/*************************************************************************** treewidget.cpp - Tree/detailed list widget ------------------- copyright : (C) 2002-2003 Marc Britton (C) 2004 Michal Rudolf (C) 2008 Andras Mantia (C) 2008 Eric Laffoon ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /* KDE INCLUDES */ #include #include #include #include /* QT INCLUDES */ #include #include #include #include #include /* OTHER INCLUDES */ #include #include "treewidget.h" #include "kommanderplugin.h" #include "specials.h" #define TW_FUNCTION 275 #define addColumnTree TW_FUNCTION+1 #define setAltBackground TW_FUNCTION+2 #define setColAlignment TW_FUNCTION+3 //#define colCount TW_FUNCTION+3 #define colCaption TW_FUNCTION+4 #define setColWidth TW_FUNCTION+5 #define setSortCol TW_FUNCTION+6 #define TW_LAST_FUNCTION setSortCol enum Functions { FirstFunction = 189, SelectedIndexes, TW_childCount, TW_setOpen, TW_isOpen, LastFunction }; TreeWidget::TreeWidget(QWidget *a_parent, const char *a_name) : KListView(a_parent, a_name), KommanderWidget(this) { QStringList states; states << "default"; setStates(states); setDisplayStates(states); setPathSeparator("/"); KommanderPlugin::setDefaultGroup(Group::DCOP); KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(SelectedIndexes, "selectedIndexes(QString widget)", "", 1); KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(addColumnTree, "addColumn(QString widget, const QString & label, int width = -1 )", i18n("Add column at end with column header"), 2, 3); KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(setSortCol, "setSortColumn(QString widget, int column, bool ascending=true)", i18n("Set sorting for a column"), 2, 3); //KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(setAltBackground, "setAltBackground(QString widget, const QColor & c)", i18n("Alternate colors in list view"), 2); // KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(colCount, "colCount(QString widget)", i18n("Get the column count"), 1); KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(colCaption, "columnCaption(QString widget, int column)", i18n("Get the column caption for column index"), 2); KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(setColWidth, "setColWidth(QString widget, int column, int width)", i18n("Set the pixel width for column index - use 0 to hide"), 3); KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(setColAlignment, "setColumnAlignment(QString widget, int column, QString Alignment)", i18n("Set to left, right or center, case insensitive "), 3); KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(TW_childCount, "childCount(QString widget)", i18n("Get the count of top level items."), 1); KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(TW_setOpen, "setOpen(QString widget, int Index, bool Open)", i18n("Expand or collapse a node."), 3); KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(TW_isOpen, "isOpen(QString widget, int Index)", i18n("See if node is open or closed."), 2); } TreeWidget::~TreeWidget() { } QString TreeWidget::pathSeparator() const { return m_pathSeparator; } void TreeWidget::setPathSeparator(const QString& a_pathSep) { m_pathSeparator = a_pathSep; } void TreeWidget::addItemFromString(const QString& s) { QStringList elements = QStringList::split(m_pathSeparator, s, true); if (elements.count() > 1) setRootIsDecorated(true); QListViewItem* parent = 0; if (m_lastPath.size() < elements.count()) m_lastPath.resize(elements.count()); uint i = 0; for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = elements.begin(); it != elements.end(); ++it) { if (m_lastPath[i] && m_lastPath[i]->text(0) == elements[i]) { parent = m_lastPath[i]; i++; continue; } else { QListViewItem* item = (i>0) ? parent->firstChild() : firstChild(); while (item) { if (item->text(0) == *it) break; item = item->nextSibling(); } if (item) parent = item; else parent = itemFromString(parent, *it); m_lastPath.insert(i, parent); i++; } } } QListViewItem* TreeWidget::itemFromString(QListViewItem* parent, const QString& s) { QStringList elements; if (s.contains("\t")) elements = QStringList::split("\t", s, true); else elements = QStringList::split("\\t", s, true); int cols = elements.count(); if (cols >= columns()) cols = columns(); QListViewItem* item; if (parent) item = new