path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/sql/tqdatatable.cpp
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-** Implementation of TQDataTable class
-** Created : 2000-11-03
-** Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
-** This file is part of the sql module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include "tqdatatable.h"
-#include "tqsqldriver.h"
-#include "tqsqleditorfactory.h"
-#include "tqsqlpropertymap.h"
-#include "tqapplication.h"
-#include "tqlayout.h"
-#include "tqpainter.h"
-#include "tqpopupmenu.h"
-#include "tqvaluelist.h"
-#include "tqsqlmanager_p.h"
-#include "tqdatetime.h"
-#include "tqcursor.h"
-#include "tqtimer.h"
-class TQDataTablePrivate
- TQDataTablePrivate()
- : nullTxtChanged( FALSE ),
- haveAllRows( FALSE ),
- continuousEdit( FALSE ),
- editorFactory( 0 ),
- propertyMap( 0 ),
- editRow( -1 ),
- editCol( -1 ),
- insertRowLast( -1 ),
- insertPreRows( -1 ),
- editBuffer( 0 ),
- cancelMode( FALSE ),
- cancelInsert( FALSE ),
- cancelUpdate( FALSE )
- {}
- ~TQDataTablePrivate() { if ( propertyMap ) delete propertyMap; }
- TQString nullTxt;
- bool nullTxtChanged;
- typedef TQValueList< uint > ColIndex;
- ColIndex colIndex;
- bool haveAllRows;
- bool continuousEdit;
- TQSqlEditorFactory* editorFactory;
- TQSqlPropertyMap* propertyMap;
- TQString trueTxt;
- Qt::DateFormat datefmt;
- TQString falseTxt;
- int editRow;
- int editCol;
- int insertRowLast;
- TQString insertHeaderLabelLast;
- int insertPreRows;
- TQSqlRecord* editBuffer;
- bool cancelMode;
- bool cancelInsert;
- bool cancelUpdate;
- int lastAt;
- TQString ftr;
- TQStringList srt;
- TQStringList fld;
- TQStringList fldLabel;
- TQValueList<int> fldWidth;
- TQValueList<TQIconSet> fldIcon;
- TQValueList<bool> fldHidden;
- TQSqlCursorManager cur;
- TQDataManager dat;
-void qt_debug_buffer( const TQString& msg, TQSqlRecord* cursor )
- qDebug("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
- qDebug(msg);
- for ( uint j = 0; j < cursor->count(); ++j ) {
- qDebug(cursor->field(j)->name() + " type:" + TQString(cursor->field(j)->value().typeName()) + " value:" + cursor->field(j)->value().toString() );
- }
- \enum TQDataTable::Refresh
- This enum describes the refresh options.
- \value RefreshData refresh the data, i.e. read it from the database
- \value RefreshColumns refresh the list of fields, e.g. the column headings
- \value RefreshAll refresh both the data and the list of fields
- \class TQDataTable tqdatatable.h
- \brief The TQDataTable class provides a flexible SQL table widget that supports browsing and editing.
- \ingroup database
- \mainclass
- \module sql
- TQDataTable supports various functions for presenting and editing
- SQL data from a \l TQSqlCursor in a table.
- If you want a to present your data in a form use TQDataBrowser, or
- for read-only forms, TQDataView.
- When displaying data, TQDataTable only retrieves data for visible
- rows. If the driver supports the 'query size' property the
- TQDataTable will have the correct number of rows and the vertical
- scrollbar will accurately reflect the number of rows displayed in
- proportion to the number of rows in the dataset. If the driver
- does not support the 'query size' property, rows are dynamically
- fetched from the database on an as-needed basis with the scrollbar
- becoming more accurate as the user scrolls down through the
- records. This allows extremely large queries to be displayed as
- quickly as possible, with minimum memory usage.
- TQDataTable inherits TQTable's API and extends it with functions to
- sort and filter the data and sort columns. See setSqlCursor(),
- setFilter(), setSort(), setSorting(), sortColumn() and refresh().
- When displaying editable cursors, cell editing will be enabled.
- (For more information on editable cursors, see \l TQSqlCursor).
- TQDataTable can be used to modify existing data and to add new
- records. When a user makes changes to a field in the table, the
- cursor's edit buffer is used. The table will not send changes in
- the edit buffer to the database until the user moves to a
- different record in the grid or presses Enter. Cell editing is
- initiated by pressing F2 (or right clicking and then clicking the
- appropriate popup menu item) and canceled by pressing Esc. If
- there is a problem updating or adding data, errors are handled
- automatically (see handleError() to change this behavior). Note
- that if autoEdit() is FALSE navigating to another record will
- cancel the insert or update.
- The user can be asked to confirm all edits with setConfirmEdits().
- For more precise control use setConfirmInsert(),
- setConfirmUpdate(), setConfirmDelete() and setConfirmCancels().
- Use setAutoEdit() to control the behaviour of the table when the
- user edits a record and then navigates. (Note that setAutoDelete()
- is unrelated; it is used to set whether the TQSqlCursor is deleted
- when the table is deleted.)
- Since the data table can perform edits, it must be able to
- uniquely identify every record so that edits are correctly
- applied. Because of this the underlying cursor must have a valid
- primary index to ensure that a unique record is inserted, updated
- or deleted within the database otherwise the database may be
- changed to an inconsistent state.
- TQDataTable creates editors using the default \l TQSqlEditorFactory.
- Different editor factories can be used by calling
- installEditorFactory(). A property map is used to map between the
- cell's value and the editor. You can use your own property map
- with installPropertyMap().
- The contents of a cell is available as a TQString with text() or as
- a TQVariant with value(). The current record is returned by
- currentRecord(). Use the find() function to search for a string in
- the table.
- Editing actions can be applied programatically. For example, the
- insertCurrent() function reads the fields from the current record
- into the cursor and performs the insert. The updateCurrent() and
- deleteCurrent() functions perform similarly to update and delete
- the current record respectively.
- Columns in the table can be created automatically based on the
- cursor (see setSqlCursor()). Columns can be manipulated manually
- using addColumn(), removeColumn() and setColumn().
- The table automatically copies many of the properties of the
- cursor to format the display of data within cells (tqalignment,
- visibility, etc.). The cursor can be changed with setSqlCursor().
- The filter (see setFilter()) and sort defined within the table are
- used instead of the filter and sort set on the cursor. For sorting
- options see setSort(), sortColumn(), sortAscending() and
- sortDescending(). Note that sorting operations will not behave as
- expected if you are using a TQSqlSelectCursor because it uses
- user-defined SQL queries to obtain data.
- The text used to represent NULL, TRUE and FALSE values can be
- changed with setNullText(), setTrueText() and setFalseText()
- respectively. You can change the appearance of cells by
- reimplementing paintField().
- Whenever a new row is selected in the table the currentChanged()
- signal is emitted. The primeInsert() signal is emitted when an
- insert is initiated. The primeUpdate() and primeDelete() Q_SIGNALS
- are emitted when update and deletion are initiated respectively.
- Just before the database is updated a signal is emitted;
- beforeInsert(), beforeUpdate() or beforeDelete() as appropriate.
- Constructs a data table which is a child of \a parent, called
- name \a name.
-TQDataTable::TQDataTable ( TQWidget * parent, const char * name )
- : TQTable( parent, name )
- init();
- Constructs a data table which is a child of \a parent, called name
- \a name using the cursor \a cursor.
- If \a autoPopulate is TRUE (the default is FALSE), columns are
- automatically created based upon the fields in the \a cursor
- record. Note that \a autoPopulate only governs the creation of
- columns; to load the cursor's data into the table use refresh().
- If the \a cursor is read-only, the table also becomes read-only.
- In addition, the table adopts the cursor's driver's definition for
- representing NULL values as strings.
-TQDataTable::TQDataTable ( TQSqlCursor* cursor, bool autoPopulate, TQWidget * parent, const char * name )
- : TQTable( parent, name )
- init();
- setSqlCursor( cursor, autoPopulate );
-/*! \internal
-void TQDataTable::init()
- d = new TQDataTablePrivate();
- setAutoEdit( TRUE );
- setSelectionMode( SingleRow );
- setFocusStyle( FollowStyle );
- d->trueTxt = tr( "True" );
- d->falseTxt = tr( "False" );
- d->datefmt = Qt::LocalDate;
- reset();
- connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ),
- TQT_SLOT( updateCurrentSelection()));
- Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources.
