/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 by S�astien Laot * * slaout@linux62.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "linklabel.h" #include "variouswidgets.h" #include "tools.h" #include "global.h" #include "kcolorcombo2.h" #include "htmlexporter.h" /** LinkLook */ LinkLook *LinkLook::soundLook = new LinkLook(/*useLinkColor=*/false, /*canPreview=*/false); LinkLook *LinkLook::fileLook = new LinkLook(/*useLinkColor=*/false, /*canPreview=*/true); LinkLook *LinkLook::localLinkLook = new LinkLook(/*useLinkColor=*/true, /*canPreview=*/true); LinkLook *LinkLook::networkLinkLook = new LinkLook(/*useLinkColor=*/true, /*canPreview=*/false); LinkLook *LinkLook::launcherLook = new LinkLook(/*useLinkColor=*/true, /*canPreview=*/false); LinkLook::LinkLook(bool useLinkColor, bool canPreview) { m_useLinkColor = useLinkColor; m_canPreview = canPreview; m_iconSize = 0; } LinkLook::LinkLook(const LinkLook &other) { m_useLinkColor = other.useLinkColor(); m_canPreview = other.canPreview(); setLook( other.italic(), other.bold(), other.underlining(), other.color(), other.hoverColor(), other.iconSize(), other.preview() ); } void LinkLook::setLook(bool italic, bool bold, int underlining, QColor color, QColor hoverColor, int iconSize, int preview) { m_italic = italic; m_bold = bold; m_underlining = underlining; m_color = color; m_hoverColor = hoverColor; m_iconSize = iconSize; m_preview = (canPreview() ? preview : None); } int LinkLook::previewSize() const { if (previewEnabled()) { switch (preview()) { default: case None: return 0; case IconSize: return iconSize(); case TwiceIconSize: return iconSize() * 2; case ThreeIconSize: return iconSize() * 3; } } else return 0; } QColor LinkLook::effectiveColor() const { if (m_color.isValid()) return m_color; else return defaultColor(); } QColor LinkLook::effectiveHoverColor() const { if (m_hoverColor.isValid()) return m_hoverColor; else return defaultHoverColor(); } QColor LinkLook::defaultColor() const { if (m_useLinkColor) return KGlobalSettings::linkColor(); else return KGlobalSettings::textColor(); } QColor LinkLook::defaultHoverColor() const { return Qt::red; } LinkLook* LinkLook::lookForURL(const KURL &url) { return url.isLocalFile() ? localLinkLook : networkLinkLook; } QString LinkLook::toCSS(const QString &cssClass, const QColor &defaultTextColor) const { // Set the link class: QString css = QString(" .%1 a { display: block; width: 100%;").arg(cssClass); if (underlineOutside()) css += " text-decoration: underline;"; else css += " text-decoration: none;"; if (m_italic == true) css += " font-style: italic;"; if (m_bold == true) css += " font-weight: bold;"; QColor textColor = (color().isValid() || m_useLinkColor ? effectiveColor() : defaultTextColor); css += QString(" color: %1; }\n").arg(textColor.name()); // Set the hover state class: QString hover; if (m_underlining == OnMouseHover) hover = "text-decoration: underline;"; else if (m_underlining == OnMouseOutside) hover = "text-decoration: none;"; if (effectiveHoverColor() != effectiveColor()) { if (!hover.isEmpty()) hover += " "; hover += QString("color: %4;").arg(effectiveHoverColor().name()); } // But include it only if it contain a different style than non-hover state: if (!hover.isEmpty()) css += QString(" .