path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqwidget.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1619 deletions
diff --git a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqwidget.h b/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqwidget.h
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index d5f9cb5..0000000
--- a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqwidget.h
+++ /dev/null
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-** Definition of TQWidget class
-** Created : 931029
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#ifndef TQWIDGET_H
-#define TQWIDGET_H
-#include "tqtglobaldefines.h"
-#ifndef TQT_H
-#include "tqwindowdefs.h"
-#include "tqobject.h"
-#include "tqpaintdevice.h"
-#include "tqpalette.h"
-#include "tqfont.h"
-#include "tqfontmetrics.h"
-#include "tqfontinfo.h"
-#include "tqsizepolicy.h"
-#include "tqbitmap.h"
-#endif // TQT_H
-#ifdef USE_QT4
-#include <Qt/qwidget.h>
-#include <private/qt4_qwidget_p.h>
-#endif // USE_QT4
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11) && !defined(TQT_NO_IM)
-class TQInputContext;
-class TQLayout;
-#ifdef USE_QT4
-// Neither TQTLWExtra nor TQWExtra are fully Qt4 compatible!
-class TQFocusData;
-// typedef struct QTLWExtra TQTLWExtra;
-struct TQTLWExtra : public QTLWExtra, virtual public TQt
- TQFocusData *focusData; // focus data (for TLW)
- ulong fleft, fright, ftop, fbottom;
- uint uspos : 1; // User defined position
- uint ussize : 1; // User defined size
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- WId parentWinId; // parent window Id (valid after reparenting)
-// typedef struct QWExtra TQWExtra;
-struct TQWExtra : public QWExtra, virtual public TQt
- TQRect micro_focus_hint; // micro focus hint
- TQPixmap *bg_pix; // background pixmap
- char bg_mode; // background mode
- char bg_mode_visual; // visual background mode
- uint bg_origin : 2;
- TQSizePolicy size_policy;
- TQTLWExtra *topextra; // only useful for TLWs // WARNING: This is overriding the Qt4 builtin topextra with unknown consequences.....
-#else // USE_QT4
-struct TQWExtra;
-struct TQTLWExtra;
-#endif // USE_QT4
-class TQFocusData;
-class TQCursor;
-class TQWSRegionManager;
-class TQStyle;
-#ifdef USE_QT4
-#include <Qt/qx11info_x11.h>
-#include <private/qt4_qwidget_p.h>
-typedef unsigned long long WFlags;
-typedef QFlags<Qt::WindowState> WState;
-// #define WType_Desktop Qt::Desktop
-// #define Key_Escape Qt::Key_Escape
-// #define ShiftButton Qt::ShiftModifier
-// #define ControlButton Qt::ControlModifier
-// #define WStyle_Customize 0
-// #define WType_Popup Qt::Popup
-// #define WX11BypassWM Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint
-// #define TQWIDGETSIZE_MAX 32767
- setAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOutsidePaintEvent, TRUE); \
- setAutoFillBackground(true);
- extra = 0; \
- tqt_internal_ignore_next_windowstatechange_event = FALSE; \
- tqt_internal_show_called_event = FALSE; \
- if (testWFlags(WType_Popup) && testWFlags(WType_Dialog)) \
- clearWFlags((WType_Dialog & (~WType_TopLevel))); \
- setDefaultWidgetFlags(); \
- processUpperWidgetFlags();
- bool new_receiver_found = FALSE; \
- QWidget *popup = qApp->activePopupWidget(); \
- QWidget *newreceiver = this; \
- QPoint gpos = mapToGlobal(e->pos()); \
- QPoint npos = newreceiver->mapFromGlobal(gpos); \
- if (popup) { \
- while (!TQT_TQRECT_OBJECT(newreceiver->rect()).contains(npos)) { \
- new_receiver_found = TRUE; \
- newreceiver = tqwidget_parent_popup_menu(newreceiver); \
- if (newreceiver) { \
- npos = newreceiver->mapFromGlobal(gpos); \
- } \
- else { \
- break; \
- } \
- } \
- if ((newreceiver) && (new_receiver_found)) { \
- if (TQT_TQRECT_OBJECT(newreceiver->rect()).contains(npos)) { \
- if (tqwidget_is_popup_menu(newreceiver)) { \
- npos = newreceiver->mapFromGlobal(gpos); \
- QMouseEvent fixedevent(e->type(), npos, e->globalPos(), e->button(), e->buttons(), e->modifiers()); \
- QApplication::sendEvent(newreceiver, &fixedevent); \
- e->accept(); \
- } \
- } \
- } \
- } \
- if (!((newreceiver) && (new_receiver_found)))
-extern bool tqwidget_is_popup_menu(QWidget*);
-extern QWidget* tqwidget_parent_popup_menu(QWidget*);
-// class TQ_EXPORT TQWidget : public TQObject, public QWidget
-class TQ_EXPORT TQWidget : public QWidget, virtual public TQt
- TQObject *parent() const;
- TQObjectList childrenListObject();
- const TQObjectList childrenListObject() const;
-// enum FocusPolicy {
-// NoFocus = 0,
-// TabFocus = 0x1,
-// ClickFocus = 0x2,
-// StrongFocus = TabFocus | ClickFocus | 0x8,
-// WheelFocus = StrongFocus | 0x4
-// };
- enum BackgroundOrigin { WidgetOrigin, ParentOrigin, WindowOrigin, AncestorOrigin };
-// TQWidget methods
- TQWidget( QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0, WFlags f=0 );
- void setWState( uint state );
- void clearWState( uint flags );
- WState getWState() const;
- WState testWState( WState s ) const;
- WState testWState( TQt::WidgetState s ) const;
- void setWFlags( WFlags flags );
- void clearWFlags( WFlags flags );
- WFlags getWFlags() const;
- WFlags testWFlags( WFlags f ) const;
- uint windowState() const;
- void setWindowState(uint windowState);
- void setActiveWindow( void );
- Display * x11Display( void );
- int x11Depth() const;
- int x11Screen( void );
- TQWidget * parentWidget( bool sameWindow = FALSE ) const;
- static TQCString normalizeSignalSlot( const char *signalSlot );
- TQMetaObject *tqmetaObject() const;
- static TQWidget * find( WId w );
- bool isShown() const;
- TQWidget *tqchildAt( int x, int y, bool includeThis = FALSE ) const;
- TQWidget *tqchildAt( const TQPoint &p, bool includeThis = FALSE ) const;
- TQWidget *tqtopLevelWidget() const;
- bool isA(const char *classname) const;
- bool inherits( const char * ) const;
-// virtual bool close( bool alsoDelete ) { TQ_UNUSED(alsoDelete); return QWidget::close(); }
-// TQWExtra *extraData() { return TQT_TQWEXTRA(qt_widget_private(this)->extraData()); }
- TQWExtra *extraData();
-// TQTLWExtra *topData() { return qt_widget_private(this)->topData(); }
- TQTLWExtra *topData();
- void setName(const char *aName);
- TQWidget *parentWidget( bool sameWindow = FALSE );
- bool isDialog() const;
- TQObject *child( const char *objName, const char *inheritsClass = 0, bool recursiveSearch = TRUE );
- const TQRect tqgeometry() const;
- TQLayout *tqlayout() const;
- virtual TQSize tqsizeHint() const;
