#!/usr/bin/perl -w unless (scalar(@ARGV) == 1) { die "Usage: check_licenses directory"; } my $gpl = 'General Public License'; my $gp2 = 'This is free software; it comes under the GNU'; my $gp3 = 'License: GPL with the following explicit clarification'; my $x11 = 'TORT OR OTHERWISE'; my $bsd = 'INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE'; my $gen = 'generated'; sub nameok() { my $f = shift; if ($f =~ /\.C$/ or $f =~ /\.cpp$/ or $f =~ /\.c$/ or $f =~ /\.h$/) { if ($f =~ /\.cpp$/) { if ( $f !~ /meta_unload\.cpp$/ and $f !~ /_stub\.cpp/ and $f !~ /_skel.cpp/ and $f !~ /_closure\.cpp/ and $f !~ /moc\.cpp/ ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { return 1; } } else { return 0; } } sub recursive_check() { my $dir = shift; opendir (DIR, $dir) or die "Can't open $dir"; my @filenames = grep { /^[^\.]/ } readdir(DIR); for my $f (@filenames) { my $filename = "$dir/$f"; if (-d $filename) { &recursive_check($filename); } elsif (-f $filename and &nameok($filename)) { open (IN, "<$filename") or die "Can't open $filename"; my $license = "!"; while () { if (/$gpl/) { $license = "G"; last; } if (/$gp2/) { $license = "G"; last; } if (/$gp3/) { $license = "G"; last; } if (/$x11/) { $license = "X"; last; } if (/$bsd/) { $license = "B"; last; } if (/$gen/) { $license = "g"; last; } } print "$license $filename\n"; } } } &recursive_check($ARGV[0]);