path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqscriptengine.cpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1630 deletions
diff --git a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqscriptengine.cpp b/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqscriptengine.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2156fe8..0000000
--- a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqscriptengine.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1630 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
-** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include "tqscriptengine_p.h"
-#include "tqstring.h"
-#include "tqrect.h"
-#include "tqfont.h"
-#include <private/tqunicodetables_p.h>
-#include "tqtextengine_p.h"
-#include "tqfontengine_p.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#ifdef USE_QT4
-#else // USE_QT4
-#undef None
-#undef Pre
-#undef Above
-#undef Below
-const int Prealloc = 256;
-template<class T>
-class TQVarLengthArray
- inline explicit TQVarLengthArray(int size = 0);
- inline ~TQVarLengthArray() {
- if (ptr != reinterpret_cast<T *>(array))
- free(ptr);
- }
- inline int size() const { return s; }
- inline int count() const { return s; }
- inline bool isEmpty() const { return (s == 0); }
- inline void resize(int size);
- inline void clear() { resize(0); }
- inline int capacity() const { return a; }
- inline void reserve(int size);
- inline T &operator[](int idx) {
- TQ_ASSERT(idx >= 0 && idx < s);
- return ptr[idx];
- }
- inline const T &operator[](int idx) const {
- TQ_ASSERT(idx >= 0 && idx < s);
- return ptr[idx];
- }
- inline void append(const T &t) {
- const int idx = s;
- resize(idx + 1);
- ptr[idx] = t;
- }
- inline T *data() { return ptr; }
- inline const T *data() const { return ptr; }
- inline const T * constData() const { return ptr; }
- void realloc(int size, int alloc);
- int a;
- int s;
- T *ptr;
- TQ_UINT64 array[((Prealloc * sizeof(T)) / sizeof(TQ_UINT64)) + 1];
-template <class T>
-TQ_INLINE_TEMPLATES TQVarLengthArray<T>::TQVarLengthArray(int asize)
- : s(asize) {
- if (s > Prealloc) {
- ptr = reinterpret_cast<T *>(malloc(s * sizeof(T)));
- a = s;
- } else {
- ptr = reinterpret_cast<T *>(array);
- a = Prealloc;
- }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Basic processing
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static inline void positionCluster(TQShaperItem *item, int gfrom, int glast)
- int nmarks = glast - gfrom;
- if (nmarks <= 0) {
- qWarning("positionCluster: no marks to position!");
- return;
- }
- TQFontEngine *f = item->font;
- glyph_metrics_t baseInfo = f->boundingBox(item->glyphs[gfrom]);
- if (item->script == TQFont::Hebrew)
- // we need to attach below the baseline, because of the hebrew iud.
- baseInfo.height = TQMAX(baseInfo.height, -baseInfo.y);
- TQRect baseRect(baseInfo.x, baseInfo.y, baseInfo.width, baseInfo.height);
-// qDebug("---> positionCluster: cluster from %d to %d", gfrom, glast);
-// qDebug("baseInfo: %f/%f (%f/%f) off=%f/%f", baseInfo.x, baseInfo.y, baseInfo.width, baseInfo.height, baseInfo.xoff, baseInfo.yoff);
- int size = (f->ascent()/10);
- int offsetBase = (size - 4) / 4 + TQMIN(size, 4) + 1;
-// qDebug("offset = %f", offsetBase);
- bool rightToLeft = item->flags & TQTextEngine::RightToLeft;
- int i;
- unsigned char lastCmb = 0;
- TQRect attachmentRect;
- for(i = 1; i <= nmarks; i++) {
- glyph_t mark = item->glyphs[gfrom+i];
- TQPoint p;
- glyph_metrics_t markInfo = f->boundingBox(mark);
- TQRect markRect(markInfo.x, markInfo.y, markInfo.width, markInfo.height);
-// qDebug("markInfo: %f/%f (%f/%f) off=%f/%f", markInfo.x, markInfo.y, markInfo.width, markInfo.height, markInfo.xoff, markInfo.yoff);
- int offset = offsetBase;
- unsigned char cmb = item->attributes[gfrom+i].combiningClass;
- // ### maybe the whole position determination should move down to heuristicSetGlyphAttributes. Would save some
- // bits in the glyphAttributes structure.
- if (cmb < 200) {
- // fixed position classes. We approximate by mapping to one of the others.
- // currently I added only the ones for arabic, hebrew, lao and thai.
- // for Lao and Thai marks with class 0, see below (heuristicSetGlyphAttributes)
- // add a bit more offset to arabic, a bit hacky
- if (cmb >= 27 && cmb <= 36 && offset < 3)
- offset +=1;
- // below
- if ((cmb >= 10 && cmb <= 18) ||
- cmb == 20 || cmb == 22 ||
- cmb == 29 || cmb == 32)
- cmb = TQChar::Combining_Below;
- // above
- else if (cmb == 23 || cmb == 27 || cmb == 28 ||
- cmb == 30 || cmb == 31 || (cmb >= 33 && cmb <= 36))
- cmb = TQChar::Combining_Above;
- //below-right
- else if (cmb == 9 || cmb == 103 || cmb == 118)
- cmb = TQChar::Combining_BelowRight;
- // above-right
- else if (cmb == 24 || cmb == 107 || cmb == 122)
- cmb = TQChar::Combining_AboveRight;
- else if (cmb == 25)
- cmb = TQChar::Combining_AboveLeft;
- // fixed:
- // 19 21
- }
- // combining marks of different class don't interact. Reset the rectangle.
- if (cmb != lastCmb) {
- //qDebug("resetting rect");
- attachmentRect = baseRect;
- }
- switch(cmb) {
- case TQChar::Combining_DoubleBelow:
- // ### wrong in rtl context!
- case TQChar::Combining_BelowLeft:
- p += TQPoint(0, offset);
- case TQChar::Combining_BelowLeftAttached:
- p += attachmentRect.bottomLeft() - markRect.topLeft();
- break;
- case TQChar::Combining_Below:
- p += TQPoint(0, offset);
- case TQChar::Combining_BelowAttached:
- p += attachmentRect.bottomLeft() - markRect.topLeft();
- p += TQPoint((attachmentRect.width() - markRect.width())/2 , 0);
- break;
- case TQChar::Combining_BelowRight:
- p += TQPoint(0, offset);
- case TQChar::Combining_BelowRightAttached:
- p += attachmentRect.bottomRight() - markRect.topRight();
- break;
- case TQChar::Combining_Left:
- p += TQPoint(-offset, 0);
- case TQChar::Combining_LeftAttached:
- break;
- case TQChar::Combining_Right:
- p += TQPoint(offset, 0);
- case TQChar::Combining_RightAttached:
- break;
- case TQChar::Combining_DoubleAbove:
- // ### wrong in RTL context!
