path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqfont_x11.cpp
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diff --git a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqfont_x11.cpp b/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqfont_x11.cpp
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--- a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqfont_x11.cpp
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-** Implementation of TQFont, TQFontMetrics and TQFontInfo classes for X11
-** Created : 940515
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-// REVISED: brad
-#include "tqplatformdefs.h"
-#include "tqfont.h"
-#include "tqapplication.h"
-#include "tqcleanuphandler.h"
-#include "tqfontinfo.h"
-#include "tqfontdatabase.h"
-#include "tqfontmetrics.h"
-#include "tqpaintdevice.h"
-#include "tqpaintdevicemetrics.h"
-#include "tqtextcodec.h"
-#include <private/tqfontcodecs_p.h>
-#include <private/tqunicodetables_p.h>
-#include "tqfontdata_p.h"
-#include "tqfontengine_p.h"
-#include "tqtextengine_p.h"
-#include "tqt_x11_p.h"
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#ifdef USE_QT4
-TQFont::Script TQFontPrivate::defaultScript = TQFont::UnknownScript;
-int TQFontPrivate::defaultEncodingID = -1;
-TQ_EXPORT bool qt_has_xft = FALSE;
-#else // USE_QT4
-TQ_EXPORT bool qt_has_xft = FALSE;
-TQt::HANDLE qt_xft_handle(const TQFont &font)
- TQFontEngine *engine = font.d->engineForScript( TQFontPrivate::defaultScript );
- if (!engine->type() == TQFontEngine::Xft)
- return 0;
- return (long)static_cast<TQFontEngineXft *>(engine)->font();
-double qt_pixelSize(double pointSize, TQPaintDevice *painttqdevice, int scr)
- if (pointSize < 0) return -1.;
- double result = pointSize;
- if (painttqdevice && TQPaintDeviceMetrics( painttqdevice ).logicalDpiY() != 75)
- result *= TQPaintDeviceMetrics( painttqdevice ).logicalDpiY() / 72.;
- else if (TQPaintDevice::x11AppDpiY( scr ) != 75)
- result *= TQPaintDevice::x11AppDpiY( scr ) / 72.;
- return result;
-double qt_pointSize(double pixelSize, TQPaintDevice *painttqdevice, int scr)
- if (pixelSize < 0) return -1.;
- double result = pixelSize;
- if ( painttqdevice && TQPaintDeviceMetrics( painttqdevice ).logicalDpiY() != 75)
- result *= 72. / TQPaintDeviceMetrics( painttqdevice ).logicalDpiY();
- else if (TQPaintDevice::x11AppDpiY(scr) != 75)
- result *= 72. / TQPaintDevice::x11AppDpiY( scr );
- return result;
-static inline double pixelSize( const TQFontDef &request, TQPaintDevice *painttqdevice,
- int scr )
- return ((request.pointSize != -1) ?
- qt_pixelSize(request.pointSize / 10., painttqdevice, scr) :
- (double)request.pixelSize);
-static inline double pointSize( const TQFontDef &request, TQPaintDevice *painttqdevice,
- int scr )
- return ((request.pixelSize != -1) ?
- qt_pointSize(request.pixelSize, painttqdevice, scr) * 10.:
- (double)request.pointSize);
- Removes wildcards from an XLFD.
- Returns \a xlfd with all wildcards removed if a match for \a xlfd is
- found, otherwise it returns \a xlfd.
-static TQCString qt_fixXLFD( const TQCString &xlfd )
- TQCString ret = xlfd;
- int count = 0;
- char **fontNames =
- XListFonts( TQPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay(), xlfd, 32768, &count );
- if ( count > 0 )
- ret = fontNames[0];
- XFreeFontNames( fontNames );
- return ret ;
-typedef TQMap<TQFont::Script,TQString> FallbackMap;
-static FallbackMap *fallbackMap = 0;
-static TQSingleCleanupHandler<FallbackMap> qt_fallback_font_family_cleanup;
-static void ensure_fallback_map()
- if ( fallbackMap ) return;
- fallbackMap = new FallbackMap;
- qt_fallback_font_family_cleanup.set( &fallbackMap );
-// Returns the user-configured fallback family for the specified script.
