path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqstyle.h
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diff --git a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqstyle.h b/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqstyle.h
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index 0ae52a0..0000000
--- a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqstyle.h
+++ /dev/null
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-** Definition of TQStyle class
-** Created : 980616
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#ifndef TQSTYLE_H
-#define TQSTYLE_H
-#include "tqtglobaldefines.h"
-#ifndef TQT_H
-#include "tqobject.h"
-#endif // TQT_H
-#ifdef USE_QT4
-#include "tqpainter.h"
-#include "tqpalette.h"
-#include "tqwidget.h"
-#include <Qt/qstyle.h>
-#include <Qt/qstyleoption.h>
-#include "tqtenuminheritance.h"
-#endif // USE_QT4
-#ifdef USE_QT4
-// HACK
-#define tqdrawPrimitiveBase tqdrawPrimitive
-// Remap changed values
-#define CT_DockWindow CT_Q3DockWindow
-#define CT_Header CT_Q3Header
-#define CT_PopupMenuItem CT_MenuItem
-// #define PE_SizeGrip CE_SizeGrip
-// #define PE_Splitter CE_Splitter
-// #define PE_RubberBand CE_RubberBand
-// #define PE_HeaderSection CE_HeaderSection
-#define PE_HeaderArrow PE_IndicatorHeaderArrow
-#define PE_FocusRect PE_FrameFocusRect
-#define PE_DockWindowResizeHandle PE_IndicatorDockWidgetResizeHandle
-#define PE_PanelGroupBox PE_FrameGroupBox
-#define PE_DockWindowHandle PE_IndicatorToolBarHandle
-#define PE_WindowFrame PE_FrameWindow
-#define PE_PanelTabWidget PE_FrameTabWidget
-#define PE_Panel PE_Frame
-#define PE_ButtonTool PE_PanelButtonTool
-#define PE_ButtonDropDown PE_IndicatorButtonDropDown
-#define PE_SpinWidgetPlus PE_IndicatorSpinPlus
-#define PE_SpinWidgetMinus PE_IndicatorSpinMinus
-#define PE_SpinWidgetUp PE_IndicatorSpinUp
-#define PE_SpinWidgetDown PE_IndicatorSpinDown
-#define PE_ButtonBevel PE_PanelButtonBevel
-#define PE_PanelDockWindow PE_FrameDockWindow
-#define PE_PanelPopup PE_FrameMenu
-#define PE_FrameDockWindow PE_FrameDockWidget
-#define PE_CheckMark PE_IndicatorMenuCheckMark
-#define PE_ButtonDefault PE_FrameDefaultButton
-#define PE_ArrowUp PE_IndicatorArrowUp
-#define PE_ArrowDown PE_IndicatorArrowDown
-#define PE_ArrowRight PE_IndicatorArrowRight
-#define PE_ArrowLeft PE_IndicatorArrowLeft
-// #define PE_ScrollBarSubLine CE_ScrollBarSubLine
-// #define PE_ScrollBarAddLine CE_ScrollBarAddLine
-// #define PE_ScrollBarSubPage CE_ScrollBarSubPage
-// #define PE_ScrollBarAddPage CE_ScrollBarAddPage
-// #define PE_ScrollBarFirst CE_ScrollBarFirst
-// #define PE_ScrollBarLast CE_ScrollBarLast
-// #define PE_ScrollBarSlider CE_ScrollBarSlider
-#define PE_Separator PE_Q3Separator
-#define PE_Indicator PE_IndicatorCheckBox
-#define PE_TabBarBase PE_FrameTabBarBase
-#define PE_StatusBarSection PE_FrameStatusBar
-#define PE_ProgressBarChunk PE_IndicatorProgressChunk
-#define PE_ButtonCommand PE_PanelButtonCommand
-#define PE_DockWindowSeparator PE_Q3DockWindowSeparator
-#define PE_CheckListController PE_Q3CheckListController
-#define PE_CheckListIndicator PE_Q3CheckListIndicator
-#define PE_CheckListExclusiveIndicator PE_Q3CheckListExclusiveIndicator
-class TQPopupMenu;
-class TQStylePrivate;
-class TQMenuItem;
-class TQTab;
-class TQListViewItem;
-class TQCheckListItem;
-// !!! [WARNING] !!!
-// !!! [BEWARE] !!!
-// !!! [FIXME] !!!
-class TQStyleOption : public QStyleOption, virtual public TQt {
- enum StyleOptionDefault { Default };
- TQStyleOption(StyleOptionDefault=Default) : QStyleOption(), def(TRUE) {}
- TQStyleOption(const QStyleOption &qso);
-// TQStyleOption(int in1) : QStyleOption( in1 ) {}
-// TQStyleOption(int in1, int in2) : QStyleOption( in1, in2 ) {}
-// TQStyleOption(int x, int y, int w, int h) : QStyleOption() { TQ_UNUSED(x); TQ_UNUSED(y); TQ_UNUSED(w); TQ_UNUSED(h);} // [FIXME] What are x, y, w, and h and what do they do? They are likely the visual bounding rectangle for the style element...origin at (x,y) with width w and height h
- TQStyleOption(int in1) : QStyleOption(), def(FALSE), i1(in1) {}
- TQStyleOption(int in1, int in2) : QStyleOption(), def(FALSE), i1(in1), i2(in2) {}
- TQStyleOption(int in1, int in2, int in3, int in4) : QStyleOption(), def(FALSE), i1(in1), i2(in2), i3(in3), i4(in4) {}
- TQStyleOption(TQMenuItem* m) : QStyleOption(), def(FALSE), mi(m) {}
- TQStyleOption(TQMenuItem* m, int in1) : QStyleOption(), def(FALSE), mi(m), i1(in1) {}
- TQStyleOption(TQMenuItem* m, int in1, int in2) : QStyleOption(), def(FALSE), mi(m), i1(in1), i2(in2) {}
- TQStyleOption(const TQColor& c) : QStyleOption(), def(FALSE), cl(&c) {}
- TQStyleOption(TQTab* t) : QStyleOption(), def(FALSE), tb(t) {}
- TQStyleOption(TQListViewItem* i) : QStyleOption(), def(FALSE), li(i) {}
- TQStyleOption(TQCheckListItem* i) : QStyleOption(), def(FALSE), cli(i) {}
-// TQStyleOption(TQt::ArrowType a) : QStyleOption( a ) {}
-// TQStyleOption(const TQRect& r) : QStyleOption( r ) {}
- TQStyleOption(TQWidget *w) : QStyleOption(), def(FALSE), p1((void*)w) {}
- // [FIXME] These are NOT YET PORTED to Qt4!!!
