path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/extensions/nsplugin/src/qnp.cpp
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diff --git a/tqtinterface/qt4/extensions/nsplugin/src/qnp.cpp b/tqtinterface/qt4/extensions/nsplugin/src/qnp.cpp
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index 1efb75b..0000000
--- a/tqtinterface/qt4/extensions/nsplugin/src/qnp.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-** Implementation of TQt extension classes for Netscape Plugin support.
-** Created : 970601
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-// Remaining TQ_WS_X11 considerations:
-// - What if !piApp upon NPP_NewStream? Are we safe?
-// - Yes, but users need to know of this: that no GUI can be
-// done until after setWindow is called.
-// - Use NPN_GetValue in Communicator4.0 to get the display earlier!
-// - For ClientMessage events, trap them, and if they are not for us,
-// untrap them and retransmit them and set a timer to retrap them
-// after N seconds.
-// Remaining TQ_WS_WIN considerations:
-// - we need to activateZeroTimers() at some time.
-// - we need to call winEventFilter on events
-// - timers:
-// if ( msg.message == WM_TIMER ) { // timer message received
-// activateTimer( msg.wParam );
-// return TRUE;
-// }
-// if ( msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN || msg.message == WM_KEYUP ) {
-// if ( translateKeyCode(msg.wParam) == 0 ) {
-// TranslateMessage( &msg ); // translate to WM_CHAR
-// return TRUE;
-// }
-// }
-// - qWinProcessConfigRequests?
-// Remaining general stuff:
-// - Provide the "reason" parameter to streamDestroyed
-// TQt stuff
-#include <tqapplication.h>
-#include <tqeventloop.h>
-#include <tqwidget.h>
-#include <tqobjectlist.h>
-#include <tqcursor.h>
-#include <tqprinter.h>
-#include <tqfile.h>
-#include <tqpainter.h>
-#include "tqnp.h"
-#include <stdlib.h> // Must be here for Borland C++
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
-#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
-class TQNPXtPrivate;
-class TQNPXt : public TQEventLoop
- TQNPXt( const char *applicationClass, XtAppContext context = NULL, XrmOptionDescRec *options = 0, int numOptions = 0);
- ~TQNPXt();
- XtAppContext applicationContext() const;
- void registerSocketNotifier( TQSocketNotifier * );
- void unregisterSocketNotifier( TQSocketNotifier * );
- static void registerWidget( TQWidget* );
- static void unregisterWidget( TQWidget* );
- static bool redeliverEvent( XEvent *event );
- static XEvent* lastEvent();
- bool processEvents( ProcessEventsFlags flags );
- void appStartingUp();
- void appClosingDown();
- TQNPXtPrivate *d;
-#define GC GC_TQQQ
-extern "C" {
-// Netscape plugin API
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
-#ifndef _WINDOWS
-#define _WINDOWS
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
-#define XP_UNIX
-// This is to allow mingw support on windows without altering the sun header files
-#if defined(TQ_CC_GNU) && defined(TQ_WS_WIN) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
-#define _MSC_VER 1
-#include "npapi.h"
-#undef _MSC_VER
-#include "npapi.h"
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
-#undef XP_UNIX
-#include "npunix.c"
-// Stuff for the NPP_SetWindow function:
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
-#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h> // for XtCreateWindow
-#include <X11/Shell.h>
-#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
-#include <X11/Xutil.h>
-#include <X11/Xos.h>
-//#include <dlfcn.h>
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
-#include <windows.h>
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
-#include "npwin.cpp"
-static TQEventLoop* event_loop = 0;
-static TQApplication* application = 0;
-struct _NPInstance
- uint16 fMode;
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
- HWND window;
- NPP npp;
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
- Window window;
- Display *display;
- uint32 x, y;
- uint32 width, height;
- TQNPWidget* widget;
- TQNPInstance* instance;
- int16 argc;
- TQString *argn;
- TQString *argv;
-// The single global plugin
-static TQNPlugin *qNP=0;
-static int instance_count=0;
-// Temporary parameter passed `around the side' of calls to user functions
-static _NPInstance* next_pi=0;
-// To avoid looping when browser OR plugin can delete streams
-static int qnps_no_call_back = 0;
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
-// defined in qapplication_win.cpp
-TQ_EXPORT extern bool qt_win_use_simple_timers;
-TQ_EXPORT void qWinProcessConfigRequests();
-static HHOOK hhook = 0;
-LRESULT CALLBACK FilterProc( int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
- if ( tqApp ) {
- tqApp->sendPostedEvents();
- tqApp->eventLoop()->activateSocketNotifiers();
- qWinProcessConfigRequests();
- }
- return CallNextHookEx( hhook, nCode, wParam, lParam );
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
-static int (*original_x_errhandler)( Display *dpy, XErrorEvent * ) = 0;
-static int dummy_x_errhandler( Display *, XErrorEvent * )
- return 0;
- * Plug-in Calls - these are called by Netscape
- *****************************************************************************/
-// Instance state information about the plugin.
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
-extern "C" char*
- if (!qNP) qNP = TQNPlugin::create();
- return (char*)qNP->getMIMEDescription();
-extern "C" NPError
-NPP_GetValue(void * /*future*/, NPPVariable variable, void *value)
- if (!qNP) qNP = TQNPlugin::create();
- NPError err = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- if (variable == NPPVpluginNameString)
- *((const char **)value) = qNP->getPluginNameString();
- else if (variable == NPPVpluginDescriptionString)
- *((const char **)value) = qNP->getPluginDescriptionString();
- else
- return err;
-** NPP_Initialize is called when your DLL is being loaded to do any
-** DLL-specific initialization.
-extern "C" NPError
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
- qt_win_use_simple_timers = TRUE;
- // Nothing more - we do it in DLLMain
- if (!qNP) qNP = TQNPlugin::create();
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
-static jref plugin_java_class = 0;
-** NPP_GetJavaClass is called during initialization to ask your plugin
-** what its associated Java class is. If you don't have one, just return
-** NULL. Otherwise, use the javah-generated "use_" function to both
-** initialize your class and return it. If you can't find your class, an
-** error will be signalled by "use_" and will cause the Navigator to
-** complain to the user.