-TQString qt_fallback_font_family( TQFont::Script script )
- TQString ret;
- if ( fallbackMap ) {
- FallbackMap::ConstIterator it, end = fallbackMap->end();
- it = fallbackMap->find( script );
- if ( it != end )
- ret =;
- }
- return ret;
-// Sets the fallback family for the specified script.
-void qt_set_fallback_font_family( TQFont::Script script, const TQString &family )
- ensure_fallback_map();
- if ( ! family.isEmpty() )
- fallbackMap->insert( script, family );
- else
- fallbackMap->remove( script );
-TQFont::Script TQFontPrivate::defaultScript = TQFont::UnknownScript;
-int TQFontPrivate::defaultEncodingID = -1;
- Internal function that initializes the font system.
- \internal
- The font cache and font dict do not alloc the keys. The key is a TQString
- which is shared between TQFontPrivate and TQXFontName.
-void TQFont::initialize()
- // create global font cache
- if ( ! TQFontCache::instance ) (void) new TQFontCache;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CODECS
- static bool codecs_once = FALSE;
- if ( ! codecs_once ) {
- (void) new TQFontJis0201Codec;
- (void) new TQFontJis0208Codec;
- (void) new TQFontKsc5601Codec;
- (void) new TQFontGb2312Codec;
- (void) new TQFontGbkCodec;
- (void) new TQFontGb18030_0Codec;
- (void) new TQFontBig5Codec;
- (void) new TQFontBig5hkscsCodec;
- (void) new TQFontLaoCodec;
- codecs_once = TRUE;
- }
-#endif // TQT_NO_BIG_CODECS
-#endif // TQT_NO_CODECS
- extern int qt_encoding_id_for_mib( int mib ); // from qfontdatabase_x11.cpp
- TQTextCodec *codec = TQTextCodec::codecForLocale();
- // determine the default encoding id using the locale, otherwise
- // fallback to latin1 ( mib == 4 )
- int mib = codec ? codec->mibEnum() : 4;
- // for asian locales, use the mib for the font codec instead of the locale codec
- switch (mib) {
- case 38: // eucKR
- mib = 36;
- break;
- case 2025: // GB2312
- mib = 57;
- break;
- case 113: // GBK
- mib = -113;
- break;
- case 114: // GB18030
- mib = -114;
- break;
- case 2026: // Big5
- mib = -2026;
- break;
- case 2101: // Big5-HKSCS
- mib = -2101;
- break;
- case 16: // JIS7
- mib = 15;
- break;
- case 17: // SJIS
- case 18: // eucJP
- mib = 63;
- break;
- }
- // get the default encoding id for the locale encoding...
- TQFontPrivate::defaultEncodingID = qt_encoding_id_for_mib( mib );
- // get some sample text based on the users locale. we use this to determine the
- // default script for the font system
- TQCString oldlctime = setlocale(LC_TIME, 0);
- TQCString lctime = setlocale(LC_TIME, "");
- time_t ttmp = time(0);
- struct tm *tt = 0;
- char samp[64];
- TQString sample;
- if ( ttmp != -1 ) {
- // use the reentrant versions of localtime() where available
- tm res;
- tt = localtime_r( &ttmp, &res );
- tt = localtime( &ttmp );
- if ( tt != 0 && strftime( samp, 64, "%A%B", tt ) > 0 )
- if ( codec )
- sample = codec->toUnicode( samp );
- }
- if ( ! sample.isNull() && ! sample.isEmpty() ) {
- TQFont::Script cs = TQFont::NoScript, tmp;
- const TQChar *uc = sample.tqunicode();
- TQFontPrivate *priv = new TQFontPrivate;
- for ( uint i = 0; i < sample.length(); i++ ) {
- SCRIPT_FOR_CHAR( tmp, *uc );
- uc++;
- if ( tmp != cs && tmp != TQFont::UnknownScript ) {
- cs = tmp;
- break;
- }
- }
- delete priv;
- if ( cs != TQFont::UnknownScript )
- TQFontPrivate::defaultScript = cs;
- }
- setlocale( LC_TIME, );
-/*! \internal
- Internal function that cleans up the font system.
