path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/widgets/tqlineedit.cpp
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diff --git a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/widgets/tqlineedit.cpp b/tqtinterface/qt4/src/widgets/tqlineedit.cpp
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--- a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/widgets/tqlineedit.cpp
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-** Implementation of TQLineEdit widget class
-** Created : 941011
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the widgets module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include "tqlineedit.h"
-// Keep this position to avoid patch rejection
-#ifndef TQT_NO_IM
-#include "tqinputcontext.h"
-#include "tqpainter.h"
-#include "tqdrawutil.h"
-#include "tqfontmetrics.h"
-#include "tqpixmap.h"
-#include "tqclipboard.h"
-#include "tqapplication.h"
-#include "tqvalidator.h"
-#include "tqdragobject.h"
-#include "tqtimer.h"
-#include "tqpopupmenu.h"
-#include "tqstringlist.h"
-#include "tqguardedptr.h"
-#include "tqstyle.h"
-#include "tqwhatsthis.h"
-#include "../kernel/tqinternal_p.h"
-#include "private/tqtextlayout_p.h"
-#include "tqvaluevector.h"
-#include "tqaccessible.h"
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
-#include "tqkeysequence.h"
-#define ACCEL_KEY(k) "\t" + TQString(TQKeySequence( TQt::CTRL | TQt::Key_ ## k ))
-#define ACCEL_KEY(k) "\t" + TQString("Ctrl+" #k)
-#define innerMargin 1
-struct TQLineEditPrivate : public TQt
- TQLineEditPrivate( TQLineEdit *q )
- : q(q), cursor(0), cursorTimer(0), tripleClickTimer(0), frame(1),
- cursorVisible(0), separator(0), readOnly(0), modified(0),
- direction(TQChar::DirON), dragEnabled(1), tqalignment(0),
- echoMode(0), textDirty(0), selDirty(0), validInput(1),
- ascent(0), maxLength(32767), menuId(0),
- hscroll(0), validator(0), maskData(0),
- undoState(0), selstart(0), selend(0),
- imstart(0), imend(0), imselstart(0), imselend(0)
- ,dndTimer(0)
- {}
- void init( const TQString&);
- TQLineEdit *q;
- TQString text;
- int cursor;
- int cursorTimer;
- TQPoint tripleClick;
- int tripleClickTimer;
- uint frame : 1;
- uint cursorVisible : 1;
- uint separator : 1;
- uint readOnly : 1;
- uint modified : 1;
- uint direction : 5;
- uint dragEnabled : 1;
- uint tqalignment : 3;
- uint echoMode : 2;
- uint textDirty : 1;
- uint selDirty : 1;
- uint validInput : 1;
- int ascent;
- int maxLength;
- int menuId;
- int hscroll;
- TQChar passwordChar; // obsolete
- void finishChange( int validateFromState = -1, bool setModified = TRUE );
- const TQValidator* validator;
- struct MaskInputData {
- enum Casemode { NoCaseMode, Upper, Lower };
- TQChar maskChar; // either the separator char or the inputmask
- bool separator;
- Casemode caseMode;
- };
- TQString inputMask;
- TQChar blank;
- MaskInputData *maskData;
- inline int nextMaskBlank( int pos ) {
- int c = findInMask( pos, TRUE, FALSE );
- separator |= ( c != pos );
- return ( c != -1 ? c : maxLength );
- }
- inline int prevMaskBlank( int pos ) {
- int c = findInMask( pos, FALSE, FALSE );
- separator |= ( c != pos );
- return ( c != -1 ? c : 0 );
- }
- void setCursorVisible( bool visible );
- // undo/redo handling
- enum CommandType { Separator, Insert, Remove, Delete, RemoveSelection, DeleteSelection };
- struct Command {
- inline Command(){}
- inline Command( CommandType type, int pos, TQChar c )
- :type(type),c(c),pos(pos){}
- uint type : 4;
- TQChar c;
- int pos;
- };
- int undoState;
- TQValueVector<Command> history;
- void addCommand( const Command& cmd );
- void insert( const TQString& s );
- void del( bool wasBackspace = FALSE );
- void remove( int pos );
- inline void separate() { separator = TRUE; }