%1 a:hover { %2 }\n").arg(cssClass, hover); return css; } /** LinkLabel */ LinkLabel::LinkLabel(int hAlign, int vAlign, QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f) : QFrame(parent, name, f), m_isSelected(false), m_isHovered(false), m_look(0) { initLabel(hAlign, vAlign); } LinkLabel::LinkLabel(const QString &title, const QString &icon, LinkLook *look, int hAlign, int vAlign, QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f) : QFrame(parent, name, f), m_isSelected(false), m_isHovered(false), m_look(0) { initLabel(hAlign, vAlign); setLink(title, icon, look); } void LinkLabel::initLabel(int hAlign, int vAlign) { m_layout = new QBoxLayout(this, QBoxLayout::LeftToRight); m_icon = new QLabel(this); m_title = new QLabel(this); m_spacer1 = new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Preferred/*Expanding*/, QSizePolicy::Preferred/*Expanding*/); m_spacer2 = new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Preferred/*Expanding*/, QSizePolicy::Preferred/*Expanding*/); m_hAlign = hAlign; m_vAlign = vAlign; m_title->setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText); // DEGUB: //m_icon->setPaletteBackgroundColor("lightblue"); //m_title->setPaletteBackgroundColor("lightyellow"); } LinkLabel::~LinkLabel() { } void LinkLabel::setLink(const QString &title, const QString &icon, LinkLook *look) { if (look) m_look = look; // Needed for icon size m_title->setText(title); m_title->setShown( ! title.isEmpty() ); if (icon.isEmpty()) m_icon->clear(); else { QPixmap pixmap = DesktopIcon(icon, m_look->iconSize(), m_look->iconSize(), kapp); if (!pixmap.isNull()) m_icon->setPixmap(pixmap); } m_icon->setShown( ! icon.isEmpty() ); if (look) setLook(look); } void LinkLabel::setLook(LinkLook *look) // FIXME: called externaly (so, without setLink()) it's buggy (icon not { m_look = look; QFont font; font.setBold(look->bold()); font.setUnderline(look->underlineOutside()); font.setItalic(look->italic()); m_title->setFont(font); m_title->setPaletteForegroundColor( m_isSelected ? KApplication::palette().active().highlightedText() : look->effectiveColor() ); m_icon->setShown( m_icon->pixmap() && ! m_icon->pixmap()->isNull() ); setAlign(m_hAlign, m_vAlign); } void LinkLabel::setAlign(int hAlign, int vAlign) { m_hAlign = hAlign; m_vAlign = vAlign; if (!m_look) return; // Define alignment flags : //FIXME TODO: Use directly flags ! int hFlag, vFlag, wBreak; switch (hAlign) { default: case 0: hFlag = Qt::AlignLeft; break; case 1: hFlag = Qt::AlignHCenter; break; case 2: hFlag = Qt::AlignRight; break; } switch (vAlign) { case 0: vFlag = Qt::AlignTop; break; default: case 1: vFlag = Qt::AlignVCenter; break; case 2: vFlag = Qt::AlignBottom; break; } wBreak = Qt::WordBreak * (hAlign != 1); // Clear the widget : m_layout->removeItem(m_spacer1); m_layout->remove(m_icon); m_layout->remove(m_title); m_layout->removeItem(m_spacer2); // Otherwise, minimumSize will be incoherent (last size ? ) m_layout->setResizeMode(QLayout::Minimum); // And re-populate the widget with the appropriates things and order bool addSpacers = hAlign == 1; m_layout->setDirection(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight); //m_title->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Maximum/*Expanding*/, 0, 0, false) ); m_icon->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Preferred/*Expanding*/, 0, 0, false) ); m_spacer1->changeSize( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred/*Expanding*/ ); m_spacer2->changeSize( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred/*Expanding*/ ); m_icon->setAlignment( hFlag | vFlag ); m_title->setAlignment( hFlag | vFlag | wBreak ); if ( addSpacers && (vAlign != 0) || (m_title->text().isEmpty() && hAlign == 2) ) m_layout->addItem(m_spacer1); if (hAlign == 2) { // If align at right, icon is at right m_layout->addWidget(m_title); m_layout->addWidget(m_icon); } else { m_layout->addWidget(m_icon); m_layout->addWidget(m_title); } if ( addSpacers && (vAlign != 2) || (m_title->text().isEmpty() && hAlign == 0) ) m_layout->addItem(m_spacer2); } void LinkLabel::enterEvent(QEvent*) { m_isHovered = true; if ( ! m_isSelected ) m_title->setPaletteForegroundColor(m_look->effectiveHoverColor()); QFont