path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqtextlayout_p.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqtextlayout_p.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 300 deletions
diff --git a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqtextlayout_p.h b/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqtextlayout_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f857011..0000000
--- a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqtextlayout_p.h
+++ /dev/null
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-** ???
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** Licensees holding valid TQt Commercial licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the TQt Commercial License Agreement provided with
-** the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include "tqtglobaldefines.h"
-#ifndef TQT_H
-#include "tqstring.h"
-#include "tqnamespace.h"
-#include "tqrect.h"
-#endif // TQT_H
-#ifdef USE_QT4
-#include "tqfont.h"
-#include <Qt/qpaintengine.h>
-#include <Qt/qtextlayout.h>
-#endif // USE_QT4
-class TQTextEngine;
-class TQFont;
-// [FIXME]
-// Due to the absence of a font engine, we MUST inherit something from Qt4, as we therefore cannot directly implement the old QTextItem class!
-// [FIXME]
-#ifdef USE_QT4
-#define BetweenCharacters CursorBetweenCharacters
-#define OnCharacters CursorOnCharacter
-class TQ_EXPORT TQTextItem : public QTextLine, virtual public TQt
- TQTextItem() : QTextLine() {}
- bool isRightToLeft() const;
- bool isObject() const;
- bool isSpace() const;
- bool isTab() const;
- int from() const;
- int length() const;
- inline TQRect tqrect() const { return TQRect(rect().left(), rect().top(), rect().width(), rect().height()); }
- TQTextItem(int line, QTextEngine *e);
- QTextEngine* tqt_textEngine() const;
- TQString tqt_textString() const;
- void tqt_tqdrawTextItem( TQPainter* p, int x, int y, const TQTextItem &ti, int textFlags ) const;
- friend class TQTextLayout;
- friend class TQPainter;
- // Interoperability
- static const TQTextItem& convertFromQTextLine( QTextLine& qtl );
-// Interoperability
-inline static const TQTextItem& convertFromQTextLine( const QTextLine& qtl ) {
- return (*static_cast<const TQTextItem*>(&qtl));
-#else // USE_QT4
-class TQ_EXPORT TQTextItem
- inline TQTextItem() : item(0), engine(0) {}
- inline bool isValid() const { return (bool)engine; }
- TQRect rect() const;
- int x() const;
- int y() const;
- int width() const;
- int ascent() const;
- int descent() const;
- enum Edge {
- Leading,
- Trailing
- };
- enum CursorPosition {
- BetweenCharacters,
- OnCharacters
- };
- /* cPos gets set to the valid position */
- int cursorToX( int *cPos, Edge edge = Leading ) const;
- inline int cursorToX( int cPos, Edge edge = Leading ) const { return cursorToX( &cPos, edge ); }
- int xToCursor( int x, CursorPosition = BetweenCharacters ) const;
- bool isRightToLeft() const;
- bool isObject() const;
- bool isSpace() const;
- bool isTab() const;
- void setWidth( int w );
- void setAscent( int a );
- void setDescent( int d );
- int from() const;
- int length() const;
- friend class TQTextLayout;
- friend class TQPainter;
- friend class TQPSPrinter;
- TQTextItem( int i, TQTextEngine *e ) : item( i ), engine( e ) {}
- int item;
- TQTextEngine *engine;
-#endif // USE_QT4
-#ifdef USE_QT4
-class TQ_EXPORT TQTextLayout : public QTextLayout, virtual public TQt
- TQTextLayout() : QTextLayout() {}
- TQTextLayout( const QString& string, QPainter *p = 0 ) : QTextLayout(string, QFont(), p->device()) {}
- TQTextLayout( const TQString& string, const TQFont& fnt ) : QTextLayout(string, convertFromQFont(fnt)) {}
