path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/tools/tqthreadstorage_unix.cpp
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diff --git a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/tools/tqthreadstorage_unix.cpp b/tqtinterface/qt4/src/tools/tqthreadstorage_unix.cpp
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-** ...
-** Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
-** This file is part of the tools module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include "tqplatformdefs.h"
-#include "tqthreadstorage.h"
-#include <private/tqthreadinstance_p.h>
-#include <string.h>
-// keep this in sync with the implementation in qthreadstorage.cpp
-static const int MAX_THREAD_STORAGE = 257; // 256 maximum + 1 used in TQRegExp
-static pthread_mutex_t thread_storage_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-static bool thread_storage_init = FALSE;
-static struct {
- bool used;
- void (*func)( void * );
-} thread_storage_usage[MAX_THREAD_STORAGE];
-TQThreadStorageData::TQThreadStorageData( void (*func)( void * ) )
- : id( 0 )
- pthread_mutex_lock( &thread_storage_mutex );
- // make sure things are initialized
- if ( ! thread_storage_init )
- memset( thread_storage_usage, 0, sizeof( thread_storage_usage ) );
- thread_storage_init = TRUE;
- for ( ; id < MAX_THREAD_STORAGE; ++id ) {
- if ( !thread_storage_usage[id].used )
- break;
- }
- TQ_ASSERT( id >= 0 && id < MAX_THREAD_STORAGE );
- thread_storage_usage[id].used = TRUE;
- thread_storage_usage[id].func = func;
- qDebug( "TQThreadStorageData: allocated id %d", id );
- pthread_mutex_unlock( &thread_storage_mutex );
- pthread_mutex_lock( &thread_storage_mutex );
- thread_storage_usage[id].used = FALSE;
- thread_storage_usage[id].func = 0;
- qDebug( "TQThreadStorageData: released id %d", id );
- pthread_mutex_unlock( &thread_storage_mutex );
-void **TQThreadStorageData::get() const
- TQThreadInstance *d = TQThreadInstance::current();
- if (!d) {
- qWarning("TQThreadStorage can only be used with threads started with TQThread");
- return 0;
- }
- TQMutexLocker locker( d->mutex() );
- return d->thread_storage && d->thread_storage[id] ? &d->thread_storage[id] : 0;
-void **TQThreadStorageData::set( void *p )
- TQThreadInstance *d = TQThreadInstance::current();
- if (!d) {
- qWarning("TQThreadStorage can only be used with threads started with TQThread");
- return 0;
- }
- TQMutexLocker locker( d->mutex() );
- if ( !d->thread_storage ) {
- qDebug( "TQThreadStorageData: allocating storage for thread %lx",
- (unsigned long) pthread_self() );
- d->thread_storage = new void*[MAX_THREAD_STORAGE];
- memset( d->thread_storage, 0, sizeof( void* ) * MAX_THREAD_STORAGE );
- }
- // delete any previous data
- if ( d->thread_storage[id] )
- thread_storage_usage[id].func( d->thread_storage[id] );
- // store new data
- d->thread_storage[id] = p;
- return &d->thread_storage[id];
-void TQThreadStorageData::finish( void **thread_storage )
- if ( ! thread_storage ) return; // nothing to do
- qDebug( "TQThreadStorageData: destroying storage for thread %lx",
- (unsigned long) pthread_self() );
- for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_THREAD_STORAGE; ++i ) {
- if ( ! thread_storage[i] ) continue;
- if ( ! thread_storage_usage[i].used ) {
- qWarning( "TQThreadStorage: thread %lx exited after TQThreadStorage destroyed",
- (unsigned long) pthread_self() );
-#endif // TQT_CHECK_STATE
- continue;
- }
- thread_storage_usage[i].func( thread_storage[i] );
- }
- delete [] thread_storage;
- \class TQThreadStorage
- \brief The TQThreadStorage class provides per-thread data storage.
- \threadsafe
- \ingroup thread
- \ingroup environment
- TQThreadStorage is a template class that provides per-thread data
- storage.
- \e{Note that due to compiler limitations, TQThreadStorage can only
- store pointers.}
- The setLocalData() function stores a single thread-specific value
- for the calling thread. The data can be accessed later using the
- localData() functions. TQThreadStorage takes ownership of the
- data (which must be created on the heap with \e new) and deletes
- it when the thread exits (either normally or via termination).
- The hasLocalData() function allows the programmer to determine if
- data has previously been set using the setLocalData() function.
- This is useful for lazy initializiation.