- virtual TQSize tqminimumSizeHint() const;
- virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
- virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const;
- TQSize tqminimumSize() const;
- TQSize tqmaximumSize() const;
- TQColorGroup tqcolorGroup() const;
- TQStyle &tqstyle() const;
- void reparent(QWidget *parent, WFlags f, const QPoint &p, bool showIt=false);
- void reparent(QWidget *parent, const QPoint &p, bool showIt=false);
- void iconify();
- void constPolish() const;
- bool hasMouse() const;
-#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
- bool ownCursor() const;
- bool ownFont() const;
- void setBackgroundPixmap(const QPixmap &pm);
- virtual void tqsetBackgroundPixmap(const QPixmap &pm);
- const TQPixmap *backgroundPixmap() const;
- void tqsetSizePolicy(QSizePolicy qsp);
- void tqsetSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Policy horizontal, QSizePolicy::Policy vertical);
- void tqsetSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Policy hor, QSizePolicy::Policy ver, bool hfw);
- void setInputMethodEnabled(bool b);
- bool isInputMethodEnabled() const;
- bool isPopup() const;
- TQString caption() const;
- void setCaption(const QString &c);
- TQRect tqchildrenRect() const;
- TQRegion tqchildrenRegion() const;
- void unsetFont();
- bool ownPalette() const;
- void unsetPalette();
- const TQPalette &tqpalette() const;
- bool isUpdatesEnabled() const;
- void tqrepaint(int x, int y, int w, int h);
- void tqrepaint(const QRect &r);
- void tqrepaint(const QRegion &r);
- void tqrepaint(bool eraseme);
- void tqrepaint(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool);
- void tqrepaint(const QRect &r, bool);
- void tqrepaint(const QRegion &rgn, bool);
- TQSizePolicy tqsizePolicy() const;
- TQPoint backgroundOffset() const;
- bool tqsignalsBlocked() const;
- TQObjectList *queryList( const char *inheritsClass = 0, const char *objName = 0, bool regexpMatch = TRUE, bool recursiveSearch = TRUE ) const;
- TQWidget *tqfocusWidget() const;
- void setBackgroundOrigin(BackgroundOrigin);
- BackgroundOrigin backgroundOrigin() const;
- void setIconText(const QString &it);
- void insertChild( TQObject *object );
- void removeChild( TQObject *object );
- bool close();
- bool close(bool alsoDelete);
- void setFocus(Qt::FocusReason reason);
- void setFocus(TQFocusEvent::Reason reason);
- TQt::BackgroundMode backgroundMode() const;
- /*virtual*/ void setBackgroundMode( TQt::BackgroundMode tqbm );
- void setBackgroundMode(TQt::BackgroundMode, TQt::BackgroundMode);
- const QColor &paletteForegroundColor() const;
- void setPaletteForegroundColor(const QColor &c);
- const QColor &paletteBackgroundColor() const;
- /*virtual*/ void setPaletteBackgroundColor(const QColor &c);
- const TQPixmap *paletteBackgroundPixmap() const;
- /*virtual*/ void setPaletteBackgroundPixmap(const QPixmap &pm);
- const TQColor &backgroundColor() const;
- /*virtual*/ void setBackgroundColor(const QColor &c);
- const TQColor &eraseColor() const;
- /*virtual*/ void setEraseColor(const QColor &c);
- const TQPixmap *erasePixmap() const;
- /*virtual*/ void setErasePixmap(const QPixmap &pm);
- const TQColor &foregroundColor() const;
- virtual void setAutoMask(bool);
- bool autoMask() const;
- virtual void updateMask();
- void erase();
- void erase(int x, int y, int w, int h);
- void erase(const QRect &r);
- void erase(const QRegion &r);
- void drawText( int x, int y, const TQString &);
- void drawText( const TQPoint &, const TQString &);
- const TQBrush& backgroundBrush() const;
- void setIcon(const QPixmap &i);
- const TQPixmap *icon() const;
- const TQPixmap iconPixmap() const;
- const char *tqname() const;
- const char *name() const;
- const char *name(const char *defaultName) const;
- bool isVisibleToTLW() const; // obsolete
- static TQWidget* tqt_ensure_valid_widget_painting(TQWidget* w);
- void setMask( const QBitmap );
- void setMask( const QRegion );
- void sendMouseEventToInputContext( int x, TQEvent::Type type, TQt::ButtonState button, TQt::ButtonState state );
- TQInputContext *getInputContext();
-#ifndef TQT_NO_STYLE
- void setStyle( TQStyle * );
- TQStyle* setStyle( const TQString& );
- void tqsetPalette( const TQPalette &p, bool );
-// static TQWidgetMapper *wmapper( void ) { return QWidgetPrivate::mapper; }
-// TQWExtra *extraData();
-// TQTLWExtra *topData();
-// TQFocusData *focusData();
- bool isDesktop() const;
- void createTLSysExtra( void );
- void destroyInputContext( void );
- void createExtra();
- void deleteExtra();
- bool isFocusEnabled() const;
-// TQRect tqeffectiveRectFor(const QRect &rect);
- TQRect tqclipRect() const;
- TQRect visibleRect() const;
- TQRegion clipRegion() const;
- virtual bool customWhatsThis() const;
- virtual void setKeyCompression(bool);
- TQRect microFocusHint() const;
- virtual void setMicroFocusHint(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool text=TRUE, TQFont *f = 0);
-// // Interoperability
-// TQWidget* operator= (QWidget* a)
-// {
-// return static_cast<TQWidget*>(a);
-// }
- operator TQObject*() const { return TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQWidget*>(this)); } // This implicit pointer converter doesn't work for some reason
- // TQt handler
- virtual bool eventFilter( TQObject *, TQEvent * );
- // Qt4 handler interface
- virtual bool eventFilter( QObject *q, QEvent *e );
- bool event( QEvent *e );
- inline bool checkConnectArgs(const char *signal, const TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME *name, const char *member) { return TQT_TQOBJECT(this)->checkConnectArgs(signal, name, member); }
-// TQt event handlers
- TQFocusData *focusData();
-// virtual bool event( QEvent *e ); // NOTE: All event handlers that can be subclassed must be declared here, and
- // declared virtual, so that run time dynamic call resolution will occur
- virtual bool event( TQEvent *e );
- virtual void mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent * );
- virtual void mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent * );
- virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent * );
- virtual void mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent * );
- virtual void wheelEvent( TQWheelEvent * );
- virtual void keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent * );
- virtual void keyReleaseEvent( TQKeyEvent * );
- virtual void focusInEvent( TQFocusEvent * );
- virtual void focusOutEvent( TQFocusEvent * );