- bool isDefault() const { return def; }
- int day() const { return i1; }
- int lineWidth() const { return i1; }
- int midLineWidth() const { return i2; }
- int frameShape() const { return i3; }
- int frameShadow() const { return i4; }
- int headerSection() const { return i1; }
- TQMenuItem* menuItem() const { return mi; }
- int maxIconWidth() const { return i1; }
- int tabWidth() const { return i2; }
- const TQColor& color() const { return *cl; }
- TQTab* tab() const { return tb; }
- TQCheckListItem* checkListItem() const { return cli; }
- TQListViewItem* listViewItem() const { return li; }
- TQt::ArrowType arrowType() const { return (TQt::ArrowType)i1; }
- TQRect rect() const { return TQRect( i1, i2, i3, i4 ); }
- TQWidget* widget() const { return (TQWidget*)p1; }
- bool def;
- TQTab* tb;
- TQMenuItem* mi;
- const TQColor* cl;
- TQListViewItem* li;
- int i1, i2, i3, i4;
- TQCheckListItem* cli;
- void *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4; // reserved
- // (padded to 64 bytes on some architectures)
-inline TQStyleOption::TQStyleOption(const QStyleOption& qso) {
-// i1 = qso.rect().x();
-// i2 = qso.rect().y();
-// i3 = qso.rect().width();
-// i4 = qso.rect().height();
-// switch (qso.type()) {
-// case QStyleOption::SO_MenuItem:
-// break;
-// }
- printf("[FIXME] TQt does not utilize any QStyleOption parameters during conversion to TQStyleOption\n\r");
- //*this = TQStyleOption(*static_cast<const TQStyleOption*>(&qso));
-// #define Style_Default State_None
-// #define Style_Enabled State_Enabled
-// #define Style_HasFocus State_HasFocus
-// #define Style_Up State_Raised
-// #define Style_Down State_Sunken
-// #define Style_On State_On
-// #define Style_Off State_Off
-// #define Style_Top State_Top
-// #define Style_Bottom State_Bottom
-// #define Style_NoChange State_NoChange
-// #define Style_MouseOver State_MouseOver
-// #define Style_Horizontal State_Horizontal
-// #define Style_Vertical State_Vertical
-// #define Style_Active State_Active
-// #define Style_Sunken State_Sunken
-// #define Style_Raised State_Raised
-// #define Style_Selected State_Selected
-// #define Style_AutoRaise State_AutoRaise
-// #define Style_FocusAtBorder State_FocusAtBorder
-// #define Style_ButtonDefault State_None /* [FIXME] Should be QStyleOptionButton::DefaultButton */
-#define SP_DockWindowCloseButton SP_DockWidgetCloseButton
-#define PM_DockWindowHandleExtent PM_DockWidgetHandleExtent
-#define PM_MenuBarFrameWidth PM_MenuBarPanelWidth
-#define PM_DockWindowFrameWidth PM_DockWidgetFrameWidth
-#define PM_PopupMenuFrameVerticalExtra PM_MenuVMargin
-#define PM_PopupMenuFrameHorizontalExtra PM_MenuHMargin
-#define PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight PM_MenuScrollerHeight
-#define PM_DockWindowSeparatorExtent PM_DockWidgetSeparatorExtent
-#define CE_PopupMenuItem CE_MenuItem
-#define CE_PopupMenuVerticalExtra CE_MenuVMargin
-#define CE_PopupMenuHorizontalExtra CE_MenuHMargin
-#define CE_PopupMenuScroller CE_MenuScroller
-#define CE_TabBarLabel CE_TabBarTabLabel
-#define CC_ListView CC_Q3ListView
-#define SH_ListViewExpand_SelectMouseType SH_Q3ListViewExpand_SelectMouseType
-#define SH_PopupMenu_MouseTracking SH_Menu_MouseTracking
-#define SH_PopupMenu_Scrollable SH_Menu_Scrollable
-#define SH_PopupMenu_AllowActiveAndDisabled SH_Menu_AllowActiveAndDisabled
-#define SH_PopupMenu_SubMenuPopupDelay SH_Menu_SubMenuPopupDelay
-#define SH_PopupMenu_SpaceActivatesItem SH_Menu_SpaceActivatesItem
-#define SH_PopupMenu_SloppySubMenus SH_Menu_SloppySubMenus
-#define SH_ToolButton_Uses3D SH_ToolButtonStyle /* [FIXME] Verify that this is correct */
-// Use the TQt virtual functions, not the built in Qt ones...
-// This requires that the base virtual Qt functions be reimplemented so as to point to the TQt virtual functions instead as shown below.
-// This way, when Trinity overrides a TQt virtual function, the calling Qt code will blithely use the overriden TQt function instead.