QListViewItem(parent); else item = new QListViewItem(this); int i = 0; for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = elements.constBegin(); it != elements.constEnd(); ++it) item->setText(i++, *it); return item; } int TreeWidget::itemToIndex(QListViewItem* item) { // if (!item->isSelected()) // return -1; QListViewItemIterator it(this); int index = 0; while (it.current()) { if (it.current() == item) return index; ++it; ++index; } return -1; } int TreeWidget::itemToIndexSafe(QListViewItem* item) { QListViewItemIterator it(this); int index = 0; while (it.current()) { if (it.current() == item) return index; ++it; ++index; } return -1; } QListViewItem* TreeWidget::indexToItem(int item) { QListViewItemIterator it(this); int index = 0; while (it.current()) { if (index == item) return it.current(); ++it; ++index; } return 0; } QString TreeWidget::itemText(QListViewItem* item) const { if (!item) return QString(); QStringList items; for (int i=0; itext(i)); return items.join("\t"); } QString TreeWidget::itemsText() { QStringList items; QListViewItemIterator it(this); while (it.current()) { QString path = itemPath(it.current()); if (path.isEmpty()) items.append(itemText(it.current())); else items.append(QString("%1%2%3").arg(path).arg(m_pathSeparator) .arg(itemText(it.current()))); ++it; } return items.join("\n"); } QString TreeWidget::itemPath(QListViewItem* item) const { if (!item) return QString(); item = item->parent(); if (!item) return QString(); QStringList path; while (item) { path.prepend(item->text(0)); item = item->parent(); } return path.join(m_pathSeparator); } QString TreeWidget::currentState() const { return QString("default"); } bool TreeWidget::isKommanderWidget() const { return true; } void TreeWidget::setCurrentItem(QListViewItem* item) { KListView::setCurrentItem(item); setSelected(item, true); ensureItemVisible(item); } QStringList TreeWidget::associatedText() const { return KommanderWidget::associatedText(); } void TreeWidget::setAssociatedText(const QStringList& a_at) { KommanderWidget::setAssociatedText(a_at); } void TreeWidget::setPopulationText(const QString& a_text) { KommanderWidget::setPopulationText( a_text ); } QString TreeWidget::populationText() const { return KommanderWidget::populationText(); } void TreeWidget::populate() { setWidgetText(KommanderWidget::evalAssociatedText( populationText())); } void TreeWidget::setWidgetText(const QString &a_text) { handleDCOP(DCOP::setText, a_text); emit widgetTextChanged(a_text); } void TreeWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent* e) { QListView::showEvent( e ); emit widgetOpened(); } void TreeWidget::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent * e ) { e->accept(); QPoint p = e->globalPos(); emit contextMenuRequested(p.x(), p.y()); } void TreeWidget::setColAlign(int column, const QString& align) { if (align.lower() == "left") setColumnAlignment (column, Qt::AlignLeft); else if (align.lower() == "right") setColumnAlignment (column, Qt::AlignRight); else if (align.lower() == "center") setColumnAlignment (column, Qt::AlignCenter); } bool TreeWidget::isFunctionSupported(int f) { return f == DCOP::insertItem || f == DCOP::text || f == DCOP::setText || f == DCOP::insertItems || f == DCOP::selection || f == DCOP::setSelection || f == DCOP::clear || f == DCOP::removeItem || f == DCOP::currentItem || f == DCOP::setCurrentItem || f == DCOP::findItem || f == DCOP::item || f == DCOP::itemPath || f == DCOP::itemDepth || f == DCOP::setPixmap || f == DCOP::setColumnCaption || f == DCOP::removeColumn || f == DCOP::columnCount || f == DCOP::geometry || f == DCOP::hasFocus || f == DCOP::getBackgroundColor || f == DCOP::setBackgroundColor || (f > FirstFunction && f < LastFunction) || (f >= TW_FUNCTION && f <= TW_LAST_FUNCTION); } QString TreeWidget::handleDCOP(int function, const QStringList& args) { switch (function) { case DCOP::insertItem: addItemFromString(args[0]); break; case DCOP::text: return itemsText(); case DCOP::setText: clear(); /* break omitted: setText is equivalent to clear and insertItems */ m_lastPath.clear(); case DCOP::insertItems: { QStringList items(QStringList::split("\n", args[0], true)); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = items.constBegin(); it != items.constEnd(); ++it) addItemFromString(*it); break; } case