- enum LayoutMode {
- NoBidi,
- SingleLine,
- MultiLine
- };
- enum LineBreakStrategy {
- AtWordBoundaries,
- AtCharBoundaries
- };
- enum Result {
- Ok,
- LineFull,
- LineEmpty,
- Error
- };
- Result addCurrentItem();
- Result endLine( int x = 0, int y = 0, int tqalignment = TQt::AlignLeft, int *ascent = 0, int *descent = 0, int *left = 0, int *right = 0 );
- int numItems() const { return lineCount(); }
- TQTextItem itemAt( int i ) const { return convertFromQTextLine(lineAt(i)); }
- TQTextItem findItem( int strPos ) const { return convertFromQTextLine(lineForTextPosition(strPos)); }
- bool atEnd() const;
- TQTextItem nextItem();
- TQTextItem currentItem();
- inline void setLineWidth( int newWidth ) { tqtl_lineWidth = newWidth; currentItem().setLineWidth(newWidth); }
- inline int lineWidth() { return tqtl_lineWidth; }
- int widthUsed();
- int availableWidth() const;
- void beginLine( int width );
- inline void beginLayout() { tqtl_currentItem = 0; return QTextLayout::beginLayout(); }
- inline void beginLayout( LayoutMode m ) { TQ_UNUSED(m); tqtl_currentItem = 0; return QTextLayout::beginLayout(); }
- inline void setText( const QString& string ) { QTextLayout::setText(string); }
- inline void setText( const TQString& string, const TQFont& fnt ) { QTextLayout::setText(string); QTextLayout::setFont(fnt); }
- void setDirection(TQChar::Direction);
- int tqtl_currentItem;
- int tqtl_widthUsed;
- int tqtl_lineWidth;
-#else // USE_QT4
-class TQPainter;
-class TQ_EXPORT TQTextLayout
- // does itemization
- TQTextLayout();
- TQTextLayout( const TQString& string, TQPainter * = 0 );
- TQTextLayout( const TQString& string, const TQFont& fnt );
- ~TQTextLayout();
- void setText( const TQString& string, const TQFont& fnt );
- enum LineBreakStrategy {
- AtWordBoundaries,
- AtCharBoundaries
- };
- /* add an additional item boundary eg. for style change */
- void setBoundary( int strPos );
- int numItems() const;
- TQTextItem itemAt( int i ) const;
- TQTextItem findItem( int strPos ) const;
- enum LayoutMode {
- NoBidi,
- SingleLine,
- MultiLine
- };
- void beginLayout( LayoutMode m = MultiLine );
- void beginLine( int width );
- bool atEnd() const;
- TQTextItem nextItem();
- TQTextItem currentItem();
- /* ## maybe also currentItem() */
- void setLineWidth( int newWidth );
- int lineWidth() const;
- int widthUsed() const;
- int availableWidth() const;
- enum Result {
- Ok,
- LineFull,
- LineEmpty,
- Error
- };
- /* returns true if completely added */
- Result addCurrentItem();
- /* Note: if ascent and descent are used they must be initialized to the minimum ascent/descent
- acceptable for the line. TQFontMetrics::ascent/descent() is usually the right choice */
- Result endLine( int x = 0, int y = 0, int tqalignment = TQt::AlignLeft,
- int *ascent = 0, int *descent = 0, int *left = 0, int *right = 0 );
- void endLayout();
- enum CursorMode {
- SkipCharacters,
- SkipWords
- };
- bool validCursorPosition( int pos ) const;
- int nextCursorPosition( int oldPos, CursorMode mode = SkipCharacters ) const;
- int previousCursorPosition( int oldPos, CursorMode mode = SkipCharacters ) const;
- void setDirection(TQChar::Direction);
- TQTextLayout( TQTextEngine *e ) : d( e ) {}
- /* disable copy and assignment */
- TQTextLayout( const TQTextLayout & ) {}
- void operator = ( const TQTextLayout & ) {}
- friend class TQTextItem;
- friend class TQPainter;
- friend class TQPSPrinter;
- TQTextEngine *d;
- class TQPainter {
- .....
- void tqdrawTextItem( int x, int y, TQTextItem *item );
- };
-#endif // USE_QT4
-#endif \ No newline at end of file