- inline void undo( int until = -1 ) {
- if ( !isUndoAvailable() )
- return;
- deselect();
- while ( undoState && undoState > until ) {
- Command& cmd = history[--undoState];
- switch ( cmd.type ) {
- case Insert:
- text.remove( cmd.pos, 1);
- cursor = cmd.pos;
- break;
- case Remove:
- case RemoveSelection:
- text.insert( cmd.pos, cmd.c );
- cursor = cmd.pos + 1;
- break;
- case Delete:
- case DeleteSelection:
- text.insert( cmd.pos, cmd.c );
- cursor = cmd.pos;
- break;
- case Separator:
- continue;
- }
- if ( until < 0 && undoState ) {
- Command& next = history[undoState-1];
- if ( next.type != cmd.type && next.type < RemoveSelection
- && !( cmd.type >= RemoveSelection && next.type != Separator ) )
- break;
- }
- }
- modified = ( undoState != 0 );
- textDirty = TRUE;
- }
- inline void redo() {
- if ( !isRedoAvailable() )
- return;
- deselect();
- while ( undoState < (int)history.size() ) {
- Command& cmd = history[undoState++];
- switch ( cmd.type ) {
- case Insert:
- text.insert( cmd.pos, cmd.c );
- cursor = cmd.pos + 1;
- break;
- case Remove:
- case Delete:
- case RemoveSelection:
- case DeleteSelection:
- text.remove( cmd.pos, 1 );
- cursor = cmd.pos;
- break;
- case Separator:
- continue;
- }
- if ( undoState < (int)history.size() ) {
- Command& next = history[undoState];
- if ( next.type != cmd.type && cmd.type < RemoveSelection
- && !( next.type >= RemoveSelection && cmd.type != Separator ) )
- break;
- }
- }
- textDirty = TRUE;
- }
- inline bool isUndoAvailable() const { return !readOnly && undoState; }
- inline bool isRedoAvailable() const { return !readOnly && undoState < (int)history.size(); }
- // bidi
- inline bool isRightToLeft() const { return direction==TQChar::DirON?text.isRightToLeft():(direction==TQChar::DirR); }
- // selection
- int selstart, selend;
- inline bool allSelected() const { return !text.isEmpty() && selstart == 0 && selend == (int)text.length(); }
- inline bool hasSelectedText() const { return !text.isEmpty() && selend > selstart; }
- inline void deselect() { selDirty |= (selend > selstart); selstart = selend = 0; }
- void removeSelectedText();
- void copy( bool clipboard = TRUE ) const;
- inline bool inSelection( int x ) const
- { if ( selstart >= selend ) return FALSE;
- int pos = xToPos( x, TQTextItem::OnCharacters ); return pos >= selstart && pos < selend; }
- // masking
- void parseInputMask( const TQString &maskFields );
- bool isValidInput( TQChar key, TQChar mask ) const;
- TQString maskString( uint pos, const TQString &str, bool clear = FALSE ) const;
- TQString clearString( uint pos, uint len ) const;
- TQString stripString( const TQString &str ) const;
- int findInMask( int pos, bool forward, bool findSeparator, TQChar searchChar = TQChar() ) const;
- // input methods
- int imstart, imend, imselstart, imselend;
- bool composeMode() const { return preeditLength(); }
- bool hasIMSelection() const { return imSelectionLength(); }
- int preeditLength() const { return ( imend - imstart ); }
- int imSelectionLength() const { return ( imselend - imselstart ); }
- // complex text tqlayout
- TQTextLayout textLayout;
- void updateTextLayout();
- void moveCursor( int pos, bool mark = FALSE );
- void setText( const TQString& txt );
- int xToPosInternal( int x, TQTextItem::CursorPosition ) const;
- int xToPos( int x, TQTextItem::CursorPosition = TQTextItem::BetweenCharacters ) const;
- inline int visualAlignment() const { return tqalignment ? tqalignment : int( isRightToLeft() ? TQt::AlignRight : TQt::AlignLeft ); }
- TQRect cursorRect() const;
- void updateMicroFocusHint();
- // drag and drop
- TQPoint dndPos;
- int dndTimer;
- bool drag();
- \class TQLineEdit
- \brief The TQLineEdit widget is a one-line text editor.