- delete d;
- Adds the next column to be displayed using the field \a fieldName,
- column label \a label, width \a width and iconset \a iconset.
- If \a label is specified, it is used as the column's header label,
- otherwise the field's display label is used when setSqlCursor() is
- called. The \a iconset is used to set the icon used by the column
- header; by default there is no icon.
- \sa setSqlCursor() refresh()
-void TQDataTable::addColumn( const TQString& fieldName,
- const TQString& label,
- int width,
- const TQIconSet& iconset )
- d->fld += fieldName;
- d->fldLabel += label;
- d->fldIcon += iconset;
- d->fldWidth += width;
- d->fldHidden += FALSE;
- Sets the \a col column to display using the field \a fieldName,
- column label \a label, width \a width and iconset \a iconset.
- If \a label is specified, it is used as the column's header label,
- otherwise the field's display label is used when setSqlCursor() is
- called. The \a iconset is used to set the icon used by the column
- header; by default there is no icon.
- \sa setSqlCursor() refresh()
-void TQDataTable::setColumn( uint col, const TQString& fieldName,
- const TQString& label,
- int width,
- const TQIconSet& iconset )
- d->fld[col]= fieldName;
- d->fldLabel[col] = label;
- d->fldIcon[col] = iconset;
- d->fldWidth[col] = width;
- d->fldHidden[col] = FALSE;
- Removes column \a col from the list of columns to be displayed. If
- \a col does not exist, nothing happens.
- \sa TQSqlField
-void TQDataTable::removeColumn( uint col )
- if ( d-> col ) != d->fld.end() ) {
- d->fld.remove( d-> col ) );
- d->fldLabel.remove( d-> col ) );
- d->fldIcon.remove( d-> col ) );
- d->fldWidth.remove( d-> col ) );
- d->fldHidden.remove( d-> col ) );
- }
- Sets the column \a col to the width \a w. Note that unlike TQTable
- the TQDataTable is not immediately redrawn, you must call
- refresh(TQDataTable::RefreshColumns)
- yourself.
- \sa refresh()
-void TQDataTable::setColumnWidth( int col, int w )
- if ( d-> col ) != d->fldWidth.end() ) {
- d->fldWidth[col] = w;
- }
- Resizes column \a col so that the column width is wide enough to
- display the widest item the column contains (including the column
- label). If the table's TQSqlCursor is not currently active, the
- cursor will be refreshed before the column width is calculated. Be
- aware that this function may be slow on tables that contain large
- result sets.
-void TQDataTable::adjustColumn( int col )
- TQSqlCursor * cur = sqlCursor();
- if ( !cur || cur->count() <= (uint)col )
- return;
- if ( !cur->isActive() ) {
- d->cur.refresh();
- }
- int oldRow = currentRow();
- int w = fontMetrics().width( horizontalHeader()->label( col ) + "W" );
- cur->seek( TQSql::BeforeFirst );
- while ( cur->next() ) {
- w = TQMAX( w, fontMetrics().width( fieldToString( cur->field( indexOf( col ) ) ) ) + 10 );
- }
- setColumnWidth( col, w );
- cur->seek( oldRow );
- refresh( RefreshColumns );
-/*! \reimp
-void TQDataTable::setColumnStretchable( int col, bool s )
- if ( numCols() == 0 ) {
- refresh( RefreshColumns );
- }
- if ( numCols() > col ) {
- TQTable::setColumnStretchable( col, s );
- }
-TQString TQDataTable::filter() const
- return d->cur.filter();
- \property TQDataTable::filter
- \brief the data filter for the data table
- The filter applies to the data shown in the table. To view data
- with a new filter, use refresh(). A filter string is an SQL WHERE
- clause without the WHERE keyword.
- There is no default filter.
- \sa sort()
-void TQDataTable::setFilter( const TQString& filter )
- d->cur.setFilter( filter );
- \property TQDataTable::sort
- \brief the data table's sort
- The table's sort affects the order in which data records are
- displayed in the table. To apply a sort, use refresh().
- When examining the sort property, a string list is returned with
- each item having the form 'fieldname order' (e.g., 'id ASC',
- 'surname DESC').
- There is no default sort.
- Note that if you want to iterate over the sort list, you should
- iterate over a copy, e.g.
- \code
- TQStringList list = myDataTable.sort();
- TQStringList::Iterator it = list.begin();
- while( it != list.end() ) {
- myProcessing( *it );
- ++it;
- }
- \endcode
- \sa filter() refresh()
-void TQDataTable::setSort( const TQStringList& sort )
- d->cur.setSort( sort );
- \overload
- Sets the sort to be applied to the displayed data to \a sort. If
- there is no current cursor, nothing happens. A TQSqlIndex contains
- field names and their ordering (ASC or DESC); these are used to
- compose the ORDER BY clause.
- \sa sort()
-void TQDataTable::setSort( const TQSqlIndex& sort )
- d->cur.setSort( sort );
-TQStringList TQDataTable::sort() const
- return d->cur.sort();
- Returns the cursor used by the data table.
-TQSqlCursor* TQDataTable::sqlCursor() const
- return d->cur.cursor();
-void TQDataTable::setConfirmEdits( bool confirm )
- d->dat.setConfirmEdits( confirm );
-void TQDataTable::setConfirmInsert( bool confirm )
- d->dat.setConfirmInsert( confirm );
-void TQDataTable::setConfirmUpdate( bool confirm )
- d->dat.setConfirmUpdate( confirm );
-void TQDataTable::setConfirmDelete( bool confirm )
- d->dat.setConfirmDelete( confirm );
- \property TQDataTable::confirmEdits
- \brief whether the data table confirms edit operations
- If the confirmEdits property is TRUE, the data table confirms all
- edit operations (inserts, updates and deletes). Finer control of
- edit confirmation can be achieved using \l confirmCancels, \l
- confirmInsert, \l confirmUpdate and \l confirmDelete.
- \sa confirmCancels() confirmInsert() confirmUpdate() confirmDelete()
-bool TQDataTable::confirmEdits() const
- return ( d->dat.confirmEdits() );
- \property TQDataTable::confirmInsert
- \brief whether the data table confirms insert operations
- If the confirmInsert property is TRUE, all insertions must be
- confirmed by the user through a message box (this behaviour can be
- changed by overriding the confirmEdit() function), otherwise all
- insert operations occur immediately.
- \sa confirmCancels() confirmEdits() confirmUpdate() confirmDelete()
-bool TQDataTable::confirmInsert() const
- return ( d->dat.confirmInsert() );
- \property TQDataTable::confirmUpdate
- \brief whether the data table confirms update operations
- If the confirmUpdate property is TRUE, all updates must be
- confirmed by the user through a message box (this behaviour can be
- changed by overriding the confirmEdit() function), otherwise all
- update operations occur immediately.
- \sa confirmCancels() confirmEdits() confirmInsert() confirmDelete()
-bool TQDataTable::confirmUpdate() const
- return ( d->dat.confirmUpdate() );
- \property TQDataTable::confirmDelete
- \brief whether the data table confirms delete operations
- If the confirmDelete property is TRUE, all deletions must be
- confirmed by the user through a message box (this behaviour can be
- changed by overriding the confirmEdit() function), otherwise all
- delete operations occur immediately.
- \sa confirmCancels() confirmEdits() confirmUpdate() confirmInsert()
-bool TQDataTable::confirmDelete() const
- return ( d->dat.confirmDelete() );
- \property TQDataTable::confirmCancels
- \brief whether the data table confirms cancel operations
- If the confirmCancel property is TRUE, all cancels must be
- confirmed by the user through a message box (this behavior can be
- changed by overriding the confirmCancel() function), otherwise all
- cancels occur immediately. The default is FALSE.