- case TQChar::Combining_AboveLeft:
- p += TQPoint(0, -offset);
- case TQChar::Combining_AboveLeftAttached:
- p += attachmentRect.topLeft() - markRect.bottomLeft();
- break;
- case TQChar::Combining_Above:
- p += TQPoint(0, -offset);
- case TQChar::Combining_AboveAttached:
- p += attachmentRect.topLeft() - markRect.bottomLeft();
- p += TQPoint((attachmentRect.width() - markRect.width())/2 , 0);
- break;
- case TQChar::Combining_AboveRight:
- p += TQPoint(0, -offset);
- case TQChar::Combining_AboveRightAttached:
- p += attachmentRect.topRight() - markRect.bottomRight();
- break;
- case TQChar::Combining_IotaSubscript:
- default:
- break;
- }
-// qDebug("char=%x combiningClass = %d offset=%d/%d", mark, cmb, p.x(), p.y());
- markRect.moveBy(p.x(), p.y());
- attachmentRect |= markRect;
- lastCmb = cmb;
- if (rightToLeft) {
- item->offsets[gfrom+i].x = p.x();
- item->offsets[gfrom+i].y = p.y();
- } else {
- item->offsets[gfrom+i].x = p.x() - baseInfo.xoff;
- item->offsets[gfrom+i].y = p.y() - baseInfo.yoff;
- }
- item->advances[gfrom+i] = 0;
- }
- item->has_positioning = TRUE;
-void qt_heuristicPosition(TQShaperItem *item)
- int cEnd = -1;
- int i = item->num_glyphs;
- while (i--) {
- if (cEnd == -1 && item->attributes[i].mark) {
- cEnd = i;
- } else if (cEnd != -1 && !item->attributes[i].mark) {
- positionCluster(item, i, cEnd);
- cEnd = -1;
- }
- }
-// set the glyph attributes heuristically. Assumes a 1 to 1 relationship between chars and glyphs
-// and no reordering.
-// also computes logClusters heuristically
-static void heuristicSetGlyphAttributes(TQShaperItem *item, const TQChar *uc, int length)
- // justification is missing here!!!!!
- if ( item->num_glyphs != length )
- qWarning("TQScriptEngine::heuristicSetGlyphAttributes: char length and num glyphs disagree" );
- unsigned short *logClusters = item->log_clusters;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
- logClusters[i] = i;
- // first char in a run is never (treated as) a mark
- int cStart = 0;
- item->attributes[0].mark = FALSE;
- item->attributes[0].clusterStart = TRUE;
- item->attributes[0].combiningClass = 0;
- if (qIsZeroWidthChar(uc[0].tqunicode())) {
- item->attributes[0].zeroWidth = TRUE;
- item->advances[0] = 0;
- item->has_positioning = TRUE;
- } else {
- item->attributes[0].zeroWidth = FALSE;
- }
- int lastCat = ::category(uc[0]);
- for (i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
- int cat = ::category(uc[i]);
- if (qIsZeroWidthChar(uc[i].tqunicode())) {
- item->attributes[i].mark = FALSE;
- item->attributes[i].clusterStart = TRUE;
- item->attributes[i].zeroWidth = TRUE;
- item->attributes[i].combiningClass = 0;
- cStart = i;
- item->advances[i] = 0;
- item->has_positioning = TRUE;
- } else if (cat != TQChar::Mark_NonSpacing) {
- item->attributes[i].mark = FALSE;
- item->attributes[i].clusterStart = TRUE;
- item->attributes[i].combiningClass = 0;
- cStart = i;
- } else {
- int cmb = ::combiningClass(uc[i]);
- if (cmb == 0) {
- // Fix 0 combining classes
- if ((uc[i].tqunicode() & 0xff00) == 0x0e00) {
- // thai or lao
- unsigned char col = uc[i].cell();
- if (col == 0x31 ||
- col == 0x34 ||
- col == 0x35 ||
- col == 0x36 ||
- col == 0x37 ||
- col == 0x47 ||
- col == 0x4c ||
- col == 0x4d ||
- col == 0x4e) {
- cmb = TQChar::Combining_AboveRight;
- } else if (col == 0xb1 ||
- col == 0xb4 ||
- col == 0xb5 ||
- col == 0xb6 ||
- col == 0xb7 ||
- col == 0xbb ||
- col == 0xcc ||
- col == 0xcd) {
- cmb = TQChar::Combining_Above;
- } else if (col == 0xbc) {
- cmb = TQChar::Combining_Below;
- }
- }
- }
- item->attributes[i].mark = TRUE;
- item->attributes[i].clusterStart = FALSE;
- item->attributes[i].combiningClass = cmb;
- logClusters[i] = cStart;
- item->advances[i] = 0;
- item->has_positioning = TRUE;
- }
- if (lastCat == TQChar::Separator_Space)
- item->attributes[i-1].justification = GlyphAttributes::Space;
- else if (cat != TQChar::Mark_NonSpacing)
- item->attributes[i-1].justification = GlyphAttributes::Character;
- else
- item->attributes[i-1].justification = GlyphAttributes::NoJustification;
- lastCat = cat;
- }
-static void heuristicSetGlyphAttributes(TQShaperItem *item)
- heuristicSetGlyphAttributes(item, item->string->tqunicode() + item->from, item->length);
-static bool basic_tqshape(TQShaperItem *item)
- if (item->font->stringToCMap(item->string->tqunicode()+item->from, item->length, item->glyphs, item->advances,
- &item->num_glyphs, item->flags & TQTextEngine::RightToLeft) != TQFontEngine::NoError)
- return FALSE;
- heuristicSetGlyphAttributes(item);
- qt_heuristicPosition(item);
- return TRUE;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Middle eastern languages
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Uniscribe also defines dlig for Hebrew, but we leave this out for now, as it's mostly
-// ligatures one does not want in modern Hebrew (as lam-alef ligatures).
-enum {
- CcmpProperty = 0x1
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11) && !defined(TQT_NO_XFTFREETYPE)
-static const TQOpenType::Features hebrew_features[] = {
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('c', 'c', 'm', 'p'), CcmpProperty },
- {0, 0}
-/* Hebrew shaping. In the non opentype case we try to use the
- presentation forms specified for Hebrew. Especially for the
- ligatures with Dagesh this gives much better results than we could
- achieve manually.
