// // C++ Implementation: mediumpluginmanager // // Description: // // // Authors: Jeff Mitchell , (C) 2005, 2006 // Martin Aumueller , (C) 2006 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include "amarok.h" #include "debug.h" #include "deviceconfiguredialog.h" #include "mediadevicemanager.h" #include "devicemanager.h" #include "hintlineedit.h" #include "mediabrowser.h" #include "medium.h" #include "mediumpluginmanager.h" #include "plugin/pluginconfig.h" #include "pluginmanager.h" #include "statusbar.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using Amarok::escapeHTML; using Amarok::escapeHTMLAttr; typedef TQMap MediumMap; MediumPluginManagerDialog::MediumPluginManagerDialog() : KDialogBase( Amarok::mainWindow(), "mediumpluginmanagerdialog", false, TQString(), Ok|Cancel, Ok ) { kapp->setTopWidget( this ); setCaption( kapp->makeStdCaption( i18n( "Manage Devices and Plugins" ) ) ); TQVBox* vbox = makeVBoxMainWidget(); vbox->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); vbox->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Expanding ) ); m_location = new TQGroupBox( 1, TQt::Vertical, i18n( "Devices" ), vbox ); m_location->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Preferred ) ); m_devicesBox = new TQVBox( m_location ); m_devicesBox->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Expanding ) ); m_manager = new MediumPluginManager( m_devicesBox ); TQHBox *hbox = new TQHBox( vbox ); KPushButton *detectDevices = new KPushButton( i18n( "Autodetect Devices" ), hbox); detectDevices->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ) ); connect( detectDevices, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), m_manager, TQT_SLOT( redetectDevices() ) ); KPushButton *addButton = new KPushButton( i18n( "Add Device..." ), hbox ); addButton->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ) ); connect( addButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), m_manager, TQT_SLOT( newDevice() ) ); } MediumPluginManagerDialog::~MediumPluginManagerDialog() { delete m_manager; } void MediumPluginManagerDialog::slotOk() { m_manager->finished(); KDialogBase::slotOk(); } MediumPluginManager::MediumPluginManager( TQWidget *widget, const bool nographics ) : m_widget( widget ) { detectDevices( false, nographics ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( selectedPlugin( const Medium*, const TQString ) ), MediaBrowser::instance(), TQT_SLOT( pluginSelected( const Medium*, const TQString ) ) ); } MediumPluginManager::~MediumPluginManager() { } bool MediumPluginManager::hasChanged() { bool temp = m_hasChanged; m_hasChanged = false; return temp; } void MediumPluginManager::slotChanged()//slot { m_hasChanged = true; emit changed(); } bool MediumPluginManager::detectDevices( const bool redetect, const bool nographics ) { bool foundNew = false; TDEConfig *config = Amarok::config( "MediaBrowser" ); if( redetect ) DeviceManager::instance()->reconcileMediumMap(); MediumMap mmap = MediaDeviceManager::instance()->getMediumMap(); for( MediumMap::Iterator it = mmap.begin(); it != mmap.end(); it++ ) { if( !config->readEntry( (*it)->id() ).isEmpty() && config->readEntry( (*it)->id() ) == "deleted" && !redetect) { debug() << "skipping: deleted" << endl; continue; } bool skipflag = false; for( DeviceList::Iterator dit = m_deviceList.begin(); dit != m_deviceList.end(); dit++ ) { if( (*it)->id() == (*dit)->medium()->id() ) { skipflag = true; debug() << "skipping: already listed" << endl; } } if( m_deletedMap.contains( (*it)->id() ) && !