- virtual void enterEvent( TQEvent * );
- virtual void leaveEvent( TQEvent * );
- virtual void paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * );
- virtual void moveEvent( TQMoveEvent * );
- virtual void resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent * );
- virtual void closeEvent( TQCloseEvent * );
- virtual void contextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent * );
- virtual void imStartEvent( TQIMEvent * );
- virtual void imComposeEvent( TQIMEvent * );
- virtual void imEndEvent( TQIMEvent * );
- virtual void tabletEvent( TQTabletEvent * );
- virtual void dragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent * );
- virtual void dragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent * );
- virtual void dragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent * );
- virtual void dropEvent( TQDropEvent * );
- virtual void showEvent( TQShowEvent * );
- virtual void hideEvent( TQHideEvent * );
-#if defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
- virtual bool macEvent( MSG * );
-#if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
- virtual bool winEvent( MSG * );
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- virtual bool x11Event( XEvent * );
-#if defined(TQ_WS_TQWS)
- virtual bool qwsEvent( TQWSEvent * );
-// Qt4 event handler interface
- virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
- virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
- virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
- virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
- virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e);
- virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e);
- virtual void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e);
- virtual void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e);
- virtual void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *e);
- virtual void enterEvent(QEvent *e);
- virtual void leaveEvent(QEvent *e);
- virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e);
- virtual void moveEvent(QMoveEvent *e);
- virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e);
- virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e);
- virtual void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e);
- virtual void tabletEvent(QTabletEvent *e);
-#ifndef QT_NO_ACTION
-// inline virtual void actionEvent(QActionEvent *e) { actionEvent(static_cast<TQActionEvent*>(e)); }
-// inline virtual void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e) { dragEnterEvent(static_cast<TQDragEnterEvent*>(e)); }
-// inline virtual void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *e) { dragMoveEvent(static_cast<TQDragMoveEvent*>(e)); }
-// inline virtual void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *e) { dragLeaveEvent(static_cast<TQDragLeaveEvent*>(e)); }
-// inline virtual void dropEvent(QDropEvent *e) { dropEvent(static_cast<TQDropEvent*>(e)); }
-// #endif
- virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent *e);
- virtual void hideEvent(QHideEvent *e);
-// #if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
-// inline virtual bool macEvent(EventHandlerCallRef e, EventRef r);
-// #endif
-// #if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
-// inline virtual bool winEvent(MSG *message, long *result);
-// #endif
-// #if defined(Q_WS_X11)
-// inline virtual bool x11Event(XEvent *e)
-// #endif
-// #if defined(Q_WS_QWS)
-// inline virtual bool qwsEvent(QWSEvent *e);
-// #endif
-// TQt event handlers
- virtual void timerEvent( TQTimerEvent * );
- virtual void childEvent( TQChildEvent * );
- virtual void customEvent( TQCustomEvent * );
-// Qt4 event handler interface
- virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e);
- virtual void childEvent(QChildEvent *e);
- virtual void customEvent(QEvent *e);
- mutable TQStyle* tqt_internal_stylePointer;
- void erase_helper(int x, int y, int w, int h);
- TQWExtra *extra;
- TQFocusData *focusData( bool create );
- void createTLExtra();
- bool tqt_internal_show_called_event;
- mutable bool tqt_internal_ignore_next_windowstatechange_event;
- mutable TQString static_object_name;
- void showWindow();
- void hideWindow();
- WFlags TQtUpperWidgetFlags;
- void processUpperWidgetFlags();
- void setDefaultWidgetFlags();
- friend class TQObject;
- virtual TQWidget *icHolderWidget();
- void createInputContext();
-public Q_SLOTS:
- virtual void tqsetUpdatesEnabled( bool enable );
- void tqrepaint();
- virtual void setFocus();
- virtual void show();
- virtual void adjustSize();
-// inline virtual void adjustSize() {
-// QApplication::sendPostedEvents( 0, TQEvent::ChildInserted );
-// QWidget::adjustSize();
-// }
- virtual void polish();
-// inline virtual void setGeometry( int x, int y, int w, int h ) { return QWidget::setGeometry(x, y, w, h); }
-// inline virtual void setGeometry( const TQRect &r ) { return QWidget::setGeometry(r); }
-// protected:
- TQConnectionList *tqreceivers( const char* signal ) const;
- TQConnectionList *tqreceivers( int signal ) const;
- void activate_signal( int signal );
-// void activate_signal( int signal, int second ) { TQT_TQOBJECT(this)->activate_signal(signal, second); }
-// void activate_signal( int signal, double second ) { TQT_TQOBJECT(this)->activate_signal(signal, second); }
-// void activate_signal( int signal, TQString second ) { TQT_TQOBJECT(this)->activate_signal(signal, second); }
-// void activate_signal_bool( int signal, bool second ) { TQT_TQOBJECT(this)->activate_signal(signal, second); }
- void activate_signal( TQConnectionList *clist, TQUObject *o );
- void tqt_handle_qt_destroyed(QObject* obj);
- void destroyed( TQObject* obj );
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- enum X11WindowType {
- X11WindowTypeSelect,
- X11WindowTypeCombo,
- X11WindowTypeDND,
- X11WindowTypeTooltip,
- X11WindowTypeMenu, // torn-off
- X11WindowTypeDropdown,
- X11WindowTypePopup
- };
- void x11SetWindowType( X11WindowType type = X11WindowTypeSelect );
- void x11SetWindowTransient( TQWidget* parent );
-inline void TQWidget::drawText( const TQPoint &p, const TQString &s )
-{ drawText( p.x(), p.y(), s ); }
-#else // USE_QT4
-class TQ_EXPORT TQWidget : public TQObject, public TQPaintDevice