-void TQFont::cleanup()
- // delete the global font cache
- delete TQFontCache::instance;
- \internal
- X11 Only: Returns the screen with which this font is associated.
-int TQFont::x11Screen() const
- return d->screen;
-/*! \internal
- X11 Only: Associate the font with the specified \a screen.
-void TQFont::x11SetScreen( int screen )
- if ( screen < 0 ) // assume default
- screen = TQPaintDevice::x11AppScreen();
- if ( screen == d->screen )
- return; // nothing to do
- detach();
- d->screen = screen;
-/*! \internal
- Returns a TQFontEngine for the specified \a script that matches the
- TQFontDef \e request member variable.
-void TQFontPrivate::load( TQFont::Script script )
- // NOTE: the X11 and Windows implementations of this function are
- // identical... if you change one, change both.
- // sanity checks
- if (!TQFontCache::instance)
- qWarning("Must construct a TQApplication before a TQFont");
- TQ_ASSERT( script >= 0 && script < TQFont::LastPrivateScript );
-#endif // TQT_CHECK_STATE
- TQFontDef req = request;
- req.pixelSize = tqRound(pixelSize(req, painttqdevice, screen));
- req.pointSize = 0;
- if ( ! engineData ) {
- TQFontCache::Key key( req, TQFont::NoScript, screen, painttqdevice );
- // look for the requested font in the engine data cache
- engineData = TQFontCache::instance->findEngineData( key );
- if ( ! engineData ) {
- // create a new one
- engineData = new TQFontEngineData;
- TQFontCache::instance->insertEngineData( key, engineData );
- } else {
- engineData->ref();
- }
- }
- // the cached engineData could have already loaded the engine we want
- if ( engineData->engines[script] ) return;
- // load the font
- TQFontEngine *engine = 0;
- // double scale = 1.0; // ### TODO: fix the scale calculations
- // list of families to try
- TQStringList family_list;
- if (! {
- family_list = TQStringList::split( ',', );
- // append the substitute list for each family in family_list
- TQStringList subs_list;
- TQStringList::ConstIterator it = family_list.begin(), end = family_list.end();
- for ( ; it != end; ++it )
- subs_list += TQFont::substitutes( *it );
- family_list += subs_list;
-#ifndef TQT_XFT2
- // with Xft2, we want to use fontconfig to determine better fallbacks,
- // otherwise we might run into trouble with default fonts as "serif"
- // append the default fallback font for the specified script
- TQString fallback = qt_fallback_font_family( script );
- if ( ! fallback.isEmpty() && ! family_list.contains( fallback ) )
- family_list << fallback;
- // add the default family
- TQString defaultFamily = TQApplication::font().family();
- if ( ! family_list.contains( defaultFamily ) )
- family_list << defaultFamily;
- // add TQFont::defaultFamily() to the list, for compatibility with
- // previous versions
- family_list << TQApplication::font().defaultFamily();
-#endif // TQT_XFT2
- }
- // null family means find the first font matching the specified script
- family_list << TQString::null;
- TQStringList::ConstIterator it = family_list.begin(), end = family_list.end();
- for ( ; ! engine && it != end; ++it ) {
- = *it;
- engine = TQFontDatabase::findFont( script, this, req );
- if ( engine ) {
- if ( engine->type() != TQFontEngine::Box )
- break;
- if ( ! )
- engine = 0;
- continue;
- }
- }
- engine->ref();
- engineData->engines[script] = engine;
- Returns TRUE if the font attributes have been changed and the font
- has to be (re)loaded; otherwise returns FALSE.
-bool TQFont::dirty() const
- return d->engineData == 0;
- Returns the window system handle to the font, for low-level
- access. Using this function is \e not portable.