-extern "C" jref
- if (!qNP) qNP = TQNPlugin::create();
- plugin_java_class = (jref)qNP->getJavaClass();
- return plugin_java_class;
-** NPP_Shutdown is called when your DLL is being unloaded to do any
-** DLL-specific shut-down. You should be a good citizen and declare that
-** you're not using your java class any more. This allows java to unload
-** it, freeing up memory.
-extern "C" void
- if (qNP) {
- if (plugin_java_class)
- qNP->unuseJavaClass();
- delete qNP;
- qNP = 0;
- }
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
- if ( original_x_errhandler )
- XSetErrorHandler( original_x_errhandler );
- if ( tqApp) {
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN32
- if ( hhook )
- UnhookWindowsHookEx( hhook );
- hhook = 0;
- delete application;
- delete event_loop;
- }
-struct NS_Private {
- uchar* a;
- uchar* b;
-** NPP_New is called when your plugin is instantiated (i.e. when an EMBED
-** tag appears on a page).
-extern "C" NPError
-NPP_New(NPMIMEType /*pluginType*/,
- NPP instance,
- uint16 mode,
- int16 argc,
- char* argn[],
- char* argv[],
- NPSavedData* /*saved*/)
- NPError result = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- _NPInstance* This;
- if (instance == NULL)
- instance->pdata = new _NPInstance;
- This = (_NPInstance*) instance->pdata;
- if (This == NULL)
- This->npp = instance;
- /* mode is NP_EMBED, NP_FULL, or NP_BACKGROUND (see npapi.h) */
- This->fMode = mode;
- This->window = 0;
- This->widget = 0;
- This->argc = argc;
- This->argn = new TQString[argc+1];
- This->argv = new TQString[argc+1];
- for (int i=0; i<This->argc; i++) {
- This->argn[i] = argn[i];
- This->argv[i] = argv[i];
- }
- // Everything is set up - we can let TQNPInstance be created now.
- next_pi = This;
- qNP->newInstance();
- instance_count++;
- return result;
-extern "C" NPError
-NPP_Destroy(NPP instance, NPSavedData** /*save*/)
- _NPInstance* This;
- if (instance == NULL)
- This = (_NPInstance*) instance->pdata;
- if (This != NULL) {
- delete This->widget;
- delete This->instance;
- delete [] This->argn;
- delete [] This->argv;
- delete This;
- instance->pdata = NULL;
- instance_count--;
- }
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
-extern "C" NPError
-NPP_SetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow* window)
- if (!qNP) qNP = TQNPlugin::create();
- NPError result = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- _NPInstance* This;
- if (instance == NULL)
- This = (_NPInstance*) instance->pdata;
- // take a shortcut if all that was changed is the tqgeometry
- if ( This->widget && window
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
- && This->window == (Window) window->window
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
- && This->window == (HWND) window->window
- ) {
- This->x = window->x;
- This->y = window->y;
- This->width = window->width;
- This->height = window->height;
- This->widget->resize( This->width, This->height );
- return result;
- }
- delete This->widget;
- if ( !window )
- return result;
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
- This->window = (Window) window->window;
- This->display =
- ((NPSetWindowCallbackStruct *)window->ws_info)->display;
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
- This->window = (HWND) window->window;
- This->x = window->x;
- This->y = window->y;
- This->width = window->width;
- This->height = window->height;
- if (!tqApp) {
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
- // We are the first TQt-based plugin to arrive
- event_loop = new TQNPXt( "qnp", XtDisplayToApplicationContext(This->display) );
- application = new TQApplication(This->display);
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
- static int argc=0;
- static char **argv={ 0 };
- application = new TQApplication( argc, argv );
-#ifdef UNICODE
- if ( qWinVersion() & TQt::WV_NT_based )
- hhook = SetWindowsHookExW( WH_GETMESSAGE, FilterProc, 0, GetCurrentThreadId() );
- else
- hhook = SetWindowsHookExA( WH_GETMESSAGE, FilterProc, 0, GetCurrentThreadId() );
- }
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
- if ( !original_x_errhandler )
- original_x_errhandler = XSetErrorHandler( dummy_x_errhandler );
- // New widget on this new window.
- next_pi = This;
- /* This->widget = */ // (happens sooner - in TQNPWidget constructor)
- This->instance->newWindow();
- if ( !This->widget )
- return result;
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
- This->widget->resize( This->width, This->height );
- XReparentWindow( This->widget->x11Display(), This->widget->winId(), This->window, 0, 0 );
- XSync( This->widget->x11Display(), False );
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
- LONG oldLong = GetWindowLong(This->window, GWL_STYLE);
- ::SetWindowLong(This->window, GWL_STYLE, oldLong | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS);
- ::SetWindowLong( This->widget->winId(), GWL_STYLE, WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS );
- ::SetParent( This->widget->winId(), This->window );
- This->widget->raise();
- This->widget->setGeometry( 0, 0, This->width, This->height );
- This->widget->show();
- return result;
-extern "C" NPError
-NPP_NewStream(NPP instance,
- NPMIMEType type,
- NPStream *stream,
- NPBool seekable,
- uint16 *stype)
- _NPInstance* This;
- if (instance == NULL)
- This = (_NPInstance*) instance->pdata;
- if ( This ) {
- TQNPStream* qnps = new TQNPStream(This->instance,type,stream,seekable);
- stream->pdata = qnps;
- TQNPInstance::StreamMode sm = (TQNPInstance::StreamMode)*stype;
- if (!This->instance->newStreamCreated(qnps, sm)) {
- }
- *stype = sm;
- }
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
-int32 STREAMBUFSIZE = 0X0FFFFFFF; /* If we are reading from a file in NPAsFile
- * mode so we can take any size stream in our
- * write call (since we ignore it) */
-extern "C" int32
-NPP_WriteReady(NPP instance, NPStream *stream)
- _NPInstance* This;
- if (instance != NULL) {
- This = (_NPInstance*) instance->pdata;
- } else {
- // Yikes, that's unusual!
