax=true);
+ bool saveFileSpecial();
+ /**
+ * Checks, if the file has been modified. If true, it askes the user if he wants
+ * to save, discard or cancel. If the users chose save, it saves the file.
+ * @return true, if it is allowed to open a new file. false, if the user wants
+ * to edit the file again.
+ */
+ bool checkModified();
+ /**
+ * Checks syntax of the current catalog. If the catalog is modified it
+ * saves it under a temporary filename ( using @ref Catalog::saveTempFile ).
+ *
+ * @param msgOnlyAtError flag, if a message should be shown, only if
+ * a error occured.
+ * @param question flag, if only a information about the result should
+ * be shown or a question, whether the user wants to continue or cancel
+ *
+ * @return true, if no error occured or if an error occured but the user
+ * wants to continue anyway.
+ */
+ bool checkSyntax(bool msgOnlyAtError, bool question);
+ /**
+ * this is called from the catalog when updating his views.
+ * reimplemented from @ref CatalogView
+ * @param cmd the edit command that has been applied
+ */
+ virtual void update(KBabel::EditCommand* cmd, bool undo=false);
+ KBCatalog* catalog() const{return _catalog;}
+ void processUriDrop(KURL::List& uriList, const QPoint & pos);
+ /**
+ * checks the status of the displayed entry: last, first, fuzzy,...
+ * and emits the appropriate signals
+ */
+ void emitEntryState();
+ void setRMBEditMenu(QPopupMenu*);
+ void setRMBSearchMenu(QPopupMenu*);
+ void setTagsMenu(QPopupMenu*);
+ void setArgsMenu(QPopupMenu*);
+ QPtrList<ModuleInfo> dictionaries();
+ KBabelDictBox* searchView() { return dictBox; }
+ bool autoDiffEnabled() const {return _diffEnabled;}
+public slots:
+ void gotoEntry(const KBabel::DocPosition& pos, bool updateHistory=true);
+ /** opens a filedialog and asks for an url */
+ void open();
+ void open(const KURL& url, const QString & package=QString::null, bool checkModified=true, bool newView=false);
+ void setFilePackage();
+ void revertToSaved();
+ void updateSettings();
+ void updateProjectSettings();
+ void undo();
+ void redo();
+ void textCut();
+ void textCopy();
+ void textPaste();
+ bool findNext();
+ bool findPrev();
+ void find();
+ void findInFile(QCString fileSource, KBabel::FindOptions options);
+ void replaceInFile(QCString fileSource, KBabel::ReplaceOptions options);
+ void replace();
+ void selectAll();
+ void deselectAll();
+ void clear();
+ void msgid2msgstr();
+ void search2msgstr();
+ void plural2msgstr();
+ void gotoFirst();
+ void gotoLast();
+ void gotoNext();
+ void gotoPrev();
+ void gotoEntry();
+ void gotoNextFuzzyOrUntrans();
+ void gotoPrevFuzzyOrUntrans();
+ void gotoNextFuzzy();
+ void gotoPrevFuzzy();
+ void gotoNextUntranslated();
+ void gotoPrevUntranslated();
+ void gotoNextError();
+ void gotoPrevError();
+ void forwardHistory();
+ void backHistory();
+ void spellcheckAll();
+ void spellcheckAllMulti();
+ void spellcheckFromCursor();
+ void spellcheckCurrent();
+ void spellcheckFromCurrent();
+ void spellcheckMarked();
+ void spellcheckCommon();
+ void roughTranslation();
+ void diff();
+ void toggleAutoDiff(bool on);
+ void diffShowOrig();
+ bool openDiffFile();
+ void insertNextTag();
+ void insertNextTagMsgid();
+ void insertNextArg();
+ void insertTagFromTool( const QString& tag );
+ void showTagsMenu();
+ void showArgsMenu();
+ void skipToNextTag();
+ void skipToPreviousTag();
+ void skipToTagFromTool(int index);
+ void wordCount();
+ void removeFuzzyStatus();
+ /** opens the header editor for the po-file */
+ void editHeader();
+ /** checks the syntax of the file by using msgftm */
+ bool checkSyntax();
+ /**
+ * perform all checks listed above
+ */
+ bool checkAll();
+ void stopSearch();
+ void startSearch();
+ void startSelectionSearch();
+ void startSearch(const QString id);
+ void startSelectionSearch(const QString id);
+ void configureDictionary(const QString id);
+ void editDictionary(const QString id);
+ void aboutDictionary(const QString id);
+ /**
+ * this was originally protected, but we need this to expose for
+ * KBabelMW forwarding
+ */
+ virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent*);
+ virtual void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event);
+ virtual void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event);
+ virtual bool eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent* event);
+ /** emited when a fuzzy catalogentry is shown */
+ void signalFuzzyDisplayed(bool);
+ /** emited when a untranslated catalogentry is shown */
+ void signalUntranslatedDisplayed(bool);
+ void signalFaultyDisplayed(bool);
+ /** emited when the first catalogentry is shown */
+ void signalFirstDisplayed(bool firstEntry, bool firstForm);
+ /** emited when the last catalog entry is shown */
+ void signalLastDisplayed(bool lastEntry, bool lastForm);
+ void signalNextTag( int index );
+ /**
+ * emited when a new entry is shown
+ * pos: position (index and plural form) of the currently shown entry
+ */
+ void signalDisplayed(const KBabel::DocPosition& pos);
+ /**
+ * emited when new entry is displayed and there is no
+ * fuzzy entry afterwards in the catalog
+ */
+ void signalFuzzyAfterwards(bool);
+ /**
+ * emited when new entry is displayed and there is no
+ * fuzzy entry in front of it in the catalog
+ */
+ void signalFuzzyInFront(bool);
+ /**
+ * emited when new entry is displayed and there is no
+ * untranslated entry afterwards in the catalog
+ */
+ void signalUntranslatedAfterwards(bool);
+ /**
+ * emited when new entry is displayed and there is no
+ * fuzzy entry in fornt of it in the catalog
+ */
+ void signalUntranslatedInFront(bool);
+ void signalErrorAfterwards(bool);
+ void signalErrorInFront(bool);
+ /**
+ * Use this signal to change the content of the statusbar
+ */
+ void signalChangeStatusbar(const QString& text);
+ /**
+ * Use this signal to change the content of the caption
+ */
+ void signalChangeCaption(const QString& text);
+ void signalNewFileOpened(KURL url);
+ void signalResetProgressBar(QString,int);
+ void signalProgress(int);
+ void signalClearProgressBar();
+ void signalSearchActive(bool);
+ void signalDiffEnabled(bool);
+ void signalForwardHistory(bool have);
+ void signalBackHistory(bool have);
+ void ledColorChanged(const QColor& color);
+ void signalDictionariesChanged();
+ void signalMsgstrChanged();
+ void signalNextTagAvailable(bool);
+ void signalTagsAvailable(bool);
+ void signalNextArgAvailable(bool);
+ void signalArgsAvailable(bool);
+ void signalCursorPosChanged(int line, int col);
+ void signalSpellcheckDone(int result);
+ void signalCopy();
+ void signalCut();
+ void signalPaste();
+ void signalSelectAll();
+ /**
+ * inserts the content of the current catalog entry into
+ * the fields in the view
+ * @param delay flag, if the auto search should be started delayed
+ * this is useful when a new file is opened
+ * @param formID number of the plural form to be displayed. Use 0 for
+ * no plural form
+ */
+ void updateEditor(int formID=0, bool delay=false);
+ void initDockWidgets();
+ void startSearch(bool delay);
+ /**
+ * makes some checks like checkings arguments and accels etc
+ * @param onlyWhenChanged flag, if message should only be shown
+ * when status changed
+ */
+ void autoCheck(bool onlyWhenChanged);
+ /**
+ * Create instances of tools currently setup for autochecks
+ */
+ void setupAutoCheckTools();
+ /**
+ * internal function to find next string given with @ref FindDialog
+ * starting at position pos
+ * @return true, if search was successful
+ */
+ bool findNext_internal(KBabel::DocPosition& pos, bool forReplace=false, bool mark=true);
+ /**
+ * internal function to find previous string given with @ref FindDialog
+ * starting at position pos
+ * @return true, if search was successful
+ */
+ bool findPrev_internal(KBabel::DocPosition& pos, bool forReplace=false, bool mark=true);
+ /**
+ * makes the real work
+ * @param autoDiff flag, if called from @ref autoDiff()
+ */
+ void diffInternal(bool autoDiff);
+ /**
+ * @param autoDiff flag, if called from @ref autoDiff()
+ */
+ bool openDiffFile(bool autoDiff);
+ /**
+ * Inserts a text into the msgstr (into the current form) using undoable commands.
