path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/sql/tqsqlpropertymap.cpp
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-** Definition of TQSqlPropertyMap class
-** Created : 2000-11-20
-** Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
-** This file is part of the sql module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include "tqsqlpropertymap.h"
-#include "tqwidget.h"
-#include "tqcleanuphandler.h"
-#include "tqmetaobject.h"
-#include "tqmap.h"
-class TQSqlPropertyMapPrivate
- TQSqlPropertyMapPrivate() {}
- TQMap< TQString, TQString > propertyMap;
- \class TQSqlPropertyMap tqsqlpropertymap.h
- \brief The TQSqlPropertyMap class is used to map widgets to SQL fields.
- \ingroup database
- \module sql
- The SQL module uses TQt \link properties.html object
- properties\endlink to insert and extract values from editor
- widgets.
- This class is used to map editors to SQL fields. This works by
- associating SQL editor class names to the properties used to
- insert and extract values to/from the editor.
- For example, a TQLineEdit can be used to edit text strings and
- other data types in TQDataTables or TQSqlForms. Several properties
- are defined in TQLineEdit, but only the \e text property is used to
- insert and extract text from a TQLineEdit. Both TQDataTable and
- TQSqlForm use the global TQSqlPropertyMap for inserting and
- extracting values to and from an editor widget. The global
- property map defines several common widgets and properties that
- are suitable for many applications. You can add and remove widget
- properties to suit your specific needs.
- If you want to use custom editors with your TQDataTable or
- TQSqlForm, you must install your own TQSqlPropertyMap for that table
- or form. Example:
- \code
- TQSqlPropertyMap *myMap = new TQSqlPropertyMap();
- TQSqlForm *myForm = new TQSqlForm( this );
- MyEditor myEditor( this );
- // Set the TQSqlForm's record buffer to the update buffer of
- // a pre-existing TQSqlCursor called 'cur'.
- myForm->setRecord( cur->primeUpdate() );
- // Install the customized map
- myMap->insert( "MyEditor", "content" );
- myForm->installPropertyMap( myMap ); // myForm now owns myMap
- ...
- // Insert a field into the form that uses a myEditor to edit the
- // field 'somefield'
- myForm->insert( &myEditor, "somefield" );
- // Update myEditor with the value from the mapped database field
- myForm->readFields();
- ...
- // Let the user edit the form
- ...
- // Update the database fields with the values in the form
- myForm->writeFields();
- ...
- \endcode
- You can also replace the global TQSqlPropertyMap that is used by
- default. (Bear in mind that TQSqlPropertyMap takes ownership of the
- new default map.)
- \code
- TQSqlPropertyMap *myMap = new TQSqlPropertyMap;
- myMap->insert( "MyEditor", "content" );
- TQSqlPropertyMap::installDefaultMap( myMap );
- ...
- \endcode
- \sa TQDataTable, TQSqlForm, TQSqlEditorFactory
-Constructs a TQSqlPropertyMap.
-The default property mappings used by TQt widgets are:
-\header \i Widgets \i Property
-\row \i \l TQCheckBox,
- \l TQRadioButton
- \i checked
-\row \i \l TQComboBox,
- \l TQListBox
- \i currentItem
-\row \i \l TQDateEdit
- \i date
-\row \i \l TQDateTimeEdit
- \i dateTime
-\row \i \l TQTextBrowser
- \i source
-\row \i \l TQButton,
- \l TQDial,
- \l TQLabel,
- \l TQLineEdit,
- \l TQMultiLineEdit,
- \l TQPushButton,
- \l TQTextEdit,
- \i text
-\row \i \l TQTimeEdit
- \i time
-\row \i \l TQLCDNumber,
- \l TQScrollBar
- \l TQSlider,
- \l TQSpinBox
- \i value
- d = new TQSqlPropertyMapPrivate();
- const struct MapData {
- const char *classname;
- const char *property;
- } mapData[] = {
- { "TQButton", "text" },
- { "TQCheckBox", "checked" },
- { "TQRadioButton", "checked" },
- { "TQComboBox", "currentItem" },
- { "TQDateEdit", "date" },
- { "TQDateTimeEdit", "dateTime" },
- { "TQDial", "value" },
- { "TQLabel", "text" },
- { "TQLCDNumber", "value" },
- { "TQLineEdit", "text" },
- { "TQListBox", "currentItem" },
- { "TQMultiLineEdit", "text" },
- { "TQPushButton", "text" },
- { "TQScrollBar", "value" },
- { "TQSlider", "value" },
- { "TQSpinBox", "value" },
- { "TQTextBrowser", "source" },
- { "TQTextEdit", "text" },
- { "TQTextView", "text" },
- { "TQTimeEdit", "time" }
- };
- const MapData *m = mapData;
- for ( uint i = 0; i < sizeof(mapData)/sizeof(MapData); i++, m++ )
- d->propertyMap.insert( m->classname, m->property );
- Destroys the TQSqlPropertyMap.
