/********* * * This file is part of BibleTime's source code, http://www.bibletime.info/. * * Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers. * The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. * **********/ #include "cprofile.h" //TQt includes #include #include #include #include #include //KDE includes #include #include #define CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION 2 namespace Profile { CProfile::CProfile( const TQString& file, const TQString& name ): m_name(name.isEmpty() ? i18n("unknown") : name), m_filename(file), m_fullscreen(false), m_geometry(10,20,640,480) { m_profileWindows.setAutoDelete(true); if (!m_filename.isEmpty() && name.isEmpty()) { loadBasics(); } else if (m_filename.isEmpty() && !name.isEmpty()) { m_filename = name; m_filename.replace(TQRegExp("\\s=#."),"_"); TDEStandardDirs stdDirs; m_filename = stdDirs.saveLocation("data", "bibletime/sessions/") + m_filename + ".xml"; init(m_filename); } else { tqWarning("CProfile: empty file name!"); } } CProfile::~CProfile() { m_profileWindows.clear(); //delete all CProfileWindows objects (autodelete is enabled) } /** Loads the profile from the file given in the constructor. */ TQPtrList CProfile::load() { TQFile file(m_filename); if (!file.exists()) return TQPtrList(); TQDomDocument doc; if (file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { TQTextStream t( &file ); t.setEncoding(TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); doc.setContent(t.read()); file.close(); } TQDomElement document = doc.documentElement(); if( document.tagName() != "BibleTimeProfile" && document.tagName() != "BibleTime" ) { //BibleTime was used in syntax version 1.0 tqWarning("CProfile::load: Missing BibleTime doc"); return m_profileWindows; } if (document.hasAttribute("name")) { m_name = document.attribute("name"); } //load settings of the main window { // see if there's a section with the name MAINWINDOW TQDomElement elem = document.firstChild().toElement(); TQDomElement mainWindow; while (!elem.isNull()) { if (elem.tagName() == "MAINWINDOW") { mainWindow = elem; break; //found the element } elem = elem.nextSibling().toElement(); } if (!mainWindow.isNull()) { //was found setFullscreen( (bool)mainWindow.attribute("fullscreen").toInt()); TQDomElement object = mainWindow.namedItem("GEOMETRY").toElement(); TQRect rect; if(!object.isNull()) { if (object.hasAttribute("x")) { rect.setX(object.attribute("x").toInt()); } if (object.hasAttribute("y")) { rect.setY(object.attribute("y").toInt()); } if (object.hasAttribute("width")) { rect.setWidth(object.attribute("width").toInt()); } if (object.hasAttribute("height")) { rect.setHeight(object.attribute("height").toInt()); } if (object.hasAttribute("isMaximized")) { this->setMaximized( static_cast(object.attribute("isMaximized").toInt()) ); } } setGeometry(rect); } } m_profileWindows.clear(); TQDomElement elem = document.firstChild().toElement(); while (!elem.isNull()) { CProfileWindow* p = 0; if (elem.tagName() == "BIBLE") { p = new CProfileWindow(CSwordModuleInfo::Bible); } else if (elem.tagName() == "COMMENTARY") { p = new CProfileWindow(CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary); } else if (elem.tagName() == "LEXICON") { p = new CProfileWindow(CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon); } else if (elem.tagName() == "BOOK") { p = new CProfileWindow(CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook); } if (p) { m_profileWindows.append(p); if (elem.hasAttribute("windowSettings")) { p->setWindowSettings( elem.attribute("windowSettings").toInt() ); } if (elem.hasAttribute("writeWindowType")) { p->setWriteWindowType( elem.attribute("writeWindowType").toInt() ); } if (elem.hasAttribute("hasFocus")) { p->setFocus( static_cast(elem.attribute("hasFocus").toInt()) ); } TQRect rect; TQDomElement object = elem.namedItem("GEOMETRY").toElement(); if(!object.isNull()) { if (object.hasAttribute("x")) { rect.setX(object.attribute("x").toInt()); } if (object.hasAttribute("y")) { rect.setY(object.attribute("y").toInt()); } if (object.hasAttribute("width")) { rect.setWidth(object.attribute("width").toInt()); } if (object.hasAttribute("height")) { rect.setHeight(object.attribute("height").toInt()); } if (object.hasAttribute("isMaximized")) { p->setMaximized( static_cast(object.attribute("isMaximized").toInt()) ); } } p->setGeometry(rect); object = elem.namedItem("MODULES").toElement(); if(!object.isNull()) { if (object.hasAttribute("list")) { const TQString sep = object.hasAttribute("separator") ? object.attribute("separator") : "|"; TQStringList modules = TQStringList::split(sep, object.attribute("list")); p->setModules(modules); } } object = elem.namedItem("KEY").toElement(); if(!object.isNull()) { if (object.hasAttribute("name")) p->setKey(object.attribute("name")); } object = elem.namedItem("SCROLLBARS").toElement(); if(!object.isNull()) { int horizontal = 0, vertical = 0; if (object.hasAttribute("horizontal")) horizontal = object.attribute("horizontal").toInt(); if (object.hasAttribute("vertical")) vertical = object.attribute("vertical").toInt(); p->setScrollbarPositions(horizontal, vertical); } } elem = elem.nextSibling().toElement(); } return m_profileWindows; } /** Saves the profile to the file given in the constructor. */ const bool CProfile::save(TQPtrList windows) { /** Save the settings using a XML file * Save the CProfileWindow objects using a XML file which name