font = m_title->font(); font.setUnderline(m_look->underlineInside()); m_title->setFont(font); } void LinkLabel::leaveEvent(QEvent*) { m_isHovered = false; if ( ! m_isSelected ) m_title->setPaletteForegroundColor(m_look->effectiveColor()); QFont font = m_title->font(); font.setUnderline(m_look->underlineOutside()); m_title->setFont(font); } void LinkLabel::setSelected(bool selected) { m_isSelected = selected; if (selected) m_title->setPaletteForegroundColor(KApplication::palette().active().highlightedText()); else if (m_isHovered) m_title->setPaletteForegroundColor(m_look->effectiveHoverColor()); else m_title->setPaletteForegroundColor(m_look->effectiveColor()); } void LinkLabel::setPaletteBackgroundColor(const QColor &color) { QFrame::setPaletteBackgroundColor(color); m_title->setPaletteBackgroundColor(color); } int LinkLabel::heightForWidth(int w) const { int iconS = (m_icon->isShown()) ? m_look->iconSize() : 0; // Icon size int iconW = iconS; // Icon width to remove to w int titleH = (m_title->isShown()) ? m_title->heightForWidth(w - iconW) : 0; // Title height return (titleH >= iconS) ? titleH : iconS; // No margin for the moment ! } QString LinkLabel::toHtml(const QString &imageName) { QString begin = ""; QString end = ""; if (m_look->italic()) { begin += ""; end.prepend(""); } if (m_look->bold()) { begin += ""; end.prepend(""); } if (m_look->underlineOutside()) { begin += ""; end.prepend(""); } if (m_icon->pixmap()) { QPixmap icon(*m_icon->pixmap()); begin.prepend(" "); QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap(imageName, icon); } else QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setData(imageName, 0L); return begin + Tools::textToHTMLWithoutP(m_title->text()) + end; } /** class LinkDisplay */ LinkDisplay::LinkDisplay() : m_title(), m_icon(), m_preview(), m_look(0), m_font(), m_minWidth(0), m_width(0), m_height(0) { } void LinkDisplay::setLink(const QString &title, const QString &icon, LinkLook *look, const QFont &font) { setLink(title, icon, m_preview, look, font); } void LinkDisplay::setLink(const QString &title, const QString &icon, const QPixmap &preview, LinkLook *look, const QFont &font) { m_title = title; m_icon = icon; m_preview = preview; m_look = look; m_font = font; // "Constants": int BUTTON_MARGIN = kapp->style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ButtonMargin); int LINK_MARGIN = BUTTON_MARGIN + 2; // Recompute m_minWidth: QRect textRect = QFontMetrics(labelFont(font, false)).boundingRect(0, 0, /*width=*/1, 500000, Qt::AlignAuto | Qt::AlignTop | Qt::WordBreak, m_title); int iconPreviewWidth = QMAX(m_look->iconSize(), (m_look->previewEnabled() ? m_preview.width() : 0)); m_minWidth = BUTTON_MARGIN - 1 + iconPreviewWidth + LINK_MARGIN + textRect.width(); // Recompute m_maxWidth: textRect = QFontMetrics(labelFont(font, false)).boundingRect(0, 0, /*width=*/50000000, 500000, Qt::AlignAuto | Qt::AlignTop | Qt::WordBreak, m_title); m_maxWidth = BUTTON_MARGIN - 1 + iconPreviewWidth + LINK_MARGIN + textRect.width(); // Adjust m_width: if (m_width < m_minWidth) setWidth(m_minWidth); // Recompute m_height: m_height = heightForWidth(m_width); } void LinkDisplay::setWidth(int width) { if (width < m_minWidth) width = m_minWidth; if (width != m_width) { m_width = width; m_height = heightForWidth(m_width); } } /** Paint on @p painter * in (@p x, @p y, @p width, @p height) * using @p colorGroup for the button drawing (if @p isHovered) * and the LinkLook color() for the text, * unless [the LinkLook !color.isValid() and it does not useLinkColor()] or [@p isDefaultColor is false]: in this case it will use @p colorGroup.text(). * It will draw the button if @p isIconButtonHovered. */ void