-static bool hebrew_tqshape(TQShaperItem *item)
- TQ_ASSERT(item->script == TQFont::Hebrew);
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11) && !defined(TQT_NO_XFTFREETYPE)
- TQOpenType *openType = item->font->openType();
- if (openType && openType->supportsScript(item->script)) {
- openType->selectScript(item->script, hebrew_features);
- if (item->font->stringToCMap(item->string->tqunicode()+item->from, item->length, item->glyphs, item->advances,
- &item->num_glyphs, item->flags & TQTextEngine::RightToLeft) != TQFontEngine::NoError)
- return FALSE;
- heuristicSetGlyphAttributes(item);
- openType->tqshape(item);
- return openType->positionAndAdd(item);
- }
- enum {
- Dagesh = 0x5bc,
- ShinDot = 0x5c1,
- SinDot = 0x5c2,
- Patah = 0x5b7,
- Qamats = 0x5b8,
- Holam = 0x5b9,
- Rafe = 0x5bf
- };
- unsigned short chars[512];
- TQChar *tqshapedChars = item->length > 256 ? (TQChar *)::malloc(2*item->length * sizeof(TQChar)) : (TQChar *)chars;
- const TQChar *uc = item->string->tqunicode() + item->from;
- unsigned short *logClusters = item->log_clusters;
- *tqshapedChars = *uc;
- logClusters[0] = 0;
- int slen = 1;
- int cluster_start = 0;
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i < item->length; ++i) {
- ushort base = tqshapedChars[slen-1].tqunicode();
- ushort tqshaped = 0;
- bool invalid = FALSE;
- if (uc[i].tqunicode() == Dagesh) {
- if (base >= 0x5d0
- && base <= 0x5ea
- && base != 0x5d7
- && base != 0x5dd
- && base != 0x5df
- && base != 0x5e2
- && base != 0x5e5) {
- tqshaped = base - 0x5d0 + 0xfb30;
- } else if (base == 0xfb2a || base == 0xfb2b /* Shin with Shin or Sin dot */) {
- tqshaped = base + 2;
- } else {
- invalid = TRUE;
- }
- } else if (uc[i].tqunicode() == ShinDot) {
- if (base == 0x05e9)
- tqshaped = 0xfb2a;
- else if (base == 0xfb49)
- tqshaped = 0xfb2c;
- else
- invalid = TRUE;
- } else if (uc[i].tqunicode() == SinDot) {
- if (base == 0x05e9)
- tqshaped = 0xfb2b;
- else if (base == 0xfb49)
- tqshaped = 0xfb2d;
- else
- invalid = TRUE;
- } else if (uc[i].tqunicode() == Patah) {
- if (base == 0x5d0)
- tqshaped = 0xfb2e;
- } else if (uc[i].tqunicode() == Qamats) {
- if (base == 0x5d0)
- tqshaped = 0xfb2f;
- } else if (uc[i].tqunicode() == Holam) {
- if (base == 0x5d5)
- tqshaped = 0xfb4b;
- } else if (uc[i].tqunicode() == Rafe) {
- if (base == 0x5d1)
- tqshaped = 0xfb4c;
- else if (base == 0x5db)
- tqshaped = 0xfb4d;
- else if (base == 0x5e4)
- tqshaped = 0xfb4e;
- }
- if (invalid) {
- tqshapedChars[slen] = 0x25cc;
- item->attributes[slen].clusterStart = TRUE;
- item->attributes[slen].mark = FALSE;
- item->attributes[slen].combiningClass = 0;
- cluster_start = slen;
- ++slen;
- }
- if (tqshaped) {
- if (item->font->canRender((TQChar *)&tqshaped, 1)) {
- tqshapedChars[slen-1] = TQChar(tqshaped);
- } else
- tqshaped = 0;
- }
- if (!tqshaped) {
- tqshapedChars[slen] = uc[i];
- if (::category(uc[i]) != TQChar::Mark_NonSpacing) {
- item->attributes[slen].clusterStart = TRUE;
- item->attributes[slen].mark = FALSE;
- item->attributes[slen].combiningClass = 0;
- cluster_start = slen;
- } else {
- item->attributes[slen].clusterStart = FALSE;
- item->attributes[slen].mark = TRUE;
- item->attributes[slen].combiningClass = ::combiningClass(uc[i]);
- }
- ++slen;
- }
- logClusters[i] = cluster_start;
- }
- if (item->font->stringToCMap(tqshapedChars, slen, item->glyphs, item->advances,
- &item->num_glyphs, item->flags & TQTextEngine::RightToLeft) != TQFontEngine::NoError)
- return FALSE;
- for (i = 0; i < item->num_glyphs; ++i) {
- if (item->attributes[i].mark)
- item->advances[i] = 0;
- }
- qt_heuristicPosition(item);
- if (item->length > 256)
- ::free(tqshapedChars);
- return TRUE;
-// these groups correspond to the groups defined in the Unicode standard.
-// Some of these groups are equal whith regards to both joining and line breaking behaviour,
-// and thus have the same enum value
-// I'm not sure the mapping of syriac to arabic enums is correct with regards to justification, but as
-// I couldn't find any better document I'll hope for the best.
-enum ArabicGroup {
- // NonJoining
- ArabicNone,
- ArabicSpace,
- // Transparent
- Transparent,
- // Causing
- Center,
- Kashida,
- // Arabic
- // Dual
- Beh,
- Noon,
- Meem = Noon,
- Heh = Noon,
- KnottedHeh = Noon,
- HehGoal = Noon,
- SwashKaf = Noon,
- Yeh,
- Hah,
- Seen,
- Sad = Seen,
- Tah,
- Kaf = Tah,
- Gaf = Tah,
- Lam = Tah,
- Ain,
- Feh = Ain,
- Qaf = Ain,
- // Right
- Alef,
- Waw,
- Dal,
- TehMarbuta = Dal,
- Reh,
- HamzaOnHehGoal,
- YehWithTail = HamzaOnHehGoal,
- YehBarre = HamzaOnHehGoal,
- // Syriac
- // Dual
- Beth = Beh,
- Gamal = Ain,
- Heth = Noon,
- Teth = Hah,
- Yudh = Noon,
- Kaph = Noon,
- Lamadh = Lam,
- Mim = Noon,
- Nun = Noon,
- Semakh = Noon,
- FinalSemakh = Noon,
- SyriacE = Ain,
- Pe = Ain,
- ReversedPe = Hah,
- Qaph = Noon,
- Shin = Noon,
- Fe = Ain,
- // Right
- Alaph = Alef,
- Dalath = Dal,
- He = Dal,
- SyriacWaw = Waw,
- Zain = Alef,
- YudhHe = Waw,
- Sadhe = HamzaOnHehGoal,
- Taw = Dal,
- // Compiler bug? Otherwise ArabicGroupsEnd would be equal to Dal + 1.