- return 0;
- }
- if (This) {
- return This->instance->writeReady((TQNPStream*)stream->pdata);
- }
- /* Number of bytes ready to accept in NPP_Write() */
-extern "C" int32
-NPP_Write(NPP instance, NPStream *stream, int32 offset, int32 len, void *buffer)
- if (instance != NULL)
- {
- _NPInstance* This = (_NPInstance*) instance->pdata;
- if (This) {
- return This->instance->write((TQNPStream*)stream->pdata,
- offset, len, buffer);
- }
- }
- return len; /* The number of bytes accepted */
-extern "C" NPError
-NPP_DestroyStream(NPP instance, NPStream *stream, NPError reason)
- _NPInstance* This;
- if (instance == NULL)
- if (!qnps_no_call_back) {
- This = (_NPInstance*) instance->pdata;
- TQNPStream* qnps = (TQNPStream*)stream->pdata;
- if ( qnps )
- switch (reason) {
- case NPRES_DONE:
- qnps->setComplete(TRUE);
- break;
- break;
- qnps->setOkay(FALSE);
- break;
- }
- if (This) {
- // Give the instance a chance to do something
- This->instance->streamDestroyed(qnps);
- }
- qnps_no_call_back++;
- delete qnps;
- qnps_no_call_back--;
- }
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
-extern "C" void
-NPP_StreamAsFile(NPP instance, NPStream *stream, const char* fname)
- _NPInstance* This;
- if (instance == NULL) return;
- This = (_NPInstance*) instance->pdata;
- if ( This ) {
- TQNPStream* qnps = (TQNPStream*)stream->pdata;
- This->instance->streamAsFile(qnps, fname);
- }
-typedef struct
- int32 type;
- FILE* fp;
-} NPPrintCallbackStruct;
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
-class TQNPPrinter : public TQPrinter {
- TQFile file;
- TQNPPrinter(FILE* fp)
- {
-, fp);
- TQPDevCmdParam param;
- param.tqdevice = &file;
- cmd(PdcSetdev, 0, &param);
- }
- void end()
- {
- TQPDevCmdParam param;
- param.tqdevice = 0;
- cmd(PdcSetdev, 0, &param);
- }
-extern "C" void
-NPP_Print(NPP instance, NPPrint* printInfo)
- if(printInfo == NULL)
- return;
- if (instance != NULL) {
- _NPInstance* This = (_NPInstance*) instance->pdata;
- if (printInfo->mode == NP_FULL) {
- printInfo->print.fullPrint.pluginPrinted =
- This->instance->printFullPage();
- } else if (printInfo->mode == NP_EMBED) {
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
- void* platformPrint =
- printInfo->print.embedPrint.platformPrint;
- FILE* outfile = ((NPPrintCallbackStruct*)platformPrint)->fp;
- if (ftell(outfile)) {
-// NPWindow* w =
-// &(printInfo->print.embedPrint.window);
- TQNPPrinter prn(outfile);
- TQPainter painter(&prn);
- // #### config viewport with w->{x,y,width,height}
- This->instance->print(&painter);
- prn.end();
- } else {
- // Why does the browser make spurious NPP_Print calls?
- }
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
- NPWindow* printWindow =
- &(printInfo->print.embedPrint.window);
- void* platformPrint =
- printInfo->print.embedPrint.platformPrint;
- // #### Nothing yet.
- }
- }
-extern "C" void
-NPP_URLNotify(NPP instance,
- const char* url,
- NPReason reason,
- void* notifyData)
- if (instance != NULL) {
- TQNPInstance::Reason r;
- switch (reason) {
- case NPRES_DONE:
- r = TQNPInstance::ReasonDone;
- break;
- r = TQNPInstance::ReasonBreak;
- break;
- r = TQNPInstance::ReasonError;
- break;
- default:
- r = TQNPInstance::ReasonUnknown;
- break;
- }
- _NPInstance* This = (_NPInstance*) instance->pdata;
- This->instance->notifyURL(url, r, notifyData);
- }
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
- ULONG ul_reason_for_call,
- LPVOID lpReserved)
- return TRUE;
- \class TQNPWidget tqnp.h
- \brief The TQNPWidget class provides a TQWidget that is a web browser plugin window.
- \extension Netscape Plugin
- Derive from TQNPWidget to create a widget that can be used as a
- web browser plugin window, or create one and add child widgets.
- Instances of TQNPWidget may only be created when
- TQNPInstance::newWindow() is called by the browser.
- A common way to develop a plugin widget is to develop it as a
- stand-alone application window, then make it a \e child of a
- plugin widget to use it as a browser plugin. The technique is:
-class MyPluginWindow : public TQNPWidget
- TQWidget* child;
- MyPluginWindow()
- {
- // Some widget that is normally used as a top-level widget
- child = new MyIndependentlyDevelopedWidget();
- // Use the background color of the web page
- child->setBackgroundColor( backgroundColor() );
- // Fill the plugin widget
- child->setGeometry( 0, 0, width(), height() );
- }
- void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent*)
- {
- // Fill the plugin widget
- child->resize(size());
- }
- The default implementation is an empty window.
- Creates a TQNPWidget.
-TQNPWidget::TQNPWidget() :
- pi(next_pi)
- if (!next_pi) {
- qFatal("TQNPWidget must only be created within call to newWindow");
- }
- next_pi->widget = this;
- next_pi = 0;
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
- clearWFlags( WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_MinMax | WStyle_SysMenu );
- topData()->ftop = 0;
- topData()->fright = 0;
- topData()->fleft = 0;
- topData()->fbottom = 0;
- Destroys the window. This will be called by the plugin binding
- code when the window is no longer required. The web browser will
- delete windows when they leave the page. The bindings will change
- the TQWidget::winId() of the window when the window is resized, but
- this should not affect normal widget behavior.
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
- destroy( FALSE, FALSE ); // X has destroyed all windows
-/*!\internal */
-void TQNPWidget::enterEvent(TQEvent*)
- enterInstance();
-/*!\internal */
-void TQNPWidget:: leaveEvent(TQEvent*)
- if ( !TQApplication::activePopupWidget() )
- leaveInstance();
- Called when the mouse enters the plugin window. Does nothing by
- default.
-void TQNPWidget::enterInstance()
- Called when the mouse leaves the plugin window. Does nothing by
- default.