+ * if @param clearFirst is set to true, it will clear the contents of msgstr before inserting
+ */
+ void modifyMsgstrText(const uint offset, const QString& text, bool clearFirst=false);
+protected slots:
+ bool validateUsingTool( const KDataToolInfo & info, const QString & command );
+ void modifyUsingTool( const KDataToolInfo & info, const QString & command );
+ void modifyCatalogUsingTool( const KDataToolInfo & info, const QString & command );
+private slots:
+ void msgstrPluralFormChanged (uint index);
+ void autoRemoveFuzzyStatus();
+ /** connected to the catalog. it is called when a new file is opened*/
+ void newFileOpened(bool readOnly);
+ void showError(const QString& message);
+ void toggleFuzzyLed(bool on);
+ void toggleUntransLed(bool on);
+ void toggleErrorLed(bool on);
+ void forwardMsgstrEditCmd(KBabel::EditCommand*);
+ /**
+ * called from a signal from ReplaceDialog to replace the
+ * current found string. After that it searches the next string
+ */
+ void replaceNext();
+ /**
+ * called from a signal from ReplaceDialog to replace
+ * all without asking anymore.
+ */
+ void replaceAll();
+ /**
+ * called from a signal from ReplaceDialog to go to next
+ * string to replace
+ */
+ void findNextReplace();
+ /**
+ * makes some checks like checkings arguments and accels etc
+ */
+ void autoCheck();
+ void autoDiff();
+ /**
+ * called, when text in msgstrEdit changes to inform
+ * the dictionary about the changes
+ */
+ void informDictionary();
+ void setNewLanguage();
+ void forwardProgressStart(const QString& msg);
+ void forwardSearchStart();
+ void forwardSearchStop();
+ /**
+ * checks if there is are fuzzy entries in front or behind
+ * the current entry and emits the appropriate signals
+ */
+ void checkFuzzies();
+ /**
+ * checks if there is are untranslated entries in front or behind
+ * the current entry and emits the appropriate signals
+ */
+ void checkUntranslated();
+ /** inserts the nth tag from the available tags into msgstr*/
+ void insertTag(int n);
+ /** visually display the tag to be inserted next */
+ void selectTag();
+ void updateTags();
+ /** inserts the nth argument from the available arguments into msgstr*/
+ void insertArg(int n);
+ void updateArgs();
+ void insertChar(QChar ch);
+ void showTryLaterMessageBox();
+ void dummy(KSpell*) {}
+ static QPtrList<KBabelView> *viewList;
+ HidingMsgEdit* msgstrEdit;
+ HidingMsgEdit* msgidLabel;
+ KBabelDictBox* dictBox;
+ GotoDialog* _gotoDialog;
+ FindDialog* _findDialog;
+ FindDialog* _replaceDialog;
+ ReplaceDialog* _replaceAskDialog;
+ QPopupMenu* _dropMenu;
+ KLed* _fuzzyLed;
+ KLed* _untransLed;
+ KLed* _errorLed;
+ KBCatalog* _catalog;
+ uint _currentIndex;
+ KBabel::DocPosition _currentPos;
+ KBabel::SpellcheckSettings _spellcheckSettings;
+ bool _autoSearchTempDisabled;
+ QValueList<uint> _backHistory;
+ QValueList<uint> _forwardHistory;
+ // flag to not beep, when switching to the next entry, because
+ // go -> next or prev entry was used.