- Dummy = HamzaOnHehGoal,
- ArabicGroupsEnd
-static const unsigned char arabic_group[0x150] = {
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- Transparent, Transparent, Transparent, Transparent,
- Transparent, Transparent, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, Alef, Alef,
- Waw, Alef, Yeh, Alef,
- Beh, TehMarbuta, Beh, Beh,
- Hah, Hah, Hah, Dal,
- Dal, Reh, Reh, Seen,
- Seen, Sad, Sad, Tah,
- Tah, Ain, Ain, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- // 0x640
- Kashida, Feh, Qaf, Kaf,
- Lam, Meem, Noon, Heh,
- Waw, Yeh, Yeh, Transparent,
- Transparent, Transparent, Transparent, Transparent,
- Transparent, Transparent, Transparent, Transparent,
- Transparent, Transparent, Transparent, Transparent,
- Transparent, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, Beh, Qaf,
- Transparent, Alef, Alef, Alef,
- ArabicNone, Alef, Waw, Waw,
- Yeh, Beh, Beh, Beh,
- Beh, Beh, Beh, Beh,
- // 0x680
- Beh, Hah, Hah, Hah,
- Hah, Hah, Hah, Hah,
- Dal, Dal, Dal, Dal,
- Dal, Dal, Dal, Dal,
- Dal, Reh, Reh, Reh,
- Reh, Reh, Reh, Reh,
- Reh, Reh, Seen, Seen,
- Seen, Sad, Sad, Tah,
- Ain, Feh, Feh, Feh,
- Feh, Feh, Feh, Qaf,
- Qaf, Gaf, SwashKaf, Gaf,
- Kaf, Kaf, Kaf, Gaf,
- Gaf, Gaf, Gaf, Gaf,
- Gaf, Lam, Lam, Lam,
- Lam, Noon, Noon, Noon,
- Noon, Noon, KnottedHeh, Hah,
- // 0x6c0
- TehMarbuta, HehGoal, HamzaOnHehGoal, HamzaOnHehGoal,
- Waw, Waw, Waw, Waw,
- Waw, Waw, Waw, Waw,
- Yeh, YehWithTail, Yeh, Waw,
- Yeh, Yeh, YehBarre, YehBarre,
- ArabicNone, TehMarbuta, Transparent, Transparent,
- Transparent, Transparent, Transparent, Transparent,
- Transparent, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, Transparent,
- Transparent, Transparent, Transparent, Transparent,
- Transparent, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, Transparent,
- Transparent, ArabicNone, Transparent, Transparent,
- Transparent, Transparent, Dal, Reh,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, Seen, Sad,
- Ain, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, KnottedHeh,
- // 0x700
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone, ArabicNone,
- Alaph, Transparent, Beth, Gamal,
- Gamal, Dalath, Dalath, He,
- SyriacWaw, Zain, Heth, Teth,
- Teth, Yudh, YudhHe, Kaph,
- Lamadh, Mim, Nun, Semakh,
- FinalSemakh, SyriacE, Pe, ReversedPe,
- Sadhe, Qaph, Dalath, Shin,
- Taw, Beth, Gamal, Dalath,
- Transparent, Transparent, Transparent, Transparent,
- Transparent, Transparent, Transparent, Transparent,
- Transparent, Transparent, Transparent, Transparent,
- Transparent, Transparent, Transparent, Transparent,
- Transparent, Transparent, Transparent, Transparent,
- Transparent, Transparent, Transparent, Transparent,
- Transparent, Transparent, Transparent, ArabicNone,
- ArabicNone, Zain, Kaph, Fe,
-static inline ArabicGroup arabicGroup(unsigned short uc)
- if (uc >= 0x0600 && uc < 0x750)
- return (ArabicGroup) arabic_group[uc-0x600];
- else if (uc == 0x200d)
- return Center;
- else if (::category(uc) == TQChar::Separator_Space)
- return ArabicSpace;
- else
- return ArabicNone;
- Arabic shaping obeys a number of rules according to the joining classes (see Unicode book, section on
- arabic).
- Each tqunicode char has a joining class (right, dual (left&right), center (joincausing) or transparent).
- transparent joining is not encoded in TQChar::joining(), but applies to all combining marks and format marks.
- Right join-causing: dual + center
- Left join-causing: dual + right + center
- Rules are as follows (for a string already in visual order, as we have it here):
- R1 Transparent characters do not affect joining behaviour.
- R2 A right joining character, that has a right join-causing char on the right will get form XRight
- (R3 A left joining character, that has a left join-causing char on the left will get form XLeft)
- Note: the above rule is meaningless, as there are no pure left joining characters defined in Unicode
- R4 A dual joining character, that has a left join-causing char on the left and a right join-causing char on
- the right will get form XMedial
- R5 A dual joining character, that has a right join causing char on the right, and no left join causing char on the left
- will get form XRight
- R6 A dual joining character, that has a left join causing char on the left, and no right join causing char on the right
- will get form XLeft
- R7 Otherwise the character will get form XIsolated
- Additionally we have to do the minimal ligature support for lam-alef ligatures:
- L1 Transparent characters do not affect ligature behaviour.
- L2 Any sequence of Alef(XRight) + Lam(XMedial) will form the ligature Alef.Lam(XLeft)
- L3 Any sequence of Alef(XRight) + Lam(XLeft) will form the ligature Alef.Lam(XIsolated)
- The state table below handles rules R1-R7.
-enum Shape {
- XIsolated,
- XFinal,
- XInitial,
- XMedial,
- // intermediate state
- XCausing
-enum Joining {
- JNone,
- JCausing,
- JDual,
- JRight,
- JTransparent
-static const Joining joining_for_group[ArabicGroupsEnd] = {
- // NonJoining
- JNone, // ArabicNone
- JNone, // ArabicSpace
- // Transparent
- JTransparent, // Transparent
- // Causing
- JCausing, // Center
- JCausing, // Kashida
- // Dual
- JDual, // Beh
- JDual, // Noon
- JDual, // Yeh
- JDual, // Hah
- JDual, // Seen
- JDual, // Tah
- JDual, // Ain
- // Right
- JRight, // Alef
- JRight, // Waw
- JRight, // Dal
- JRight, // Reh
- JRight // HamzaOnHehGoal
-struct JoiningPair {
- Shape form1;
- Shape form2;
-static const JoiningPair joining_table[5][4] =
-// None, Causing, Dual, Right
- { { XIsolated, XIsolated }, { XIsolated, XCausing }, { XIsolated, XInitial }, { XIsolated, XIsolated } }, // XIsolated
- { { XFinal, XIsolated }, { XFinal, XCausing }, { XFinal, XInitial }, { XFinal, XIsolated } }, // XFinal
- { { XIsolated, XIsolated }, { XInitial, XCausing }, { XInitial, XMedial }, { XInitial, XFinal } }, // XInitial
- { { XFinal, XIsolated }, { XMedial, XCausing }, { XMedial, XMedial }, { XMedial, XFinal } }, // XMedial
- { { XIsolated, XIsolated }, { XIsolated, XCausing }, { XIsolated, XMedial }, { XIsolated, XFinal } }, // XCausing
-According to
-1. Find the priority of the connecting opportunities in each word
-2. Add expansion at the highest priority connection opportunity
-3. If more than one connection opportunity have the same highest value,
- use the opportunity closest to the end of the word.
-Following is a chart that provides the priority for connection
-opportunities and where expansion occurs. The character group names
-are those in table 6.6 of the UNICODE 2.0 book.
-PrioritY Glyph Condition Kashida Location
-Arabic_Kashida User inserted Kashida The user entered a Kashida in a position. After the user
- (Shift+j or Shift+[E with hat]) Thus, it is the highest priority to insert an inserted kashida
- automatic kashida.
-Arabic_Seen Seen, Sad Connecting to the next character. After the character.
- (Initial or medial form).
-Arabic_HaaDal Teh Marbutah, Haa, Dal Connecting to previous character. Before the final form
- of these characters.
-Arabic_Alef Alef, Tah, Lam, Connecting to previous character. Before the final form
- Kaf and Gaf of these characters.
-Arabic_BaRa Reh, Yeh Connected to medial Beh Before preceding medial Baa
-Arabic_Waw Waw, Ain, Qaf, Feh Connecting to previous character. Before the final form of
- these characters.
-Arabic_Normal Other connecting Connecting to previous character. Before the final form
- characters of these characters.
-This seems to imply that we have at most one kashida point per arabic word.