- \sa confirmEdits() confirmCancel()
-void TQDataTable::setConfirmCancels( bool confirm )
- d->dat.setConfirmCancels( confirm );
-bool TQDataTable::confirmCancels() const
- return d->dat.confirmCancels();
- \reimp
- For an editable table, creates an editor suitable for the field in
- column \a col. The editor is created using the default editor
- factory, unless a different editor factory was installed with
- installEditorFactory(). The editor is primed with the value of the
- field in \a col using a property map. The property map used is the
- default property map, unless a new property map was installed with
- installPropertMap(). If \a initFromCell is TRUE then the editor is
- primed with the value in the TQDataTable cell.
-TQWidget * TQDataTable::createEditor( int , int col, bool initFromCell ) const
- if ( d->dat.mode() == TQSql::None )
- return 0;
- TQSqlEditorFactory * f = (d->editorFactory == 0) ?
- TQSqlEditorFactory::defaultFactory() : d->editorFactory;
- TQSqlPropertyMap * m = (d->propertyMap == 0) ?
- TQSqlPropertyMap::defaultMap() : d->propertyMap;
- TQWidget * w = 0;
- if( initFromCell && d->editBuffer ){
- w = f->createEditor( viewport(), d->editBuffer->field( indexOf( col ) ) );
- if ( w )
- m->setProperty( w, d->editBuffer->value( indexOf( col ) ) );
- }
- return w;
-/*! \reimp */
-bool TQDataTable::eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e )
- if ( d->cancelMode )
- return TRUE;
- int r = currentRow();
- int c = currentColumn();
- if ( d->dat.mode() != TQSql::None ) {
- r = d->editRow;
- c = d->editCol;
- }
- d->cancelInsert = FALSE;
- d->cancelUpdate = FALSE;
- switch ( e->type() ) {
- case TQEvent::KeyPress: {
- int conf = TQSql::Yes;
- TQKeyEvent *ke = (TQKeyEvent*)e;
- if ( ( ke->key() == Qt::Key_Tab || ke->key() == TQt::Key_BackTab )
- && ke->state() & ControlButton )
- return FALSE;
- if ( ke->key() == Key_Escape && d->dat.mode() == TQSql::Insert ){
- if ( confirmCancels() && !d->cancelMode ) {
- d->cancelMode = TRUE;
- conf = confirmCancel( TQSql::Insert );
- d->cancelMode = FALSE;
- }
- if ( conf == TQSql::Yes ) {
- d->cancelInsert = TRUE;
- } else {
- TQWidget *editorWidget = cellWidget( r, c );
- if ( editorWidget ) {
- editorWidget->setActiveWindow();
- editorWidget->setFocus();
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- if ( ke->key() == Key_Escape && d->dat.mode() == TQSql::Update ) {
- if ( confirmCancels() && !d->cancelMode ) {
- d->cancelMode = TRUE;
- conf = confirmCancel( TQSql::Update );
- d->cancelMode = FALSE;
- }
- if ( conf == TQSql::Yes ){
- d->cancelUpdate = TRUE;
- } else {
- TQWidget *editorWidget = cellWidget( r, c );
- if ( editorWidget ) {
- editorWidget->setActiveWindow();
- editorWidget->setFocus();
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- if ( ke->key() == Qt::Key_Insert && d->dat.mode() == TQSql::None ) {
- beginInsert();
- return TRUE;
- }
- if ( ke->key() == Qt::Key_Delete && d->dat.mode() == TQSql::None ) {
- deleteCurrent();
- return TRUE;
- }
- if ( d->dat.mode() != TQSql::None ) {
- if ( (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Tab) && (c < numCols() - 1) && (!isColumnReadOnly( c+1 ) || d->dat.mode() == TQSql::Insert) )
- d->continuousEdit = TRUE;
- else if ( (ke->key() == TQt::Key_BackTab) && (c > 0) && (!isColumnReadOnly( c-1 ) || d->dat.mode() == TQSql::Insert) )
- d->continuousEdit = TRUE;
- else
- d->continuousEdit = FALSE;
- }
- TQSqlCursor * sql = sqlCursor();
- if ( sql && sql->driver() &&
- !sql->driver()->hasFeature( TQSqlDriver::QuerySize ) &&
- ke->key() == Qt::Key_End && d->dat.mode() == TQSql::None ) {
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- TQApplication::setOverrideCursor( TQt::WaitCursor );
- int i = sql->at();
- if ( i < 0 ) {
- i = 0;
- sql->seek(0);
- }
- while ( sql->next() )
- i++;
- setNumRows( i+1 );
- setCurrentCell( i+1, currentColumn() );
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
- return TRUE;
- }
- break;
- }
- case TQEvent::FocusOut: {
- TQWidget *editorWidget = cellWidget( r, c );
- repaintCell( currentRow(), currentColumn() );
- if ( !d->cancelMode && editorWidget && TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(editorWidget) &&
- ( d->dat.mode() == TQSql::Insert) && !d->continuousEdit) {
- setCurrentCell( r, c );
- d->cancelInsert = TRUE;
- }
- d->continuousEdit = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- case TQEvent::FocusIn:
- repaintCell( currentRow(), currentColumn() );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return TQTable::eventFilter( o, e );
-/*! \reimp */
-void TQDataTable::resizeEvent ( TQResizeEvent * e )
- if ( sqlCursor() &&
- sqlCursor()->driver() &&
- !sqlCursor()->driver()->hasFeature( TQSqlDriver::QuerySize ) )
- loadNextPage();
- TQTable::resizeEvent( e );
-/*! \reimp */
-void TQDataTable::contentsContextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent* e )
- TQTable::contentsContextMenuEvent( e );
- if ( isEditing() && d->dat.mode() != TQSql::None )
- endEdit( d->editRow, d->editCol, autoEdit(), FALSE );
- if ( !sqlCursor() )
- return;
- if ( d->dat.mode() == TQSql::None ) {
- if ( isReadOnly() )
- return;
- enum {
- IdInsert,
- IdUpdate,
- IdDelete
- };
- TQGuardedPtr<TQPopupMenu> popup = new TQPopupMenu( this, "qt_datatable_menu" );
- int id[ 3 ];
- id[ IdInsert ] = popup->insertItem( tr( "Insert" ) );
- id[ IdUpdate ] = popup->insertItem( tr( "Update" ) );
- id[ IdDelete ] = popup->insertItem( tr( "Delete" ) );
- bool enableInsert = sqlCursor()->canInsert();
- popup->setItemEnabled( id[ IdInsert ], enableInsert );
- bool enableUpdate = currentRow() > -1 && sqlCursor()->canUpdate() && !isColumnReadOnly( currentColumn() );
- popup->setItemEnabled( id[ IdUpdate ], enableUpdate );
- bool enableDelete = currentRow() > -1 && sqlCursor()->canDelete();
- popup->setItemEnabled( id[ IdDelete ], enableDelete );
- int r = popup->exec( e->globalPos() );
- delete (TQPopupMenu*) popup;
- if ( r == id[ IdInsert ] )
- beginInsert();
- else if ( r == id[ IdUpdate ] ) {
- if ( beginEdit( currentRow(), currentColumn(), FALSE ) )
- setEditMode( Editing, currentRow(), currentColumn() );
- else
- endUpdate();
- }
- else if ( r == id[ IdDelete ] )
- deleteCurrent();
- e->accept();
- }
-/*! \reimp */
-void TQDataTable::contentsMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* e )
- TQTable::contentsMousePressEvent( e );
-/*! \reimp */
-TQWidget* TQDataTable::beginEdit ( int row, int col, bool replace )
- d->editRow = -1;
- d->editCol = -1;
- if ( !sqlCursor() )
- return 0;
- if ( d->dat.mode() == TQSql::Insert && !sqlCursor()->canInsert() )
- return 0;
- if ( d->dat.mode() == TQSql::Update && !sqlCursor()->canUpdate() )
- return 0;
- d->editRow = row;
- d->editCol = col;
- if ( d->continuousEdit ) {
- // see comment in beginInsert()
- bool fakeReadOnly = isColumnReadOnly( col );
- setColumnReadOnly( col, FALSE );
- TQWidget* w = TQTable::beginEdit( row, col, replace );
- setColumnReadOnly( col, fakeReadOnly );
- return w;
- }
- if ( d->dat.mode() == TQSql::None && sqlCursor()->canUpdate() && sqlCursor()->primaryIndex().count() > 0 )
- return beginUpdate( row, col, replace );
- return 0;
-/*! \reimp */
-void TQDataTable::endEdit( int row, int col, bool, bool )
- bool accept = autoEdit() && !d->cancelInsert && !d->cancelUpdate;
- TQWidget *editor = cellWidget( row, col );
- if ( !editor )
- return;
- if ( d->cancelMode )
- return;
- if ( d->dat.mode() != TQSql::None && d->editBuffer ) {
- TQSqlPropertyMap * m = (d->propertyMap == 0) ?