-void TQNPWidget::leaveInstance()
- Returns the instance for which this widget is the plugin window.
-TQNPInstance* TQNPWidget::instance()
- return pi->instance;
- \class TQNPInstance tqnp.h
- \brief The TQNPInstance class provides a TQObject that is a web browser plugin.
- \extension Netscape Plugin
- Deriving from TQNPInstance creates an object that represents a
- single \c{<EMBED>} tag in an HTML document.
- The TQNPInstance is responsible for creating an appropriate
- TQNPWidget window if required (not all plugins have windows), and
- for interacting with the input/output facilities intrinsic to
- plugins.
- Note that there is \e{absolutely no guarantee} regarding the order
- in which functions are called. Sometimes the browser will call
- newWindow() first, at other times, newStreamCreated() will be
- called first (assuming the \c{<EMBED>} tag has a SRC parameter).
- \e{None of TQt's GUI functionality} may be used until after the
- first call to newWindow(). This includes any use of TQPaintDevice
- (i.e. TQPixmap, TQWidget, and all subclasses), TQApplication, anything
- related to TQPainter (TQBrush, etc.), fonts, TQMovie, TQToolTip, etc.
- Useful classes which specifically \e can be used are TQImage,
- TQFile, and TQBuffer.
- This restriction can easily be accommodated by structuring your
- plugin so that the task of the TQNPInstance is to gather data,
- while the task of the TQNPWidget is to provide a graphical
- interface to that data.
- \enum TQNPInstance::InstanceMode
- This enum type provides TQt-style names for three #defines in
- \c npapi.h:
- \value Embed - corresponds to NP_EMBED
- \value Full - corresponds to NP_FULL
- \value Background - corresponds to NP_BACKGROUND
- \enum TQNPInstance::Reason
- \value ReasonDone
- \value ReasonBreak
- \value ReasonError
- \value ReasonUnknown
- \enum TQNPInstance::StreamMode
- \value Normal
- \value Seek
- \value AsFile
- \value AsFileOnly
- Creates a TQNPInstance.
- Can only be called from within a derived class created within
- TQNPlugin::newInstance().
-TQNPInstance::TQNPInstance() :
- pi(next_pi)
- if (!next_pi) {
- qFatal("TQNPInstance must only be created within call to newInstance");
- }
- next_pi->instance = this;
- next_pi = 0;
- Called when the plugin instance is about to be deleted.
- Called at most once, at some time after the TQNPInstance is
- created. If the plugin requires a window, this function should
- return a derived class of TQNPWidget that provides the required
- interface.
-TQNPWidget* TQNPInstance::newWindow()
- // No window by default
- next_pi = 0;
- return 0;
- Returns the plugin window created by newWindow(), if any.
-TQNPWidget* TQNPInstance::widget()
- return pi->widget;
- \fn bool TQNPInstance::newStreamCreated(TQNPStream*, StreamMode& smode)
- This function is called when a new stream has been created. The
- instance should return TRUE if it accepts the processing of the
- stream. If the instance requires the stream as a file, it should
- set \a smode to \c AsFileOnly, in which case the data will be
- delivered some time later to the streamAsFile() function.
- Otherwise, the data will be delivered in chunks to the write()
- function, which must consume at least as much data as returned
- by the most recent call to writeReady().
- Note that the \c AsFileOnly method is not supported by Netscape
- 2.0 and MSIE 3.0.
- The default implementation accepts any stream.
-bool TQNPInstance::newStreamCreated(TQNPStream*, StreamMode&)
- return TRUE;
- Called when a stream is delivered as a single file called \a fname
- rather than as chunks. This may be simpler for a plugin to deal
- with, but precludes any incremental behavior.
- Note that the \c AsFileOnly method is not supported by Netscape
- 2.0 and MSIE 3.0.
- \sa newStreamCreated(), newStream()
-void TQNPInstance::streamAsFile(TQNPStream*, const char* fname)
- Called when a stream is destroyed. At this point, the stream may
- be complete() and okay(). If it is not okay(), then an error has
- occurred. If it is okay(), but not complete(), then the user has
- cancelled the transmission; do not give an error message in this
- case.
-void TQNPInstance::streamDestroyed(TQNPStream*)
- Returns the minimum amount of data the instance is willing to
- receive from the given stream.
- The default returns a very large value.
-int TQNPInstance::writeReady(TQNPStream*)
- // Yes, we can handle any amount of data at once.
- return 0X0FFFFFFF;
- \fn int TQNPInstance::write(TQNPStream*, int offset, int len, void* buffer)
- Called when incoming data is available for processing by the
- instance. The instance \e must consume at least the amount that it
- returned in the most recent call to writeReady(), but it may
- consume up to the amount given by \a len. \a buffer is the data
- available for consumption. The \a offset argument is merely an
- informational value indicating the total amount of data that has
- been consumed in prior calls.
- This function should return the amount of data actually consumed.
-int TQNPInstance::write(TQNPStream*, int, int len, void*)
- // Yes, we processed it all... into the bit bucket.
- return len;
- Requests that the \a url be retrieved and sent to the named \a
- window. See Netscape's JavaScript documentation for an explanation
- of window names.
-void TQNPInstance::getURL(const char* url, const char* window)
- NPN_GetURL( pi->npp, url, window );
- \preliminary
- This function is \e{not tested}.
- It is an interface to the NPN_PostURL function of the Netscape
- Plugin API.
- Passes \a url, \a window, \a buf, \a len, and \a file to
- NPN_PostURL.
-void TQNPInstance::postURL(const char* url, const char* window,
- uint len, const char* buf, bool file)
- NPN_PostURL( pi->npp, url, window, len, buf, file );
- Requests that the given \a url be retrieved and sent to
- the named \a window. See Netscape's JavaScript documentation for
- an explanation of window names. Passes the arguments including \a
- data to NPN_GetURLNotify.
- \sa
- \link
- Netscape: NPN_GetURLNotify method\endlink
-void TQNPInstance::getURLNotify(const char* url, const char* window, void*data)
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN // Only on Windows?