-#define TQT_TQSTYLE_QT4_INTERFACE_VFUNC_01 inline void drawPrimitive(QStyle::PrimitiveElement pe, const QStyleOption *opt, QPainter *p, const QWidget *w) const { TQ_UNUSED(opt); TQ_UNUSED(w); static_cast<const TQStyle*>(this)->tqdrawPrimitive(pe, static_cast<TQPainter*>(p), TQRect(), TQColorGroup()); }
-#define TQT_TQSTYLE_QT4_INTERFACE_VFUNC_02 inline QSize sizeFromContents(ContentsType ct, const QStyleOption *opt, const QSize &contentsSize, const QWidget *w) const { return static_cast<const TQStyle*>(this)->tqsizeFromContents( ct, static_cast<const TQWidget*>(w), contentsSize, TQT_TQSTYLEOPTION_OBJECT(*opt) ); }
-#define TQT_TQSTYLE_QT4_INTERFACE_VFUNC_03 inline QRect itemTextRect(const QFontMetrics &fm, const QRect &r, int flags, bool enabled, const QString &text) const { TQ_UNUSED(fm); return static_cast<const TQStyle*>(this)->tqitemRect(NULL, r, flags, enabled, NULL, text); }
-#define TQT_TQSTYLE_QT4_INTERFACE_VFUNC_04 inline QRect itemPixmapRect(const QRect &r, int flags, const QPixmap &pixmap) const { return static_cast<const TQStyle*>(this)->tqitemRect(NULL, r, flags, true, &pixmap, NULL); }
-#define TQT_TQSTYLE_QT4_INTERFACE_VFUNC_05 inline void drawControl(QStyle::ControlElement element, const QStyleOption *opt, QPainter *p, const QWidget *w) const { static_cast<const TQStyle*>(this)->tqdrawControl( element, static_cast<TQPainter*>(p), static_cast<const TQWidget*>(w), opt->rect, TQColorGroup() ); /* [FIXME] an empty (black) qcolorgroup is WRONG!*/ }
-#define TQT_TQSTYLE_QT4_INTERFACE_VFUNC_06 inline int pixelMetric(PixelMetric metric, const QStyleOption *option, const QWidget *widget) const { TQ_UNUSED(option); return static_cast<const TQStyle*>(this)->tqpixelMetric( metric, TQT_TQWIDGET_CONST(widget) ); }
-#define TQT_TQSTYLE_QT4_INTERFACE_VFUNC_07 inline void drawComplexControl(QStyle::ComplexControl cc, const QStyleOptionComplex *opt, QPainter *p, const QWidget *widget) const { static_cast<const TQStyle*>(this)->tqdrawComplexControl( cc, static_cast<TQPainter*>(p), static_cast<const TQWidget*>(widget), opt->rect, TQColorGroup()); } /* [FIXME] an empty (black) qcolorgroup is WRONG! */
-#define TQT_TQSTYLE_QT4_INTERFACE_VFUNC_08 inline QPixmap standardPixmap(StandardPixmap standardPixmap, const QStyleOption *opt, const QWidget *widget) const { return static_cast<const TQStyle*>(this)->stylePixmap( standardPixmap, TQT_TQWIDGET_CONST(widget), TQT_TQSTYLEOPTION_OBJECT(*opt) ); }
-#define TQT_TQSTYLE_QT4_INTERFACE_VFUNC_09 inline int styleHint(StyleHint stylehint, const QStyleOption *opt, const QWidget *widget, QStyleHintReturn* returnData) const { return static_cast<const TQStyle*>(this)->tqstyleHint( stylehint, TQT_TQWIDGET_CONST(widget), TQT_TQSTYLEOPTION_OBJECT(*opt), returnData ); }
-#define TQT_TQSTYLE_QT4_INTERFACE_VFUNC_10 inline virtual QRect subElementRect(QStyle::SubElement r, const QStyleOption*, const QWidget *widget) const { return static_cast<const TQStyle*>(this)->subRect( (SubRect)r, static_cast<const TQWidget*>(widget) ); }
-#define TQT_TQSTYLE_QT4_INTERFACE_VFUNC_11 inline virtual QStyle::SubControl hitTestComplexControl(QStyle::ComplexControl, const QStyleOptionComplex*, const QPoint&, const QWidget*) const { /* [FIXME] */ printf("[WARNING] virtual QStyle::SubControl hitTestComplexControl(QStyle::ComplexControl, const QStyleOptionComplex*, const QPoint&, const QWidget*) unimplemented\n\r"); }
-#define TQT_TQSTYLE_QT4_INTERFACE_VFUNC_12 inline virtual QRect subControlRect(QStyle::ComplexControl r, const QStyleOptionComplex*, QStyle::SubControl, const QWidget* widget) const { return static_cast<const TQStyle*>(this)->subRect( (SubRect)r, static_cast<const TQWidget*>(widget) ); }
-#define TQT_TQSTYLE_QT4_INTERFACE_VFUNC_13 inline virtual QPixmap generatedIconPixmap(QIcon::Mode, const QPixmap&, const QStyleOption*) const { /* [FIXME] */ printf("[WARNING] virtual QPixmap generatedIconPixmap(QIcon::Mode, const QPixmap&, const QStyleOption*) unimplemented\n\r"); }
-//class TQStyleHintReturn; // not defined yet
-#define TQStyleHintReturn QStyleHintReturn
-class TQ_EXPORT TQStyle: public QStyle, virtual public TQt
- typedef uint SFlags;
-// typedef State SFlags;
- typedef StandardPixmap StylePixmap;
- enum SH_NewTypes {
- SH_GUIStyle = 0x00000100,
- SH_ScrollBar_BackgroundMode,
- SH_UnderlineAccelerator = SH_UnderlineShortcut
- };
- typedef TQTInheritEnum< SH_NewTypes, QStyle::StyleHint > TQ_StyleHint;
- enum CE_NewTypes {
- CE_DockWindowEmptyArea = 0xff000000
- };
- typedef TQTInheritEnum< CE_NewTypes, QStyle::ControlElement > TQ_ControlElement;
- enum CC_NewTypes {
- CC_SpinWidget = 0xff000000
- };
- typedef TQTInheritEnum< CC_NewTypes, QStyle::ComplexControl > TQ_ComplexControl;
- enum PE_NewTypes {
- PE_IndicatorMask = 0xff000000,
- PE_ExclusiveIndicator = 0xff000001,
- PE_ExclusiveIndicatorMask = 0xff000002,
- PE_GroupBoxFrame = 0xff000003,
- // NOTE: These need an interface to Qt4 such that Qt4 calls for CE_ScrollBar<xxx> are translated to the equivalent TQt PE_ScrollBar<xxx> calls
- PE_ScrollBarAddLine = 0xff000004,
- PE_ScrollBarSubLine = 0xff000005,
- PE_ScrollBarAddPage = 0xff000006,
- PE_ScrollBarSubPage = 0xff000007,
- PE_ScrollBarSlider = 0xff000008,
- PE_ScrollBarFirst = 0xff000009,
- PE_ScrollBarLast = 0xff00000a,
- // NOTE: Same as above...
- PE_SizeGrip = 0xff00000b,
- PE_Splitter = 0xff00000c,
- PE_RubberBand = 0xff00000d,
- PE_HeaderSection = 0xff00000e,
- PE_HeaderSectionMenu = 0xff00000f
- };
- typedef TQTInheritEnum< PE_NewTypes, QStyle::PrimitiveElement > TQ_PrimitiveElement;
- // Note that StyleFlags is now StateFlags
- enum StyleFlags {
- Style_Default = QStyle::State_None,
- Style_Enabled = QStyle::State_Enabled,
- Style_HasFocus = QStyle::State_HasFocus,
- Style_Up = QStyle::State_Raised,
- Style_Down = QStyle::State_Sunken,
- Style_On = QStyle::State_On,
- Style_Off = QStyle::State_Off,
- Style_Top = QStyle::State_Top,
- Style_Bottom = QStyle::State_Bottom,
- Style_NoChange = QStyle::State_NoChange,
- Style_MouseOver = QStyle::State_MouseOver,
- Style_Horizontal = QStyle::State_Horizontal,
-// Style_Vertical = QStyle::State_Vertical,
- Style_Active = QStyle::State_Active,
- Style_Sunken = QStyle::State_Sunken,
- Style_Raised = QStyle::State_Raised,
- Style_Selected = QStyle::State_Selected,
- Style_AutoRaise = QStyle::State_AutoRaise,
- Style_FocusAtBorder = QStyle::State_FocusAtBorder,
- Style_ButtonDefault = QStyle::State_None /* [FIXME] Should be QStyleOptionButton::DefaultButton */
- };
- // Note that SubRect may not have an equivalent in Qt4--be careful!