- For example, the following code uses TQThreadStorage to store a
- single cache for each thread that calls the \e cacheObject() and
- \e removeFromCache() functions. The cache is automatically
- deleted when the calling thread exits (either normally or via
- termination).
- \code
- TQThreadStorage<TQCache<SomeClass> *> caches;
- void cacheObject( const TQString &key, SomeClass *object )
- {
- if ( ! caches.hasLocalData() )
- caches.setLocalData( new TQCache<SomeClass> );
- caches.localData()->insert( key, object );
- }
- void removeFromCache( const TQString &key )
- {
- if ( ! caches.hasLocalData() )
- return; // nothing to do
- caches.localData()->remove( key );
- }
- \endcode
- \section1 Caveats
- \list
- \i As noted above, TQThreadStorage can only store pointers due to
- compiler limitations. Support for value-based objects will be
- added when the majority of compilers are able to support partial
- template specialization.
- \i The \link ~TQThreadStorage() destructor\endlink does \e not
- delete per-thread data. TQThreadStorage only deletes per-thread
- data when the thread exits or when setLocalData() is called
- multiple times.
- \i TQThreadStorage can only be used with threads started with
- TQThread. It \e cannot be used with threads started with
- platform-specific APIs.
- \i As a corollary to the above, platform-specific APIs cannot be
- used to exit or terminate a TQThread using TQThreadStorage. Doing so
- will cause all per-thread data to be leaked. See TQThread::exit()
- and TQThread::terminate().
- \i TQThreadStorage \e can be used to store data for the \e main()
- thread \e after TQApplication has been constructed. TQThreadStorage
- deletes all data set for the \e main() thread when TQApplication is
- destroyed, regardless of whether or not the \e main() thread has
- actually finished.
- \i The implementation of TQThreadStorage limits the total number of
- TQThreadStorage objects to 256. An unlimited number of threads
- can store per-thread data in each TQThreadStorage object.
- \endlist
- \fn TQThreadStorage::TQThreadStorage()
- Constructs a new per-thread data storage object.
- \fn TQThreadStorage::~TQThreadStorage()
- Destroys the per-thread data storage object.
- Note: The per-thread data stored is \e not deleted. Any data left
- in TQThreadStorage is leaked. Make sure that all threads using
- TQThreadStorage have exited before deleting the TQThreadStorage.
- \sa hasLocalData()
- \fn bool TQThreadStorage::hasLocalData() const
- Returns TRUE if the calling thread has non-zero data available;
- otherwise returns FALSE.
- \sa localData()
- \fn T& TQThreadStorage::localData()
- Returns a reference to the data that was set by the calling
- thread.
- Note: TQThreadStorage can only store pointers. This function
- returns a \e reference to the pointer that was set by the calling
- thread. The value of this reference is 0 if no data was set by
- the calling thread,
- \sa hasLocalData()
- ### addition to the above documentation when we start supporting
- ### partial template specialization, and TQThreadStorage can store
- ### values *and* pointers
- When using TQThreadStorage to store values (not pointers), this
- function stores an object of type \e T (created with its default
- constructor) and returns a reference to that object.
- \fn const T TQThreadStorage::localData() const
- \overload
- Returns a copy of the data that was set by the calling thread.
- Note: TQThreadStorage can only store pointers. This function
- returns a pointer to the data that was set by the calling thread.
- If no data was set by the calling thread, this function returns 0.
- \sa hasLocalData()
- ### addition to the above documentation when we start supporting
- ### partial template specialization, and TQThreadStorage can store
- ### values *and* pointers
- When using TQThreadStorage to store values (not pointers), this
- function returns an object of type \e T (created with its default
- constructor). Unlike the above function, this object is \e not
- stored automatically. You will need to call setLocalData() to store
- the object.
- \fn void TQThreadStorage::setLocalData( T data )
- Sets the local data for the calling thread to \a data. It can be
- accessed later using the localData() functions.
- If \a data is 0, this function deletes the previous data (if
- any) and returns immediately.
- If \a data is non-zero, TQThreadStorage takes ownership of the \a
- data and deletes it automatically either when the thread exits
- (either normally or via termination) or when setLocalData() is
- called again.
- Note: TQThreadStorage can only store pointers. The \a data
- argument must be either a pointer to an object created on the heap
- (i.e. using \e new) or 0. You should not delete \a data
- yourself; TQThreadStorage takes ownership and will delete the \a
- data itself.
- \sa localData() hasLocalData()