(*it)->isAutodetected() ) { skipflag = true; debug() << "skipping: deleted & not autodetect" << endl; } if( skipflag ) continue; if( m_deletedMap.contains( (*it)->id() ) ) m_deletedMap.remove( (*it)->id() ); MediaDeviceConfig *dev = new MediaDeviceConfig( *it, this, nographics, m_widget ); m_deviceList.append( dev ); connect( dev, TQT_SIGNAL(deleteMedium(Medium *)), TQT_SLOT(deleteMedium(Medium *)) ); foundNew = true; } return foundNew; } void MediumPluginManager::redetectDevices() { if( !detectDevices( true ) ) { Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessageThreadSafe( i18n("No new media devices were found. If you feel this is an\n" "error, ensure that the DBUS and either TDEHW or HAL daemon are running\n" "and TDE was built with support for them.") ); } else slotChanged(); } void MediumPluginManager::deleteMedium( Medium *medium ) { for( DeviceList::Iterator it = m_deviceList.begin(); it != m_deviceList.end(); it++ ) { if( (*it)->medium() == medium ) { m_deletedMap[medium->id()] = medium; m_deviceList.remove( *it ); break; } } slotChanged(); } void MediumPluginManager::finished() { for( DeviceList::Iterator it = m_deviceList.begin(); it != m_deviceList.end(); it++ ) { if( (*it)->plugin() != (*it)->oldPlugin() ) { (*it)->setOldPlugin( (*it)->plugin() ); emit selectedPlugin( (*it)->medium(), (*it)->plugin() ); } (*it)->configButton()->setEnabled( (*it)->pluginCombo()->currentText() != i18n( "Do not handle" ) ); } TDEConfig *config = Amarok::config( "MediaBrowser" ); for( DeletedMap::Iterator dit = m_deletedMap.begin(); dit != m_deletedMap.end(); ++dit ) { if( dit.data()->isAutodetected() ) config->writeEntry( dit.data()->id(), "deleted" ); else config->deleteEntry( dit.data()->id() ); MediaDeviceManager::instance()->removeManualDevice( dit.data() ); } m_deletedMap.clear(); } void MediumPluginManager::newDevice() { DEBUG_BLOCK ManualDeviceAdder* mda = new ManualDeviceAdder( this ); if( mda->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted && mda->successful() ) { if( !Amarok::config( "MediaBrowser" )->readEntry( mda->getMedium()->id() ).isNull() ) { //abort! Can't have the same device defined twice...should never //happen due to name checking earlier...right? Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessageThreadSafe( i18n("Sorry, you cannot define two devices\n" "with the same name and mountpoint!") ); } else { Medium *newdev = new Medium( mda->getMedium() ); Amarok::config( "MediaBrowser" )->writeEntry( newdev->id(), mda->getPlugin() ); MediaDeviceManager::instance()->addManualDevice( newdev ); detectDevices(); } } delete mda; slotChanged(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ManualDeviceAdder::ManualDeviceAdder( MediumPluginManager* mpm ) : KDialogBase( Amarok::mainWindow(), "manualdeviceadder", true, TQString(), Ok|Cancel, Ok ) { m_mpm = mpm; m_successful = false; m_newMed = 0; kapp->setTopWidget( this ); setCaption( kapp->makeStdCaption( i18n( "Add New Device") ) ); TQHBox* hbox = makeHBoxMainWidget(); hbox->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); TQVBox* vbox1 = new TQVBox( hbox ); new TQLabel( i18n( "Select the plugin to use with this device:"), vbox1 ); m_mdaCombo = new KComboBox( false, vbox1, "m_mdacombo" ); m_mdaCombo->insertItem( i18n( "Do not handle" ) ); for( TDETrader::OfferList::ConstIterator it = MediaBrowser::instance()->getPlugins().begin(); it != MediaBrowser::instance()->getPlugins().end(); ++it ) m_mdaCombo->insertItem( (*it)->name() ); new TQLabel( "", vbox1 ); TQLabel* nameLabel = new TQLabel( vbox1 ); nameLabel->setText( i18n( "Enter a &name for this device (required):" ) ); m_mdaName = new HintLineEdit( TQString(), vbox1); nameLabel->setBuddy( m_mdaName ); m_mdaName->setHint( i18n( "Example: My_Ipod" ) ); TQToolTip::add( m_mdaName, i18n( "Enter a name for the device. The name must be