/********* * * This file is part of BibleTime's source code, http://www.bibletime.info/. * * Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers. * The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. * **********/ #ifndef CBIBLEREADWINDOW_H #define CBIBLEREADWINDOW_H //BibleTime includes #include "clexiconreadwindow.h" #include "backend/cswordkey.h" #include "backend/cswordversekey.h" //Qt includes #include //KDE includes #include class CTransliterationButton; /**The read display window for Bibles. *@author The BibleTime team */ class CBibleReadWindow : public CLexiconReadWindow { Q_OBJECT public: CBibleReadWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char *name=0); virtual ~CBibleReadWindow(); /** * Store the settings of this window in the given CProfileWindow object. */ virtual void storeProfileSettings( Profile::CProfileWindow* const settings ); /** * Store the settings of this window in the given profile window. */ virtual void applyProfileSettings( Profile::CProfileWindow* const settings ); /** * Reimplementation. */ static void insertKeyboardActions( KActionCollection* const a ); protected: virtual void initActions(); virtual void initToolbars(); virtual void initConnections(); virtual void initView(); /** * Reimplementation. */ virtual void setupPopupMenu(); /** * Reimplemented. */ virtual void updatePopupMenu(); /** Event filter. * Reimplementation of the event filter to filter out events like focus in. */ virtual bool eventFilter( TQObject* o, TQEvent* e); struct { KAction* selectAll; KAction* findText; KAction* findStrongs; KActionMenu* copyMenu; struct { KAction* referenceOnly; KAction* referenceTextOnly; KAction* referenceAndText; KAction* chapter; KAction* selectedText; } copy; KActionMenu* saveMenu; struct { KAction* referenceAndText; KAction* chapterAsPlain; KAction* chapterAsHTML; } save; KActionMenu* printMenu; struct { KAction* reference; KAction* chapter; } print; } m_actions; public slots: void nextBook(); void previousBook(); void nextChapter(); void previousChapter(); void nextVerse(); void previousVerse(); /** * Refreshes the content of this display window and the content of the keychooser. */ virtual void reload(); protected slots: // Protected slots /** * Copies the current chapter into the clipboard. */ void copyDisplayedText(); /** * Saves the chapter as valid HTML page. */ void saveChapterHTML(); /** * Saves the chapter as valid HTML page. */ void saveChapterPlain(); virtual void lookup( CSwordKey* newKey ); void syncWindows(); private: friend class CCommentaryReadWindow; /** * Wrapper around key() to return the right type of key. */ CSwordVerseKey* verseKey(); // CTransliterationButton* m_transliterationButton; }; #endif