- TQ_ENUMS( BackgroundMode FocusPolicy BackgroundOrigin )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool isTopLevel READ isTopLevel )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool isDialog READ isDialog )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool isModal READ isModal )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool isPopup READ isPopup )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool isDesktop READ isDesktop )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool enabled READ isEnabled WRITE setEnabled )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQRect tqgeometry READ tqgeometry WRITE setGeometry )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQRect frameGeometry READ frameGeometry )
- Q_PROPERTY( int x READ x )
- Q_PROPERTY( int y READ y )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQPoint pos READ pos WRITE move DESIGNABLE false STORED false )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQSize frameSize READ frameSize )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQSize size READ size WRITE resize DESIGNABLE false STORED false )
- Q_PROPERTY( int width READ width )
- Q_PROPERTY( int height READ height )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQRect rect READ rect )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQRect tqchildrenRect READ tqchildrenRect )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQRegion tqchildrenRegion READ tqchildrenRegion )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQSizePolicy sizePolicy READ sizePolicy WRITE tqsetSizePolicy )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQSize tqminimumSize READ tqminimumSize WRITE setMinimumSize )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQSize tqmaximumSize READ tqmaximumSize WRITE setMaximumSize )
- Q_PROPERTY( int minimumWidth READ minimumWidth WRITE setMinimumWidth STORED false DESIGNABLE false )
- Q_PROPERTY( int minimumHeight READ minimumHeight WRITE setMinimumHeight STORED false DESIGNABLE false )
- Q_PROPERTY( int maximumWidth READ maximumWidth WRITE setMaximumWidth STORED false DESIGNABLE false )
- Q_PROPERTY( int maximumHeight READ maximumHeight WRITE setMaximumHeight STORED false DESIGNABLE false )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQSize sizeIncrement READ sizeIncrement WRITE setSizeIncrement )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQSize baseSize READ baseSize WRITE setBaseSize )
- Q_PROPERTY( BackgroundMode backgroundMode READ backgroundMode WRITE setBackgroundMode DESIGNABLE false )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQColor paletteForegroundColor READ paletteForegroundColor WRITE setPaletteForegroundColor RESET unsetPalette )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQColor paletteBackgroundColor READ paletteBackgroundColor WRITE setPaletteBackgroundColor RESET unsetPalette )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQPixmap paletteBackgroundPixmap READ paletteBackgroundPixmap WRITE setPaletteBackgroundPixmap RESET unsetPalette )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQBrush backgroundBrush READ backgroundBrush )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQColorGroup tqcolorGroup READ tqcolorGroup )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQPalette palette READ palette WRITE setPalette RESET unsetPalette STORED ownPalette )
- Q_PROPERTY( BackgroundOrigin backgroundOrigin READ backgroundOrigin WRITE setBackgroundOrigin )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool ownPalette READ ownPalette )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQFont font READ font WRITE setFont RESET unsetFont STORED ownFont )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool ownFont READ ownFont )
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- Q_PROPERTY( TQCursor cursor READ cursor WRITE setCursor RESET unsetCursor STORED ownCursor )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool ownCursor READ ownCursor )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQString caption READ caption WRITE setCaption )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQPixmap icon READ icon WRITE setIcon )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQString iconText READ iconText WRITE setIconText )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool mouseTracking READ hasMouseTracking WRITE setMouseTracking )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool underMouse READ hasMouse )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool isActiveWindow READ isActiveWindow )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool focusEnabled READ isFocusEnabled )
- Q_PROPERTY( FocusPolicy focusPolicy READ focusPolicy WRITE setFocusPolicy )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool focus READ hasFocus )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool updatesEnabled READ isUpdatesEnabled WRITE setUpdatesEnabled DESIGNABLE false )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool visible READ isVisible )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQRect visibleRect READ visibleRect ) // obsolete
- Q_PROPERTY( bool hidden READ isHidden WRITE setHidden DESIGNABLE false SCRIPTABLE false )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool shown READ isShown WRITE setShown DESIGNABLE false SCRIPTABLE false )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool minimized READ isMinimized )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool maximized READ isMaximized )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool fullScreen READ isFullScreen )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQSize tqsizeHint READ tqsizeHint )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQSize tqminimumSizeHint READ tqminimumSizeHint )
- Q_PROPERTY( TQRect microFocusHint READ microFocusHint )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool acceptDrops READ acceptDrops WRITE setAcceptDrops )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool autoMask READ autoMask WRITE setAutoMask DESIGNABLE false SCRIPTABLE false )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool customWhatsThis READ customWhatsThis )
- Q_PROPERTY( bool inputMethodEnabled READ isInputMethodEnabled WRITE setInputMethodEnabled DESIGNABLE false SCRIPTABLE false )
- Q_PROPERTY( double windowOpacity READ windowOpacity WRITE setWindowOpacity DESIGNABLE false )
- TQ_EXPLICIT TQWidget( TQWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0, WFlags f=0 );
- ~TQWidget();
- WId winId() const;