-struct TQArabicProperties {
- unsigned char tqshape;
- unsigned char justification;
-static void getArabicProperties(const unsigned short *chars, int len, TQArabicProperties *properties)
-// qDebug("arabicSyriacOpenTypeShape: properties:");
- int lastPos = 0;
- int lastGroup = ArabicNone;
- ArabicGroup group = arabicGroup(chars[0]);
- Joining j = joining_for_group[group];
- Shape tqshape = joining_table[XIsolated][j].form2;
- properties[0].justification = GlyphAttributes::NoJustification;
- for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
- // #### fix handling for spaces and punktuation
- properties[i].justification = GlyphAttributes::NoJustification;
- group = arabicGroup(chars[i]);
- j = joining_for_group[group];
- if (j == JTransparent) {
- properties[i].tqshape = XIsolated;
- continue;
- }
- properties[lastPos].tqshape = joining_table[tqshape][j].form1;
- tqshape = joining_table[tqshape][j].form2;
- switch(lastGroup) {
- case Seen:
- if (properties[lastPos].tqshape == XInitial || properties[lastPos].tqshape == XMedial)
- properties[i-1].justification = GlyphAttributes::Arabic_Seen;
- break;
- case Hah:
- if (properties[lastPos].tqshape == XFinal)
- properties[lastPos-1].justification = GlyphAttributes::Arabic_HaaDal;
- break;
- case Alef:
- if (properties[lastPos].tqshape == XFinal)
- properties[lastPos-1].justification = GlyphAttributes::Arabic_Alef;
- break;
- case Ain:
- if (properties[lastPos].tqshape == XFinal)
- properties[lastPos-1].justification = GlyphAttributes::Arabic_Waw;
- break;
- case Noon:
- if (properties[lastPos].tqshape == XFinal)
- properties[lastPos-1].justification = GlyphAttributes::Arabic_Normal;
- break;
- case ArabicNone:
- break;
- default:
- }
- lastGroup = ArabicNone;
- switch(group) {
- case ArabicNone:
- case Transparent:
- // ### Center should probably be treated as transparent when it comes to justification.
- case Center:
- break;
- case ArabicSpace:
- properties[i].justification = GlyphAttributes::Arabic_Space;
- break;
- case Kashida:
- properties[i].justification = GlyphAttributes::Arabic_Kashida;
- break;
- case Seen:
- lastGroup = Seen;
- break;
- case Hah:
- case Dal:
- lastGroup = Hah;
- break;
- case Alef:
- case Tah:
- lastGroup = Alef;
- break;
- case Yeh:
- case Reh:
- if (properties[lastPos].tqshape == XMedial && arabicGroup(chars[lastPos]) == Beh)
- properties[lastPos-1].justification = GlyphAttributes::Arabic_BaRa;
- break;
- case Ain:
- case Waw:
- lastGroup = Ain;
- break;
- case Noon:
- case Beh:
- case HamzaOnHehGoal:
- lastGroup = Noon;
- break;
- case ArabicGroupsEnd:
- }
- lastPos = i;
- }
- properties[lastPos].tqshape = joining_table[tqshape][JNone].form1;
-// for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-// qDebug("arabic properties(%d): uc=%x tqshape=%d, justification=%d", i, chars[i], properties[i].tqshape, properties[i].justification);
-// The tqunicode to tqunicode shaping codec.
-// does only presentation forms B at the moment, but that should be enough for
-// simple display
-static const ushort arabicUnicodeMapping[256][2] = {
- // base of tqshaped forms, and number-1 of them (0 for non shaping,
- // 1 for right binding and 3 for dual binding
- // These are just the glyphs available in Unicode,
- // some characters are in R class, but have no glyphs in Unicode.
- { 0x0600, 0 }, // 0x0600
- { 0x0601, 0 }, // 0x0601
- { 0x0602, 0 }, // 0x0602
- { 0x0603, 0 }, // 0x0603
- { 0x0604, 0 }, // 0x0604
- { 0x0605, 0 }, // 0x0605
- { 0x0606, 0 }, // 0x0606
- { 0x0607, 0 }, // 0x0607
- { 0x0608, 0 }, // 0x0608
- { 0x0609, 0 }, // 0x0609
- { 0x060A, 0 }, // 0x060A
- { 0x060B, 0 }, // 0x060B
- { 0x060C, 0 }, // 0x060C
- { 0x060D, 0 }, // 0x060D
- { 0x060E, 0 }, // 0x060E
- { 0x060F, 0 }, // 0x060F
- { 0x0610, 0 }, // 0x0610
- { 0x0611, 0 }, // 0x0611
- { 0x0612, 0 }, // 0x0612
- { 0x0613, 0 }, // 0x0613
- { 0x0614, 0 }, // 0x0614
- { 0x0615, 0 }, // 0x0615
- { 0x0616, 0 }, // 0x0616
- { 0x0617, 0 }, // 0x0617
- { 0x0618, 0 }, // 0x0618
- { 0x0619, 0 }, // 0x0619
- { 0x061A, 0 }, // 0x061A
- { 0x061B, 0 }, // 0x061B
- { 0x061C, 0 }, // 0x061C
- { 0x061D, 0 }, // 0x061D
- { 0x061E, 0 }, // 0x061E
- { 0x061F, 0 }, // 0x061F
- { 0x0620, 0 }, // 0x0620
- { 0xFE80, 0 }, // 0x0621 HAMZA
- { 0xFE81, 1 }, // 0x0622 R ALEF WITH MADDA ABOVE
- { 0xFE83, 1 }, // 0x0623 R ALEF WITH HAMZA ABOVE
- { 0xFE85, 1 }, // 0x0624 R WAW WITH HAMZA ABOVE
- { 0xFE87, 1 }, // 0x0625 R ALEF WITH HAMZA BELOW
- { 0xFE89, 3 }, // 0x0626 D YEH WITH HAMZA ABOVE
- { 0xFE8D, 1 }, // 0x0627 R ALEF
- { 0xFE8F, 3 }, // 0x0628 D BEH
- { 0xFE93, 1 }, // 0x0629 R TEH MARBUTA
- { 0xFE95, 3 }, // 0x062A D TEH
- { 0xFE99, 3 }, // 0x062B D THEH
- { 0xFE9D, 3 }, // 0x062C D JEEM
- { 0xFEA1, 3 }, // 0x062D D HAH
- { 0xFEA5, 3 }, // 0x062E D KHAH
- { 0xFEA9, 1 }, // 0x062F R DAL
- { 0xFEAB, 1 }, // 0x0630 R THAL
- { 0xFEAD, 1 }, // 0x0631 R REH
- { 0xFEAF, 1 }, // 0x0632 R ZAIN
- { 0xFEB1, 3 }, // 0x0633 D SEEN
- { 0xFEB5, 3 }, // 0x0634 D SHEEN
- { 0xFEB9, 3 }, // 0x0635 D SAD
- { 0xFEBD, 3 }, // 0x0636 D DAD
- { 0xFEC1, 3 }, // 0x0637 D TAH
- { 0xFEC5, 3 }, // 0x0638 D ZAH
- { 0xFEC9, 3 }, // 0x0639 D AIN
- { 0xFECD, 3 }, // 0x063A D GHAIN
- { 0x063B, 0 }, // 0x063B
- { 0x063C, 0 }, // 0x063C
- { 0x063D, 0 }, // 0x063D
- { 0x063E, 0 }, // 0x063E
- { 0x063F, 0 }, // 0x063F
- { 0x0640, 0 }, // 0x0640 C TATWEEL // ### Join Causing, only one glyph
- { 0xFED1, 3 }, // 0x0641 D FEH
- { 0xFED5, 3 }, // 0x0642 D TQAF
- { 0xFED9, 3 }, // 0x0643 D KAF
- { 0xFEDD, 3 }, // 0x0644 D LAM
- { 0xFEE1, 3 }, // 0x0645 D MEEM
- { 0xFEE5, 3 }, // 0x0646 D NOON
- { 0xFEE9, 3 }, // 0x0647 D HEH
- { 0xFEED, 1 }, // 0x0648 R WAW
- { 0x0649, 3 }, // 0x0649 ALEF MAKSURA // ### Dual, glyphs not consecutive, handle in code.