- TQSqlPropertyMap::defaultMap() : d->propertyMap;
- d->editBuffer->setValue( indexOf( col ), m->property( editor ) );
- clearCellWidget( row, col );
- if ( !d->continuousEdit ) {
- switch ( d->dat.mode() ) {
- case TQSql::Insert:
- if ( accept )
- TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT( doInsertCurrent() ) );
- else
- endInsert();
- break;
- case TQSql::Update:
- if ( accept )
- TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT( doUpdateCurrent() ) );
- else
- endUpdate();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- setEditMode( NotEditing, -1, -1 );
- }
- if ( d->dat.mode() == TQSql::None )
- viewport()->setFocus();
- updateCell( row, col );
- emit valueChanged( row, col );
-/*! \internal */
-void TQDataTable::doInsertCurrent()
- insertCurrent();
-/*! \internal */
-void TQDataTable::doUpdateCurrent()
- updateCurrent();
- if ( d->dat.mode() == TQSql::None ) {
- viewport()->setFocus();
- }
-/*! \reimp */
-void TQDataTable::activateNextCell()
-// if ( d->dat.mode() == TQSql::None )
-// TQTable::activateNextCell();
-/*! \internal
-void TQDataTable::endInsert()
- if ( d->dat.mode() != TQSql::Insert )
- return;
- d->dat.setMode( TQSql::None );
- d->editBuffer = 0;
- verticalHeader()->setLabel( d->editRow, TQString::number( d->editRow +1 ) );
- d->editRow = -1;
- d->editCol = -1;
- d->insertRowLast = -1;
- d->insertHeaderLabelLast = TQString::null;
- setEditMode( NotEditing, -1, -1 );
- setNumRows( d->insertPreRows );
- d->insertPreRows = -1;
- viewport()->setFocus();
-/*! \internal
-void TQDataTable::endUpdate()
- d->dat.setMode( TQSql::None );
- d->editBuffer = 0;
- updateRow( d->editRow );
- d->editRow = -1;
- d->editCol = -1;
- setEditMode( NotEditing, -1, -1 );
- Protected virtual function called when editing is about to begin
- on a new record. If the table is read-only, or if there's no
- cursor or the cursor does not allow inserts, nothing happens.
- Editing takes place using the cursor's edit buffer(see
- TQSqlCursor::editBuffer()).
- When editing begins, a new row is created in the table marked with
- an asterisk '*' in the row's vertical header column, i.e. at the
- left of the row.
-bool TQDataTable::beginInsert()
- if ( !sqlCursor() || isReadOnly() || !numCols() )
- return FALSE;
- if ( !sqlCursor()->canInsert() )
- return FALSE;
- int i = 0;
- int row = currentRow();
- d->insertPreRows = numRows();
- if ( row < 0 || numRows() < 1 )
- row = 0;
- setNumRows( d->insertPreRows + 1 );
- setCurrentCell( row, 0 );
- d->editBuffer = sqlCursor()->primeInsert();
- emit primeInsert( d->editBuffer );
- d->dat.setMode( TQSql::Insert );
- int lastRow = row;
- int lastY = contentsY() + visibleHeight();
- for ( i = row; i < numRows() ; ++i ) {
- TQRect cg = cellGeometry( i, 0 );
- if ( (cg.y()+cg.height()) > lastY ) {
- lastRow = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( lastRow == row && ( numRows()-1 > row ) )
- lastRow = numRows() - 1;
- d->insertRowLast = lastRow;
- d->insertHeaderLabelLast = verticalHeader()->label( d->insertRowLast );
- verticalHeader()->setLabel( row, "*" );
- d->editRow = row;
- // in the db world it's common to allow inserting new records
- // into a table that has read-only columns - temporarily
- // switch off read-only mode for such columns
- bool fakeReadOnly = isColumnReadOnly( 0 );
- setColumnReadOnly( 0, FALSE );
- if ( TQTable::beginEdit( row, 0, FALSE ) )
- setEditMode( Editing, row, 0 );
- setColumnReadOnly( 0, fakeReadOnly );
- return TRUE;
- Protected virtual function called when editing is about to begin
- on an existing row. If the table is read-only, or if there's no
- cursor, nothing happens.
- Editing takes place using the cursor's edit buffer (see
- TQSqlCursor::editBuffer()).
- \a row and \a col refer to the row and column in the TQDataTable.
- (\a replace is provided for reimplementors and reflects the API of
- TQTable::beginEdit().)
-TQWidget* TQDataTable::beginUpdate ( int row, int col, bool replace )
- if ( !sqlCursor() || isReadOnly() || isColumnReadOnly( col ) )
- return 0;
- setCurrentCell( row, col );
- d->dat.setMode( TQSql::Update );
- if ( sqlCursor()->seek( row ) ) {
- d->editBuffer = sqlCursor()->primeUpdate();
- sqlCursor()->seek( currentRow() );
- emit primeUpdate( d->editBuffer );
- return TQTable::beginEdit( row, col, replace );
- }
- return 0;
- For an editable table, issues an insert on the current cursor
- using the values in the cursor's edit buffer. If there is no
- current cursor or there is no current "insert" row, nothing
- happens. If confirmEdits() or confirmInsert() is TRUE,
- confirmEdit() is called to confirm the insert. Returns TRUE if the
- insert succeeded; otherwise returns FALSE.
- The underlying cursor must have a valid primary index to ensure
- that a unique record is inserted within the database otherwise the
- database may be changed to an inconsistent state.
-bool TQDataTable::insertCurrent()
- if ( d->dat.mode() != TQSql::Insert || ! numCols() )
- return FALSE;
- if ( !sqlCursor()->canInsert() ) {
- qWarning("TQDataTable::insertCurrent: insert not allowed for %s",
- sqlCursor()->name().latin1() );
- endInsert();
- return FALSE;
- }
- int b = 0;
- int conf = TQSql::Yes;
- if ( confirmEdits() || confirmInsert() )
- conf = confirmEdit( TQSql::Insert );
- switch ( conf ) {
- case TQSql::Yes: {
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- TQApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
- emit beforeInsert( d->editBuffer );
- b = sqlCursor()->insert();
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
- if ( ( !b && !sqlCursor()->isActive() ) || !sqlCursor()->isActive() ) {
- handleError( sqlCursor()->lastError() );
- endInsert(); // cancel the insert if anything goes wrong
- refresh();
- } else {
- endInsert();
- refresh();
- TQSqlIndex idx = sqlCursor()->primaryIndex();
- findBuffer( idx, d->lastAt );
- repaintContents( contentsX(), contentsY(), visibleWidth(), visibleHeight(), FALSE );
- emit cursorChanged( TQSql::Insert );
- }
- break;
- }
- case TQSql::No:
- endInsert();
- break;
- case TQSql::Cancel:
- if ( TQTable::beginEdit( currentRow(), currentColumn(), FALSE ) )
- setEditMode( Editing, currentRow(), currentColumn() );
- break;
- }
- return ( b > 0 );
-/*! \internal
- Updates the row \a row.
-void TQDataTable::updateRow( int row )
- for ( int i = 0; i < numCols(); ++i )
- updateCell( row, i );
- For an editable table, issues an update using the cursor's edit
- buffer. If there is no current cursor or there is no current
- selection, nothing happens. If confirmEdits() or confirmUpdate()
- is TRUE, confirmEdit() is called to confirm the update. Returns
- TRUE if the update succeeded; otherwise returns FALSE.