- void setName( const char *name );
-#ifndef TQT_NO_STYLE
- // GUI style setting
- TQStyle &style() const;
- void setStyle( TQStyle * );
- TQStyle* setStyle( const TQString& );
- // Widget types and states
- bool isTopLevel() const;
- bool isDialog() const;
- bool isPopup() const;
- bool isDesktop() const;
- bool isModal() const;
- bool isEnabled() const;
- bool isEnabledTo(TQWidget*) const;
- bool isEnabledToTLW() const;
-public Q_SLOTS:
- virtual void setEnabled( bool );
- void setDisabled( bool );
- // Widget coordinates
- TQRect frameGeometry() const;
- const TQRect &tqgeometry() const;
- int x() const;
- int y() const;
- TQPoint pos() const;
- TQSize frameSize() const;
- TQSize size() const;
- int width() const;
- int height() const;
- TQRect rect() const;
- TQRect tqchildrenRect() const;
- TQRegion tqchildrenRegion() const;
- TQSize tqminimumSize() const;
- TQSize tqmaximumSize() const;
- int minimumWidth() const;
- int minimumHeight() const;
- int maximumWidth() const;
- int maximumHeight() const;
- void setMinimumSize( const TQSize & );
- virtual void setMinimumSize( int minw, int minh );
- void setMaximumSize( const TQSize & );
- virtual void setMaximumSize( int maxw, int maxh );
- void setMinimumWidth( int minw );
- void setMinimumHeight( int minh );
- void setMaximumWidth( int maxw );
- void setMaximumHeight( int maxh );
- TQSize sizeIncrement() const;
- void setSizeIncrement( const TQSize & );
- virtual void setSizeIncrement( int w, int h );
- TQSize baseSize() const;
- void setBaseSize( const TQSize & );
- void setBaseSize( int basew, int baseh );
- void setFixedSize( const TQSize & );
- void setFixedSize( int w, int h );
- void setFixedWidth( int w );
- void setFixedHeight( int h );
- // Widget coordinate mapping
- TQPoint mapToGlobal( const TQPoint & ) const;
- TQPoint mapFromGlobal( const TQPoint & ) const;
- TQPoint mapToParent( const TQPoint & ) const;
- TQPoint mapFromParent( const TQPoint & ) const;
- TQPoint mapTo( TQWidget *, const TQPoint & ) const;
- TQPoint mapFrom( TQWidget *, const TQPoint & ) const;
- TQWidget *tqtopLevelWidget() const;
- // Widget attribute functions
- BackgroundMode backgroundMode() const;
- virtual void setBackgroundMode( BackgroundMode );
- void setBackgroundMode( BackgroundMode, BackgroundMode );
- const TQColor & foregroundColor() const;
- const TQColor & eraseColor() const;
- virtual void setEraseColor( const TQColor & );
- const TQPixmap * erasePixmap() const;
- virtual void setErasePixmap( const TQPixmap & );
- const TQColorGroup & tqcolorGroup() const;
- const TQPalette & palette() const;
- bool ownPalette() const;
- virtual void setPalette( const TQPalette & );
- void unsetPalette();
- const TQColor & paletteForegroundColor() const;
- void setPaletteForegroundColor( const TQColor & );
- const TQColor & paletteBackgroundColor() const;
- virtual void setPaletteBackgroundColor( const TQColor & );
- const TQPixmap * paletteBackgroundPixmap() const;
- virtual void setPaletteBackgroundPixmap( const TQPixmap & );
- const TQBrush& backgroundBrush() const;
- TQFont font() const;
- bool ownFont() const;
- virtual void setFont( const TQFont & );
- void unsetFont();
- TQFontMetrics fontMetrics() const;
- TQFontInfo fontInfo() const;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- const TQCursor &cursor() const;
- bool ownCursor() const;
- virtual void setCursor( const TQCursor & );
- virtual void unsetCursor();
- TQString caption() const;
- const TQPixmap *icon() const;
- TQString iconText() const;
- bool hasMouseTracking() const;
- bool hasMouse() const;
- virtual void setMask( const TQBitmap & );
- virtual void setMask( const TQRegion & );
- void clearMask();
- const TQColor & backgroundColor() const; // obsolete, use eraseColor()
- virtual void setBackgroundColor( const TQColor & ); // obsolete, use setEraseColor()
- const TQPixmap * backgroundPixmap() const; // obsolete, use erasePixmap()
- virtual void setBackgroundPixmap( const TQPixmap & ); // obsolete, use setErasePixmap()
-public Q_SLOTS:
- virtual void setCaption( const TQString &);
- virtual void setIcon( const TQPixmap & );
- virtual void setIconText( const TQString &);
- virtual void setMouseTracking( bool enable );
- // Keyboard input focus functions
- virtual void setFocus();
- void clearFocus();
- enum FocusPolicy {
- NoFocus = 0,
- TabFocus = 0x1,
- ClickFocus = 0x2,
- StrongFocus = TabFocus | ClickFocus | 0x8,
- WheelFocus = StrongFocus | 0x4
- };
- bool isActiveWindow() const;
- virtual void setActiveWindow();
- bool isFocusEnabled() const;
- FocusPolicy focusPolicy() const;
- virtual void setFocusPolicy( FocusPolicy );
- bool hasFocus() const;
- static void setTabOrder( TQWidget *, TQWidget * );
- virtual void setFocusProxy( TQWidget * );
- TQWidget * focusProxy() const;
- void setInputMethodEnabled( bool b );
- bool isInputMethodEnabled() const;
- // Grab functions
- void grabMouse();
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- void grabMouse( const TQCursor & );
- void releaseMouse();
- void grabKeyboard();
- void releaseKeyboard();
- static TQWidget * mouseGrabber();
- static TQWidget * keyboardGrabber();
- // Update/refresh functions
- bool isUpdatesEnabled() const;
-#if 0 //def TQ_WS_TQWS
- void repaintUnclipped( const TQRegion &, bool erase = TRUE );
-public Q_SLOTS:
- virtual void setUpdatesEnabled( bool enable );
- void update();
- void update( int x, int y, int w, int h );
- void update( const TQRect& );
- void tqrepaint();
- void tqrepaint( bool erase );
- void tqrepaint( int x, int y, int w, int h, bool erase=TRUE );
- void tqrepaint( const TQRect &, bool erase = TRUE );
- void tqrepaint( const TQRegion &, bool erase = TRUE );
- // Widget management functions
- virtual void show();
- virtual void hide();
- void setShown( bool show );
- void setHidden( bool hide );
-#ifndef TQT_NO_COMPAT
- void iconify() { showMinimized(); }
- virtual void showMinimized();
- virtual void showMaximized();
- void showFullScreen();
- virtual void showNormal();
- virtual void polish();
- void constPolish() const;
- bool close();
- void raise();
- void lower();
- void stackUnder( TQWidget* );
- virtual void move( int x, int y );
- void move( const TQPoint & );
- virtual void resize( int w, int h );
- void resize( const TQSize & );
- virtual void setGeometry( int x, int y, int w, int h );
- virtual void setGeometry( const TQRect & ); // ### make non virtual in TQt 4?