is in m_filename */ bool ret = false; TQDomDocument doc("DOC"); doc.appendChild( doc.createProcessingInstruction( "xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"" ) ); TQDomElement content = doc.createElement("BibleTimeProfile"); content.setAttribute("syntaxVersion", CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION); content.setAttribute("name", m_name); doc.appendChild(content); //save mainwindow settings { TQDomElement mainWindow = doc.createElement("MAINWINDOW"); mainWindow.setAttribute("fullscreen", fullscreen()); TQDomElement geometry = doc.createElement("GEOMETRY"); mainWindow.appendChild(geometry); const TQRect r = this->geometry(); geometry.setAttribute("x",r.x()); geometry.setAttribute("y",r.y()); geometry.setAttribute("width",r.width()); geometry.setAttribute("height",r.height()); geometry.setAttribute("isMaximized",static_cast(this->maximized())); content.appendChild(mainWindow); } for (CProfileWindow* p = windows.first(); p; p = windows.next()) { TQDomElement window; switch (p->type()) { case CSwordModuleInfo::Bible: window = doc.createElement("BIBLE"); break; case CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary: window = doc.createElement("COMMENTARY"); break; case CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon: window = doc.createElement("LEXICON"); break; case CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook: window = doc.createElement("BOOK"); break; default: break; } if (window.isNull()) break; window.setAttribute("windowSettings", p->windowSettings()); window.setAttribute("writeWindowType", p->writeWindowType()); window.setAttribute("hasFocus", p->hasFocus()); //save geomtery const TQRect r = p->geometry(); TQDomElement geometry = doc.createElement("GEOMETRY"); geometry.setAttribute("x",r.x()); geometry.setAttribute("y",r.y()); geometry.setAttribute("width",r.width()); geometry.setAttribute("height",r.height()); geometry.setAttribute("isMaximized",static_cast(p->maximized())); window.appendChild( geometry ); TQDomElement modules = doc.createElement("MODULES"); modules.setAttribute("separator", "|"); modules.setAttribute("list", p->modules().join("|")); window.appendChild( modules ); TQDomElement key = doc.createElement("KEY"); key.setAttribute("name", p->key()); window.appendChild( key ); TQDomElement scrollbars = doc.createElement("SCROLLBARS"); scrollbars.setAttribute("horizontal", p->scrollbarPositions().horizontal); scrollbars.setAttribute("vertical", p->scrollbarPositions().vertical); window.appendChild( scrollbars ); content.appendChild( window ); } TQFile file(m_filename); if ( file.open(IO_WriteOnly) ) { ret = true; TQTextStream t( &file ); t.setEncoding(TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); t << doc.toString(); file.close(); } else ret = false; return ret; } /** Saves the profile to the file given in the constructor. */ const bool CProfile::save() { return save(m_profileWindows); } /** Returns the filename used for this profile. */ const TQString& CProfile::filename() { return m_filename; } /** Returns the name of this profile. */ const TQString& CProfile::name() { return m_name; } /** Initializes the XML for the first time (use to create a new profile) */ void CProfile::init(const TQString file) { const TQString oldFile = m_filename; m_filename = file; save(TQPtrList()); m_filename = oldFile; } /** Changes the name of this profile. */ void CProfile::setName( const TQString& newName ) { m_name = newName; saveBasics(); //save chanegd name } /** Loads the basic settings requires for proper operation. */ void CProfile::loadBasics() { TQFile file(m_filename); if (!file.exists()) return; TQDomDocument doc; if (file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { TQTextStream t( &file ); t.setEncoding(TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); doc.setContent(t.read()); file.close(); } TQDomElement document = doc.documentElement(); if (document.hasAttribute("name")) m_name = document.attribute("name"); } void CProfile::saveBasics() { TQFile file(m_filename); if (!file.exists()) return; TQDomDocument doc; if (file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { TQTextStream t(&file); t.setEncoding(TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); doc.setContent(t.read()); file.close(); } TQDomElement document = doc.documentElement(); document.setAttribute("name", m_name); if (file.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { TQTextStream t( &file ); t.setEncoding(TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); t << doc.toString(); file.close(); } } /** Returns true if the main window was in fullscreen mode as the profile was saved. */ const bool CProfile::fullscreen() const { return m_fullscreen; } /** Set the parameter to true if the main window coveres the full screen size. */ void CProfile::setFullscreen( const bool fullscreen ) { m_fullscreen = fullscreen; } /** Returns true if the main window was maximized as the profile was saved. */ const bool CProfile::maximized() const { return m_maximized; } /** Set the parameter to true if the main window is maximized. */ void CProfile::setMaximized( const bool maximized ) { m_maximized = maximized; } /** Returns the geometry of the main window */ const TQRect CProfile::geometry() { return m_geometry; } /** Stes the geoemtry of the main window */ void CProfile::setGeometry( const TQRect rect ) { m_geometry = rect; } } //end of namespace Profile