- The underlying cursor must have a valid primary index to ensure
- that a unique record is updated within the database otherwise the
- database may be changed to an inconsistent state.
-bool TQDataTable::updateCurrent()
- if ( d->dat.mode() != TQSql::Update )
- return FALSE;
- if ( sqlCursor()->primaryIndex().count() == 0 ) {
- qWarning("TQDataTable::updateCurrent: no primary index for %s",
- sqlCursor()->name().latin1() );
- endUpdate();
- return FALSE;
- }
- if ( !sqlCursor()->canUpdate() ) {
- qWarning("TQDataTable::updateCurrent: updates not allowed for %s",
- sqlCursor()->name().latin1() );
- endUpdate();
- return FALSE;
- }
- int b = 0;
- int conf = TQSql::Yes;
- if ( confirmEdits() || confirmUpdate() )
- conf = confirmEdit( TQSql::Update );
- switch ( conf ) {
- case TQSql::Yes: {
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- TQApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
- emit beforeUpdate( d->editBuffer );
- b = sqlCursor()->update();
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
- if ( ( !b && !sqlCursor()->isActive() ) || !sqlCursor()->isActive() ) {
- handleError( sqlCursor()->lastError() );
- endUpdate();
- refresh();
- setCurrentCell( d->editRow, d->editCol );
- if ( TQTable::beginEdit( d->editRow, d->editCol, FALSE ) )
- setEditMode( Editing, d->editRow, d->editCol );
- } else {
- emit cursorChanged( TQSql::Update );
- refresh();
- endUpdate();
- }
- break;
- }
- case TQSql::No:
- endUpdate();
- setEditMode( NotEditing, -1, -1 );
- break;
- case TQSql::Cancel:
- setCurrentCell( d->editRow, d->editCol );
- if ( TQTable::beginEdit( d->editRow, d->editCol, FALSE ) )
- setEditMode( Editing, d->editRow, d->editCol );
- break;
- }
- return ( b > 0 );
- For an editable table, issues a delete on the current cursor's
- primary index using the values of the currently selected row. If
- there is no current cursor or there is no current selection,
- nothing happens. If confirmEdits() or confirmDelete() is TRUE,
- confirmEdit() is called to confirm the delete. Returns TRUE if the
- delete succeeded; otherwise FALSE.
- The underlying cursor must have a valid primary index to ensure
- that a unique record is deleted within the database otherwise the
- database may be changed to an inconsistent state.
-bool TQDataTable::deleteCurrent()
- if ( !sqlCursor() || isReadOnly() )
- return FALSE;
- if ( sqlCursor()->primaryIndex().count() == 0 ) {
- qWarning("TQDataTable::deleteCurrent: no primary index %s",
- sqlCursor()->name().latin1() );
- return FALSE;
- }
- if ( !sqlCursor()->canDelete() )
- return FALSE;
- int b = 0;
- int conf = TQSql::Yes;
- if ( confirmEdits() || confirmDelete() )
- conf = confirmEdit( TQSql::Delete );
- // Have to have this here - the confirmEdit() might pop up a
- // dialog that causes a tqrepaint which the cursor to the
- // record it has to tqrepaint.
- if ( !sqlCursor()->seek( currentRow() ) )
- return FALSE;
- switch ( conf ) {
- case TQSql::Yes:{
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- TQApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
- sqlCursor()->primeDelete();
- emit primeDelete( sqlCursor()->editBuffer() );
- emit beforeDelete( sqlCursor()->editBuffer() );
- b = sqlCursor()->del();
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
- if ( !b )
- handleError( sqlCursor()->lastError() );
- refresh();
- emit cursorChanged( TQSql::Delete );
- setCurrentCell( currentRow(), currentColumn() );
- repaintContents( contentsX(), contentsY(), visibleWidth(), visibleHeight(), FALSE );
- verticalHeader()->tqrepaint(); // get rid of trailing garbage
- }
- break;
- case TQSql::No:
- setEditMode( NotEditing, -1, -1 );
- break;
- }
- return ( b > 0 );
- Protected virtual function which returns a confirmation for an
- edit of mode \a m. Derived classes can reimplement this function
- to provide their own confirmation dialog. The default
- implementation uses a message box which prompts the user to
- confirm the edit action.
-TQSql::Confirm TQDataTable::confirmEdit( TQSql::Op m )
- return d->dat.confirmEdit( this, m );
- Protected virtual function which returns a confirmation for
- cancelling an edit mode of \a m. Derived classes can reimplement
- this function to provide their own cancel dialog. The default
- implementation uses a message box which prompts the user to
- confirm the cancel.
-TQSql::Confirm TQDataTable::confirmCancel( TQSql::Op m )
- return d->dat.confirmCancel( this, m );
- Searches the current cursor for a cell containing the string \a
- str starting at the current cell and working forwards (or
- backwards if \a backwards is TRUE). If the string is found, the
- cell containing the string is set as the current cell. If \a
- caseSensitive is FALSE the case of \a str will be ignored.
- The search will wrap, i.e. if the first (or if backwards is TRUE,
- last) cell is reached without finding \a str the search will
- continue until it reaches the starting cell. If \a str is not
- found the search will fail and the current cell will remain
- unchanged.
-void TQDataTable::find( const TQString & str, bool caseSensitive, bool backwards )
- if ( !sqlCursor() )
- return;
- TQSqlCursor * r = sqlCursor();
- TQString tmp, text;
- uint row = currentRow(), startRow = row,
- col = backwards ? currentColumn() - 1 : currentColumn() + 1;
- bool wrap = TRUE, found = FALSE;
- if( str.isEmpty() || str.isNull() )
- return;
- if( !caseSensitive )
- tmp = str.lower();
- else
- tmp = str;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- TQApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
- while( wrap ){
- while( !found && r->seek( row ) ){
- for( int i = col; backwards ? (i >= 0) : (i < (int) numCols());
- backwards ? i-- : i++ )
- {
- text = r->value( indexOf( i ) ).toString();
- if( !caseSensitive ){
- text = text.lower();
- }
- if( text.contains( tmp ) ){
- setCurrentCell( row, i );
- col = i;
- found = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if( !backwards ){
- col = 0;
- row++;
- } else {
- col = numCols() - 1;
- row--;
- }
- }
- if( !backwards ){
- if( startRow != 0 ){
- startRow = 0;
- } else {
- wrap = FALSE;
- }
- r->first();
- row = 0;
- } else {
- if( startRow != (uint) (numRows() - 1) ){
- startRow = numRows() - 1;
- } else {
- wrap = FALSE;
- }
- r->last();
- row = numRows() - 1;
- }
- }
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
- Resets the table so that it displays no data.
- \sa setSqlCursor()
-void TQDataTable::reset()
- clearCellWidget( currentRow(), currentColumn() );
- switch ( d->dat.mode() ) {
- case TQSql::Insert:
- endInsert();
- break;
- case TQSql::Update:
- endUpdate();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- ensureVisible( 0, 0 );
- verticalScrollBar()->setValue(0);
- setNumRows(0);
- d->haveAllRows = FALSE;
- d->continuousEdit = FALSE;
- d->dat.setMode( TQSql::None );
- d->editRow = -1;
- d->editCol = -1;
- d->insertRowLast = -1;
- d->insertHeaderLabelLast = TQString::null;
- d->cancelMode = FALSE;
- d->lastAt = -1;
- d->fld.clear();
- d->fldLabel.clear();
- d->fldWidth.clear();
- d->fldIcon.clear();
- d->fldHidden.clear();
- if ( sorting() )
- horizontalHeader()->setSortIndicator( -1 );
- Returns the index of the field within the current SQL query that
- is displayed in column \a i.
-int TQDataTable::indexOf( uint i ) const
- TQDataTablePrivate::ColIndex::ConstIterator it = d-> i );
- if ( it != d->colIndex.end() )
- return *it;
- return -1;
- Returns TRUE if the table will automatically delete the cursor
- specified by setSqlCursor(); otherwise returns FALSE.