- NPN_GetURLNotify( pi->npp, url, window, data );
- TQ_UNUSED( url );
- TQ_UNUSED( window );
- TQ_UNUSED( data );
- \preliminary
- This function is \e{not tested}.
- It is an encapsulation of the NPP_Print function of the Netscape
- Plugin API.
-bool TQNPInstance::printFullPage()
- return FALSE;
- \preliminary
- This function is \e{not tested}.
- Print the instance embedded in a page.
- It is an encapsulation of the NPP_Print function of the Netscape
- Plugin API.
-void TQNPInstance::print(TQPainter*)
- // ### default could redirected-print the window.
- Returns the number of arguments to the instance. Note that you
- should not normally rely on the ordering of arguments, and
- note that the SGML specification does not permit multiple
- arguments with the same name.
- \sa arg(), argn()
-int TQNPInstance::argc() const
- return pi->argc;
- Returns the name of the \a{i}-th argument.
- \sa argc(), argv()
-const char* TQNPInstance::argn(int i) const
- return pi->argn[i];
- \preliminary
- This function is \e{not tested}.
- Called whenever a \a url is notified after a call to
- NPN_GetURLNotify with \a notifyData. The reason is given in \a r.
- It is an encapsulation of the NPP_URLNotify function of the
- Netscape Plugin API.
- See also:
- \link
- Netscape: NPP_URLNotify method\endlink
-void TQNPInstance::notifyURL(const char*, Reason, void*)
- Returns the value of the \a{i}-th argument.
- \as argc(), arg()
-const char* TQNPInstance::argv(int i) const
- return pi->argv[i];
- Returns the mode of the plugin.
-TQNPInstance::InstanceMode TQNPInstance::mode() const
- return (TQNPInstance::InstanceMode)pi->fMode;
- Returns the value of the named arguments, or 0 if no argument
- called \a name appears in the \c{<EMBED>} tag of this instance.
- If the argument appears, but has no value assigned, the empty
- string is returned. In summary:
- \table
- \header \i Tag \i Result
- \row \i \c{<EMBED ...>} \i arg("FOO") == 0
- \row \i \c{<EMBED FOO ...>} \i arg("FOO") == ""
- \row \i \c{<EMBED FOO=BAR ...>} \i arg("FOO") == "BAR"
- \endtable
-const char* TQNPInstance::arg(const char* name) const
- for (int i=0; i<pi->argc; i++) {
- // SGML: names are case insensitive
- if ( qstricmp( name, pi->argn[i] ) == 0 ) {
- if (pi->argv[i].isEmpty())
- return "";
- else
- return pi->argv[i];
- }
- }
- return 0;
- Returns the user agent (browser name) containing this instance.
-const char* TQNPInstance::userAgent() const
- return NPN_UserAgent(pi->npp);
- \preliminary
- This function is \e{not tested}.
- Requests the creation of a new data stream \e from the plugin.
- The MIME type and window are passed in \a mimetype and \a window.
- \a as_file holds the \c AsFileOnly flag. It is an interface to the
- NPN_NewStream function of the Netscape Plugin API.
-TQNPStream* TQNPInstance::newStream(const char* mimetype, const char* window,
- bool as_file)
- NPStream* s=0;
- NPError err = NPN_NewStream(pi->npp, (char*)mimetype, window, &s);
- if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR) return 0;
- return s ? new TQNPStream(this, mimetype, s, as_file) : 0;
- Sets the status message in the browser containing this instance to
- \a msg.
-void TQNPInstance::status(const char* msg)
- NPN_tqStatus(pi->npp, msg);
- Returns the Java object associated with the plugin instance, an
- object of the \link TQNPlugin::getJavaClass() plugin's Java
- class\endlink, or 0 if the plug-in does not have a Java class,
- Java is disabled, or an error occurred.
- The return value is actually a \c{jref} we use \c{void*} so as to
- avoid burdening plugins which do not require Java.
- \sa TQNPlugin::getJavaClass(), TQNPlugin::getJavaEnv(), getJavaPeer()
-void* TQNPInstance::getJavaPeer() const
- return NPN_GetJavaPeer(pi->npp);
- \class TQNPStream tqnp.h
- \brief The TQNPStream class provides a stream of data provided to a TQNPInstance by the browser.
- \extension Netscape Plugin
- Note that this is neither a TQTextStream nor a TQDataStream.
- \sa TQNPInstance::write(), TQNPInstance::newStreamCreated()
- Creates a stream. Plugins should not call this; they should call
- TQNPInstance::newStream() if they need a stream.
- Takes a TQNPInstance \a in, MIME type \a mt, a pointer to an
- _NPStream \a st and a seekable flag \a se.
-TQNPStream::TQNPStream(TQNPInstance* in,const char* mt, _NPStream* st, bool se) :
- inst(in),
- stream(st),
- mtype(mt),
- seek(se)
- isokay = TRUE;
- iscomplete = FALSE;
- Destroys the stream.
- if (!qnps_no_call_back) {
- qnps_no_call_back++;
- NPN_DestroyStream(inst->pi->npp, stream, NPRES_USER_BREAK);
- qnps_no_call_back--;
- }
- \fn TQNPInstance* TQNPStream::instance()
- Returns the TQNPInstance for which this stream was created.
- Returns the URL from which the stream was created.
-const char* TQNPStream::url() const
- return stream->url;
- Returns the length of the stream in bytes. The function might
- return 0 for streams of unknown length.
-uint TQNPStream::end() const
- return stream->end;
- Returns the time when the source of the stream was last modified.
-uint TQNPStream::lastModified() const
- return stream->lastmodified;
- Returns the MIME type of the stream.
-const char* TQNPStream::type() const
- return mtype;
- Returns TRUE if the stream is seekable; otherwise returns FALSE.
-bool TQNPStream::seekable() const
- return seek;
- \internal
-void TQNPStream::setOkay(bool y)
- isokay = y;
- \internal
-void TQNPStream::setComplete(bool y)
- iscomplete = y;
- Returns TRUE if no errors have occurred on the stream; otherwise
- returns FALSE.
-bool TQNPStream::okay() const
- return isokay;
- Returns TRUE if the stream has received all the data from the
- source; otherwise returns FALSE.