-TQt::HANDLE TQFont::handle() const
- TQFontEngine *engine = d->engineForScript( TQFontPrivate::defaultScript );
- TQ_ASSERT( engine != 0 );
-#endif // TQT_CHECK_STATE
- switch ( engine->type() ) {
- case TQFontEngine::XLFD:
- return ((TQFontEngineXLFD *) engine)->handle();
- case TQFontEngine::LatinXLFD:
- return ((TQFontEngineLatinXLFD *) engine)->handle();
- default: break;
- }
- return 0;
- Returns the name of the font within the underlying window system.
- On Windows, this is usually just the family name of a TrueType
- font.
- On X11, it is an XLFD (X Logical Font Description). When TQt is
- build with Xft support on X11, the return value can be an Xft
- pattern or an XLFD.
- Using the return value of this function is usually \e not \e
- portable.
- \sa setRawName()
-TQString TQFont::rawName() const
- TQFontEngine *engine = d->engineForScript( TQFontPrivate::defaultScript );
- TQ_ASSERT( engine != 0 );
-#endif // TQT_CHECK_STATE
- return TQString::tqfromLatin1( engine->name() );
- Sets a font by its system specific name. The function is
- particularly useful under X, where system font settings (for
- example X resources) are usually available in XLFD (X Logical Font
- Description) form only. You can pass an XLFD as \a name to this
- function.
- A font set with setRawName() is still a full-featured TQFont. It can
- be queried (for example with italic()) or modified (for example with
- setItalic()) and is therefore also suitable for rendering rich text.
- If TQt's internal font database cannot resolve the raw name, the
- font becomes a raw font with \a name as its family.
- Note that the present implementation does not handle wildcards in
- XLFDs well, and that font aliases (file \c fonts.alias in the font
- directory on X11) are not supported.
- \sa rawName(), setRawMode(), setFamily()
-void TQFont::setRawName( const TQString &name )
- detach();
- // from qfontdatabase_x11.cpp
- extern bool qt_fillFontDef( const TQCString &xlfd, TQFontDef *fd, int screen );
- if ( ! qt_fillFontDef( qt_fixXLFD( name.latin1() ), &d->request, d->screen ) ) {
- qWarning("TQFont::setRawName(): Invalid XLFD: \"%s\"", name.latin1());
-#endif // TQT_CHECK_STATE
- setFamily( name );
- setRawMode( TRUE );
- } else {
- d->mask = TQFontPrivate::Complete;
- }
- Returns the "last resort" font family name.
- The current implementation tries a wide variety of common fonts,
- returning the first one it finds. Is is possible that no family is
- found in which case a null string is returned.
- \sa lastResortFont()
-TQString TQFont::lastResortFamily() const
- return TQString::tqfromLatin1( "Helvetica" );
- Returns the family name that corresponds to the current style
- hint.
- \sa StyleHint tqstyleHint() setStyleHint()
-TQString TQFont::defaultFamily() const
- switch ( d->request.tqstyleHint ) {
- case TQFont::Times:
- return TQString::tqfromLatin1( "Times" );
- case TQFont::Courier:
- return TQString::tqfromLatin1( "Courier" );
- case TQFont::Decorative:
- return TQString::tqfromLatin1( "Old English" );
- case TQFont::Helvetica:
- case TQFont::System:
- default:
- return TQString::tqfromLatin1( "Helvetica" );
- }
- Returns a last resort raw font name for the font matching algorithm.
- This is used if even the last resort family is not available. It
- returns \e something, almost no matter what. The current
- implementation tries a wide variety of common fonts, returning the
- first one it finds. The implementation may change at any time.
-static const char * const tryFonts[] = {
- "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- "-*-times-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- "-*-lucida-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- "-*-helvetica-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- "-*-courier-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- "-*-times-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- "-*-lucida-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- "-*-helvetica-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- "-*-courier-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- "-*-times-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- "-*-lucida-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- "-*-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- "6x13",
- "7x13",
- "8x13",
- "9x15",
- "fixed",
- 0
-// Returns TRUE if the font exists, FALSE otherwise
-static bool fontExists( const TQString &fontName )
- int count;
- char **fontNames = XListFonts( TQPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay(),
- (char*)fontName.latin1(), 32768, &count );
- if ( fontNames ) XFreeFontNames( fontNames );
- return count != 0;
- Returns a "last resort" font name for the font matching algorithm.