- virtual bool close( bool alsoDelete );
- bool isVisible() const;
- bool isVisibleTo(TQWidget*) const;
- bool isVisibleToTLW() const; // obsolete
- TQRect visibleRect() const; // obsolete
- bool isHidden() const;
- bool isShown() const;
- bool isMinimized() const;
- bool isMaximized() const;
- bool isFullScreen() const;
- uint windowState() const;
- void setWindowState(uint windowState);
- virtual TQSize tqsizeHint() const;
- virtual TQSize tqminimumSizeHint() const;
- virtual TQSizePolicy sizePolicy() const;
- virtual void tqsetSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy );
- void tqsetSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::SizeType hor, TQSizePolicy::SizeType ver, bool hfw = FALSE );
- virtual int heightForWidth(int) const;
- TQRegion clipRegion() const;
-// ### move together with other Q_SLOTS in TQt 4.0
-public Q_SLOTS:
- virtual void adjustSize();
-#ifndef TQT_NO_LAYOUT
- TQLayout * tqlayout() const { return lay_out; }
- void updateGeometry();
- virtual void reparent( TQWidget *parent, WFlags, const TQPoint &,
- bool showIt=FALSE );
- void reparent( TQWidget *parent, const TQPoint &,
- bool showIt=FALSE );
-#ifndef TQT_NO_COMPAT
- void recreate( TQWidget *parent, WFlags f, const TQPoint & p,
- bool showIt=FALSE ) { reparent(parent,f,p,showIt); }
- void erase();
- void erase( int x, int y, int w, int h );
- void erase( const TQRect & );
- void erase( const TQRegion & );
- void scroll( int dx, int dy );
- void scroll( int dx, int dy, const TQRect& );
- void drawText( int x, int y, const TQString &);
- void drawText( const TQPoint &, const TQString &);
- // Misc. functions
- TQWidget * tqfocusWidget() const;
- TQRect microFocusHint() const;
- // drag and drop
- bool acceptDrops() const;
- virtual void setAcceptDrops( bool on );
- // transparency and pseudo transparency
- virtual void setAutoMask(bool);
- bool autoMask() const;
- enum BackgroundOrigin { WidgetOrigin, ParentOrigin, WindowOrigin, AncestorOrigin };
- virtual void setBackgroundOrigin( BackgroundOrigin );
- BackgroundOrigin backgroundOrigin() const;
- TQPoint backgroundOffset() const;
- // whats this help
- virtual bool customWhatsThis() const;
- TQWidget * parentWidget( bool sameWindow = FALSE ) const;
- WState testWState( WState s ) const;
- WFlags testWFlags( WFlags f ) const;
- static TQWidget * find( WId );
- static TQWidgetMapper *wmapper();
- TQWidget *tqchildAt( int x, int y, bool includeThis = FALSE ) const;
- TQWidget *tqchildAt( const TQPoint &, bool includeThis = FALSE ) const;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_TQWS)
- virtual TQGfx * graphicsContext(bool clip_tqchildren=TRUE) const;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
- TQRegion clippedRegion(bool do_tqchildren=TRUE);
- uint clippedSerial(bool do_tqchildren=TRUE);
- CGContextRef macCGContext(bool clipped=TRUE) const;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- enum X11WindowType {
- X11WindowTypeSelect,
- X11WindowTypeCombo,
- X11WindowTypeDND,
- X11WindowTypeTooltip,
- X11WindowTypeMenu, // torn-off
- X11WindowTypeDropdown,
- X11WindowTypePopup
- };
- void x11SetWindowType( X11WindowType type = X11WindowTypeSelect );
- void x11SetWindowTransient( TQWidget* parent );
- void setWindowOpacity(double level);
- double windowOpacity() const;
- // Event handlers
- virtual bool event( TQEvent * );
- virtual void mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent * );
- virtual void mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent * );
- virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent * );
- virtual void mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent * );
- virtual void wheelEvent( TQWheelEvent * );
- virtual void keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent * );
- virtual void keyReleaseEvent( TQKeyEvent * );
- virtual void focusInEvent( TQFocusEvent * );
- virtual void focusOutEvent( TQFocusEvent * );
- virtual void enterEvent( TQEvent * );
- virtual void leaveEvent( TQEvent * );
- virtual void paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * );
- virtual void moveEvent( TQMoveEvent * );
- virtual void resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent * );
- virtual void closeEvent( TQCloseEvent * );
- virtual void contextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent * );
- virtual void imStartEvent( TQIMEvent * );
- virtual void imComposeEvent( TQIMEvent * );
- virtual void imEndEvent( TQIMEvent * );
- virtual void tabletEvent( TQTabletEvent * );
- virtual void dragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent * );
- virtual void dragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent * );
- virtual void dragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent * );
- virtual void dropEvent( TQDropEvent * );
- virtual void showEvent( TQShowEvent * );
- virtual void hideEvent( TQHideEvent * );
-#if defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
- virtual bool macEvent( MSG * );
-#if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
- virtual bool winEvent( MSG * );
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- virtual bool x11Event( XEvent * );
-#if defined(TQ_WS_TQWS)
- virtual bool qwsEvent( TQWSEvent * );
- virtual unsigned char *scanLine( int ) const;
- virtual int bytesPerLine() const;
- virtual void updateMask();
- // Misc. protected functions
-#ifndef TQT_NO_STYLE
- virtual void styleChange( TQStyle& );
- virtual void enabledChange( bool oldEnabled );
- virtual void paletteChange( const TQPalette & );
- virtual void fontChange( const TQFont & );
- virtual void windowActivationChange( bool oldActive );
- int metric( int ) const;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
-#if !defined(TQT_NO_IM_EXTENSIONS)
- virtual TQWidget *icHolderWidget();
- TQWidget *icHolderWidget();
- TQInputContext *getInputContext();
- void changeInputContext( const TQString & );
- void sendMouseEventToInputContext( int x, TQEvent::Type type,
- TQt::ButtonState button,
- TQt::ButtonState state );
- void resetInputContext();
- virtual void create( WId = 0, bool initializeWindow = TRUE,
- bool destroyOldWindow = TRUE );
- virtual void destroy( bool destroyWindow = TRUE,
- bool destroySubWindows = TRUE );
- uint getWState() const;
- virtual void setWState( uint );
- void clearWState( uint n );
- WFlags getWFlags() const;
- virtual void setWFlags( WFlags );
- void clearWFlags( WFlags n );
- virtual bool focusNextPrevChild( bool next );
- TQWExtra *extraData();
- TQTLWExtra *topData();
- TQFocusData *focusData();
- virtual void setKeyCompression(bool);
- virtual void setMicroFocusHint(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool text=TRUE, TQFont *f = 0);
-#if defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
- void dirtyClippedRegion(bool);
- bool isClippedRegionDirty();
- virtual void setRegionDirty(bool);
- virtual void macWidgetChangedWindow();
-private Q_SLOTS:
- void focusProxyDestroyed();
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- void destroyInputContext();
- void setFontSys( TQFont *f = 0 );
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- void createInputContext();
- void focusInputContext();
- void unfocusInputContext();
- void checkChildrenDnd();
-#ifndef TQT_NO_XSYNC
- void createSyncCounter();
- void destroySyncCounter();
- void incrementSyncCounter();
- void handleSyncRequest( void* ev );
-#elif defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
- uint own_id : 1, macDropEnabled : 1;
- EventHandlerRef window_event;
- //mac event functions
- void propagateUpdates(bool update_rgn=TRUE);
- void update( const TQRegion& );
- //friends, way too many - fix this immediately!