- \ingroup basic
- \mainclass
- A line edit allows the user to enter and edit a single line of
- plain text with a useful collection of editing functions,
- including undo and redo, cut and paste, and drag and drop.
- By changing the echoMode() of a line edit, it can also be used as
- a "write-only" field, for inputs such as passwords.
- The length of the text can be constrained to maxLength(). The text
- can be arbitrarily constrained using a validator() or an
- inputMask(), or both.
- A related class is TQTextEdit which allows multi-line, rich-text
- editing.
- You can change the text with setText() or insert(). The text is
- retrieved with text(); the displayed text (which may be different,
- see \l{EchoMode}) is retrieved with displayText(). Text can be
- selected with setSelection() or selectAll(), and the selection can
- be cut(), copy()ied and paste()d. The text can be aligned with
- tqsetAlignment().
- When the text changes the textChanged() signal is emitted; when
- the Return or Enter key is pressed the returnPressed() signal is
- emitted. Note that if there is a validator set on the line edit,
- the returnPressed() signal will only be emitted if the validator
- returns \c Acceptable.
- By default, TQLineEdits have a frame as specified by the Windows
- and Motif style guides; you can turn it off by calling
- setFrame(FALSE).
- The default key bindings are described below. The line edit also
- provides a context menu (usually invoked by a right mouse click)
- that presents some of these editing options.
- \target desc
- \table
- \header \i Keypress \i Action
- \row \i Left Arrow \i Moves the cursor one character to the left.
- \row \i Shift+Left Arrow \i Moves and selects text one character to the left.
- \row \i Right Arrow \i Moves the cursor one character to the right.
- \row \i Shift+Right Arrow \i Moves and selects text one character to the right.
- \row \i Home \i Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
- \row \i End \i Moves the cursor to the end of the line.
- \row \i Backspace \i Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
- \row \i Ctrl+Backspace \i Deletes the word to the left of the cursor.
- \row \i Delete \i Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.
- \row \i Ctrl+Delete \i Deletes the word to the right of the cursor.
- \row \i Ctrl+A \i Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
- \row \i Ctrl+B \i Moves the cursor one character to the left.
- \row \i Ctrl+C \i Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
- (Windows also supports Ctrl+Insert for this operation.)
- \row \i Ctrl+D \i Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.
- \row \i Ctrl+E \i Moves the cursor to the end of the line.
- \row \i Ctrl+F \i Moves the cursor one character to the right.
- \row \i Ctrl+H \i Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
- \row \i Ctrl+K \i Deletes to the end of the line.
- \row \i Ctrl+V \i Pastes the clipboard text into line edit.
- (Windows also supports Shift+Insert for this operation.)
- \row \i Ctrl+X \i Deletes the selected text and copies it to the clipboard.
- (Windows also supports Shift+Delete for this operation.)
- \row \i Ctrl+Z \i Undoes the last operation.
- \row \i Ctrl+Y \i Redoes the last undone operation.
- \endtable
- Any other key sequence that represents a valid character, will
- cause the character to be inserted into the line edit.
- <img src=qlined-m.png> <img src=qlined-w.png>
- \sa TQTextEdit TQLabel TQComboBox
- \link guibooks.html#fowler GUI Design Handbook: Field, Entry\endlink
- \fn void TQLineEdit::textChanged( const TQString& )
- This signal is emitted whenever the text changes. The argument is
- the new text.
- \fn void TQLineEdit::selectionChanged()
- This signal is emitted whenever the selection changes.