-bool TQDataTable::autoDelete() const
- return d->cur.autoDelete();
- Sets the cursor auto-delete flag to \a enable. If \a enable is
- TRUE, the table will automatically delete the cursor specified by
- setSqlCursor(). If \a enable is FALSE (the default), the cursor
- will not be deleted.
-void TQDataTable::setAutoDelete( bool enable )
- d->cur.setAutoDelete( enable );
- \property TQDataTable::autoEdit
- \brief whether the data table automatically applies edits
- The default value for this property is TRUE. When the user begins
- an insert or update in the table there are two possible outcomes
- when they navigate to another record:
- \list 1
- \i the insert or update is is performed -- this occurs if autoEdit is TRUE
- \i the insert or update is abandoned -- this occurs if autoEdit is FALSE
- \endlist
-void TQDataTable::setAutoEdit( bool autoEdit )
- d->dat.setAutoEdit( autoEdit );
-bool TQDataTable::autoEdit() const
- return d->dat.autoEdit();
- \property TQDataTable::nullText
- \brief the text used to represent NULL values
- The nullText property will be used to represent NULL values in the
- table. The default value is provided by the cursor's driver.
-void TQDataTable::setNullText( const TQString& nullText )
- d->nullTxt = nullText;
- d->nullTxtChanged = TRUE;
-TQString TQDataTable::nullText() const
- return d->nullTxt;
- \property TQDataTable::trueText
- \brief the text used to represent true values
- The trueText property will be used to represent NULL values in the
- table. The default value is "True".
-void TQDataTable::setTrueText( const TQString& trueText )
- d->trueTxt = trueText;
-TQString TQDataTable::trueText() const
- return d->trueTxt;
- \property TQDataTable::falseText
- \brief the text used to represent false values
- The falseText property will be used to represent NULL values in
- the table. The default value is "False".
-void TQDataTable::setFalseText( const TQString& falseText )
- d->falseTxt = falseText;
-TQString TQDataTable::falseText() const
- return d->falseTxt;
- \property TQDataTable::dateFormat
- \brief the format used for displaying date/time values
- The dateFormat property is used for displaying date/time values in
- the table. The default value is \c TQt::LocalDate.
-void TQDataTable::setDateFormat( const Qt::DateFormat f )
- d->datefmt = f;
-Qt::DateFormat TQDataTable::dateFormat() const
- return d->datefmt;
- \property TQDataTable::numRows
- \brief the number of rows in the table
-int TQDataTable::numRows() const
- return TQTable::numRows();
- \reimp
- The number of rows in the table will be determined by the cursor
- (see setSqlCursor()), so normally this function should never be
- called. It is included for completeness.
-void TQDataTable::setNumRows ( int r )
- TQTable::setNumRows( r );
- \reimp
- The number of columns in the table will be determined
- automatically (see addColumn()), so normally this function should
- never be called. It is included for completeness.
-void TQDataTable::setNumCols ( int r )
- TQTable::setNumCols( r );
- \property TQDataTable::numCols
- \brief the number of columns in the table
-int TQDataTable::numCols() const
- return TQTable::numCols();
- Returns the text in cell \a row, \a col, or an empty string if the
- cell is empty. If the cell's value is NULL then nullText() will be
- returned. If the cell does not exist then TQString::null is
- returned.
-TQString TQDataTable::text ( int row, int col ) const
- if ( !sqlCursor() )
- return TQString::null;
- TQString s;
- if ( sqlCursor()->seek( row ) )
- s = sqlCursor()->value( indexOf( col ) ).toString();
- sqlCursor()->seek( currentRow() );
- return s;
- Returns the value in cell \a row, \a col, or an invalid value if
- the cell does not exist or has no value.
-TQVariant TQDataTable::value ( int row, int col ) const
- if ( !sqlCursor() )
- return TQVariant();
- TQVariant v;
- if ( sqlCursor()->seek( row ) )
- v = sqlCursor()->value( indexOf( col ) );
- sqlCursor()->seek( currentRow() );
- return v;
-/*! \internal
- Used to update the table when the size of the result set cannot be
- determined - divide the result set into pages and load the pages as
- the user moves around in the table.
-void TQDataTable::loadNextPage()
- if ( d->haveAllRows )
- return;
- if ( !sqlCursor() )
- return;
- int pageSize = 0;
- int lookAhead = 0;
- if ( height() ) {
- pageSize = (int)( height() * 2 / 20 );
- lookAhead = pageSize / 2;
- }
- int startIdx = verticalScrollBar()->value() / 20;
- int endIdx = startIdx + pageSize + lookAhead;
- if ( endIdx < numRows() || endIdx < 0 )
- return;
- // check for empty result set
- if ( sqlCursor()->at() == TQSql::BeforeFirst && !sqlCursor()->next() ) {
- d->haveAllRows = TRUE;
- return;
- }
- while ( endIdx > 0 && !sqlCursor()->seek( endIdx ) )
- endIdx--;
- if ( endIdx != ( startIdx + pageSize + lookAhead ) )
- d->haveAllRows = TRUE;
- // small hack to prevent TQTable from moving the view when a row
- // is selected and the contents is resized
- SelectionMode m = selectionMode();
- clearSelection();
- setSelectionMode( NoSelection );
- setNumRows( endIdx + 1 );
- sqlCursor()->seek( currentRow() );
- setSelectionMode( m );
-/*! \internal */
-void TQDataTable::sliderPressed()
- disconnect( verticalScrollBar(), TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( loadNextPage() ) );
-/*! \internal */
-void TQDataTable::sliderReleased()
- loadNextPage();
- connect( verticalScrollBar(), TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( loadNextPage() ) );
- Sorts column \a col in ascending order if \a ascending is TRUE
- (the default); otherwise sorts in descending order.
- The \a wholeRows parameter is ignored; TQDataTable always sorts
- whole rows by the specified column.
-void TQDataTable::sortColumn ( int col, bool ascending,
- bool )
- if ( sorting() ) {
- if ( isEditing() && d->dat.mode() != TQSql::None )
- endEdit( d->editRow, d->editCol, autoEdit(), FALSE );
- if ( !sqlCursor() )
- return;
- TQSqlIndex lastSort = sqlCursor()->sort();
- TQSqlIndex newSort( lastSort.cursorName(), "newSort" );
- TQSqlField *field = sqlCursor()->field( indexOf( col ) );
- if ( field )
- newSort.append( *field );
- newSort.setDescending( 0, !ascending );
- horizontalHeader()->setSortIndicator( col, ascending );
- setSort( newSort );
- refresh();
- }
-/*! \reimp */
-void TQDataTable::columnClicked ( int col )
- if ( sorting() ) {
- if ( !sqlCursor() )
- return;
- TQSqlIndex lastSort = sqlCursor()->sort();
- bool asc = TRUE;
- if ( lastSort.count() && lastSort.field( 0 )->name() == sqlCursor()->field( indexOf( col ) )->name() )
- asc = lastSort.isDescending( 0 );
- sortColumn( col, asc );
- emit currentChanged( sqlCursor() );
- }
- \reimp
- Repaints the cell at \a row, \a col.
-void TQDataTable::repaintCell( int row, int col )
- TQRect cg = cellGeometry( row, col );
- TQRect re( TQPoint( cg.x() - 2, cg.y() - 2 ),
- TQSize( cg.width() + 4, cg.height() + 4 ) );
- repaintContents( re, FALSE );
- \reimp
- This function renders the cell at \a row, \a col with the value of
- the corresponding cursor field on the painter \a p. Depending on
- the table's current edit mode, paintField() is called for the
- appropriate cursor field. \a cr describes the cell coordinates in
- the content coordinate system. If \a selected is TRUE the cell has
- been selected and would normally be rendered differently than an
- unselected cell.
