/*************************************************************************** begin : Sat Feb 08 2003 copyright : (C) 2003 by Alexander Blum email : blum@kewbee.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License js published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "jswriter.h" #include "../association.h" #include "../classifier.h" #include "../operation.h" #include "../umldoc.h" #include "../attribute.h" #include #include #include JSWriter::JSWriter() { } JSWriter::~JSWriter() {} void JSWriter::writeClass(UMLClassifier *c) { if(!c) { kDebug()<<"Cannot write class of NULL concept!" << endl; return; } TQString classname = cleanName(c->getName()); TQString fileName = c->getName().lower(); //find an appropriate name for our file fileName = findFileName(c,".js"); if (fileName.isEmpty()) { emit codeGenerated(c, false); return; } TQFile filejs; if(!openFile(filejs, fileName)) { emit codeGenerated(c, false); return; } TQTextStream js(&filejs); ////////////////////////////// //Start generating the code!! ///////////////////////////// //try to find a heading file (license, coments, etc) TQString str; str = getHeadingFile(".js"); if(!str.isEmpty()) { str.replace(TQRegExp("%filename%"),fileName); str.replace(TQRegExp("%filepath%"),filejs.name()); js << str << m_endl; } //write includes UMLPackageList includes; findObjectsRelated(c,includes); for (UMLPackage *conc = includes.first(); conc; conc = includes.next()) { TQString headerName = findFileName(conc, ".js"); if ( !headerName.isEmpty() ) { js << "#include \"" << headerName << "\"" << m_endl; } } js << m_endl; //Write class Documentation if there is somthing or if force option if(forceDoc() || !c->getDoc().isEmpty()) { js << m_endl << "/**" << m_endl; js << " * class " << classname << m_endl; js << formatDoc(c->getDoc()," * "); js << " */" << m_endl << m_endl; } //check if class is abstract and / or has abstract methods if(c->getAbstract() && !hasAbstractOps(c)) js << "/******************************* Abstract Class ****************************" << m_endl << " " << classname << " does not have any pure virtual methods, but its author" << m_endl << " defined it as an abstract class, so you should not use it directly." << m_endl << " Inherit from it instead and create only objects from the derived classes" << m_endl << "*****************************************************************************/" << m_endl << m_endl; js << classname << " = function ()" << m_endl; js << "{" << m_endl; js << m_indentation << "this._init ();" << m_endl; js << "}" << m_endl; js << m_endl; UMLClassifierList superclasses = c->getSuperClasses(); for (UMLClassifier *obj = superclasses.first(); obj; obj = superclasses.next()) { js << classname << ".prototype = new " << cleanName(obj->getName()) << " ();" << m_endl; } js << m_endl; if (! c->isInterface()) { UMLAttributeList atl = c->getAttributeList(); js << "/**" << m_endl; TQString temp = "_init sets all " + classname + " attributes to their default value." " Make sure to call this method within your class constructor"; js << formatDoc(temp, " * "); js << " */" << m_endl; js << classname << ".prototype._init = function ()" << m_endl; js << "{" << m_endl; for(UMLAttribute *at = atl.first(); at ; at = atl.next()) { if (forceDoc() || !at->getDoc().isEmpty()) { js << m_indentation << "/**" << m_endl << formatDoc(at->getDoc(), m_indentation + " * ") << m_indentation << " */" << m_endl; } if(!at->getInitialValue().isEmpty()) { js << m_indentation << "this.m_" << cleanName(at->getName()) << " = " << at->getInitialValue() << ";" << m_endl; } else { js << m_indentation << "this.m_" << cleanName(at->getName()) << " = \"\";" << m_endl; } } } //associations UMLAssociationList aggregations = c->getAggregations(); if (forceSections() || !aggregations.isEmpty ()) { js << m_endl << m_indentation << "/**Aggregations: */" << m_endl; writeAssociation(classname, aggregations , js ); } UMLAssociationList compositions = c->getCompositions(); if( forceSections() || !compositions.isEmpty()) { js << m_endl << m_indentation << "/**Compositions: */" << m_endl; writeAssociation(classname, compositions , js ); } js << m_endl; js << "}" << m_endl; js << m_endl; //operations UMLOperationList ops(c->getOpList()); writeOperations(classname, &ops, js); js << m_endl; //finish file //close files and notfiy we are done filejs.close(); emit codeGenerated(c, true); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper Methods void JSWriter::writeAssociation(TQString& classname, UMLAssociationList& assocList , TQTextStream &js) { for (UMLAssociation *a = assocList.first(); a; a = assocList.next()) { // association side Uml::Role_Type role = (a->getObject(Uml::A)->getName() == classname ? Uml::B : Uml::A); TQString roleName(cleanName(a->getRoleName(role))); if (!roleName.isEmpty()) { // association doc if (forceDoc() || !a->getDoc().isEmpty()) { js << m_indentation << "/**" << m_endl << formatDoc(a->getDoc(), m_indentation + " * ") << m_indentation << " */" << m_endl; } // role doc if (forceDoc() || !a->getRoleDoc(role).isEmpty()) { js << m_indentation << "/**" << m_endl << formatDoc(a->getRoleDoc(role), m_indentation + " * ") << m_indentation << " */" << m_endl; } bool okCvt; int nMulti = a->getMulti(role).toInt(&okCvt,10); bool isNotMulti = a->getMulti(role).isEmpty() || (okCvt && nMulti == 1); TQString typeName(cleanName(a->getObject(role)->getName())); if (isNotMulti) js << m_indentation << "this.m_" << roleName << " = new " << typeName << "();" << m_endl; else js << m_indentation << "this.m_" << roleName << " = new Array();" << m_endl; // role visibility } } } void JSWriter::writeOperations(TQString classname, UMLOperationList *opList, TQTextStream &js) { UMLOperation *op; UMLAttribute *at; for(op = opList->first(); op; op = opList->next()) { UMLAttributeList atl = op->getParmList(); //write method doc if we have doc || if at least one of the params has doc bool writeDoc = forceDoc() || !op->getDoc().isEmpty(); for (at = atl.first(); at; at = atl.next()) writeDoc |= !at->getDoc().isEmpty(); if( writeDoc ) //write method documentation { js << "/**" << m_endl << formatDoc(op->getDoc()," * "); for (at = atl.first(); at; at = atl.next()) //write parameter documentation { if(forceDoc() || !at->getDoc().isEmpty()) { js << " * @param " + cleanName(at->getName())<getDoc()," * "); } }//end for : write parameter documentation js << " */" << m_endl; }//end if : write method documentation js << classname << ".prototype." << cleanName(op->getName()) << " = function " << "("; int i = atl.count(); int j=0; for (at = atl.first(); at ;at = atl.next(),j++) { js << cleanName(at->getName()) << (!(at->getInitialValue().isEmpty()) ? (TQString(" = ")+at->getInitialValue()) : TQString("")) << ((j < i-1)?", ":""); } js << ")" << m_endl << "{" << m_endl << m_indentation << m_endl << "}" << m_endl; js << m_endl << m_endl; }//end for } /** * returns "JavaScript" */ Uml::Programming_Language JSWriter::getLanguage() { return Uml::pl_JavaScript; } const TQStringList JSWriter::reservedKeywords() const { static TQStringList keywords; if (keywords.isEmpty()) { keywords << "break" << "case" << "const" << "continue" << "default" << "else" << "false" << "for" << "function" << "if" << "in" << "new" << "return" << "switch" << "this" << "true" << "var" << "while" << "with"; } return keywords; } #include "jswriter.moc"