TW_setOpen: setOpen(indexToItem(args[0].toInt()), args[1].toInt()); break; case TW_isOpen: return QString::number(isOpen(indexToItem(args[0].toInt()))); break; case SelectedIndexes: { QString selection = ""; QListViewItemIterator it(this); while (it.current()) { if (it.current()->isSelected()) { selection.append(QString("%1\n").arg(itemToIndexSafe(it.current()))); } ++it; } if (!selection.isEmpty()) selection = selection.left(selection.length() - 1); return selection; break; } case DCOP::selection: { QString selection = ""; QListViewItemIterator it(this); while (it.current()) { if (it.current()->isSelected()) selection.append(itemText(it.current()) + "\n"); ++it; } if (!selection.isEmpty()) selection = selection.left(selection.length() - 1); return selection; break; } case DCOP::setSelection: if (selectionModeExt() == Single || selectionModeExt() == NoSelection) setCurrentItem(findItem(args[0], 0)); else { clearSelection(); QStringList items(QStringList::split("\n", args[0])); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) { QListViewItem* item = findItem(*it, 0); if (item) { item->setSelected(true); ensureItemVisible(item); } } } break; case DCOP::clear: clear(); m_lastPath.clear(); break; case DCOP::removeItem: { if (args[0].toInt() >= 0 ) { delete indexToItem(args[0].toInt()); m_lastPath.clear(); } break; } case DCOP::currentItem: return QString::number(itemToIndexSafe(currentItem())); break; case DCOP::setCurrentItem: setCurrentItem(indexToItem(args[0].toInt())); break; case DCOP::findItem: if (!args[1]) return QString::number(itemToIndexSafe(findItem(args[0], 0))); else { if (args[2].toUInt() && args[3].toUInt()) return QString::number(itemToIndexSafe(findItem(args[0], args[1].toInt()))); else if (args[2].toUInt()) return QString::number(itemToIndexSafe(findItem(args[0], args[1].toInt(), Qt::CaseSensitive | Qt::Contains))); else if (args[3].toUInt()) return QString::number(itemToIndexSafe(findItem(args[0], args[1].toInt(), Qt::ExactMatch))); else return QString::number(itemToIndexSafe(findItem(args[0], args[1].toInt(), Qt::Contains))); } break; case DCOP::item: return itemText(indexToItem(args[0].toInt())); break; case DCOP::itemPath: return itemPath(indexToItem(args[0].toInt())); break; case DCOP::itemDepth: { QListViewItem* item = indexToItem(args[0].toInt()); return (item) ? QString::number(item->depth()) : QString::number(-1); } case DCOP::setPixmap: { QPixmap pixmap = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon(args[0], KIcon::Small); if (args[1].toInt() == -1) for (QListViewItemIterator it(this); it.current(); ++it) it.current()->setPixmap(0, pixmap); else { QListViewItem* item = indexToItem(args[1].toInt()); if (item) item->setPixmap(0, pixmap); } break; } case DCOP::setColumnCaption: if (columns() >= args[0].toInt()) setColumnText(args[0].toInt(), args[1]); break; case DCOP::getBackgroundColor: return this->paletteBackgroundColor().name(); break; case DCOP::setBackgroundColor: { QColor color; color.setNamedColor(args[0]); this->setPaletteBackgroundColor(color); break; } case addColumnTree: return QString::number(KListView::addColumn(args[0], args[1].toInt())); break; case setSortCol: KListView::setSorting(args[0].toInt(), args[1].toInt()); break; case DCOP::columnCount: return QString::number(QListView::columns() ); break; case colCaption: return QListView::columnText(args[0].toInt()) ; break; case setColWidth: QListView::setColumnWidth(args[0].toInt(), args[1].toInt()); break; case setColAlignment: setColAlign(args[0].toInt(), args[1]); break; case setAltBackground: KListView::setAlternateBackground(QColor(args[0])); break; case DCOP::removeColumn: { if (!args[1].toInt()) removeColumn(args[0].toInt()); else { int column = args[0].toInt(); int lines = args[1].toInt(); for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) removeColumn(column); } break; } case TW_childCount: return QString::number(childCount()); break; case DCOP::geometry: { QString geo = QString::number(this->x())+" "+QString::number(this->y())+" "+QString::number(this->width())+" "+QString::number(this->height()); return geo; break; } case DCOP::hasFocus: return QString::number(this->hasFocus()); break; default: return KommanderWidget::handleDCOP(function, args); } return QString(); } #include "treewidget.moc"