- \sa hasSelectedText(), selectedText()
- \fn void TQLineEdit::lostFocus()
- This signal is emitted when the line edit has lost focus.
- \sa hasFocus(), TQWidget::focusInEvent(), TQWidget::focusOutEvent()
- Constructs a line edit with no text.
- The maximum text length is set to 32767 characters.
- The \a parent and \a name arguments are sent to the TQWidget constructor.
- \sa setText(), setMaxLength()
-TQLineEdit::TQLineEdit( TQWidget* parent, const char* name )
- : TQFrame( parent, name, TQt::WNoAutoErase ), d(new TQLineEditPrivate( this ))
- d->init( TQString::null );
- Constructs a line edit containing the text \a contents.
- The cursor position is set to the end of the line and the maximum
- text length to 32767 characters.
- The \a parent and \a name arguments are sent to the TQWidget
- constructor.
- \sa text(), setMaxLength()
-TQLineEdit::TQLineEdit( const TQString& contents, TQWidget* parent, const char* name )
- : TQFrame( parent, name, TQt::WNoAutoErase ), d(new TQLineEditPrivate( this ))
- d->init( contents );
- Constructs a line edit with an input \a inputMask and the text \a
- contents.
- The cursor position is set to the end of the line and the maximum
- text length is set to the length of the mask (the number of mask
- characters and separators).
- The \a parent and \a name arguments are sent to the TQWidget
- constructor.
- \sa setMask() text()
-TQLineEdit::TQLineEdit( const TQString& contents, const TQString &inputMask, TQWidget* parent, const char* name )
- : TQFrame( parent, name, TQt::WNoAutoErase ), d(new TQLineEditPrivate( this ))
- d->parseInputMask( inputMask );
- if ( d->maskData ) {
- TQString ms = d->maskString( 0, contents );
- d->init( ms + d->clearString( ms.length(), d->maxLength - ms.length() ) );
- d->cursor = d->nextMaskBlank( ms.length() );
- } else {
- d->init( contents );
- }
- Destroys the line edit.
- delete [] d->maskData;
- delete d;
- \property TQLineEdit::text
- \brief the line edit's text
- Note that setting this property clears the selection, clears the
- undo/redo history, moves the cursor to the end of the line and
- resets the \c modified property to FALSE. The text is not
- validated when inserted with setText().
- The text is truncated to maxLength() length.
- \sa insert()
-TQString TQLineEdit::text() const
- TQString res = d->text;
- if ( d->maskData )
- res = d->stripString( d->text );
- return ( res.isNull() ? TQString::tqfromLatin1("") : res );
-void TQLineEdit::setText( const TQString& text)
- resetInputContext();
- d->setText( text );
- d->modified = FALSE;
- d->finishChange( -1, FALSE );
- \property TQLineEdit::displayText
- \brief the displayed text
- If \c EchoMode is \c Normal this returns the same as text(); if
- \c EchoMode is \c Password it returns a string of asterisks
- text().length() characters long, e.g. "******"; if \c EchoMode is
- \c NoEcho returns an empty string, "".
- \sa setEchoMode() text() EchoMode
-TQString TQLineEdit::displayText() const
- if ( d->echoMode == NoEcho )
- return TQString::tqfromLatin1("");
- TQString res = d->text;
- if ( d->echoMode == Password )
- res.fill( passwordChar() );
- return ( res.isNull() ? TQString::tqfromLatin1("") : res );
- \property TQLineEdit::maxLength
- \brief the maximum permitted length of the text
- If the text is too long, it is truncated at the limit.
- If truncation occurs any selected text will be unselected, the
- cursor position is set to 0 and the first part of the string is
- shown.
- If the line edit has an input mask, the mask defines the maximum
- string length.
- \sa inputMask
-int TQLineEdit::maxLength() const
- return d->maxLength;
-void TQLineEdit::setMaxLength( int maxLength )
- if ( d->maskData )
- return;
- d->maxLength = maxLength;
- setText( d->text );
- \property TQLineEdit::frame
- \brief whether the line edit draws itself with a frame
- If enabled (the default) the line edit draws itself inside a
- two-pixel frame, otherwise the line edit draws itself without any
- frame.