- This is used if the last resort family is not available. It will
- always return a name, if necessary returning something like
- "fixed" or "system".
- The current implementation tries a wide variety of common fonts,
- returning the first one it finds. The implementation may change
- at any time, but this function will always return a string
- containing something.
- It is theoretically possible that there really isn't a
- lastResortFont() in which case TQt will abort with an error
- message. We have not been able to identify a case where this
- happens. Please \link bughowto.html report it as a bug\endlink if
- it does, preferably with a list of the fonts you have installed.
- \sa lastResortFamily() rawName()
-TQString TQFont::lastResortFont() const
- static TQString last;
- // already found
- if ( ! last.isNull() )
- return last;
- int i = 0;
- const char* f;
- while ( ( f = tryFonts[i] ) ) {
- last = TQString::tqfromLatin1( f );
- if ( fontExists( last ) )
- return last;
- i++;
- }
-#if defined(CHECK_NULL)
- qFatal( "TQFontPrivate::lastResortFont: Cannot find any reasonable font" );
- return last;
-// **********************************************************************
-// TQFontMetrics member methods
-// **********************************************************************
-int TQFontMetrics::width( TQChar ch ) const
- unsigned short uc = ch.tqunicode();
- if ( uc < TQFontEngineData::widthCacheSize &&
- d->engineData && d->engineData->widthCache[ uc ] )
- return d->engineData->widthCache[ uc ];
- if ( ::category( ch ) == TQChar::Mark_NonSpacing || qIsZeroWidthChar(ch.tqunicode()))
- return 0;
- TQFont::Script script;
- SCRIPT_FOR_CHAR( script, ch );
- TQFontEngine *engine = d->engineForScript( script );
- TQ_ASSERT( engine != 0 );
-#endif // TQT_CHECK_STATE
- glyph_t glyphs[8];
- advance_t advances[8];
- int nglyphs = 7;
- engine->stringToCMap( &ch, 1, glyphs, advances, &nglyphs, FALSE );
- // ### can nglyphs != 1 happen at all? Not currently I think
- if ( uc < TQFontEngineData::widthCacheSize && advances[0] > 0 && advances[0] < 0x100 )
- d->engineData->widthCache[ uc ] = advances[0];
- return advances[0];
-int TQFontMetrics::charWidth( const TQString &str, int pos ) const
- if ( pos < 0 || pos > (int)str.length() )
- return 0;
- const TQChar &ch = str.tqunicode()[ pos ];
- if ( ch.tqunicode() < TQFontEngineData::widthCacheSize &&
- d->engineData && d->engineData->widthCache[ ch.tqunicode() ] )
- return d->engineData->widthCache[ ch.tqunicode() ];
- TQFont::Script script;
- SCRIPT_FOR_CHAR( script, ch );
- int width;
- if ( script >= TQFont::Arabic && script <= TQFont::Khmer ) {
- // complex script shaping. Have to do some hard work
- int from = TQMAX( 0, pos - 8 );
- int to = TQMIN( (int)str.length(), pos + 8 );
- TQConstString cstr( str.tqunicode()+from, to-from);
- TQTextEngine tqlayout( cstr.string(), d );
- tqlayout.itemize( TQTextEngine::WidthOnly );
- width = tqlayout.width( pos-from, 1 );
- } else if ( ::category( ch ) == TQChar::Mark_NonSpacing || qIsZeroWidthChar(ch.tqunicode())) {
- width = 0;
- } else {
- TQFontEngine *engine = d->engineForScript( script );
- TQ_ASSERT( engine != 0 );
-#endif // TQT_CHECK_STATE
- glyph_t glyphs[8];
- advance_t advances[8];
- int nglyphs = 7;
- engine->stringToCMap( &ch, 1, glyphs, advances, &nglyphs, FALSE );
- width = advances[0];
- }
- if ( ch.tqunicode() < TQFontEngineData::widthCacheSize && width > 0 && width < 0x100 )
- d->engineData->widthCache[ ch.tqunicode() ] = width;
- return width;
-#endif // USE_QT4 \ No newline at end of file