- \sa TQSql::isNull()
-void TQDataTable::paintCell( TQPainter * p, int row, int col, const TQRect & cr,
- bool selected, const TQColorGroup &cg )
- TQTable::paintCell( p, row, col, cr, selected, cg ); // empty cell
- if ( !sqlCursor() )
- return;
- p->setPen( selected ? cg.highlightedText() : cg.text() );
- if ( d->dat.mode() != TQSql::None ) {
- if ( row == d->editRow && d->editBuffer ) {
- paintField( p, d->editBuffer->field( indexOf( col ) ), cr,
- selected );
- } else if ( row > d->editRow && d->dat.mode() == TQSql::Insert ) {
- if ( sqlCursor()->seek( row - 1 ) )
- paintField( p, sqlCursor()->field( indexOf( col ) ), cr,
- selected );
- } else {
- if ( sqlCursor()->seek( row ) )
- paintField( p, sqlCursor()->field( indexOf( col ) ), cr,
- selected );
- }
- } else {
- if ( sqlCursor()->seek( row ) )
- paintField( p, sqlCursor()->field( indexOf( col ) ), cr, selected );
- }
- Paints the \a field on the painter \a p. The painter has already
- been translated to the appropriate cell's origin where the \a
- field is to be rendered. \a cr describes the cell coordinates in
- the content coordinate system. The \a selected parameter is
- ignored.
- If you want to draw custom field content you must reimplement
- paintField() to do the custom drawing. The default implementation
- renders the \a field value as text. If the field is NULL,
- nullText() is displayed in the cell. If the field is Boolean,
- trueText() or falseText() is displayed as appropriate.
-void TQDataTable::paintField( TQPainter * p, const TQSqlField* field,
- const TQRect & cr, bool )
- if ( !field )
- return;
- p->drawText( 2,2, cr.width()-4, cr.height()-4, fieldAlignment( field ), fieldToString( field ) );
- Returns the tqalignment for \a field.
-int TQDataTable::fieldAlignment( const TQSqlField* /*field*/ )
- return TQt::AlignLeft | TQt::AlignVCenter; //## Reggie: add tqalignment to TQTable
- If the cursor's \a sql driver supports query sizes, the number of
- rows in the table is set to the size of the query. Otherwise, the
- table dynamically resizes itself as it is scrolled. If \a sql is
- not active, it is made active by issuing a select() on the cursor
- using the \a sql cursor's current filter and current sort.
-void TQDataTable::setSize( TQSqlCursor* sql )
- // ### what are the connect/disconnect calls doing here!? move to refresh()
- if ( sql->driver() && sql->driver()->hasFeature( TQSqlDriver::QuerySize ) ) {
- setVScrollBarMode( Auto );
- disconnect( verticalScrollBar(), TQT_SIGNAL( sliderPressed() ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( sliderPressed() ) );
- disconnect( verticalScrollBar(), TQT_SIGNAL( sliderReleased() ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( sliderReleased() ) );
- disconnect( verticalScrollBar(), TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( loadNextPage() ) );
- if ( numRows() != sql->size() )
- setNumRows( sql->size() );
- } else {
- setVScrollBarMode( AlwaysOn );
- connect( verticalScrollBar(), TQT_SIGNAL( sliderPressed() ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( sliderPressed() ) );
- connect( verticalScrollBar(), TQT_SIGNAL( sliderReleased() ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( sliderReleased() ) );
- connect( verticalScrollBar(), TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( loadNextPage() ) );
- setNumRows(0);
- loadNextPage();
- }
- Sets \a cursor as the data source for the table. To force the
- display of the data from \a cursor, use refresh(). If \a
- autoPopulate is TRUE, columns are automatically created based upon
- the fields in the \a cursor record. If \a autoDelete is TRUE (the
- default is FALSE), the table will take ownership of the \a cursor
- and delete it when appropriate. If the \a cursor is read-only, the
- table becomes read-only. The table adopts the cursor's driver's
- definition for representing NULL values as strings.
- \sa refresh() setReadOnly() setAutoDelete() TQSqlDriver::nullText()
-void TQDataTable::setSqlCursor( TQSqlCursor* cursor, bool autoPopulate, bool autoDelete )
- setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE );
- d->cur.setCursor( 0 );
- if ( cursor ) {
- d->cur.setCursor( cursor, autoDelete );
- if ( autoPopulate ) {
- d->fld.clear();
- d->fldLabel.clear();
- d->fldWidth.clear();
- d->fldIcon.clear();
- d->fldHidden.clear();
- for ( uint i = 0; i < sqlCursor()->count(); ++i ) {
- addColumn( sqlCursor()->field( i )->name(), sqlCursor()->field( i )->name() );
- setColumnReadOnly( i, sqlCursor()->field( i )->isReadOnly() );
- }
- }
- setReadOnly( sqlCursor()->isReadOnly() );
- if ( sqlCursor()->driver() && !d->nullTxtChanged )
- setNullText(sqlCursor()->driver()->nullText() );
- setAutoDelete( autoDelete );
- } else {
- setNumRows( 0 );
- setNumCols( 0 );
- }
- setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE );
- Protected virtual function which is called when an error \a e has
- occurred on the current cursor(). The default implementation
- displays a warning message to the user with information about the
- error.
-void TQDataTable::handleError( const TQSqlError& e )
- d->dat.handleError( this, e );
-/*! \reimp
- */
-void TQDataTable::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent* e )
- switch( e->key() ) {
- case Qt::Key_Left:
- case Qt::Key_Right:
- case Qt::Key_Up:
- case Qt::Key_Down:
- case TQt::Key_Prior:
- case TQt::Key_Next:
- case Qt::Key_Home:
- case Qt::Key_End:
- case Qt::Key_F2:
- case Qt::Key_Enter: case Qt::Key_Return:
- case Qt::Key_Tab: case TQt::Key_BackTab:
- TQTable::keyPressEvent( e );
- default:
- return;
- }
-/*! \reimp
-void TQDataTable::resizeData ( int )
-/*! \reimp
-TQTableItem * TQDataTable::item ( int, int ) const
- return 0;
-/*! \reimp
-void TQDataTable::setItem ( int , int , TQTableItem * )
-/*! \reimp
-void TQDataTable::clearCell ( int , int )
-/*! \reimp
-void TQDataTable::setPixmap ( int , int , const TQPixmap & )
-/*! \reimp */
-void TQDataTable::takeItem ( TQTableItem * )
- Installs a new SQL editor factory \a f. This enables the user to
- create and instantiate their own editors for use in cell editing.
- Note that TQDataTable takes ownership of this pointer, and will
- delete it when it is no longer needed or when
- installEditorFactory() is called again.
- \sa TQSqlEditorFactory
-void TQDataTable::installEditorFactory( TQSqlEditorFactory * f )
- if( f ) {
- delete d->editorFactory;
- d->editorFactory = f;
- }
- Installs a new property map \a m. This enables the user to create
- and instantiate their own property maps for use in cell editing.
- Note that TQDataTable takes ownership of this pointer, and will
- delete it when it is no longer needed or when installPropertMap()
- is called again.
- \sa TQSqlPropertyMap
-void TQDataTable::installPropertyMap( TQSqlPropertyMap* m )
- if ( m ) {
- delete d->propertyMap;
- d->propertyMap = m;
- }
-/*! \internal
- Sets the current selection to \a row, \a col.
-void TQDataTable::setCurrentSelection( int row, int )
- if ( !sqlCursor() )
- return;
- if ( row == d->lastAt )
- return;
- if ( !sqlCursor()->seek( row ) )
- return;
- d->lastAt = row;
- emit currentChanged( sqlCursor() );
-void TQDataTable::updateCurrentSelection()
- setCurrentSelection( currentRow(), -1 );
- Returns the currently selected record, or 0 if there is no current
- selection. The table owns the pointer, so do \e not delete it or
- otherwise modify it or the cursor it points to.
-TQSqlRecord* TQDataTable::currentRecord() const
- if ( !sqlCursor() || currentRow() < 0 )
- return 0;
- if ( !sqlCursor()->seek( currentRow() ) )
- return 0;
- return sqlCursor();
- Sorts column \a col in ascending order.
- \sa setSorting()
-void TQDataTable::sortAscending( int col )
- sortColumn( col, TRUE );
- Sorts column \a col in descending order.