- { 0xFEF1, 3 }, // 0x064A D YEH
- { 0x064B, 0 }, // 0x064B
- { 0x064C, 0 }, // 0x064C
- { 0x064D, 0 }, // 0x064D
- { 0x064E, 0 }, // 0x064E
- { 0x064F, 0 }, // 0x064F
- { 0x0650, 0 }, // 0x0650
- { 0x0651, 0 }, // 0x0651
- { 0x0652, 0 }, // 0x0652
- { 0x0653, 0 }, // 0x0653
- { 0x0654, 0 }, // 0x0654
- { 0x0655, 0 }, // 0x0655
- { 0x0656, 0 }, // 0x0656
- { 0x0657, 0 }, // 0x0657
- { 0x0658, 0 }, // 0x0658
- { 0x0659, 0 }, // 0x0659
- { 0x065A, 0 }, // 0x065A
- { 0x065B, 0 }, // 0x065B
- { 0x065C, 0 }, // 0x065C
- { 0x065D, 0 }, // 0x065D
- { 0x065E, 0 }, // 0x065E
- { 0x065F, 0 }, // 0x065F
- { 0x0660, 0 }, // 0x0660
- { 0x0661, 0 }, // 0x0661
- { 0x0662, 0 }, // 0x0662
- { 0x0663, 0 }, // 0x0663
- { 0x0664, 0 }, // 0x0664
- { 0x0665, 0 }, // 0x0665
- { 0x0666, 0 }, // 0x0666
- { 0x0667, 0 }, // 0x0667
- { 0x0668, 0 }, // 0x0668
- { 0x0669, 0 }, // 0x0669
- { 0x066A, 0 }, // 0x066A
- { 0x066B, 0 }, // 0x066B
- { 0x066C, 0 }, // 0x066C
- { 0x066D, 0 }, // 0x066D
- { 0x066E, 0 }, // 0x066E
- { 0x066F, 0 }, // 0x066F
- { 0x0670, 0 }, // 0x0670
- { 0xFB50, 1 }, // 0x0671 R ALEF WASLA
- { 0x0672, 0 }, // 0x0672
- { 0x0673, 0 }, // 0x0673
- { 0x0674, 0 }, // 0x0674
- { 0x0675, 0 }, // 0x0675
- { 0x0676, 0 }, // 0x0676
- { 0x0677, 0 }, // 0x0677
- { 0x0678, 0 }, // 0x0678
- { 0xFB66, 3 }, // 0x0679 D TTEH
- { 0xFB5E, 3 }, // 0x067A D TTEHEH
- { 0xFB52, 3 }, // 0x067B D BEEH
- { 0x067C, 0 }, // 0x067C
- { 0x067D, 0 }, // 0x067D
- { 0xFB56, 3 }, // 0x067E D PEH
- { 0xFB62, 3 }, // 0x067F D TEHEH
- { 0xFB5A, 3 }, // 0x0680 D BEHEH
- { 0x0681, 0 }, // 0x0681
- { 0x0682, 0 }, // 0x0682
- { 0xFB76, 3 }, // 0x0683 D NYEH
- { 0xFB72, 3 }, // 0x0684 D DYEH
- { 0x0685, 0 }, // 0x0685
- { 0xFB7A, 3 }, // 0x0686 D TCHEH
- { 0xFB7E, 3 }, // 0x0687 D TCHEHEH
- { 0xFB88, 1 }, // 0x0688 R DDAL
- { 0x0689, 0 }, // 0x0689
- { 0x068A, 0 }, // 0x068A
- { 0x068B, 0 }, // 0x068B
- { 0xFB84, 1 }, // 0x068C R DAHAL
- { 0xFB82, 1 }, // 0x068D R DDAHAL
- { 0xFB86, 1 }, // 0x068E R DUL
- { 0x068F, 0 }, // 0x068F
- { 0x0690, 0 }, // 0x0690
- { 0xFB8C, 1 }, // 0x0691 R RREH
- { 0x0692, 0 }, // 0x0692
- { 0x0693, 0 }, // 0x0693
- { 0x0694, 0 }, // 0x0694
- { 0x0695, 0 }, // 0x0695
- { 0x0696, 0 }, // 0x0696
- { 0x0697, 0 }, // 0x0697
- { 0xFB8A, 1 }, // 0x0698 R JEH
- { 0x0699, 0 }, // 0x0699
- { 0x069A, 0 }, // 0x069A
- { 0x069B, 0 }, // 0x069B
- { 0x069C, 0 }, // 0x069C
- { 0x069D, 0 }, // 0x069D
- { 0x069E, 0 }, // 0x069E
- { 0x069F, 0 }, // 0x069F
- { 0x06A0, 0 }, // 0x06A0
- { 0x06A1, 0 }, // 0x06A1
- { 0x06A2, 0 }, // 0x06A2
- { 0x06A3, 0 }, // 0x06A3
- { 0xFB6A, 3 }, // 0x06A4 D VEH
- { 0x06A5, 0 }, // 0x06A5
- { 0xFB6E, 3 }, // 0x06A6 D PEHEH
- { 0x06A7, 0 }, // 0x06A7
- { 0x06A8, 0 }, // 0x06A8
- { 0xFB8E, 3 }, // 0x06A9 D KEHEH
- { 0x06AA, 0 }, // 0x06AA
- { 0x06AB, 0 }, // 0x06AB
- { 0x06AC, 0 }, // 0x06AC
- { 0xFBD3, 3 }, // 0x06AD D NG
- { 0x06AE, 0 }, // 0x06AE
- { 0xFB92, 3 }, // 0x06AF D GAF
- { 0x06B0, 0 }, // 0x06B0
- { 0xFB9A, 3 }, // 0x06B1 D NGOEH
- { 0x06B2, 0 }, // 0x06B2
- { 0xFB96, 3 }, // 0x06B3 D GUEH
- { 0x06B4, 0 }, // 0x06B4
- { 0x06B5, 0 }, // 0x06B5
- { 0x06B6, 0 }, // 0x06B6
- { 0x06B7, 0 }, // 0x06B7
- { 0x06B8, 0 }, // 0x06B8
- { 0x06B9, 0 }, // 0x06B9
- { 0xFB9E, 1 }, // 0x06BA R NOON GHUNNA
- { 0xFBA0, 3 }, // 0x06BB D RNOON
- { 0x06BC, 0 }, // 0x06BC
- { 0x06BD, 0 }, // 0x06BD
- { 0xFBAA, 3 }, // 0x06BE D HEH DOACHASHMEE
- { 0x06BF, 0 }, // 0x06BF
- { 0xFBA4, 1 }, // 0x06C0 R HEH WITH YEH ABOVE
- { 0xFBA6, 3 }, // 0x06C1 D HEH GOAL
- { 0x06C2, 0 }, // 0x06C2
- { 0x06C3, 0 }, // 0x06C3
- { 0x06C4, 0 }, // 0x06C4
- { 0xFBE0, 1 }, // 0x06C5 R KIRGHIZ OE
- { 0xFBD9, 1 }, // 0x06C6 R OE
- { 0xFBD7, 1 }, // 0x06C7 R U
- { 0xFBDB, 1 }, // 0x06C8 R YU
- { 0xFBE2, 1 }, // 0x06C9 R KIRGHIZ YU
- { 0x06CA, 0 }, // 0x06CA
- { 0xFBDE, 1 }, // 0x06CB R VE
- { 0xFBFC, 3 }, // 0x06CC D FARSI YEH
- { 0x06CD, 0 }, // 0x06CD
- { 0x06CE, 0 }, // 0x06CE
- { 0x06CF, 0 }, // 0x06CF
- { 0xFBE4, 3 }, // 0x06D0 D E
- { 0x06D1, 0 }, // 0x06D1
- { 0xFBAE, 1 }, // 0x06D2 R YEH BARREE
- { 0xFBB0, 1 }, // 0x06D3 R YEH BARREE WITH HAMZA ABOVE
- { 0x06D4, 0 }, // 0x06D4
- { 0x06D5, 0 }, // 0x06D5
- { 0x06D6, 0 }, // 0x06D6
- { 0x06D7, 0 }, // 0x06D7
- { 0x06D8, 0 }, // 0x06D8
- { 0x06D9, 0 }, // 0x06D9
- { 0x06DA, 0 }, // 0x06DA
- { 0x06DB, 0 }, // 0x06DB
- { 0x06DC, 0 }, // 0x06DC
- { 0x06DD, 0 }, // 0x06DD
- { 0x06DE, 0 }, // 0x06DE
- { 0x06DF, 0 }, // 0x06DF
- { 0x06E0, 0 }, // 0x06E0
- { 0x06E1, 0 }, // 0x06E1
- { 0x06E2, 0 }, // 0x06E2
- { 0x06E3, 0 }, // 0x06E3
- { 0x06E4, 0 }, // 0x06E4
- { 0x06E5, 0 }, // 0x06E5
- { 0x06E6, 0 }, // 0x06E6
- { 0x06E7, 0 }, // 0x06E7
- { 0x06E8, 0 }, // 0x06E8
- { 0x06E9, 0 }, // 0x06E9
- { 0x06EA, 0 }, // 0x06EA
- { 0x06EB, 0 }, // 0x06EB
- { 0x06EC, 0 }, // 0x06EC
- { 0x06ED, 0 }, // 0x06ED
- { 0x06EE, 0 }, // 0x06EE
- { 0x06EF, 0 }, // 0x06EF
- { 0x06F0, 0 }, // 0x06F0
- { 0x06F1, 0 }, // 0x06F1
- { 0x06F2, 0 }, // 0x06F2
- { 0x06F3, 0 }, // 0x06F3
- { 0x06F4, 0 }, // 0x06F4
- { 0x06F5, 0 }, // 0x06F5
- { 0x06F6, 0 }, // 0x06F6
- { 0x06F7, 0 }, // 0x06F7
- { 0x06F8, 0 }, // 0x06F8
- { 0x06F9, 0 }, // 0x06F9
- { 0x06FA, 0 }, // 0x06FA
- { 0x06FB, 0 }, // 0x06FB
- { 0x06FC, 0 }, // 0x06FC
- { 0x06FD, 0 }, // 0x06FD
- { 0x06FE, 0 }, // 0x06FE
- { 0x06FF, 0 } // 0x06FF
-// the arabicUnicodeMapping does not work for U+0649 ALEF MAKSURA, this table does