- friend void qt_clean_root_win();
- friend bool qt_recreate_root_win();
- friend TQPoint posInWindow(TQWidget *);
- friend bool qt_mac_update_sizer(TQWidget *, int);
- friend TQWidget *qt_recursive_match(TQWidget *widg, int x, int y);
- friend bool qt_paint_childrenListObject(TQWidget *,TQRegion &, uchar ops);
- friend TQMAC_PASCAL OStqStatus qt_window_event(EventHandlerCallRef er, EventRef event, void *);
- friend void qt_event_request_updates(TQWidget *, const TQRegion &, bool subtract);
- friend bool qt_window_rgn(WId, short, RgnHandle, bool);
- friend class TQDragManager;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_LAYOUT
- void setLayout( TQLayout *l );
- void setWinId( WId );
- void showWindow();
- void hideWindow();
- void showChildren( bool spontaneous );
- void hideChildren( bool spontaneous );
- void reparentSys( TQWidget *parent, WFlags, const TQPoint &, bool showIt);
- void createTLExtra();
- void createExtra();
- void deleteExtra();
- void createSysExtra();
- void deleteSysExtra();
- void createTLSysExtra();
- void deleteTLSysExtra();
- void deactivateWidgetCleanup();
- void internalSetGeometry( int, int, int, int, bool );
- void reparentFocusWidgets( TQWidget * );
- TQFocusData *focusData( bool create );
- void setBackgroundFromMode();
- void setBackgroundColorDirect( const TQColor & );
- void setBackgroundPixmapDirect( const TQPixmap & );
- void setBackgroundModeDirect( BackgroundMode );
- void setBackgroundEmpty();
- void updateFrameStrut() const;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- void setBackgroundX11Relative();
- WId winid;
- uint widget_state;
- uint widget_flags;
- uint focus_policy : 4;
- uint own_font :1;
- uint own_palette :1;
- uint sizehint_forced :1;
- uint is_closing :1;
- uint in_show : 1;
- uint in_show_maximized : 1;
- uint fstrut_dirty : 1;
- uint im_enabled : 1;
- TQRect crect;
- TQColor bg_col;
- TQPalette pal;
- TQFont fnt;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_LAYOUT
- TQLayout *lay_out;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11) && !defined(TQT_NO_IM) && !defined(TQT_NO_IM_EXTENSIONS)
- TQInputContext *ic; // Input Context
- TQWExtra *extra;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_TQWS)
- TQRegion req_region; // Requested region
- mutable TQRegion paintable_region; // Paintable region
- mutable bool paintable_region_dirty;// needs to be recalculated
- mutable TQRegion alloc_region; // Allocated region
- mutable bool alloc_region_dirty; // needs to be recalculated
- mutable int overlapping_tqchildren; // Handle overlapping tqchildren
- int alloc_region_index;
- int alloc_region_revision;
- void updateOverlappingChildren() const;
- void setChildrenAllocatedDirty();
- void setChildrenAllocatedDirty( const TQRegion &r, const TQWidget *dirty=0 );
- bool isAllocatedRegionDirty() const;
- void updateRequestedRegion( const TQPoint &gpos );
- TQRegion requestedRegion() const;
- TQRegion allocatedRegion() const;
- TQRegion paintableRegion() const;
- void updateGraphicsContext( TQGfx *qgfx_qws, bool clip_tqchildren ) const;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- void updateCursor( const TQRegion &r ) const;
- // used to accumulate dirty region when tqchildren moved/resized.
- TQRegion dirtyChildren;
- bool isSettingGeometry;
- friend class TQWSManager;
- static int instanceCounter; // Current number of widget instances
- static int maxInstances; // Maximum number of widget instances
- static void createMapper();
- static void destroyMapper();
- static TQWidgetList *wList();
- static TQWidgetList *tlwList();
- static TQWidgetMapper *mapper;
- friend class TQApplication;
- friend class TQBaseApplication;
- friend class TQPainter;
- friend class TQFontMetrics;
- friend class TQFontInfo;
- friend class TQETWidget;
- friend class TQLayout;
-private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
-#if defined(TQ_DISABLE_COPY)
- TQWidget( const TQWidget & );
- TQWidget &operator=( const TQWidget & );
-public: // obsolete functions to dissappear or to become inline in 3.0
- void setPalette( const TQPalette &p, bool ) { setPalette( p ); }
- void setFont( const TQFont &f, bool ) { setFont( f ); }
-inline TQt::WState TQWidget::testWState( WState s ) const
-{ return (widget_state & s); }
-inline TQt::WFlags TQWidget::testWFlags( WFlags f ) const
-{ return (widget_flags & f); }
-inline WId TQWidget::winId() const
-{ return winid; }
-inline bool TQWidget::isTopLevel() const
-{ return testWFlags(WType_TopLevel); }
-inline bool TQWidget::isDialog() const
-{ return testWFlags(WType_Dialog); }
-inline bool TQWidget::isPopup() const
-{ return testWFlags(WType_Popup); }
-inline bool TQWidget::isDesktop() const
-{ return testWFlags(WType_Desktop); }
-inline bool TQWidget::isEnabled() const
-{ return !testWState(WState_Disabled); }
-inline bool TQWidget::isModal() const
-{ return testWFlags(WShowModal); }
-inline bool TQWidget::isEnabledToTLW() const
-{ return isEnabled(); }
-inline const TQRect &TQWidget::tqgeometry() const
-{ return crect; }
-inline TQSize TQWidget::size() const
-{ return crect.size(); }
-inline int TQWidget::width() const
-{ return crect.width(); }
-inline int TQWidget::height() const
-{ return crect.height(); }
-inline TQRect TQWidget::rect() const
-{ return TQRect(0,0,crect.width(),crect.height()); }
-inline int TQWidget::minimumWidth() const
-{ return tqminimumSize().width(); }
-inline int TQWidget::minimumHeight() const
-{ return tqminimumSize().height(); }
-inline int TQWidget::maximumWidth() const
-{ return tqmaximumSize().width(); }
-inline int TQWidget::maximumHeight() const
-{ return tqmaximumSize().height(); }
-inline void TQWidget::setMinimumSize( const TQSize &s )
-{ setMinimumSize(s.width(),s.height()); }
-inline void TQWidget::setMaximumSize( const TQSize &s )
-{ setMaximumSize(s.width(),s.height()); }
-inline void TQWidget::setSizeIncrement( const TQSize &s )
-{ setSizeIncrement(s.width(),s.height()); }
-inline void TQWidget::setBaseSize( const TQSize &s )
-{ setBaseSize(s.width(),s.height()); }
-inline const TQColor &TQWidget::eraseColor() const
-{ return bg_col; }
-inline const TQPalette &TQWidget::palette() const
-{ return pal; }
-inline TQFont TQWidget::font() const
-{ return fnt; }
-inline TQFontMetrics TQWidget::fontMetrics() const
-{ return TQFontMetrics(font()); }
-inline TQFontInfo TQWidget::fontInfo() const
-{ return TQFontInfo(font()); }
-inline bool TQWidget::hasMouseTracking() const
-{ return testWState(WState_MouseTracking); }
-inline bool TQWidget::hasMouse() const
-{ return testWState(WState_HasMouse); }