LinkDisplay::paint(QPainter *painter, int x, int y, int width, int height, const QColorGroup &colorGroup, bool isDefaultColor, bool isSelected, bool isHovered, bool isIconButtonHovered) const { int BUTTON_MARGIN = kapp->style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ButtonMargin); int LINK_MARGIN = BUTTON_MARGIN + 2; QPixmap pixmap; // Load the preview...: if (!isHovered && m_look->previewEnabled() && !m_preview.isNull()) pixmap = m_preview; // ... Or the icon (if no preview or if the "Open" icon should be shown): else { int iconSize = m_look->iconSize(); QString iconName = (isHovered ? Global::openNoteIcon() : m_icon); KIcon::States iconState = (isIconButtonHovered ? KIcon::ActiveState : KIcon::DefaultState); pixmap = kapp->iconLoader()->loadIcon(iconName, KIcon::Desktop, iconSize, iconState, 0L, /*canReturnNull=*/false); } int iconPreviewWidth = QMAX(m_look->iconSize(), (m_look->previewEnabled() ? m_preview.width() : 0)); int pixmapX = (iconPreviewWidth - pixmap.width()) / 2; int pixmapY = (height - pixmap.height()) / 2; // Draw the button (if any) and the icon: if (isHovered) kapp->style().drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_ButtonCommand, painter, QRect(-1, -1, iconPreviewWidth + 2*BUTTON_MARGIN, height + 2), colorGroup, QStyle::Style_Enabled | (isIconButtonHovered ? QStyle::Style_MouseOver : 0)); painter->drawPixmap(x + BUTTON_MARGIN - 1 + pixmapX, y + pixmapY, pixmap); // Figure out the text color: if (isSelected) painter->setPen(KGlobalSettings::highlightedTextColor()); else if (isIconButtonHovered) painter->setPen(m_look->effectiveHoverColor()); else if (!isDefaultColor || (!m_look->color().isValid() && !m_look->useLinkColor())) // If the color is FORCED or if the link color default to the text color: painter->setPen(colorGroup.text()); else painter->setPen(m_look->effectiveColor()); // Draw the text: painter->setFont(labelFont(m_font, isIconButtonHovered)); painter->drawText(x + BUTTON_MARGIN - 1 + iconPreviewWidth + LINK_MARGIN, y, width - BUTTON_MARGIN + 1 - iconPreviewWidth - LINK_MARGIN, height, Qt::AlignAuto | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::WordBreak, m_title); } QPixmap LinkDisplay::feedbackPixmap(int width, int height, const QColorGroup &colorGroup, bool isDefaultColor) { int theWidth = QMIN(width, maxWidth()); int theHeight = QMIN(height, heightForWidth(theWidth)); QPixmap pixmap(theWidth, theHeight); pixmap.fill(colorGroup.background()); QPainter painter(&pixmap); paint(&painter, 0, 0, theWidth, theHeight, colorGroup, isDefaultColor, /*isSelected=*/false, /*isHovered=*/false, /*isIconButtonHovered=*/false); painter.end(); return pixmap; } bool LinkDisplay::iconButtonAt(const QPoint &pos) const { int BUTTON_MARGIN = kapp->style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ButtonMargin); // int LINK_MARGIN = BUTTON_MARGIN + 2; int iconPreviewWidth = QMAX(m_look->iconSize(), (m_look->previewEnabled() ? m_preview.width() : 0)); return pos.x() <= BUTTON_MARGIN - 1 + iconPreviewWidth + BUTTON_MARGIN; } QRect LinkDisplay::iconButtonRect() const { int BUTTON_MARGIN = kapp->style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ButtonMargin); // int LINK_MARGIN = BUTTON_MARGIN + 2; int iconPreviewWidth = QMAX(m_look->iconSize(), (m_look->previewEnabled() ? m_preview.width() : 0)); return QRect(0, 0, BUTTON_MARGIN - 1 + iconPreviewWidth + BUTTON_MARGIN, m_height); } QFont LinkDisplay::labelFont(QFont font, bool isIconButtonHovered) const { if (m_look->italic()) font.setItalic(true); if (m_look->bold()) font.setBold(true); if (isIconButtonHovered) { if (m_look->underlineInside()) font.setUnderline(true); } else { if (m_look->underlineOutside()) font.setUnderline(true); } return font; } int