-bool TQNPStream::complete() const
- return iscomplete;
- Requests the section of the stream, of \a length bytes from \a
- offset, be sent to the TQNPInstance::write() function of the
- instance() of this stream.
-void TQNPStream::requestRead(int offset, uint length)
- NPByteRange range;
- range.offset = offset;
- range.length = length;
- = 0; // ### Only one supported at this time
- NPN_RequestRead(stream, &range);
- Writes \a len bytes from \a buffer \e to the stream.
-int TQNPStream::write( int len, void* buffer )
- return NPN_Write(inst->pi->npp, stream, len, buffer);
- * The plugin itself - only one ever exists, created by TQNPlugin::create()
- *****************************************************************************/
- \class TQNPlugin tqnp.h
- \brief The TQNPlugin class provides the main factory for plugin objects.
- \extension Netscape Plugin
- This class is the heart of the plugin. One instance of this object
- is created when the plugin is \e first needed, by calling
- TQNPlugin::create(), which must be implemented in your plugin code
- to return some derived class of TQNPlugin. The one TQNPlugin object
- creates all TQNPInstance instances for a web browser running in a
- single process.
- Additionally, if TQt is linked to the plugin as a dynamic library,
- only one instance of TQApplication will exist \e{across all plugins
- that have been made with TQt}. So, your plugin should tread lightly
- on global settings. Do not, for example, use
- TQApplication::setFont() - that will change the font in every
- widget of every TQt-based plugin currently loaded!
- \fn TQNPlugin* TQNPlugin::create()
- This function must be implemented by your plugin code. It should return a
- derived class of TQNPlugin.
- Returns the plugin most recently returned by TQNPlugin::create().
-TQNPlugin* TQNPlugin::actual()
- return qNP;
- Creates a TQNPlugin. This may only be used by the constructor
- of the class, derived from TQNPlugin, that is returned by your
- plugin's implementation of the TQNPlugin::create() function.
- // Encourage linker to include stuff.
- static void* a;
- a = (void*)NP_Initialize;
- a = (void*)NP_Shutdown;
- Destroys the TQNPlugin. This is called by the plugin binding code
- just before the plugin is about to be unloaded from memory. If
- newWindow() has been called, a TQApplication will still exist at
- this time, but will be deleted shortly after, just before the plugin
- is deleted.
- Populates \e *\a plugin_major and \e *\a plugin_minor with the
- version of the plugin API and populates \e *\a browser_major and
- \e *\a browser_minor with the version of the web browser.
-void TQNPlugin::getVersionInfo(int& plugin_major, int& plugin_minor,
- int& browser_major, int& browser_minor)
- NPN_Version(&plugin_major, &plugin_minor, &browser_major, &browser_minor);
- \fn TQNPInstance* TQNPlugin::newInstance()
- Override this function to return an appropriate derived class of
- TQNPInstance.
- \fn const char* TQNPlugin::getMIMEDescription() const
- Override this function to return the MIME description of the data formats
- supported by your plugin. The format of this string is shown by
- the following example:
- const char* getMIMEDescription() const
- {
- return "image/x-png:png:PNG Image;"
- "image/png:png:PNG Image;"
- "image/x-portable-bitmap:pbm:PBM Image;"
- "image/x-portable-graymap:pgm:PGM Image;"
- "image/x-portable-pixmap:ppm:PPM Image;"
- "image/bmp:bmp:BMP Image;"
- "image/x-ms-bmp:bmp:BMP Image;"
- "image/x-xpixmap:xpm:XPM Image;"
- "image/xpm:xpm:XPM Image";
- }
- \fn const char* TQNPlugin::getPluginNameString() const
- Returns a pointer to the plain-text name of the plugin.
- \fn const char* TQNPlugin::getPluginDescriptionString() const
- Returns a pointer to the plain-text description of the plugin.
- Override this function to return a reference to the Java class that represents
- the plugin. The default returns 0, indicating no class.
- If you override this class, you must also override
- TQNPlugin::unuseJavaClass().
- The return value is actually a \c{jref}; we use \c{void*} so as to
- avoid burdening plugins which do not require Java.
- \sa getJavaEnv(), TQNPInstance::getJavaPeer()
-void* TQNPlugin::getJavaClass()
- return NULL;
- This function is called when the plugin is shutting down. The
- function should \e unuse the Java class returned earlier by
- getJavaClass().
-void TQNPlugin::unuseJavaClass()
- qFatal("TQNPlugin::unuseJavaClass() must be overridden along with getJavaClass()");
- Returns a pointer to the Java execution environment, or 0 if
- either Java is disabled or an error occurred.
- The return value is actually a \c{JRIEnv*}; we use \c{void*} so as
- to avoid burdening plugins which do not require Java.
- \sa getJavaClass(), TQNPInstance::getJavaPeer()
-void* TQNPlugin::getJavaEnv() const
- return NPN_GetJavaEnv();
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
-#include <tqapplication.h>
-#include <tqwidgetintdict.h>
-// resolve the conflict between X11's FocusIn and TQEvent::FocusIn
-const int XFocusOut = FocusOut;
-const int XFocusIn = FocusIn;
-#undef FocusOut
-#undef FocusIn
-const int XKeyPress = KeyPress;
-const int XKeyRelease = KeyRelease;
-#undef KeyPress
-#undef KeyRelease
-Boolean qnpxt_event_dispatcher( XEvent *event );
-static void qnpxt_keep_alive();
-void qnpxt_timeout_handler( XtPointer, XtIntervalId * );
-class TQNPXtPrivate
- TQNPXtPrivate();
- void hookMeUp();
- void unhook();
- XtAppContext appContext, ownContext;
- TQMemArray<XtEventDispatchProc> dispatchers;
- TQWidgetIntDict mapper;
- TQIntDict<TQSocketNotifier> socknotDict;
- uint pending_socknots;
- bool activate_timers;
- int timerid;
- // arguments for Xt display initialization
- const char* applicationClass;
- XrmOptionDescRec* options;
- int numOptions;
-static TQNPXtPrivate *static_d = 0;
-static XEvent* last_xevent = 0;
-bool TQNPXt::redeliverEvent( XEvent *event )
- // redeliver the event to Xt, NOT through TQt
- if ( static_d->dispatchers[ event->type ]( event ) ) {
- // qDebug( "Xt: redelivered event" );
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-XEvent* TQNPXt::lastEvent()
- return last_xevent;
- : appContext(NULL), ownContext(NULL),
- pending_socknots(0), activate_timers(FALSE), timerid(-1)
-void TQNPXtPrivate::hookMeUp()
- // worker to plug TQt into Xt (event dispatchers)
- // and Xt into TQt (TQNPXtEventLoop)
- // ### TODO extensions?