-inline bool TQWidget::isFocusEnabled() const
-{ return (FocusPolicy)focus_policy != NoFocus; }
-inline TQWidget::FocusPolicy TQWidget::focusPolicy() const
-{ return (FocusPolicy)focus_policy; }
-inline bool TQWidget::isUpdatesEnabled() const
-{ return !testWState(WState_BlockUpdates); }
-inline void TQWidget::update( const TQRect &r )
-{ update( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height() ); }
-inline void TQWidget::tqrepaint()
-{ tqrepaint( TRUE ); }
-inline void TQWidget::tqrepaint( const TQRect &r, bool erase )
-{ tqrepaint( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), erase ); }
-inline void TQWidget::erase()
-{ erase( 0, 0, crect.width(), crect.height() ); }
-inline void TQWidget::erase( const TQRect &r )
-{ erase( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height() ); }
-inline bool TQWidget::close()
-{ return close( FALSE ); }
-inline bool TQWidget::isVisible() const
-{ return testWState(WState_Visible); }
-inline bool TQWidget::isVisibleToTLW() const // obsolete
-{ return isVisible(); }
-inline bool TQWidget::isHidden() const
-{ return testWState(WState_ForceHide); }
-inline bool TQWidget::isShown() const
-{ return !testWState(WState_ForceHide); }
-inline void TQWidget::move( const TQPoint &p )
-{ move( p.x(), p.y() ); }
-inline void TQWidget::resize( const TQSize &s )
-{ resize( s.width(), s.height()); }
-inline void TQWidget::setGeometry( const TQRect &r )
-{ setGeometry( r.left(),, r.width(), r.height() ); }
-inline void TQWidget::drawText( const TQPoint &p, const TQString &s )
-{ drawText( p.x(), p.y(), s ); }
-inline TQWidget *TQWidget::parentWidget( bool sameWindow ) const
- if ( sameWindow )
- return isTopLevel() ? 0 : (TQWidget *)TQObject::parent();
- return (TQWidget *)TQObject::parent();
-inline TQWidgetMapper *TQWidget::wmapper()
-{ return mapper; }
-inline uint TQWidget::getWState() const
-{ return widget_state; }
-inline void TQWidget::setWState( uint f )
-{ widget_state |= f; }
-inline void TQWidget::clearWState( uint f )
-{ widget_state &= ~f; }
-inline TQt::WFlags TQWidget::getWFlags() const
-{ return widget_flags; }
-inline void TQWidget::setWFlags( WFlags f )
-{ widget_flags |= f; }
-inline void TQWidget::clearWFlags( WFlags f )
-{ widget_flags &= ~f; }
-inline void TQWidget::constPolish() const
- if ( !testWState(WState_Polished) ) {
- TQWidget* that = (TQWidget*) this;
- that->polish();
- that->setWState(WState_Polished); // be on the safe side...
- }
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
-inline bool TQWidget::ownCursor() const
- return testWState( WState_OwnCursor );
-inline bool TQWidget::ownFont() const
- return own_font;
-inline bool TQWidget::ownPalette() const
- return own_palette;
-inline void TQWidget::tqsetSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::SizeType hor, TQSizePolicy::SizeType ver, bool hfw )
- tqsetSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( hor, ver, hfw) );
-inline bool TQWidget::isInputMethodEnabled() const
- return (bool)im_enabled;
-// Extra TQWidget data
-// - to minimize memory usage for members that are seldom used.
-// - top-level widgets have extra extra data to reduce cost further
-class TQFocusData;
-class TQWSManager;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
-class TQOleDropTarget;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
-class TQMacDndExtra;
-#endif // USE_QT4
-#ifdef USE_QT4
-#else // USE_QT4
-struct TQ_EXPORT TQTLWExtra {
- TQString caption; // widget caption
- TQString iconText; // widget icon text
- TQPixmap *icon; // widget icon
- TQFocusData *focusData; // focus data (for TLW)
- short incw, inch; // size increments
- // frame strut
- ulong fleft, fright, ftop, fbottom;
- uint unused : 8; // not used at this point...
-#if defined( TQ_WS_WIN ) || defined( TQ_WS_MAC )
- uint opacity : 8; // Stores opacity level on Windows/Mac OS X.
- uint savedFlags; // Save widgetflags while showing fullscreen
- short basew, baseh; // base sizes
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- WId parentWinId; // parent window Id (valid after reparenting)
- uint embedded : 1; // window is embedded in another TQt application
- uint spont_unmapped: 1; // window was spontaneously unmapped
- uint reserved: 1; // reserved
- uint dnd : 1; // DND properties installed
- uint uspos : 1; // User defined position
- uint ussize : 1; // User defined size
-#if defined(TQT_NO_IM_EXTENSIONS)
- void *xic; // Input Context
-#ifndef TQT_NO_XSYNC
- ulong syncCounter;
- uint syncRequestValue[2];
-#if defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
- WindowGroupRef group;
- uint is_moved: 1;
- uint resizer : 4;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_TQWS) && !defined ( TQT_NO_TQWS_MANAGER )
- TQRegion decor_allocated_region; // decoration allocated region
- TQWSManager *qwsManager;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
- HICON winIcon; // internal Windows icon
- TQRect normalGeometry; // used by showMin/maximized/FullScreen
-#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
- uint style, exstyle;
-#define TQWIDGETSIZE_MAX 32767
-// dear user: you can see this struct, but it is internal. do not touch.
-struct TQ_EXPORT TQWExtra {
- TQ_INT16 minw, minh; // minimum size
- TQ_INT16 maxw, maxh; // maximum size
- TQPixmap *bg_pix; // background pixmap
- TQWidget *focus_proxy;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- TQCursor *curs;
- TQTLWExtra *topextra; // only useful for TLWs
-#if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
- TQOleDropTarget *dropTarget; // drop target
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- WId xDndProxy; // XDND forwarding to embedded windows
-#if defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
- TQRegion clip_saved, clip_sibs, clip_tqchildren;
- TQMacDndExtra *macDndExtra;
- TQRegion dirty_area;
- uint clip_dirty : 1, clip_serial : 15;
- uint child_dirty : 1, child_serial : 15;
- uint ctx_tqchildren_clipped:1;
- uint has_dirty_area:1;
-#endif // TQ_WS_MAC
- uint bg_origin : 2;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- uint tqchildren_use_dnd : 1;
- uint compress_events : 1;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_TQWS) || defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
- TQRegion mask; // widget mask
- char bg_mode; // background mode
- char bg_mode_visual; // visual background mode
-#ifndef TQT_NO_STYLE
- TQStyle* style;
- TQRect micro_focus_hint; // micro focus hint
- TQSizePolicy size_policy;
-#endif // USE_QT4
-#include "tqwinexport.h"
-#endif // TQWIDGET_H