LinkDisplay::heightForWidth(int width) const { int BUTTON_MARGIN = kapp->style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ButtonMargin); int LINK_MARGIN = BUTTON_MARGIN + 2; int iconPreviewWidth = QMAX(m_look->iconSize(), (m_look->previewEnabled() ? m_preview.width() : 0)); int iconPreviewHeight = QMAX(m_look->iconSize(), (m_look->previewEnabled() ? m_preview.height() : 0)); QRect textRect = QFontMetrics(labelFont(m_font, false)).boundingRect(0, 0, width - BUTTON_MARGIN + 1 - iconPreviewWidth - LINK_MARGIN, 500000, Qt::AlignAuto | Qt::AlignTop | Qt::WordBreak, m_title); return QMAX(textRect.height(), iconPreviewHeight + 2*BUTTON_MARGIN - 2); } QString LinkDisplay::toHtml(const QString &/*imageName*/) const { // TODO return ""; } QString LinkDisplay::toHtml(HTMLExporter *exporter, const KURL &url, const QString &title) { QString linkIcon; if (m_look->previewEnabled() && !m_preview.isNull()) { QString fileName = Tools::fileNameForNewFile("preview_" + url.fileName() + ".png", exporter->iconsFolderPath); QString fullPath = exporter->iconsFolderPath + fileName; m_preview.save(fullPath, "PNG"); linkIcon = QString("\"\"") .arg(exporter->iconsFolderName + fileName, QString::number(m_preview.width()), QString::number(m_preview.height())); } else { linkIcon = exporter->iconsFolderName + exporter->copyIcon(m_icon, m_look->iconSize()); linkIcon = QString("\"\"") .arg(linkIcon, QString::number(m_look->iconSize()), QString::number(m_look->iconSize())); } QString linkTitle = Tools::textToHTMLWithoutP(title.isEmpty() ? m_title : title); return QString("%2 %3").arg(url.prettyURL(), linkIcon, linkTitle); } /** LinkLookEditWidget **/ LinkLookEditWidget::LinkLookEditWidget(KCModule *module, const QString exTitle, const QString exIcon, QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags fl) : QWidget(parent, name, fl) { QLabel *label; QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, KDialogBase::marginHint(), KDialogBase::spacingHint()); m_italic = new QCheckBox(i18n("I&talic"), this); layout->addWidget(m_italic); m_bold = new QCheckBox(i18n("&Bold"), this); layout->addWidget(m_bold); QGridLayout *gl = new QGridLayout(layout, /*rows=*//*(look->canPreview() ? 5 : 4)*/5, /*columns=*//*3*/4); gl->addItem(new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding), 1, /*2*/3); m_underlining = new QComboBox(false, this); m_underlining->insertItem(i18n("Always")); m_underlining->insertItem(i18n("Never")); m_underlining->insertItem(i18n("On mouse hovering")); m_underlining->insertItem(i18n("When mouse is outside")); label = new QLabel(m_underlining, i18n("&Underline:"), this); gl->addWidget(label, 0, 0); gl->addWidget(m_underlining, 0, 1); m_color = new KColorCombo2(QRgb(), this); label = new QLabel(m_color, i18n("Colo&r:"), this); gl->addWidget(label, 1, 0); gl->addWidget(m_color, 1, 1); m_hoverColor = new KColorCombo2(QRgb(), this); label = new QLabel(m_hoverColor, i18n("&Mouse hover color:"), this); gl->addWidget(label, 2, 0); gl->addWidget(m_hoverColor, 2, 1); QHBoxLayout *icoLay = new QHBoxLayout(/*parent=*/0L, /*margin=*/0, KDialogBase::spacingHint()); m_iconSize = new IconSizeCombo(false, this); icoLay->addWidget(m_iconSize); label = new QLabel(m_iconSize, i18n("&Icon size:"), this); gl->addWidget(label, 3, 0); gl->addItem( icoLay, 3, 1); m_preview = new QComboBox(false, this); m_preview->insertItem(i18n("None")); m_preview->insertItem(i18n("Icon size")); m_preview->insertItem(i18n("Twice the icon size")); m_preview->insertItem(i18n("Three times the icon size")); m_label = new QLabel(m_preview, i18n("&Preview:"), this); m_hLabel = new HelpLabel( i18n("You disabled preview but still see images?"), i18n("

This is normal because there are several type of notes.