- Note that if the TQSqlPropertyMap is installed with
- installPropertyMap() the object it was installed into, e.g. the
- TQSqlForm, takes ownership and will delete the TQSqlPropertyMap when
- necessary.
- delete d;
- Returns the mapped property of \a widget as a TQVariant.
-TQVariant TQSqlPropertyMap::property( TQWidget * widget )
- if( !widget ) return TQVariant();
- const QMetaObject* mo = widget->metaObject();
- while ( mo && !d->propertyMap.contains( TQString( mo->className() ) ) )
- mo = mo->superClass();
- if ( !mo ) {
- qWarning("TQSqlPropertyMap::property: %s does not exist", widget->metaObject()->className() );
- return TQVariant();
- }
- return TQT_TQVARIANT_OBJECT(widget->property( d->propertyMap[ mo->className() ] ));
- Sets the property of \a widget to \a value.
-void TQSqlPropertyMap::setProperty( TQWidget * widget, const TQVariant & value )
- if( !widget ) return;
- QMetaObject* mo = const_cast<QMetaObject*>(widget->metaObject());
- while ( mo && !d->propertyMap.contains( TQString( mo->className() ) ) )
- mo = const_cast<QMetaObject*>(mo->superClass());
- if ( !mo ) {
- qWarning("TQSqlPropertyMap::setProperty: %s not handled by TQSqlPropertyMap", widget->metaObject()->className() );
- return;
- }
- widget->setProperty( d->propertyMap[ mo->className() ], value );
- Insert a new classname/property pair, which is used for custom SQL
- field editors. There \e must be a \c Q_PROPERTY clause in the \a
- classname class declaration for the \a property.
-void TQSqlPropertyMap::insert( const TQString & classname,
- const TQString & property )
- d->propertyMap[ classname ] = property;
- Removes \a classname from the map.
-void TQSqlPropertyMap::remove( const TQString & classname )
- d->propertyMap.remove( classname );
-static TQSqlPropertyMap * defaultmap = 0;
-static TQCleanupHandler< TQSqlPropertyMap > qsql_cleanup_property_map;
- Returns the application global TQSqlPropertyMap.
-TQSqlPropertyMap * TQSqlPropertyMap::defaultMap()
- if( defaultmap == 0 ){
- defaultmap = new TQSqlPropertyMap();
- qsql_cleanup_property_map.add( &defaultmap );
- }
- return defaultmap;
- Replaces the global default property map with \a map. All
- TQDataTable and TQSqlForm instantiations will use this new map for
- inserting and extracting values to and from editors.
- \e{TQSqlPropertyMap takes ownership of \a map, and destroys it
- when it is no longer needed.}
-void TQSqlPropertyMap::installDefaultMap( TQSqlPropertyMap * map )
- if( map == 0 ) return;
- if( defaultmap != 0 ){
- qsql_cleanup_property_map.remove( &defaultmap );
- delete defaultmap;
- }
- defaultmap = map;
- qsql_cleanup_property_map.add( &defaultmap );
-#endif // TQT_NO_STQL_FORM