- \sa setSorting()
-void TQDataTable::sortDescending( int col )
- sortColumn( col, FALSE );
- \overload void TQDataTable::refresh( Refresh mode )
- Refreshes the table. If there is no currently defined cursor (see
- setSqlCursor()), nothing happens. The \a mode parameter determines
- which type of refresh will take place.
- \sa Refresh setSqlCursor() addColumn()
-void TQDataTable::refresh( TQDataTable::Refresh mode )
- TQSqlCursor* cur = sqlCursor();
- if ( !cur )
- return;
- bool refreshData = ( (mode & RefreshData) == RefreshData );
- bool refreshCol = ( (mode & RefreshColumns) == RefreshColumns );
- if ( ( (mode & RefreshAll) == RefreshAll ) ) {
- refreshData = TRUE;
- refreshCol = TRUE;
- }
- if ( !refreshCol && d->fld.count() && numCols() == 0 )
- refreshCol = TRUE;
- viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE );
- d->haveAllRows = FALSE;
- if ( refreshData ) {
- if ( !d->cur.refresh() && d->cur.cursor() ) {
- handleError( d->cur.cursor()->lastError() );
- }
- d->lastAt = -1;
- }
- if ( refreshCol ) {
- setNumCols( 0 );
- d->colIndex.clear();
- if ( d->fld.count() ) {
- TQSqlField* field = 0;
- int i;
- int fpos = -1;
- for ( i = 0; i < (int)d->fld.count(); ++i ) {
- if ( cur->field( i ) && cur->field( i )->name() == d->fld[ i ] )
- // if there is a field with the desired name on the desired position
- // then we take that
- fpos = i;
- else
- // otherwise we take the first field that matches the desired name
- fpos = cur->position( d->fld[ i ] );
- field = cur->field( fpos );
- if ( field && ( cur->isGenerated( fpos ) ||
- cur->isCalculated( field->name() ) ) )
- {
- setNumCols( numCols() + 1 );
- d->colIndex.append( fpos );
- setColumnReadOnly( numCols()-1, field->isReadOnly() || isColumnReadOnly( numCols()-1 ) );
- horizontalHeader()->setLabel( numCols()-1, d->fldIcon[ i ], d->fldLabel[ i ] );
- if ( d->fldHidden[ i ] ) {
- TQTable::showColumn( i ); // ugly but necessary
- TQTable::hideColumn( i );
- } else {
- TQTable::showColumn( i );
- }
- if ( d->fldWidth[ i ] > -1 )
- TQTable::setColumnWidth( i, d->fldWidth[i] );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE );
- viewport()->tqrepaint( FALSE );
- horizontalHeader()->tqrepaint();
- verticalHeader()->tqrepaint();
- setSize( cur );
- // keep others aware
- if ( d->lastAt == -1 )
- setCurrentSelection( -1, -1 );
- else if ( d->lastAt != currentRow() )
- setCurrentSelection( currentRow(), currentColumn() );
- if ( cur->isValid() )
- emit currentChanged( sqlCursor() );
- Refreshes the table. The cursor is refreshed using the current
- filter, the current sort, and the currently defined columns.
- Equivalent to calling refresh( TQDataTable::RefreshData ).
-void TQDataTable::refresh()
- refresh( RefreshData );
- \reimp
- Selects the record in the table using the current cursor edit
- buffer and the fields specified by the index \a idx. If \a atHint
- is specified, it will be used as a hint about where to begin
- searching.
-bool TQDataTable::findBuffer( const TQSqlIndex& idx, int atHint )
- TQSqlCursor* cur = sqlCursor();
- if ( !cur )
- return FALSE;
- bool found = d->cur.findBuffer( idx, atHint );
- if ( found )
- setCurrentCell( cur->at(), currentColumn() );
- return found;
-/*! \internal
- Returns the string representation of a database field.
-TQString TQDataTable::fieldToString( const TQSqlField * field )
- TQString text;
- if ( field->isNull() ) {
- text = nullText();
- } else {
- TQVariant val = field->value();
- switch ( val.type() ) {
- case TQVariant::Bool:
- text = val.toBool() ? d->trueTxt : d->falseTxt;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Date:
- text = val.toDate().toString( (Qt::DateFormat)d->datefmt );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Time:
- text = val.toTime().toString( (Qt::DateFormat)d->datefmt );
- break;
- case TQVariant::DateTime:
- text = val.toDateTime().toString( (Qt::DateFormat)d->datefmt );
- break;
- default:
- text = val.toString();
- break;
- }
- }
- return text;
- \reimp
-void TQDataTable::swapColumns( int col1, int col2, bool )
- TQString fld = d->fld[ col1 ];
- TQString fldLabel = d->fldLabel[ col1 ];
- TQIconSet fldIcon = d->fldIcon[ col1 ];
- int fldWidth = d->fldWidth[ col1 ];
- d->fld[ col1 ] = d->fld[ col2 ];
- d->fldLabel[ col1 ] = d->fldLabel[ col2 ];
- d->fldIcon[ col1 ] = d->fldIcon[ col2 ];
- d->fldWidth[ col1 ] = d->fldWidth[ col2 ];
- d->fld[ col2 ] = fld;
- d->fldLabel[ col2 ] = fldLabel;
- d->fldIcon[ col2 ] = fldIcon;
- d->fldWidth[ col2 ] = fldWidth;
- int colIndex = d->colIndex[ col1 ];
- d->colIndex[ col1 ] = d->colIndex[ col2 ];
- d->colIndex[ col2 ] = colIndex;
- \reimp
-void TQDataTable::drawContents( TQPainter * p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch )
- TQTable::drawContents( p, cx, cy, cw, ch );
- if ( sqlCursor() && currentRow() >= 0 )
- sqlCursor()->seek( currentRow() );
- \reimp
-void TQDataTable::hideColumn( int col )
- d->fldHidden[col] = TRUE;
- refresh( RefreshColumns );
- \reimp
-void TQDataTable::showColumn( int col )
- d->fldHidden[col] = FALSE;
- refresh( RefreshColumns );
- \fn void TQDataTable::currentChanged( TQSqlRecord* record )
- This signal is emitted whenever a new row is selected in the
- table. The \a record parameter points to the contents of the newly
- selected record.
- \fn void TQDataTable::primeInsert( TQSqlRecord* buf )
- This signal is emitted after the cursor is primed for insert by
- the table, when an insert action is beginning on the table. The \a
- buf parameter points to the edit buffer being inserted. Connect to
- this signal in order to, for example, prime the record buffer with
- default data values.
- \fn void TQDataTable::primeUpdate( TQSqlRecord* buf )
- This signal is emitted after the cursor is primed for update by
- the table, when an update action is beginning on the table. The \a
- buf parameter points to the edit buffer being updated. Connect to
- this signal in order to, for example, provide some visual feedback
- that the user is in 'edit mode'.
- \fn void TQDataTable::primeDelete( TQSqlRecord* buf )
- This signal is emitted after the cursor is primed for delete by
- the table, when a delete action is beginning on the table. The \a
- buf parameter points to the edit buffer being deleted. Connect to
- this signal in order to, for example, record auditing information
- on deletions.
- \fn void TQDataTable::beforeInsert( TQSqlRecord* buf )
- This signal is emitted just before the cursor's edit buffer is
- inserted into the database. The \a buf parameter points to the
- edit buffer being inserted. Connect to this signal to, for
- example, populate a key field with a unique sequence number.
- \fn void TQDataTable::beforeUpdate( TQSqlRecord* buf )
- This signal is emitted just before the cursor's edit buffer is
- updated in the database. The \a buf parameter points to the edit
- buffer being updated. Connect to this signal when you want to
- transform the user's data behind-the-scenes.
- \fn void TQDataTable::beforeDelete( TQSqlRecord* buf )
- This signal is emitted just before the currently selected record
- is deleted from the database. The \a buf parameter points to the
- edit buffer being deleted. Connect to this signal to, for example,
- copy some of the fields for later use.
- \fn void TQDataTable::cursorChanged( TQSql::Op mode )
- This signal is emitted whenever the cursor record was changed due
- to an edit. The \a mode parameter is the type of edit that just
- took place.