- enum SubRect {
- SR_PushButtonContents,
- SR_PushButtonFocusRect,
- SR_CheckBoxIndicator,
- SR_CheckBoxContents,
- SR_CheckBoxFocusRect,
- SR_RadioButtonIndicator,
- SR_RadioButtonContents,
- SR_RadioButtonFocusRect,
- SR_ComboBoxFocusRect,
- SR_SliderFocusRect,
- SR_DockWindowHandleRect,
- SR_ProgressBarGroove,
- SR_ProgressBarContents,
- SR_ProgressBarLabel,
- SR_ToolButtonContents,
- SR_DialogButtonAccept,
- SR_DialogButtonReject,
- SR_DialogButtonApply,
- SR_DialogButtonHelp,
- SR_DialogButtonAll,
- SR_DialogButtonAbort,
- SR_DialogButtonIgnore,
- SR_DialogButtonRetry,
- SR_DialogButtonCustom,
- SR_ToolBoxTabContents,
- // do not add any values below/greater than this
- SR_CustomBase = 0xf0000000
- };
- // Note that SubControl may not have an equivalent in Qt4--be careful!
- enum SubControl {
- SC_None = 0x00000000,
- SC_ScrollBarAddLine = 0x00000001,
- SC_ScrollBarSubLine = 0x00000002,
- SC_ScrollBarAddPage = 0x00000004,
- SC_ScrollBarSubPage = 0x00000008,
- SC_ScrollBarFirst = 0x00000010,
- SC_ScrollBarLast = 0x00000020,
- SC_ScrollBarSlider = 0x00000040,
- SC_ScrollBarGroove = 0x00000080,
- SC_SpinWidgetUp = 0x00000001,
- SC_SpinWidgetDown = 0x00000002,
- SC_SpinWidgetFrame = 0x00000004,
- SC_SpinWidgetEditField = 0x00000008,
- SC_SpinWidgetButtonField = 0x00000010,
- SC_ComboBoxFrame = 0x00000001,
- SC_ComboBoxEditField = 0x00000002,
- SC_ComboBoxArrow = 0x00000004,
- SC_ComboBoxListBoxPopup = 0x00000008,
- SC_SliderGroove = 0x00000001,
- SC_SliderHandle = 0x00000002,
- SC_SliderTickmarks = 0x00000004,
- SC_ToolButton = 0x00000001,
- SC_ToolButtonMenu = 0x00000002,
- SC_TitleBarLabel = 0x00000001,
- SC_TitleBarSysMenu = 0x00000002,
- SC_TitleBarMinButton = 0x00000004,
- SC_TitleBarMaxButton = 0x00000008,
- SC_TitleBarCloseButton = 0x00000010,
- SC_TitleBarNormalButton = 0x00000020,
- SC_TitleBarShadeButton = 0x00000040,
- SC_TitleBarUnshadeButton = 0x00000080,
- SC_ListView = 0x00000001,
- SC_ListViewBranch = 0x00000002,
- SC_ListViewExpand = 0x00000004,
- SC_All = 0xffffffff
- };
- typedef uint SCFlags;
- bool isA(const char *classname) const;
- bool inherits( const char * ) const;
- const char *tqname() const;
- const char *name() const;
-// const char *name(const char *defaultName) const;
- TQMetaObject *tqmetaObject() const;
- // Compatibility functions
- // For example, a TQt application may call tqdrawPrimitive with a ControlElement parameter
- // TQt "knows" that the application should have called tqdrawControl instead, and translates accordingly.
- inline void tqdrawPrimitive( TQ_ControlElement element, TQPainter *p, const TQRect &r, const TQColorGroup &cg, SFlags flags = Style_Default, const TQStyleOption &opt = TQStyleOption::Default ) const {
- TQ_UNUSED(cg);
- TQ_UNUSED(flags);
- drawControl((QStyle::ControlElement)(int)element, &opt, p, 0); // [FIXME] What should widget really be? I imagine 0 is *wrong*!!!
- }
- inline void tqdrawPrimitive( TQ_ComplexControl element, TQPainter *p, const TQRect &r, const TQColorGroup &cg, SFlags flags = Style_Default, const TQStyleOption &opt = TQStyleOption::Default ) const {
- TQ_UNUSED(cg);
- TQ_UNUSED(flags);
- drawComplexControl((QStyle::ComplexControl)(int)element, 0, p, 0); // [FIXME] What should widget and complexcontrol really be? I imagine 0 is *wrong*!!!
- }
- inline void tqdrawPrimitive( TQ_ControlElement element, TQPainter *p, const TQRect &r, const TQColorGroup &cg, int flags, const TQStyleOption &opt = TQStyleOption::Default ) const { tqdrawPrimitive( element, p, r, cg, (SFlags)flags, opt); }
-// inline void tqdrawPrimitive( TQ_PrimitiveElement pe, TQPainter *p, const TQRect &r, const TQColorGroup &cg, SFlags flags = Style_Default, const TQStyleOption &opt = TQStyleOption::Default ) const { tqdrawPrimitiveBase( pe, p, r, cg, flags, opt); }
-// inline void tqdrawPrimitive( TQ_PrimitiveElement pe, TQPainter *p, const TQRect &r, const TQColorGroup &cg, int flags, const TQStyleOption &opt = TQStyleOption::Default ) const { tqdrawPrimitive( pe, p, r, cg, (SFlags)flags, opt ); }
- virtual void tqdrawPrimitive( TQ_PrimitiveElement pe, TQPainter *p, const TQRect &r, const TQColorGroup &cg, SFlags flags = Style_Default, const TQStyleOption &opt = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0;
- inline static TQRect tqvisualRect( const TQRect &logical, const TQWidget *w ) { return visualRect(QApplication::layoutDirection(), w->rect(), logical); }
- inline static TQRect tqvisualRect( const QRect &logical, const QRect &bounding ) { return visualRect(QApplication::layoutDirection(), bounding, logical); }
-// virtual void tqdrawPrimitiveBase( TQ_PrimitiveElement pe, TQPainter *p, const TQRect &r, const TQColorGroup &cg, SFlags flags = Style_Default, const TQStyleOption &opt = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0;
- virtual TQSize tqsizeFromContents( ContentsType contents, const TQWidget *widget, const TQSize &contentsSize, const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0;
- virtual int tqstyleHint( TQ_StyleHint stylehint, const TQWidget *widget = 0, const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default, TQStyleHintReturn* returnData = 0) const = 0;
- virtual TQRect subRect( SubRect r, const TQWidget *widget ) const = 0; // There doesn't seem to be a Qt4 equivalent for this virtual function; should it just be left as-is here?