- dispatchers.resize( LASTEvent );
- dispatchers.fill( 0 );
- int et;
- for ( et = 2; et < LASTEvent; et++ )
- dispatchers[ et ] =
- XtSetEventDispatcher( TQPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay(),
- et, ::qnpxt_event_dispatcher );
-void TQNPXtPrivate::unhook()
- // unhook TQt from Xt (event dispatchers)
- // unhook Xt from TQt? (TQNPXtEventLoop)
- // ### TODO extensions?
- int et;
- for ( et = 2; et < LASTEvent; et++ )
- (void) XtSetEventDispatcher( TQPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay(),
- et, dispatchers[ et ] );
- dispatchers.resize( 0 );
- /*
- We cannot destroy the app context here because it closes the X
- display, something TQApplication does as well a bit later.
- if ( ownContext )
- XtDestroyApplicationContext( ownContext );
- */
- appContext = ownContext = 0;
-extern bool qt_try_modal( TQWidget *, XEvent * ); // defined in qapplication_x11.cpp
-Boolean qnpxt_event_dispatcher( XEvent *event )
- static bool grabbed = FALSE;
- TQApplication::sendPostedEvents();
- TQWidgetIntDict *mapper = &static_d->mapper;
- TQWidget* qnpxt = mapper->find( event->xany.window );
- if ( !qnpxt && TQWidget::find( event->xany.window) == 0 ) {
- // event is not for TQt, try Xt
- Widget w = XtWindowToWidget( TQPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay(),
- event->xany.window );
- while ( w && ! ( qnpxt = mapper->find( XtWindow( w ) ) ) ) {
- if ( XtIsShell( w ) ) {
- break;
- }
- w = XtParent( w );
- }
- if ( qnpxt && ( event->type == XKeyPress ||
- event->type == XKeyRelease ) ) {
- // remap key events to keep accelerators working
- event->xany.window = qnpxt->winId();
- }
- if ( w ) {
- if ( !grabbed && ( event->type == XFocusIn &&
- event->xfocus.mode == NotifyGrab ) ) {
- // qDebug( "Xt: grab started" );
- grabbed = TRUE;
- } else if ( grabbed && ( event->type == XFocusOut &&
- event->xfocus.mode == NotifyUngrab ) ) {
- // qDebug( "Xt: grab ended" );
- grabbed = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- If the mouse has been grabbed for a window that we don't know
- about, we shouldn't deliver any pointer events, since this will
- intercept the event that ends the mouse grab that Xt/Motif
- started.
- */
- bool do_deliver = TRUE;
- if ( grabbed && ( event->type == ButtonPress ||
- event->type == ButtonRelease ||
- event->type == MotionNotify ||
- event->type == EnterNotify ||
- event->type == LeaveNotify ) )
- do_deliver = FALSE;
- last_xevent = event;
- bool delivered = do_deliver && ( tqApp->x11ProcessEvent( event ) != -1 );
- last_xevent = 0;
- if ( qnpxt ) {
- switch ( event->type ) {
- case EnterNotify:
- case LeaveNotify:
- event->xcrossing.focus = False;
- delivered = FALSE;
- break;
- case XKeyPress:
- case XKeyRelease:
- delivered = TRUE;
- break;
- case XFocusIn:
- case XFocusOut:
- delivered = FALSE;
- break;
- default:
- delivered = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- qnpxt_keep_alive();
- if ( delivered ) {
- // qDebug( "TQt: delivered event" );
- return True;
- }
- // discard user input events when we have an active popup widget
- if ( TQApplication::activePopupWidget() ) {
- switch ( event->type ) {
- case ButtonPress: // disallow mouse/key events
- case ButtonRelease:
- case MotionNotify:
- case XKeyPress:
- case XKeyRelease:
- case EnterNotify:
- case LeaveNotify:
- case ClientMessage:
- // qDebug( "TQt: active popup - discarding event" );
- return True;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( TQApplication::activeModalWidget() ) {
- if ( qnpxt ) {
- // send event through TQt modality handling...
- if ( !qt_try_modal( qnpxt, event ) ) {
- // qDebug( "TQt: active modal widget discarded event" );
- return True;
- }
- } else if ( !grabbed ) {
- // we could have a pure Xt shell as a child of the active
- // modal widget
- TQWidget *qw = 0;
- Widget xw = XtWindowToWidget( TQPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay(),
- event->xany.window );
- while ( xw && !( qw = mapper->find( XtWindow( xw ) ) ) )
- xw = XtParent( xw );
- while ( qw && qw != TQApplication::activeModalWidget() )
- qw = qw->parentWidget();
- if ( !qw ) {
- // event is destined for an Xt widget, but since TQt has an
- // active modal widget, we stop here...
- switch ( event->type ) {
- case ButtonPress: // disallow mouse/key events
- case ButtonRelease:
- case MotionNotify:
- case XKeyPress:
- case XKeyRelease:
- case EnterNotify:
- case LeaveNotify:
- case ClientMessage:
- // qDebug( "TQt: active modal widget discarded unknown event" );
- return True;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( static_d->dispatchers[ event->type ]( event ) ) {
- // qDebug( "Xt: delivered event" );
- // Xt handled the event.