-static const ushort alefMaksura[4] = {0xFEEF, 0xFEF0, 0xFBE8, 0xFBE9};
-// this is a bit tricky. Alef always binds to the right, so the second parameter descibing the tqshape
-// of the lam can be either initial of medial. So initial maps to the isolated form of the ligature,
-// medial to the final form
-static const ushort arabicUnicodeLamAlefMapping[6][4] = {
- { 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfef5, 0xfef6 }, // 0x622 R Alef with Madda above
- { 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfef7, 0xfef8 }, // 0x623 R Alef with Hamza above
- { 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd }, // 0x624 // Just to fill the table ;-)
- { 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfef9, 0xfefa }, // 0x625 R Alef with Hamza below
- { 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd }, // 0x626 // Just to fill the table ;-)
- { 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfefb, 0xfefc } // 0x627 R Alef
-static inline int getShape(uchar cell, int tqshape)
- // the arabicUnicodeMapping does not work for U+0649 ALEF MAKSURA, handle this here
- uint ch = (cell != 0x49)
- ? (tqshape ? arabicUnicodeMapping[cell][0] + tqshape : 0x600+cell)
- : alefMaksura[tqshape] ;
- return ch;
- Two small helper functions for arabic shaping.
-static inline const TQChar prevChar(const TQString *str, int pos)
- //qDebug("leftChar: pos=%d", pos);
- pos--;
- const TQChar *ch = str->tqunicode() + pos;
- while(pos > -1) {
- if(::category(*ch) != TQChar::Mark_NonSpacing)
- return *ch;
- pos--;
- ch--;
- }
- return TQChar::replacement;
-static inline const TQChar nextChar(const TQString *str, int pos)
- pos++;
- int len = str->length();
- const TQChar *ch = str->tqunicode() + pos;
- while(pos < len) {
- //qDebug("rightChar: %d isLetter=%d, joining=%d", pos, ch.isLetter(), ch.joining());
- if(::category(*ch) != TQChar::Mark_NonSpacing)
- return *ch;
- // assume it's a transparent char, this might not be 100% correct
- pos++;
- ch++;
- }
- return TQChar::replacement;
-static void tqshapedString(const TQString *uc, int from, int len, TQChar *tqshapeBuffer, int *tqshapedLength,
- bool reverse, GlyphAttributes *attributes, unsigned short *logClusters)
- TQ_ASSERT((int)uc->length() >= from + len);
- if(len == 0) {
- *tqshapedLength = 0;
- return;
- }
- TQVarLengthArray<TQArabicProperties> props(len + 2);
- TQArabicProperties *properties =;
- int f = from;
- int l = len;
- if (from > 0) {
- --f;
- ++l;
- ++properties;
- }
- if (f + l < (int)uc->length()) {
- ++l;
- }
- getArabicProperties((const unsigned short *)(uc->tqunicode()+f), l,;
- const TQChar *ch = uc->tqunicode() + from;
- TQChar *data = tqshapeBuffer;
- int clusterStart = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- uchar r = ch->row();
- int gpos = data - tqshapeBuffer;
- if (r != 0x06) {
- if (r == 0x20) {
- uchar c = ch->cell();
- if (c == 0x0c || c == 0x0d)
- // remove ZWJ and ZWNJ
- goto skip;
- }
- if (reverse)
- *data = mirroredChar(*ch);
- else
- *data = *ch;
- } else {
- uchar c = ch->cell();
- int pos = i + from;
- int tqshape = properties[i].tqshape;
-// qDebug("mapping U+%x to tqshape %d glyph=0x%x", ch->tqunicode(), tqshape, getShape(c, tqshape));
- // take care of lam-alef ligatures (lam right of alef)
- ushort map;
- switch (c) {
- case 0x44: { // lam
- const TQChar pch = nextChar(uc, pos);
- if (pch.row() == 0x06) {
- switch (pch.cell()) {
- case 0x22:
- case 0x23:
- case 0x25:
- case 0x27:
-// qDebug(" lam of lam-alef ligature");
- map = arabicUnicodeLamAlefMapping[pch.cell() - 0x22][tqshape];
- goto next;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 0x22: // alef with madda
- case 0x23: // alef with hamza above
- case 0x25: // alef with hamza below
- case 0x27: // alef
- if (prevChar(uc, pos).tqunicode() == 0x0644) {
- // have a lam alef ligature
- //qDebug(" alef of lam-alef ligature");
- goto skip;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- map = getShape(c, tqshape);
- next:
- *data = map;
- }
- // ##### Fixme
- //attributes[gpos].zeroWidth = zeroWidth;
- if (::category(*ch) == TQChar::Mark_NonSpacing) {
- attributes[gpos].mark = TRUE;
-// qDebug("glyph %d (char %d) is mark!", gpos, i);
- } else {
- attributes[gpos].mark = FALSE;
- clusterStart = data - tqshapeBuffer;
- }
- attributes[gpos].clusterStart = !attributes[gpos].mark;
- attributes[gpos].combiningClass = combiningClass(*ch);
- attributes[gpos].justification = properties[i].justification;
-// qDebug("data[%d] = %x (from %x)", gpos, (uint)data->tqunicode(), ch->tqunicode());
- data++;
- skip:
- ch++;
- logClusters[i] = clusterStart;
- }
- *tqshapedLength = data - tqshapeBuffer;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11) && !defined(TQT_NO_XFTFREETYPE)
-enum {
- InitProperty = 0x2,
- IsolProperty = 0x4,
- FinaProperty = 0x8,
- MediProperty = 0x10,
- RligProperty = 0x20,
- CaltProperty = 0x40,
- LigaProperty = 0x80,
- DligProperty = 0x100,
- CswhProperty = 0x200,
- MsetProperty = 0x400
-static const TQOpenType::Features arabic_features[] = {
