Command Reference Addparam Add a libxslt parameter ; equivalent to providing --param <QNAME>:<XPATH> via command line. Addparam usageaddparam <QNAME> <XPATH>    (The <XPATH> must not contain any spaces nor double quotation marks.) addparam <QNAME> "<XPATH>"    (Must not contain double quotation marks in <XPATH>)
Addwatch Add an expression to be watched. See showwatch for display watch values Shortcut name: watch Addwatch usageaddwatch <XPATH>
Base Print the base for this node Base usage base
Break Break at a template, at a location in a stylesheet or xml file loaded by xsldbg, or at the current node. New for xsldbg 3.1.4: When in gdb compatabilty mode orpaned breakpoints can be set at a specific file and line number and be resolved to an active later on. Shortcut name: bxsldbg will try to guess the complete URL given a file name without a path specified. a file name in the same directory as the "top" stylesheet loaded a file name relative to the current working directory of xsldbg Ie if you have loaded a stylesheet file of ../en/xsldoc.xsl you can do this break -l xsldoc.xsl 26 This command will match a partial or complete QNAME template and or mode name provided. Eg "template" will ma/tch any QNAME with a local part of "template" Any name spaces in the provided QNAME will be expanded as specified by the names spaces defined in the XSL SOURCE file. eg "xsl:test1" will be expanded to "" A requested breakpoint may need to be resolved to its associated URL and line number. This is done automaticly after the first template has been seen by xsldbg. Breakpoints are re-validated shortly after the start of each run. Automatic breakpoint validation is used when gdb mode is enabled - the default behaviour of xsldbg Break usage break -l <FILENAME> <LINENO>    (To set breakpoint at specified file, line number)break -l <URI> <LINENO>    (To set breakpoint at specified URI, line number)break <TEMPLATE_NAME>    (To break at named or matched template.)break <TEMPLATE_NAME> <MODE_NAME>    (To break at named template with given mode.)>break "" <MODE_NAME>    (To break at any template that has a given mode name)break *    (To break at any template found.)break \*    (To break at the "*" template. Other name that include '*' will not be treated specialy.)break     (To break point at current node. Yes that includes xml data nodes!)
Bye Exit processing stylesheet as soon as possible. Bye usage bye
Cat Print the result of a xpath expression on relative current node. Cat usage Usage : cat <XPATH>    (To view a variable or parameter)Usage : cat $<QNAME>
Cd Change to the path specified by a xpath. Cd usage << = preceding-sibling::node()>> = following-sibling::node()<- = ancestor::node()-> = decendant::node()
Chdir Change the working directory Chdir usage chdir <PATH>    (A relative or absolute path for operating system)
Continue Continue running stylesheet, stopping at any break points found. Shortcut name: c Contine usage continue
Data Switch to displaying the current node in xml data. Or change xml data used Data usage data    (Switch to the current document node.)data <DATA>    (To change to a new xml data file. A leading "~" is replaced by the $HOME environment variable value. Will need to use "run" command to process it)
Delete Delete a template breakpoint Shortcut name: d Delete usage delete    (To delete breakpoint at current node)delete <BREAKPOINT_ID>    (To delete breakpoint at specified break point number)delete -l <FILENAME> <LINENO>    (Delete at specifed file, line number)delete -l <URI> <LINENO>    (Delete at specifed URI, line number)delete <TEMMPLATENAME>    (To delete break point at named template.)delete *    (To delete all break points.)