" "This setting only applies to file and local link notes.
" "The images you see are image notes, not file notes.
" "File notes are generic documents, whereas image notes are pictures you can draw in.

" "

When dropping files to baskets, %1 detects their type and shows you the content of the files.
" "For instance, when dropping image or text files, image and text notes are created for them.
" "For type of files %2 does not understand, they are shown as generic file notes with just an icon or file preview and a filename.

" "

If you do not want the application to create notes depending on the content of the files you drop, " "go to the \"General\" page and uncheck \"Image or animation\" in the \"View Content of Added Files for the Following Types\" group.

") // TODO: Note: you can resize down maximum size of images... .arg(kapp->aboutData()->programName(), kapp->aboutData()->programName()), this); gl->addWidget(m_label, 4, 0); gl->addWidget(m_preview, 4, 1); gl->addMultiCellWidget(m_hLabel, /*fromRow=*/5, /*toRow=*/5, /*fromCol=*/1, /*toCol*/2); QGroupBox *gb = new QHGroupBox(i18n("Example"), this); m_exLook = new LinkLook; m_example = new LinkLabel(exTitle, exIcon, m_exLook, 1, 1, gb); m_example->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); m_example->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor)); layout->addWidget(gb); m_exTitle = exTitle; m_exIcon = exIcon; connect( m_italic, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotChangeLook()) ); connect( m_bold, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotChangeLook()) ); connect( m_underlining, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotChangeLook()) ); connect( m_color, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(slotChangeLook()) ); connect( m_hoverColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(slotChangeLook()) ); connect( m_iconSize, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotChangeLook()) ); connect( m_preview, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotChangeLook()) ); connect( m_italic, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), module, SLOT(changed()) ); connect( m_bold, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), module, SLOT(changed()) ); connect( m_underlining, SIGNAL(activated(int)), module, SLOT(changed()) ); connect( m_color, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), module, SLOT(changed()) ); connect( m_hoverColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), module, SLOT(changed()) ); connect( m_iconSize, SIGNAL(activated(int)), module, SLOT(changed()) ); connect( m_preview, SIGNAL(activated(int)), module, SLOT(changed()) ); } void LinkLookEditWidget::set(LinkLook *look) { m_look = look; m_italic->setChecked(look->italic()); m_bold->setChecked(look->bold()); m_underlining->setCurrentItem(look->underlining()); m_preview->setCurrentItem(look->preview()); m_color->setDefaultColor(m_look->defaultColor()); m_color->setColor(m_look->color()); m_hoverColor->setDefaultColor(m_look->defaultHoverColor()); m_hoverColor->setColor(m_look->hoverColor()); m_iconSize->setSize(look->iconSize()); m_exLook = new LinkLook(*look); m_example->setLook(m_exLook); if (!look->canPreview()) { m_label->setEnabled(false); m_hLabel->setEnabled(false); m_preview->setEnabled(false); } slotChangeLook(); } void LinkLookEditWidget::slotChangeLook() { saveToLook(m_exLook); m_example->setLink(m_exTitle, m_exIcon, m_exLook); // and can't reload it at another size } LinkLookEditWidget::~LinkLookEditWidget() { } void LinkLookEditWidget::saveChanges() { saveToLook(m_look); } void LinkLookEditWidget::saveToLook(LinkLook *look) { look->setLook( m_italic->isOn(), m_bold->isOn(), m_underlining->currentItem(), m_color->color(), m_hoverColor->color(), m_iconSize->iconSize(), (look->canPreview() ? m_preview->currentItem() : LinkLook::None) ); } #include "linklabel.moc"