- virtual TQRect tqitemRect( QPainter *p, const QRect &r, int flags, bool enabled, const QPixmap *pixmap, const QString &text, int len = -1 ) const;
- virtual void tqdrawControlMask( TQ_ControlElement element, TQPainter *p, const TQWidget *widget, const TQRect &r, const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0; // There doesn't seem to be a Qt4 equivalent for this virtual function; should it just be left as-is here?
- virtual void tqdrawControl( TQ_ControlElement element, TQPainter *p, const TQWidget *widget, const TQRect &r, const TQColorGroup &cg, SFlags how = Style_Default, const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0;
- virtual int tqpixelMetric( PixelMetric metric, const TQWidget *widget = 0 ) const = 0;
- virtual TQRect querySubControlMetrics( TQ_ComplexControl control, const TQWidget *widget, SubControl sc, const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0; // There doesn't seem to be a Qt4 equivalent for this virtual function; should it just be left as-is here?
- virtual void tqdrawComplexControl( TQ_ComplexControl control, TQPainter *p, const TQWidget *widget, const TQRect &r, const TQColorGroup &cg, SFlags how = Style_Default,
-#ifdef TQ_TQDOC
- SCFlags sub = SC_All,
- SCFlags sub = (uint)SC_All,
- SCFlags subActive = SC_None, const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0;
- virtual void tqdrawComplexControlMask( TQ_ComplexControl control, TQPainter *p, const TQWidget *widget, const TQRect &r, const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0; // There doesn't seem to be a Qt4 equivalent for this virtual function; should it just be left as-is here?
- virtual TQPixmap stylePixmap( StylePixmap stylepixmap, const TQWidget *widget = 0, const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0;
- virtual SubControl querySubControl( TQ_ComplexControl control, const TQWidget *widget, const TQPoint &pos, const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0; // There doesn't seem to be a Qt4 equivalent for this virtual function; should it just be left as-is here?
- virtual void polishPopupMenu( TQPopupMenu* ) = 0; // There doesn't seem to be a Qt4 equivalent for this virtual function; should it just be left as-is here?
- // The Qt4 methods need to be here as well, otherwise they will be hidden by the method definitions above...
-// virtual void drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement pe, const QStyleOption *opt, QPainter *p, const QWidget *w = 0) const = 0;
-// virtual QSize sizeFromContents(ContentsType ct, const QStyleOption *opt, const QSize &contentsSize, const QWidget *w = 0) const = 0;
- // These are implemented in the cpp file
- virtual void drawItem( TQPainter *p, const TQRect &r, int flags, const TQColorGroup &g, bool enabled, const TQPixmap *pixmap, const TQString &text, int len = -1, const TQColor *penColor = 0 ) const;
- // Compatibility
- virtual void polish( TQWidget * );
- virtual void unPolish( TQWidget * );
- virtual void polish( TQApplication * );
- virtual void unPolish( TQApplication * );
- virtual void polish( TQPalette & );
- // Feel free to look but please don't touch!
- // Old 2.x TQStyle API
-#ifndef TQT_NO_COMPAT
- int defaultFrameWidth() const {
- return tqpixelMetric( PM_DefaultFrameWidth );
- }
- void tabbarMetrics( const TQWidget* t, int& hf, int& vf, int& ov ) const {
- hf = tqpixelMetric( PM_TabBarTabHSpace, t );
- vf = tqpixelMetric( PM_TabBarTabVSpace, t );
- ov = tqpixelMetric( PM_TabBarBaseOverlap, t );
- }
- TQSize scrollBarExtent() const {
- return TQSize(tqpixelMetric(PM_ScrollBarExtent), tqpixelMetric(PM_ScrollBarExtent));
- }
-public Q_SLOTS:
- void tqt_handle_qt_destroyed(QObject* obj) { emit destroyed(TQT_TQOBJECT(obj)); }
- void destroyed( TQObject* obj );
- mutable TQString static_object_name;
-#else // USE_QT4
-#ifndef TQT_NO_STYLE
-class TQPopupMenu;
-class TQStylePrivate;
-class TQMenuItem;
-class TQTab;
-class TQListViewItem;
-class TQCheckListItem;
-class TQStyleOption {
- enum StyleOptionDefault { Default };
- TQStyleOption(StyleOptionDefault=Default) : def(TRUE) {}
- // Note: we don't use default arguments since that is unnecessary
- // initialization.
- TQStyleOption(int in1) :
- def(FALSE), i1(in1) {}
- TQStyleOption(int in1, int in2) :
- def(FALSE), i1(in1), i2(in2) {}
- TQStyleOption(int in1, int in2, int in3, int in4) :
- def(FALSE), i1(in1), i2(in2), i3(in3), i4(in4) {}
- TQStyleOption(TQMenuItem* m) : def(FALSE), mi(m) {}
- TQStyleOption(TQMenuItem* m, int in1) : def(FALSE), mi(m), i1(in1) {}
- TQStyleOption(TQMenuItem* m, int in1, int in2) : def(FALSE), mi(m), i1(in1), i2(in2) {}
- TQStyleOption(const TQColor& c) : def(FALSE), cl(&c) {}
- TQStyleOption(TQTab* t) : def(FALSE), tb(t) {}
- TQStyleOption(TQListViewItem* i) : def(FALSE), li(i) {}
- TQStyleOption(TQCheckListItem* i) : def(FALSE), cli(i) {}
- TQStyleOption(TQt::ArrowType a) : def(FALSE), i1((int)a) {}
- TQStyleOption(const TQRect& r) : def(FALSE), i1(r.x()), i2(r.y()), i3(r.width()),i4(r.height()){}
- TQStyleOption(TQWidget *w) : def(FALSE), p1((void*)w) {}
- bool isDefault() const { return def; }
- int day() const { return i1; }
- int lineWidth() const { return i1; }
- int midLineWidth() const { return i2; }
- int frameShape() const { return i3; }
- int frameShadow() const { return i4; }
- int headerSection() const { return i1; }
- TQMenuItem* menuItem() const { return mi; }
- int maxIconWidth() const { return i1; }
- int tabWidth() const { return i2; }
- const TQColor& color() const { return *cl; }
- TQTab* tab() const { return tb; }
- TQCheckListItem* checkListItem() const { return cli; }
- TQListViewItem* listViewItem() const { return li; }
- TQt::ArrowType arrowType() const { return (TQt::ArrowType)i1; }
- TQRect rect() const { return TQRect( i1, i2, i3, i4 ); }
- TQWidget* widget() const { return (TQWidget*)p1; }
- // NOTE: none of these components have constructors.