unique across all devices, including autodetected devices. It must not contain the pipe ( | ) character." ) ); new TQLabel( "", vbox1 ); TQLabel* mpLabel = new TQLabel( vbox1 ); mpLabel->setText( i18n( "Enter the &mount point of the device, if applicable:" ) ); m_mdaMountPoint = new HintLineEdit( TQString(), vbox1); mpLabel->setBuddy( m_mdaMountPoint ); m_mdaMountPoint->setHint( i18n( "Example: /mnt/ipod" ) ); TQToolTip::add( m_mdaMountPoint, i18n( "Enter the device's mount point. Some devices (such as iRiver iFP devices) may not have a mount point and this can be ignored. All other devices (iPods, UMS/VFAT devices) should enter the mount point here." ) ); connect( m_mdaCombo, TQT_SIGNAL( activated(const TQString&) ), this, TQT_SLOT( comboChanged(const TQString&) ) ); } ManualDeviceAdder::~ManualDeviceAdder() { delete m_newMed; delete m_mdaName; delete m_mdaMountPoint; } void ManualDeviceAdder::slotCancel() { KDialogBase::slotCancel( ); } void ManualDeviceAdder::slotOk() { if( getMedium( true ) && !getMedium()->name().isEmpty() && MediaDeviceManager::instance()->getDevice( getMedium()->name() ) == NULL ) { m_successful = true; KDialogBase::slotOk( ); } else { Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessageThreadSafe( i18n("Sorry, every device must have a name and\n" "you cannot define two devices with the\n" "same name. These names must be unique\n" "across autodetected devices as well.\n") ); } } void ManualDeviceAdder::comboChanged( const TQString &string ) { //best thing to do here would be to find out if the plugin selected //has m_hasMountPoint set to false...but any way to do this //without instantiating it? This way will suffice for now... if( MediaBrowser::instance()->getInternalPluginName( string ) == "ifp-mediadevice" || MediaBrowser::instance()->getInternalPluginName( string ) == "daap-mediadevice" || MediaBrowser::instance()->getInternalPluginName( string ) == "mtp-mediadevice" || MediaBrowser::instance()->getInternalPluginName( string ) == "njb-mediadevice" ) { m_comboOldText = m_mdaMountPoint->text(); m_mdaMountPoint->setText( TQString() ); m_mdaMountPoint->setEnabled(false); } else if( m_mdaMountPoint->isEnabled() == false ) { m_mdaMountPoint->setText( m_comboOldText ); m_mdaMountPoint->setEnabled(true); } m_selectedPlugin = MediaBrowser::instance()->getInternalPluginName( string ); } Medium* ManualDeviceAdder::getMedium( bool recreate ) { if( !recreate ) return m_newMed; if( m_newMed && recreate ) { delete m_newMed; m_newMed = 0; } if( m_mdaMountPoint->isEnabled() == false && m_mdaName->text().isNull() ) return NULL; if( m_mdaMountPoint->text().isNull() && m_mdaName->text().isNull() ) return NULL; TQString id = "manual|" + m_mdaName->text() + '|' + ( m_mdaMountPoint->text().isNull() || m_mdaMountPoint->isEnabled() == false ? "(null)" : m_mdaMountPoint->text() ); m_newMed = new Medium( id, m_mdaName->text() ); m_newMed->setAutodetected( false ); m_newMed->setMountPoint( m_mdaMountPoint->text() ); return m_newMed; } MediaDeviceConfig::MediaDeviceConfig( Medium *medium, MediumPluginManager *mgr, const bool nographics, TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQHBox( parent, name ) , m_manager( mgr ) , m_medium( medium ) , m_configButton( 0 ) , m_removeButton( 0 ) , m_new( true ) { if( !m_medium ) return; TDEConfig *config = Amarok::config( "MediaBrowser" ); m_oldPlugin = config->readEntry( m_medium->id() ); if( !m_oldPlugin.isEmpty() ) m_new = false; setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ) ); setSpacing( 5 ); const TQString labelTextNone = i18n( "(none)" ); TQString row = "%1%2"; TQString table; table += row.arg( escapeHTML( i18n( "Autodetected:" ) ), escapeHTML( medium->isAutodetected() ? i18n("Yes") : i18n("No") ) ); table += row.arg( escapeHTML( i18n( "ID:" ) ), escapeHTML( medium->id() ) ); table += row.arg( escapeHTML( i18n( "Name:" ) ), escapeHTML( medium->name() ) ); table += row.arg( escapeHTML( i18n( "Label:" ) ), escapeHTML( medium->label().isEmpty() ? labelTextNone : medium->label() ) ); table += row.arg( escapeHTML( i18n( "User Label:" ) ), escapeHTML( medium->userLabel().isEmpty() ? labelTextNone : medium->userLabel() ) ); table += row.arg( escapeHTML( i18n( "Device Node:" ) ), escapeHTML( medium->deviceNode().isEmpty() ? labelTextNone : medium->deviceNode() ) ); table += row.arg( escapeHTML( i18n( "Mount Point:" ) ), escapeHTML( medium->mountPoint().isEmpty() ? labelTextNone : medium->mountPoint() ) ); table += row.arg( escapeHTML( i18n( "Mime Type:" ) ), escapeHTML( medium->mimeType().isEmpty() ? labelTextNone : medium->mimeType() ) ); TQString title = escapeHTML( i18n( "Device information for %1").arg(medium->name() ) ); TQString details = TQString( "%1
" "%2
" ).arg( title, table ); (void)new TQLabel( i18n("Name: "), this ); (void)new TQLabel( medium->name(), this ); (void)new KActiveLabel( i18n( "(Details)" ) .arg( Amarok::escapeHTMLAttr( details ) ), this ); (void)new TQLabel( i18n("Plugin:"), this ); m_pluginCombo = new KComboBox( false, this ); m_pluginCombo->insertItem( i18n( "Do not handle" ) ); for( TDETrader::OfferList::ConstIterator it = MediaBrowser::instance()->getPlugins().begin(); it != MediaBrowser::instance()->getPlugins().end(); ++it ){ m_pluginCombo->insertItem( (*it)->name() ); if ( (*it)->property( "X-TDE-Amarok-name" ).toString() == config->readEntry( medium->id() ) ) m_pluginCombo->setCurrentItem( (*it)->name() ); } m_configButton = new KPushButton( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "configure" ) ), TQString(), this ); connect( m_configButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(configureDevice()) ); m_configButton->setEnabled( !m_new && m_pluginCombo->currentText() != i18n( "Do not handle" ) ); TQToolTip::add( m_configButton, i18n( "Configure device settings" ) ); m_removeButton = new KPushButton( i18n( "Remove" ), this ); connect( m_removeButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(deleteDevice()) ); TQToolTip::add( m_removeButton, i18n( "Remove entries corresponding to this device from configuration file" ) ); connect( m_pluginCombo, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(const TQString&)), m_manager, TQT_SLOT(slotChanged()) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(changed()), m_manager, TQT_SLOT(slotChanged()) ); if( !nographics ) show(); } MediaDeviceConfig::~MediaDeviceConfig() { } bool MediaDeviceConfig::isNew() { return m_new; } Medium * MediaDeviceConfig::medium() { return m_medium; } TQString MediaDeviceConfig::plugin() { return MediaBrowser::instance()->getInternalPluginName( m_pluginCombo->currentText() ); } TQString MediaDeviceConfig::oldPlugin() { return m_oldPlugin; } void MediaDeviceConfig::setOldPlugin( const TQString &oldPlugin ) { m_oldPlugin = oldPlugin; } TQButton * MediaDeviceConfig::configButton() { return m_configButton; } TQButton * MediaDeviceConfig::removeButton() { return m_removeButton; } KComboBox * MediaDeviceConfig::pluginCombo() { return m_pluginCombo; } void MediaDeviceConfig::configureDevice() //slot { DeviceConfigureDialog* dcd = new DeviceConfigureDialog( m_medium ); dcd->exec(); delete dcd; } void MediaDeviceConfig::deleteDevice() //slot { //TODO:save something in amarokrc such that it's not shown again until hit autoscan //m_deletedMap[medium->id()] = medium; emit deleteMedium( medium() ); delete this; } #include "mediumpluginmanager.moc"