Delparam Delete a libxslt parameter Delparam usage delparam    (Delete all parameters present)delparam <PARAM_ID>
Delwatch Delete a watch expression or remove all watch expressions as displayed by "showwatch." command Delwatch usage delwatch <WATCHID>    (Delete a watch expression with given ID)delwatch *    (Delete all watch expressions)
Dir Print list of nodes in a similary way to the dir shell command. Dir usage dir
Disable Disable a breakpoint Disable usage disable    (To disable breakpoint at current node)disable <BREAKPOINT_ID>    (To disable breakpoint at specified break point numberdisable -l <FILENAME> <LINENO>    (Disable breakpoint at specifed file, line number)disable -l <URI> <LINENO>    (Disable breakpoint at specifed URI, line number)
Du Print a summary of child nodes in a tree format. Du usage du
Dump Dump the gory details of this node Dump usage dump
Enable Enable or disable a breakpoint (Toggle enable/disable/) Shortcut name: e Enable usage enable    (To enable/disable breakpoint at current node)enable <BREAKPOINT_ID>    (To enable/disable breakpoint at specified break point numberenable -l <FILENAME> <LINENO>    (Enable/disable breakpoint at specifed file, line number)enable -l <URI> <LINENO>    (Enable/disable breakpoint at specifed URI, line number)
Entities Print list of external General Parsed entities used data file (document) Shortcut name : ent Entities usage entities
Exit Exit processing stylesheet as soon as possible. Exit usage exit
Frame Print the stack frame at a given depth Shortcut name: f Frame usage frame <FRAME_DEPTH>    (Depth is a number from 0 to the current depth of call stack)
Free Free stylesheet and data (Disabled see run) Free usage free
Globals Print a list of global stylesheet variables or parameters. Print the value of a global variable Globals usage globals    (Print list of all globaly available variables)globals -f    (Print list of all globaly available variables and thier values)globals <QNAME>    (Print the value of variable specified)
Help Display help on command or overiew Shortcut name: h Help usage help     (Show overview of product)help <COMMAND>     (Show help about a command)
Load Load the xsldbg's options and user preferences from disk Load usage load
Locals Print a list of local stylesheet variables or parameters. Print the value of a local variable Locals usage locals    (Print list of all locally available variables)locals -f    (Print list of all locally available variables and thier values)locals <QNAME>    (Print the value of variable specified)
Ls List nodes in a brief format Ls usage ls
Next Skip over an xsl:call-template or xsl:apply-templates. This command has the same effect of entering the commands "step" and then "up" Shortcut name: n Next usage next    (proceed to next sibling instruction)
Options Print the values for xsldbg's option Options usage options
Output Specify a local, writable file to be used for output of results Shortcut name : o Output usage output <FILENAME>    (A local writable file name. Which can have a "~" prefix on *nix and CYGWIN platforms. Or environment variables under RISC OS)output <URI>    (The <URI> must only use the "file://" protocol. This is then converted to a file name suitable for the operating system)output -    ( Send to standard output. Must only be used when using xsldbg's command line prompt )
Public Print the value that a public ID maps via the current catalog Shortcut name : pub Public usage public "<PublicID>"
Pwd Print the current working directory. Pwd usage pwd
Quit Exit processing stylesheet as soon as possible. Shortcut name: q Quit usage quit
Run Restart the stylesheet. Shortcut name: r Run usage run
Save Save the xsldbg's options and user preferences to disk Save usage save
Search Search a dataBase of all information gathered from stylesheets loaded All output files are stored in, value of the "searchresultspath" option if set, or the same directory as the provided stylesheet. searchresults.xml is normally transformed by search.xsl, but will be transformed using searchhtml.xsl if the "prefrehtml" option is set. When the search command is issued a xml file (searchresults.xml) will be created. You can then process this file with your own stylesheet to present data in a other ways. If "preferhtml" option is not set then searchresult.txt is printed to display. Depending on the amount of data collected it might take a while to complete this command. Search usage search <XPATH>    (See what xpath can be used see search.dtd. The deafault <XPATH> is '//search/*' )search -sort <XPATH>    (Tell search.xsl to sort the result before outputing it)
Set Set the value of a variable Set usage set <VARIABLE_NAME> <XPATH>