- bool def;
- bool b1,b2,b3; // reserved
- TQMenuItem* mi;
- TQTab* tb;
- TQListViewItem* li;
- const TQColor* cl;
- int i1, i2, i3, i4;
- int i5, i6; // reserved
- TQCheckListItem* cli;
- void *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4; // reserved
- // (padded to 64 bytes on some architectures)
-class TQStyleHintReturn; // not defined yet
-class TQ_EXPORT TQStyle: public TQObject
- TQStyle();
- virtual ~TQStyle();
- // New TQStyle API - most of these should probably be pure virtual
- virtual void polish( TQWidget * );
- virtual void unPolish( TQWidget * );
- virtual void polish( TQApplication * );
- virtual void unPolish( TQApplication * );
- virtual void polish( TQPalette & );
- virtual void polishPopupMenu( TQPopupMenu* ) = 0;
- virtual TQRect tqitemRect( TQPainter *p, const TQRect &r,
- int flags, bool enabled,
- const TQPixmap *pixmap,
- const TQString &text, int len = -1 ) const;
- virtual void drawItem( TQPainter *p, const TQRect &r,
- int flags, const TQColorGroup &g, bool enabled,
- const TQPixmap *pixmap, const TQString &text,
- int len = -1, const TQColor *penColor = 0 ) const;
- enum PrimitiveElement {
- PE_ButtonCommand,
- PE_ButtonDefault,
- PE_ButtonBevel,
- PE_ButtonTool,
- PE_ButtonDropDown,
- PE_FocusRect,
- PE_ArrowUp,
- PE_ArrowDown,
- PE_ArrowRight,
- PE_ArrowLeft,
- PE_SpinWidgetUp,
- PE_SpinWidgetDown,
- PE_SpinWidgetPlus,
- PE_SpinWidgetMinus,
- PE_Indicator,
- PE_IndicatorMask,
- PE_ExclusiveIndicator,
- PE_ExclusiveIndicatorMask,
- PE_DockWindowHandle,
- PE_DockWindowSeparator,
- PE_DockWindowResizeHandle,
- PE_Splitter,
- PE_Panel,
- PE_PanelPopup,
- PE_PanelMenuBar,
- PE_PanelDockWindow,
- PE_TabBarBase,
- PE_HeaderSection,
- PE_HeaderArrow,
- PE_tqStatusBarSection,
- PE_GroupBoxFrame,
- PE_Separator,
- PE_SizeGrip,
- PE_CheckMark,
- PE_ScrollBarAddLine,
- PE_ScrollBarSubLine,
- PE_ScrollBarAddPage,
- PE_ScrollBarSubPage,
- PE_ScrollBarSlider,
- PE_ScrollBarFirst,
- PE_ScrollBarLast,
- PE_ProgressBarChunk,
- PE_PanelLineEdit,
- PE_PanelTabWidget,
- PE_WindowFrame,
- PE_CheckListController,
- PE_CheckListIndicator,
- PE_CheckListExclusiveIndicator,
- PE_PanelGroupBox,
- PE_RubberBand,
- PE_HeaderSectionMenu,
- // do not add any values below/greater this
- PE_CustomBase = 0xf000000
- };
- enum StyleFlags {
- Style_Default = 0x00000000,
- Style_Enabled = 0x00000001,
- Style_Raised = 0x00000002,
- Style_Sunken = 0x00000004,
- Style_Off = 0x00000008,
- Style_NoChange = 0x00000010,
- Style_On = 0x00000020,
- Style_Down = 0x00000040,
- Style_Horizontal = 0x00000080,
- Style_HasFocus = 0x00000100,
- Style_Top = 0x00000200,
- Style_Bottom = 0x00000400,
- Style_FocusAtBorder = 0x00000800,
- Style_AutoRaise = 0x00001000,
- Style_MouseOver = 0x00002000,
- Style_Up = 0x00004000,
- Style_Selected = 0x00008000,
- Style_Active = 0x00010000,
- Style_ButtonDefault = 0x00020000
- };
- typedef uint SFlags;
- virtual void drawPrimitive( PrimitiveElement pe,
- TQPainter *p,
- const TQRect &r,
- const TQColorGroup &cg,
- SFlags flags = Style_Default,
- const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0;
- enum ControlElement {
- CE_PushButton,
- CE_PushButtonLabel,
- CE_CheckBox,
- CE_CheckBoxLabel,
- CE_RadioButton,
- CE_RadioButtonLabel,
- CE_TabBarTab,
- CE_TabBarLabel,
- CE_ProgressBarGroove,
- CE_ProgressBarContents,
- CE_ProgressBarLabel,
- CE_PopupMenuItem,
- CE_MenuBarItem,
- CE_ToolButtonLabel,
- CE_MenuBarEmptyArea,
- CE_PopupMenuScroller,
- CE_DockWindowEmptyArea,
- CE_PopupMenuVerticalExtra,
- CE_PopupMenuHorizontalExtra,
- CE_ToolBoxTab,
- CE_HeaderLabel,
- // do not add any values below/greater than this
- CE_CustomBase = 0xf0000000
- };
- virtual void tqdrawControl( ControlElement element,
- TQPainter *p,
- const TQWidget *widget,
- const TQRect &r,
- const TQColorGroup &cg,
- SFlags how = Style_Default,
- const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0;
- virtual void tqdrawControlMask( ControlElement element,
- TQPainter *p,
- const TQWidget *widget,
- const TQRect &r,
- const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0;
- enum SubRect {
- SR_PushButtonContents,
- SR_PushButtonFocusRect,
- SR_CheckBoxIndicator,
- SR_CheckBoxContents,
- SR_CheckBoxFocusRect,
- SR_RadioButtonIndicator,
- SR_RadioButtonContents,
- SR_RadioButtonFocusRect,
- SR_ComboBoxFocusRect,
- SR_SliderFocusRect,
- SR_DockWindowHandleRect,
- SR_ProgressBarGroove,
- SR_ProgressBarContents,
- SR_ProgressBarLabel,
- SR_ToolButtonContents,
- SR_DialogButtonAccept,
- SR_DialogButtonReject,
- SR_DialogButtonApply,
- SR_DialogButtonHelp,
- SR_DialogButtonAll,
- SR_DialogButtonAbort,
- SR_DialogButtonIgnore,
- SR_DialogButtonRetry,
- SR_DialogButtonCustom,
- SR_ToolBoxTabContents,
- // do not add any values below/greater than this
- SR_CustomBase = 0xf0000000
- };
- virtual TQRect subRect( SubRect r, const TQWidget *widget ) const = 0;