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('c', 'c', 'm', 'p'), CcmpProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('i', 's', 'o', 'l'), IsolProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('f', 'i', 'n', 'a'), FinaProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('m', 'e', 'd', 'i'), MediProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('i', 'n', 'i', 't'), InitProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('r', 'l', 'i', 'g'), RligProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('c', 'a', 'l', 't'), CaltProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('l', 'i', 'g', 'a'), LigaProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('d', 'l', 'i', 'g'), DligProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('c', 's', 'w', 'h'), CswhProperty },
- // mset is used in old Win95 fonts that don't have a 'mark' positioning table.
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('m', 's', 'e', 't'), MsetProperty },
- {0, 0}
-static const TQOpenType::Features syriac_features[] = {
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('c', 'c', 'm', 'p'), CcmpProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('i', 's', 'o', 'l'), IsolProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('f', 'i', 'n', 'a'), FinaProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('f', 'i', 'n', '2'), FinaProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('f', 'i', 'n', '3'), FinaProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('m', 'e', 'd', 'i'), MediProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('m', 'e', 'd', '2'), MediProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('i', 'n', 'i', 't'), InitProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('r', 'l', 'i', 'g'), RligProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('c', 'a', 'l', 't'), CaltProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('l', 'i', 'g', 'a'), LigaProperty },
- { FT_MAKE_TAG('d', 'l', 'i', 'g'), DligProperty },
- {0, 0}
-static bool arabicSyriacOpenTypeShape(TQOpenType *openType, TQShaperItem *item, bool *ot_ok)
- *ot_ok = true;
- openType->selectScript(item->script, item->script == TQFont::Arabic ? arabic_features : syriac_features);
- int nglyphs = item->num_glyphs;
- if (item->font->stringToCMap(item->string->tqunicode()+item->from, item->length, item->glyphs, item->advances,
- &item->num_glyphs, item->flags & TQTextEngine::RightToLeft) != TQFontEngine::NoError)
- return FALSE;
- heuristicSetGlyphAttributes(item);
- unsigned short *logClusters = item->log_clusters;
- const unsigned short *uc = (const unsigned short *)item->string->tqunicode() + item->from;
- TQVarLengthArray<TQArabicProperties> props(item->length+2);
- TQArabicProperties *properties =;
- int f = 0;
- int l = item->length;
- if (item->from > 0) {
- --f;
- ++l;
- ++properties;
- }
- if (f + l < (int)item->string->length()) {
- ++l;
- }
- getArabicProperties((const unsigned short *)(uc+f), l,;
- TQVarLengthArray<uint> apply(item->num_glyphs);
- // Hack to remove ZWJ and ZWNJ from rendered output.
- int j = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < item->num_glyphs; i++) {
- if (uc[i] == 0x200c || uc[i] == 0x200d)
- continue;
- item->glyphs[j] = item->glyphs[i];
- item->attributes[j] = item->attributes[i];
- item->advances[j] = item->advances[i];
- item->offsets[j] = item->offsets[i];
- properties[j] = properties[i];
- item->attributes[j].justification = properties[i].justification;
- logClusters[i] = logClusters[j];
- ++j;
- }
- item->num_glyphs = j;
- for (int i = 0; i < item->num_glyphs; i++) {
- apply[i] = 0;
- if (properties[i].tqshape == XIsolated)
- apply[i] |= MediProperty|FinaProperty|InitProperty;
- else if (properties[i].tqshape == XMedial)
- apply[i] |= IsolProperty|FinaProperty|InitProperty;
- else if (properties[i].tqshape == XFinal)
- apply[i] |= IsolProperty|MediProperty|InitProperty;
- else if (properties[i].tqshape == XInitial)
- apply[i] |= IsolProperty|MediProperty|FinaProperty;
- }
- if (!openType->tqshape(item, {
- *ot_ok = false;
- return false;
- }
- item->num_glyphs = nglyphs;
- return openType->positionAndAdd(item);
-// #### stil missing: identify invalid character combinations
-static bool arabic_tqshape(TQShaperItem *item)
- TQ_ASSERT(item->script == TQFont::Arabic);
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11) && !defined(TQT_NO_XFTFREETYPE)
- TQOpenType *openType = item->font->openType();
- if (openType && openType->supportsScript(TQFont::Arabic)) {
- bool ot_ok;
- if (arabicSyriacOpenTypeShape(openType, item, &ot_ok))
- return true;
- if (ot_ok)
- return false;
- // fall through to the non OT code
- }
- TQVarLengthArray<ushort> tqshapedChars(item->length);
- int slen;
- tqshapedString(item->string, item->from, item->length, (TQChar *), &slen,
- item->flags & TQTextEngine::RightToLeft,
- item->attributes, item->log_clusters);
- if (item->font->stringToCMap((TQChar *), slen, item->glyphs, item->advances,
- &item->num_glyphs, item->flags & TQTextEngine::RightToLeft) != TQFontEngine::NoError)
- return FALSE;
- for (int i = 0; i < slen; ++i)
- if (item->attributes[i].mark)
- item->advances[i] = 0;
- qt_heuristicPosition(item);
- return TRUE;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
-# include "tqscriptengine_x11.cpp"
-#elif defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
-# include "tqscriptengine_win.cpp"
-#elif defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
-# include "tqscriptengine_mac.cpp"
-#elif defined(TQ_WS_TQWS)
-# include "tqscriptengine_qws.cpp"
-#endif // USE_QT4 \ No newline at end of file