- return True;
- }
- return False;
-TQNPXt::TQNPXt( const char *applicationClass, XtAppContext context,
- XrmOptionDescRec *options , int numOptions)
-#if defined(TQT_CHECK_STATE)
- if ( static_d )
- qWarning( "TQNPXt: should only have one TQNPXt instance!" );
- d = static_d = new TQNPXtPrivate;
- XtToolkitInitialize();
- if ( context )
- d->appContext = context;
- else
- d->ownContext = d->appContext = XtCreateApplicationContext();
- d->applicationClass = applicationClass;
- d->options = options;
- d->numOptions = numOptions;
- delete d;
- static_d = 0;
-XtAppContext TQNPXt::applicationContext() const
- return d->appContext;
-void TQNPXt::appStartingUp()
- /*
- TQApplication could be using a Display from an outside source, so
- we should only initialize the display if the current application
- context does not contain the TQApplication display
- */
- bool display_found = FALSE;
- Display **displays;
- Cardinal x, count;
- XtGetDisplays( d->appContext, &displays, &count );
- for ( x = 0; x < count && ! display_found; ++x ) {
- if ( displays[x] == TQPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay() )
- display_found = TRUE;
- }
- if ( displays )
- XtFree( (char *) displays );
- if ( ! display_found ) {
- int argc = tqApp->argc();
- XtDisplayInitialize( d->appContext,
- TQPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay(),
- tqApp->name(),
- d->applicationClass,
- d->options,
- d->numOptions,
- &argc,
- tqApp->argv() );
- }
- d->hookMeUp();
- // start a zero-timer to get the timer keep-alive working
- d->timerid = XtAppAddTimeOut( d->appContext, 0, qnpxt_timeout_handler, 0 );
-void TQNPXt::appClosingDown()
- if ( d->timerid != -1 )
- XtRemoveTimeOut( d->timerid );
- d->timerid = -1;
- d->unhook();
-void TQNPXt::registerWidget( TQWidget* w )
- if ( !static_d )
- return;
- static_d->mapper.insert( w->winId(), w );
-void TQNPXt::unregisterWidget( TQWidget* w )
- if ( !static_d )
- return;
- static_d->mapper.remove( w->winId() );
-void qnpxt_socknot_handler( XtPointer pointer, int *, XtInputId *id )
- TQNPXt *eventloop = (TQNPXt *) pointer;
- TQSocketNotifier *socknot = static_d->socknotDict.find( *id );
- if ( ! socknot ) // this shouldn't happen
- return;
- eventloop->setSocketNotifierPending( socknot );
- if ( ++static_d->pending_socknots > static_d->socknotDict.count() ) {
- /*
- We have too many pending socket notifiers. Since Xt prefers
- socket notifiers over X events, we should go ahead and
- activate all our pending socket notifiers so that the event
- loop doesn't freeze up because of this.
- */
- eventloop->activateSocketNotifiers();
- static_d->pending_socknots = 0;
- }
-void TQNPXt::registerSocketNotifier( TQSocketNotifier *notifier )
- XtInputMask mask;
- switch ( notifier->type() ) {
- case TQSocketNotifier::Read:
- mask = XtInputReadMask;
- break;
- case TQSocketNotifier::Write:
- mask = XtInputWriteMask;
- break;
- case TQSocketNotifier::Exception:
- mask = XtInputExceptMask;
- break;
- default:
- qWarning( "TQNPXtEventLoop: socket notifier has invalid type" );
- return;
- }
- XtInputId id = XtAppAddInput( d->appContext,
- notifier->socket(), (XtPointer) mask,
- qnpxt_socknot_handler, this );
- d->socknotDict.insert( id, notifier );
- TQEventLoop::registerSocketNotifier( notifier );
-void TQNPXt::unregisterSocketNotifier( TQSocketNotifier *notifier )
- TQIntDictIterator<TQSocketNotifier> it( d->socknotDict );
- while ( it.current() && notifier != it.current() )
- ++it;
- if ( ! it.current() ) {
- // this shouldn't happen
- qWarning( "TQNPXtEventLoop: failed to unregister socket notifier" );
- return;
- }
- XtRemoveInput( it.currentKey() );
- d->socknotDict.remove( it.currentKey() );
- TQEventLoop::unregisterSocketNotifier( notifier );
-static void qnpxt_keep_alive() {
- // make sure we fire off TQt's timers
- int ttw = TQApplication::eventLoop()->timeToWait();
- if ( static_d->timerid != -1 )
- XtRemoveTimeOut( static_d->timerid );
- static_d->timerid = -1;
- if ( ttw != -1 ) {
- static_d->timerid =
- XtAppAddTimeOut( static_d->appContext, ttw, qnpxt_timeout_handler, 0 );
- }
-void qnpxt_timeout_handler( XtPointer, XtIntervalId * )
- static_d->timerid = -1;
- if ( ! TQApplication::eventLoop()->loopLevel() ) {
- /*
- when the TQt eventloop is not running, make sure that TQt
- timers still work with an Xt keep-alive timer
- */
- TQApplication::eventLoop()->activateTimers();
- static_d->activate_timers = FALSE;
- qnpxt_keep_alive();
- } else {
- static_d->activate_timers = TRUE;
- }
-bool TQNPXt::processEvents( ProcessEventsFlags flags )
- // TQt uses posted events to do lots of delayed operations, like
- // repaints... these need to be delivered before we go to sleep
- TQApplication::sendPostedEvents();
- bool canWait = ( flags & WaitForMore );
- qnpxt_keep_alive();
- // get the pending event mask from Xt and process the next event
- XtInputMask pendingmask = XtAppPending( d->appContext );
- XtInputMask mask = pendingmask;
- if ( pendingmask & XtIMTimer ) {
- mask &= ~XtIMTimer;
- // zero timers will starve the Xt X event dispatcher... so
- // process something *instead* of a timer first...
- if ( mask != 0 )
- XtAppProcessEvent( d->appContext, mask );
- // and process a timer afterwards
- mask = pendingmask & XtIMTimer;
- }
- if ( canWait )
- XtAppProcessEvent( d->appContext, XtIMAll );
- else
- XtAppProcessEvent( d->appContext, mask );
- int nevents = 0;
- if ( ! ( flags & ExcludeSocketNotifiers ) ) {
- nevents += activateSocketNotifiers();
- d->pending_socknots = 0;
- }
- if ( d->activate_timers ) {
- nevents += activateTimers();
- }
- d->activate_timers = FALSE;
- return ( canWait || ( pendingmask != 0 ) || nevents > 0 );
-#endif // TQ_WS_X11