- enum ComplexControl{
- CC_SpinWidget,
- CC_ComboBox,
- CC_ScrollBar,
- CC_Slider,
- CC_ToolButton,
- CC_TitleBar,
- CC_ListView,
- // do not add any values below/greater than this
- CC_CustomBase = 0xf0000000
- };
- enum SubControl {
- SC_None = 0x00000000,
- SC_ScrollBarAddLine = 0x00000001,
- SC_ScrollBarSubLine = 0x00000002,
- SC_ScrollBarAddPage = 0x00000004,
- SC_ScrollBarSubPage = 0x00000008,
- SC_ScrollBarFirst = 0x00000010,
- SC_ScrollBarLast = 0x00000020,
- SC_ScrollBarSlider = 0x00000040,
- SC_ScrollBarGroove = 0x00000080,
- SC_SpinWidgetUp = 0x00000001,
- SC_SpinWidgetDown = 0x00000002,
- SC_SpinWidgetFrame = 0x00000004,
- SC_SpinWidgetEditField = 0x00000008,
- SC_SpinWidgetButtonField = 0x00000010,
- SC_ComboBoxFrame = 0x00000001,
- SC_ComboBoxEditField = 0x00000002,
- SC_ComboBoxArrow = 0x00000004,
- SC_ComboBoxListBoxPopup = 0x00000008,
- SC_SliderGroove = 0x00000001,
- SC_SliderHandle = 0x00000002,
- SC_SliderTickmarks = 0x00000004,
- SC_ToolButton = 0x00000001,
- SC_ToolButtonMenu = 0x00000002,
- SC_TitleBarLabel = 0x00000001,
- SC_TitleBarSysMenu = 0x00000002,
- SC_TitleBarMinButton = 0x00000004,
- SC_TitleBarMaxButton = 0x00000008,
- SC_TitleBarCloseButton = 0x00000010,
- SC_TitleBarNormalButton = 0x00000020,
- SC_TitleBarShadeButton = 0x00000040,
- SC_TitleBarUnshadeButton = 0x00000080,
- SC_ListView = 0x00000001,
- SC_ListViewBranch = 0x00000002,
- SC_ListViewExpand = 0x00000004,
- SC_All = 0xffffffff
- };
- typedef uint SCFlags;
- virtual void tqdrawComplexControl( ComplexControl control,
- TQPainter *p,
- const TQWidget *widget,
- const TQRect &r,
- const TQColorGroup &cg,
- SFlags how = Style_Default,
-#ifdef TQ_TQDOC
- SCFlags sub = SC_All,
- SCFlags sub = (uint)SC_All,
- SCFlags subActive = SC_None,
- const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0;
- virtual void tqdrawComplexControlMask( ComplexControl control,
- TQPainter *p,
- const TQWidget *widget,
- const TQRect &r,
- const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0;
- virtual TQRect querySubControlMetrics( ComplexControl control,
- const TQWidget *widget,
- SubControl sc,
- const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0;
- virtual SubControl querySubControl( ComplexControl control,
- const TQWidget *widget,
- const TQPoint &pos,
- const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0;
- enum PixelMetric {
- PM_ButtonMargin,
- PM_ButtonDefaultIndicator,
- PM_MenuButtonIndicator,
- PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal,
- PM_ButtonShiftVertical,
- PM_DefaultFrameWidth,
- PM_SpinBoxFrameWidth,
- PM_MaximumDragDistance,
- PM_ScrollBarExtent,
- PM_ScrollBarSliderMin,
- PM_SliderThickness, // total slider thickness
- PM_SliderControlThickness, // thickness of the business part
- PM_SliderLength, // total length of slider
- PM_SliderTickmarkOffset, //
- PM_SliderSpaceAvailable, // available space for slider to move
- PM_DockWindowSeparatorExtent,
- PM_DockWindowHandleExtent,
- PM_DockWindowFrameWidth,
- PM_MenuBarFrameWidth,
- PM_TabBarTabOverlap,
- PM_TabBarTabHSpace,
- PM_TabBarTabVSpace,
- PM_TabBarBaseHeight,
- PM_TabBarBaseOverlap,
- PM_ProgressBarChunkWidth,
- PM_SplitterWidth,
- PM_TitleBarHeight,
- PM_IndicatorWidth,
- PM_IndicatorHeight,
- PM_ExclusiveIndicatorWidth,
- PM_ExclusiveIndicatorHeight,
- PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight,
- PM_CheckListButtonSize,
- PM_CheckListControllerSize,
- PM_PopupMenuFrameHorizontalExtra,
- PM_PopupMenuFrameVerticalExtra,
- PM_DialogButtonsSeparator,
- PM_DialogButtonsButtonWidth,
- PM_DialogButtonsButtonHeight,
- PM_MDIFrameWidth,
- PM_MDIMinimizedWidth,
- PM_HeaderMargin,
- PM_HeaderMarkSize,
- PM_HeaderGripMargin,
- PM_TabBarTabShiftHorizontal,
- PM_TabBarTabShiftVertical,
- PM_TabBarScrollButtonWidth,
- PM_MenuBarItemSpacing,
- PM_ToolBarItemSpacing,
- // do not add any values below/greater than this
- PM_CustomBase = 0xf0000000
- };
- virtual int tqpixelMetric( PixelMetric metric,
- const TQWidget *widget = 0 ) const = 0;
- enum ContentsType {
- CT_PushButton,
- CT_CheckBox,
- CT_RadioButton,
- CT_ToolButton,
- CT_ComboBox,
- CT_Splitter,
- CT_DockWindow,
- CT_ProgressBar,
- CT_PopupMenuItem,
- CT_TabBarTab,
- CT_Slider,
- CT_Header,
- CT_LineEdit,
- CT_MenuBar,
- CT_SpinBox,
- CT_SizeGrip,
- CT_TabWidget,
- CT_DialogButtons,
- // do not add any values below/greater than this
- CT_CustomBase = 0xf0000000
- };
- virtual TQSize sizeFromContents( ContentsType contents,
- const TQWidget *widget,
- const TQSize &contentsSize,
- const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0;
- enum StyleHint {
- // ...
- // the general hints
- // ...
- // disabled text should be etched, ala Windows
- SH_EtchDisabledText,
- // the GUI style enum, argh!
- SH_GUIStyle,
- // ...
- // widget specific hints
- // ...