Setoption Set an option for execution of stylesheet You will need to use run command to active changes Setoption usage setoption <OPTION_NAME> <INTEGER_VALUE>Where <OPTION_NAME> can be either debug    (If <INTEGER_VALUE> is true dump the tree of the result instead)catalogs    (If <INTEGER_VALUE> is true use the catalogs from $SGML_CATALOG_FILES or SGML$CatalogFiles for risc operating system)html    (If <INTEGER_VALUE> is true the input document is an HTML file)docbook    (If <INTEGER_VALUE> is true and docbook is still supported by libxml the input document is SGML docbook)xinclude    (If <INTEGER_VALUE> is true do XInclude processing on document intput)preferhtml    (If <INTEGER_VALUE> is true the prefer html output for search results. : See search command)autoencode    (If <INTEGER_VALUE> is true try to use the encoding from the stylesheet)utf8input    (If <INTEGER_VALUE> is true All input from user is in UTF-8.This is normaly used when xsldbg is running as a thread)    gdb    (Run in gdb compatability mode) For a value of 1 this means Print lots more messages. Increase the frequency of printing "Breapoint at ..."At most GDB_LINES_TO_PRINT lines will be printed when evalating expressions, followed by a "...". See options.h to change this value, the default is three lines of textBoth local and globals will be printed when the "locals" command is issued When printing expresssions with cat/print. The evaluated value will be prefixed by "= " < EXPRESSION >For a value of 2 this means Print messages needed by KDbg as well as the output state above (when value is 1) nonet    (If <INTEGER_VALUE> is true refuse to fetch DTDs or entities over network)novalid    (If <INTEGER_VALUE> is true skip the DTD loading phase)repeat    (If <INTEGER_VALUE> is true run the transformation 20 times)profile    (If <INTEGER_VALUE> is true dump profiling informations)timing    (If <INTEGER_VALUE> is true display the time used)noout    (If <INTEGER_VALUE> is true do not dump the result)Where value is true if it is NOT equal to zeroWhere value is false if it IS equal to zerostdout    Print all error messages to stdout. Normally error messages go to stderr.setoption <OPTION_NAME> "<STRING_VALUE>"    (Must not contain double quotation marks in <STRING_VALUE>)setoption <OPTION_NAME> <STRING_VALUE>    (Must not contain any spaces, nor double quotation marks in <STRING_VALUE>)Where <OPTION_NAME> can be either data    (Data file's URI)source    (Source file's URI)output    (Output file's SystemID )docspath    (Path to use when looking for documentation)catalognames    (The names of the catalogs to use when the catalogs option is set. Value will be lost if set before setting catalogs option)encoding    (What encoding to use for standard output)searchresultspath    What path is to be used when storing the results of searching. If this is not set then xsldbg will use the path of the stylesheet
Shell Execute shell command Shell usage shell <TEXT>    (<TEXT> is the text to be passed to operating system for execution)
Showbreak To display list of template break points. Shortcut name: showIf a mode exists on a template breakpoint then it will be appended to the end of template name for breakpoint. An example of the output is : Breakpoint 3 enabled for template :"*" in file test1.xsl : line 105 Breakpoint 2 enabled for template :"* testMode" in file test1.xsl : line 109 Breakpoint 1 enabled for template :"*" in file test1.xsl : line 113 Total of 3 breakpoints present Showbreak usage showbreak
Showparam Print the libxslt parameters present Showparam usage showparam
Showwatch Show the current expression being watched Shortcut name: watches Showwatch usage showwatch    (Show the currently selected watches and thier values)showwatch 1    (Enable the automatic printing of watch expressions. This is used by default.)showwatch 0    (Disable the automatic printing of watch expressions.)
Source Switch to displaying the current node in stylesheet. Or change stylesheet used Source usage source    (Switch to the current node in stylesheet.)source <SOURCE>    (To change to a new source file. A leading "~" is replaced by the $HOME environment variable value. Will need to use "run" command to execute it)
Step Step until next stylesheet instruction. Shortcut name: s Step usage step
Stepdown Step down to a newer "call frame". Shortcut name: down Stepdown usage stepdown     (step down one frame)stepdown <NUMBER_OF_FRAMES>    (step down specified number of frames)
Stepup Step up to a older "call frame". Shortcut name: upThis is not an accurate command, xsldbg will stop as close as it can. Stepup usage stepup     (step up one frame)stepup <NUMBER_OF_FRAMES>     (step up specified number of frames)
Stylesheets Print out a list of stylesheets loaded Shortcut name: style Stylesheets usage stylesheets
System Print the value that a system file maps via the current catalog Shortcut name : sys System usage system "<SystemID>"
Templates Print a list of available templates. Search for a template Shortcut name: t Templates usage templatestemplates <TEMPLATE>    (Print details of template named <TEMPLATE> if it can be found)
Trace Trace one execution of the stylesheet printing the file and lines of intermediate steps Trace usage trace
Tty Open a terminal. Set the level of tty redirection. Tty usage tty <DEVICE_PATH>    (Where <DEVICE_PATH> is a valid terminal on the operating system. Just tries to open the terminaltty <TTY_LEVEL>    (Set the level of tty redirection, where <TTY_LEVEL> is a valid level of input/output to use) Where level is 0 = Default input/output 1 = Terminal output of results of transformation, tracing and walking     (Default state when tty device has been opened. Not fully implemented yet.)2 = Full redirection to terminal    (Not implemented yet.)All other integer values are assumed to mean level 0
Validate Validate the output file generated by stylesheet (Disabled) Validate usage validate
Walk Walk through code using a range of speeds Walk usage walk <SPEED>    (Use Ctrl-c to stop execution, <SPEED> is a value between 0 and 9. Where 0 means stop, 1 is very fast, 9 is very slow)
Where Print a trace of templates calls (frame stack) and print the working directory. Shortcut name: w Where usage where
Write To be completed Write usage write