+ bool _dontBeep;
+ /**
+ * position in document were find or replace function
+ * started to search
+ */
+ KBabel::DocPosition _findStartPos;
+ /**
+ * the string that was marked during the last search
+ */
+ QString _lastFoundString;
+ /*
+ * flag, if internal find functions should break at end or ask for
+ * beginning at the other end of the document
+ */
+ bool _findBreakAtEnd;
+ /*
+ * flag, if we search backwards and the direction was already
+ * changed (see findNext and findPrev)
+ */
+ bool _redirectedBackSearch;
+ bool _showTryLaterBox;
+ KBabel::DocPosition _replacePos;
+ int _replaceLen;
+ int _replacesTotal;
+ bool _replaceWasAtEnd;
+ /** contains the diff to the offset, where we started to search */
+ int _replaceExtraOffset;
+ /** appId for a source of the next files to be searched */
+ QCString _fileSource;
+ QStringList _tags;
+ QPopupMenu *_tagsMenu;
+ QStringList _args;
+ QPopupMenu *_argsMenu;
+ bool _diffEnabled;
+ bool _loadingDiffFile;
+ bool _diffing;
+ /*
+ * flag, set if editing KDE documentation PO-file
+ */
+ bool _editingDocumentation;
+ QPtrList<KDataTool> _autocheckTools;
+//spellcheck things
+ struct Position
+ {
+ uint index;
+ uint form;
+ uint pos;
+ uint end;
+ };
+ enum SpellWhat{All,AllMulti,Current,Marked,Begin,End,BeginCurrent};
+ struct
+ {
+ KSpell *kspell;
+ KSpellConfig* config;
+ QStringList wordList;
+ bool active;
+ int misspelled;
+ int replaced;
+ int posCorrection;
+ uint lastIndex;
+ QPtrList<Position> posDict;
+ SpellWhat what2Check;
+ // the last word, that was misspelled
+ uint lastPos;
+ // the position correction in the last word.
+ // needed if words with '-' are treated as seperate words
+ int inWordCorrection;
+ QStringList origWords;
+ QStringList newWords;
+ QStringList ignoreList;
+ QStringList newIgnoreList;
+ } spell;
+ struct {
+ KSpell *kspell;
+ KSpellConfig* config;
+ } spell2; // on-the-fly spellchecking
+ //DictSpellChecker * flyspell;
+ /**
+ * Marks a misspelled word in the editor.
+ * After that, the cursor is at the beginning of the
+ * marked text
+ * @param orig the original word as given from KSpell
+ * @param pos the position of the word in the StringList
+ * spell.wordList
+ *
+ * @returns false, if the there is a synchronization error,
+ * means the word has not been found in the editor.
+ */
+ bool markMisspelled(const QString &orig, unsigned int pos);
+private slots:
+ void spellcheck();
+ void cancelSpellcheck();
+ void spellStart(KSpell*);
+ void spellMisspelled(const QString &orig, const QStringList &sug, unsigned int pos);
+ void spellCorrected(const QString &orig, const QString &newWord, unsigned int pos);
+ void spellResult(bool);
+ void spellCleanDone();
+ void spellAddIgnore(const QString &);
+ // initialize spellchecking struct
+ void cleanUpSpellStruct();
+ void slotAutoSaveTimeout( );
+ void addSpellcheckWords(uint pos, QString text, uint index, uint form);
+ // configuration file
+ KSharedConfig::Ptr _config;
+ // project file
+ KBabel::Project::Ptr _project;
+ KBabel::RegExpExtractor* _tagExtractor;
+ KBabel::RegExpExtractor* _argExtractor;
+ QTimer * autoSaveTimer;
+ int _autoSaveDelay;
+ int _currentTag;
+ KBabelMW* m_mainwindow;
+ CommentView* m_commentview;
+ ContextView* m_contextview;
+ KBCatalogListView* m_cataloglistview;
+ CharacterSelectorView* m_charselectorview;
+ TagListView* m_taglistview;
+ SourceView* m_sourceview;
+ bool m_overwrite;
+#endif // KBABELVIEW_H