- SH_ScrollBar_BackgroundMode,
- SH_ScrollBar_MiddleClickAbsolutePosition,
- SH_ScrollBar_ScrollWhenPointerLeavesControl,
- // TQEvent::Type - which mouse event to select a tab
- SH_TabBar_SelectMouseType,
- SH_TabBar_Alignment,
- SH_Header_ArrowAlignment,
- // bool - sliders snap to values while moving, ala Windows
- SH_Slider_SnapToValue,
- // bool - key presses handled in a sloppy manner - ie. left on a vertical
- // slider subtracts a line
- SH_Slider_SloppyKeyEvents,
- // bool - center button on progress dialogs, ala Motif, else right aligned
- // perhaps this should be a TQt::Alignment value
- SH_ProgressDialog_CenterCancelButton,
- // TQt::AlignmentFlags - text label tqalignment in progress dialogs
- // Center on windows, Auto|VCenter otherwize
- SH_ProgressDialog_TextLabelAlignment,
- // bool - right align buttons on print dialog, ala Windows
- SH_PrintDialog_RightAlignButtons,
- // bool - 1 or 2 pixel space between the menubar and the dockarea, ala Windows
- // this *REALLY* needs a better name
- SH_MainWindow_SpaceBelowMenuBar,
- // bool - select the text in the line edit about the listbox when selecting
- // an item from the listbox, or when the line edit receives focus, ala Windows
- SH_FontDialog_SelectAssociatedText,
- // bool - allows disabled menu items to be active
- SH_PopupMenu_AllowActiveAndDisabled,
- // bool - pressing space activates item, ala Motif
- SH_PopupMenu_SpaceActivatesItem,
- // int - number of milliseconds to wait before opening a submenu
- // 256 on windows, 96 on motif
- SH_PopupMenu_SubMenuPopupDelay,
- // bool - should scrollviews draw their frame only around contents (ala Motif),
- // or around contents, scrollbars and corner widgets (ala Windows) ?
- SH_ScrollView_FrameOnlyAroundContents,
- // bool - menubars items are navigatable by pressing alt, followed by using
- // the arrow keys to select the desired item
- SH_MenuBar_AltKeyNavigation,
- // bool - mouse tracking in combobox dropdown lists
- SH_ComboBox_ListMouseTracking,
- // bool - mouse tracking in popupmenus
- SH_PopupMenu_MouseTracking,
- // bool - mouse tracking in menubars
- SH_MenuBar_MouseTracking,
- // bool - gray out selected items when loosing focus
- SH_ItemView_ChangeHighlightOnFocus,
- // bool - supports shared activation among modeless widgets
- SH_Widget_ShareActivation,
- // bool - workspace should just maximize the client area
- SH_Workspace_FillSpaceOnMaximize,
- // bool - supports popup menu comboboxes
- SH_ComboBox_Popup,
- // bool - titlebar has no border
- SH_TitleBar_NoBorder,
- // bool - stop scrollbar at mouse
- SH_ScrollBar_StopMouseOverSlider,
- //bool - blink cursort with selected text
- SH_BlinkCursorWhenTextSelected,
- //bool - richtext selections extend the full width of the docuemnt
- SH_RichText_FullWidthSelection,
- //bool - popupmenu supports scrolling instead of multicolumn mode
- SH_PopupMenu_Scrollable,
- // TQt::AlignmentFlags - text label vertical tqalignment in groupboxes
- // Center on windows, Auto|VCenter otherwize
- SH_GroupBox_TextLabelVerticalAlignment,
- // TQt::TQRgb - text label color in groupboxes
- SH_GroupBox_TextLabelColor,
- // bool - popupmenu supports sloppy submenus
- SH_PopupMenu_SloppySubMenus,
- // TQt::TQRgb - table grid color
- SH_Table_GridLineColor,
- // TQChar - Unicode character for password char
- SH_LineEdit_PasswordCharacter,
- // TQDialogButtons::Button - default button
- SH_DialogButtons_DefaultButton,
- // TQToolBox - Boldness of the selected page title
- SH_ToolBox_SelectedPageTitleBold,
- //bool - if a tabbar prefers not to have scroller arrows
- SH_TabBar_PreferNoArrows,
- //bool - if left button should cause an absolute position
- SH_ScrollBar_LeftClickAbsolutePosition,
- // TQEvent::Type - which mouse event to select a list view expansion
- SH_ListViewExpand_SelectMouseType,
- //bool - if underline for accelerators
- SH_UnderlineAccelerator,
- // bool - TQToolButton - if tool buttons should use a 3D frame
- // when the mouse is over the button
- SH_ToolButton_Uses3D,
- // do not add any values below/greater than this
- SH_CustomBase = 0xf0000000
- };
- virtual int tqstyleHint( StyleHint stylehint,
- const TQWidget *widget = 0,
- const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default,
- TQStyleHintReturn* returnData = 0
- ) const = 0;
- enum StylePixmap {
- SP_TitleBarMinButton,
- SP_TitleBarMaxButton,
- SP_TitleBarCloseButton,
- SP_TitleBarNormalButton,
- SP_TitleBarShadeButton,
- SP_TitleBarUnshadeButton,
- SP_DockWindowCloseButton,
- SP_MessageBoxInformation,
- SP_MessageBoxWarning,
- SP_MessageBoxCritical,
- SP_MessageBoxQuestion,
- // do not add any values below/greater than this
- SP_CustomBase = 0xf0000000
- };
- virtual TQPixmap stylePixmap( StylePixmap stylepixmap,
- const TQWidget *widget = 0,
- const TQStyleOption& = TQStyleOption::Default ) const = 0;
- static TQRect tqvisualRect( const TQRect &logical, const TQWidget *w );
- static TQRect tqvisualRect( const TQRect &logical, const TQRect &bounding );
- // Old 2.x TQStyle API
-#ifndef TQT_NO_COMPAT
- int defaultFrameWidth() const
- {
- return tqpixelMetric( PM_DefaultFrameWidth );
- }
- void tabbarMetrics( const TQWidget* t,
- int& hf, int& vf, int& ov ) const
- {
- hf = tqpixelMetric( PM_TabBarTabHSpace, t );
- vf = tqpixelMetric( PM_TabBarTabVSpace, t );
- ov = tqpixelMetric( PM_TabBarBaseOverlap, t );
- }
- TQSize scrollBarExtent() const
- {
- return TQSize(tqpixelMetric(PM_ScrollBarExtent),
- tqpixelMetric(PM_ScrollBarExtent));
- }
- TQStylePrivate * d;
-#if defined(TQ_DISABLE_COPY)
- TQStyle( const TQStyle & );
- TQStyle& operator=( const TQStyle & );
-#endif // TQT_NO_STYLE
-#endif // TQSTYLE_H
-#endif // USE_QT4