/* GSL - Generic Sound Layer * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Tim Janik * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "gslwavechunk.h" #include "gsldatahandle.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum { VERBOSITY_NONE, VERBOSITY_SETUP, VERBOSITY_BLOCKS, VERBOSITY_DATA, VERBOSITY_PADDING, VERBOSITY_CHECKS, }; static guint verbosity = VERBOSITY_SETUP; static gfloat my_data[] = { 0.555555555,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29, 30,31,32,33,34,35,36, }; static guint my_data_length = sizeof (my_data) / sizeof (my_data[0]); static void print_block (GslWaveChunk *wchunk, GslWaveChunkBlock *block); #define DEBUG_SIZE (1024 * 256) #define MINI_DEBUG_SIZE (16) static void run_tests (GslWaveLoopType loop_type, gint play_dir, gint loop_first, gint loop_last, gint loop_count) { gfloat tmpstorage[DEBUG_SIZE], *cmpblock = tmpstorage + DEBUG_SIZE / 2; GslDataHandle *myhandle; GslDataCache *dcache; GslWaveChunkBlock block = { 0, 0 }; GslWaveChunk *wchunk; GslErrorType error; myhandle = gsl_data_handle_new_mem (1, 32, my_data_length, my_data, NULL); dcache = gsl_data_cache_new (myhandle, 1); gsl_data_handle_unref (myhandle); wchunk = gsl_wave_chunk_new (dcache, 44.0, 44100.0, loop_type, loop_first, loop_last, loop_count); error = gsl_wave_chunk_open (wchunk); if (error) g_error ("failed to open wave chunk: %s", gsl_strerror (error)); gsl_wave_chunk_unref (wchunk); if (verbosity >= VERBOSITY_SETUP) g_print ("SETUP: loop_type=%u loop_first=%ld loop_last=%ld loop_count=%d playdir=%+d\n", wchunk->loop_type, wchunk->loop_first, wchunk->loop_last, wchunk->loop_count, play_dir); gsl_wave_chunk_debug_block (wchunk, - DEBUG_SIZE / 2, DEBUG_SIZE, cmpblock - DEBUG_SIZE / 2); block.play_dir = play_dir; block.offset = block.play_dir < 0 ? wchunk->wave_length + MINI_DEBUG_SIZE/2 : -MINI_DEBUG_SIZE/2; while (block.offset < wchunk->wave_length + MINI_DEBUG_SIZE && block.offset > -MINI_DEBUG_SIZE) { gint i, start, end, abort; gsl_wave_chunk_use_block (wchunk, &block); print_block (wchunk, &block); if (block.play_dir > 0) { start = block.offset - wchunk->n_pad_values; end = block.offset + block.length + wchunk->n_pad_values; } else { start = block.offset + wchunk->n_pad_values; end = block.offset - block.length - wchunk->n_pad_values; } abort = FALSE; for (i = start; i != end; i += block.play_dir) { gfloat v = (block.play_dir < 0) ^ (block.dirstride > 0) ? block.start[i - block.offset] : block.start[block.offset - i]; if (fabs (cmpblock[i] - v) > 1e-15) { abort = TRUE; verbosity = 99; } if (verbosity >= VERBOSITY_CHECKS) g_print ("%s: offset=%d (block.offset=%ld) value=%.16f found=%.16f\n", fabs (cmpblock[i] - v) > 1e-15 ? "MISMATCH" : "match", i, (i - block.offset), cmpblock[i], v); } if (abort) { g_error ("mismatches occoured, setup: loop_type=%u loop_first=%ld loop_last=%ld loop_count=%d (length=%ld)", wchunk->loop_type, wchunk->loop_first, wchunk->loop_last, wchunk->loop_count, gsl_data_handle_length (wchunk->dcache->dhandle)); } gsl_wave_chunk_unuse_block (wchunk, &block); block.offset = block.next_offset; /* block.offset += block.play_dir; */ } gsl_wave_chunk_close (wchunk); gsl_data_cache_unref (dcache); } static void print_block (GslWaveChunk *wchunk, GslWaveChunkBlock *block) { gfloat *p = NULL; guint i; if (verbosity >= VERBOSITY_BLOCKS) { g_print ("BLOCK:"); g_print (" offset=%ld", block->offset); g_print (" length=%ld", block->length); g_print (" dirstride=%d", block->dirstride); } if (verbosity >= VERBOSITY_PADDING) { g_print (" {prepad:"); i = wchunk->n_pad_values; p = block->start - (block->dirstride > 0 ? i : -i); while (i--) { g_print (" %.1f", *p); p += block->dirstride; } g_print ("}"); } if (verbosity >= VERBOSITY_DATA) { g_print (" {data:"); p = block->start; while (p != block->end) { g_print (" %.1f", *p); p += block->dirstride; } g_print ("}"); } if (verbosity >= VERBOSITY_PADDING) { i = wchunk->n_pad_values; g_print (" {postpad:"); while (i--) { g_print (" %.1f", *p); p += block->dirstride; } g_print ("}"); } if (verbosity >= VERBOSITY_BLOCKS) g_print ("\n"); } int main (gint argc, gchar *argv[]) { GslConfigValue gslconfig[] = { { "wave_chunk_padding", 1, }, { "wave_chunk_big_pad", 2, }, { "dcache_block_size", 16, }, { NULL, }, }; gint i, j, k; if (!g_thread_supported ()) g_thread_init (NULL); gsl_init (gslconfig, NULL); if (1) { GslDataHandle *myhandle; GslDataHandle *rhandle1, *rhandle2; GslLong o, l, i, e; GslErrorType error; g_print ("reversed datahandle test:...\n"); myhandle = gsl_data_handle_new_mem (1, 32, my_data_length, my_data, NULL); rhandle1 = gsl_data_handle_new_reverse (myhandle); gsl_data_handle_unref (myhandle); rhandle2 = gsl_data_handle_new_reverse (rhandle1); gsl_data_handle_unref (rhandle1); error = gsl_data_handle_open (rhandle2); if (error) g_error ("failed to open rhandle2: %s", gsl_strerror (error)); gsl_data_handle_unref (rhandle2); g_assert (gsl_data_handle_length (rhandle2) == gsl_data_handle_length (myhandle)); for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) { o = 0; l = gsl_data_handle_length (rhandle2); while (l) { gfloat d1[8], d2[8]; e = gsl_data_handle_read (myhandle, o, MIN (i, l), d1); g_assert (e == MIN (i, l)); e = gsl_data_handle_read (rhandle2, o, MIN (i, l), d2); g_assert (e == MIN (i, l)); g_assert (memcmp (d1, d2, sizeof (d1[0]) * e) == 0); l -= e; o += e; } } gsl_data_handle_close (rhandle2); g_print ("passed.\n"); } if (1) { g_print ("primitive loop tests:...\n"); run_tests (GSL_WAVE_LOOP_NONE, -1, 0, 0, 0); run_tests (GSL_WAVE_LOOP_NONE, 1, 0, 0, 0); run_tests (GSL_WAVE_LOOP_NONE, -1, 0, 0, 0); run_tests (GSL_WAVE_LOOP_JUMP, 1, 0, 0, 0); run_tests (GSL_WAVE_LOOP_PINGPONG, 1, 0, 0, 0); run_tests (GSL_WAVE_LOOP_JUMP, -1, 0, 0, 0); run_tests (GSL_WAVE_LOOP_PINGPONG, -1, 0, 0, 0); g_print ("passed.\n"); } if (1) { g_print ("brute loop tests:...\n"); for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) for (j = 0; j < my_data_length - 1; j++) for (k = j + 1; k < my_data_length; k++) { run_tests (GSL_WAVE_LOOP_JUMP, 1, j, k, i); run_tests (GSL_WAVE_LOOP_PINGPONG, 1, j, k, i); run_tests (GSL_WAVE_LOOP_JUMP, -1, j, k, i); run_tests (GSL_WAVE_LOOP_PINGPONG, -1, j, k, i); } g_print ("passed.\n"); } return 0; }