-bool TQLineEdit::frame() const
- return frameShape() != NoFrame;
-void TQLineEdit::setFrame( bool enable )
- setFrameStyle( enable ? ( LineEditPanel | Sunken ) : NoFrame );
- \enum TQLineEdit::EchoMode
- This enum type describes how a line edit should display its
- contents.
- \value Normal Display characters as they are entered. This is the
- default.
- \value NoEcho Do not display anything. This may be appropriate
- for passwords where even the length of the
- password should be kept secret.
- \value Password Display asterisks instead of the characters
- actually entered.
- \sa setEchoMode() echoMode()
- \property TQLineEdit::echoMode
- \brief the line edit's echo mode
- The initial setting is \c Normal, but TQLineEdit also supports \c
- NoEcho and \c Password modes.
- The widget's display and the ability to copy or drag the text is
- affected by this setting.
- \sa EchoMode displayText()
-TQLineEdit::EchoMode TQLineEdit::echoMode() const
- return (EchoMode) d->echoMode;
-void TQLineEdit::setEchoMode( EchoMode mode )
- if (mode == (EchoMode)d->echoMode)
- return;
- d->echoMode = mode;
- d->updateTextLayout();
- setInputMethodEnabled( mode == Normal );
- update();
- Returns a pointer to the current input validator, or 0 if no
- validator has been set.
- \sa setValidator()
-const TQValidator * TQLineEdit::validator() const
- return d->validator;
- Sets this line edit to only accept input that the validator, \a v,
- will accept. This allows you to place any arbitrary constraints on
- the text which may be entered.
- If \a v == 0, setValidator() removes the current input validator.
- The initial setting is to have no input validator (i.e. any input
- is accepted up to maxLength()).
- \sa validator() TQIntValidator TQDoubleValidator TQRegExpValidator
-void TQLineEdit::setValidator( const TQValidator *v )
- if ( d->validator )
- disconnect( (TQObject*)d->validator, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( clearValidator() ) );
- d->validator = v;
- if ( d->validator )
- connect( (TQObject*)d->validator, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( clearValidator() ) );
- Returns a recommended size for the widget.
- The width returned, in pixels, is usually enough for about 15 to
- 20 characters.
-TQSize TQLineEdit::tqsizeHint() const
- constPolish();
- TQFontMetrics fm( font() );
- int h = TQMAX(fm.lineSpacing(), 14) + 2*innerMargin;
- int w = fm.width( 'x' ) * 17; // "some"
- int m = frameWidth() * 2;
- return (tqstyle().tqsizeFromContents(TQStyle::CT_LineEdit, this,
- TQSize( w + m, h + m ).
- expandedTo(TQApplication::globalStrut())));
- Returns a minimum size for the line edit.
- The width returned is enough for at least one character.
-TQSize TQLineEdit::tqminimumSizeHint() const
- constPolish();
- TQFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
- int h = fm.height() + TQMAX( 2*innerMargin, fm.leading() );
- int w = fm.maxWidth();
- int m = frameWidth() * 2;
- return TQSize( w + m, h + m );
- \property TQLineEdit::cursorPosition
- \brief the current cursor position for this line edit
- Setting the cursor position causes a tqrepaint when appropriate.
-int TQLineEdit::cursorPosition() const
- return d->cursor;
-void TQLineEdit::setCursorPosition( int pos )
- if (pos < 0)
- pos = 0;
- if ( pos <= (int) d->text.length() )
- d->moveCursor( pos );
-/*! \obsolete Use setText(), setCursorPosition() and setSelection() instead.
-bool TQLineEdit::validateAndSet( const TQString &newText, int newPos,
- int newMarkAnchor, int newMarkDrag )
- int priorState = d->undoState;
- d->selstart = 0;
- d->selend = d->text.length();
- d->removeSelectedText();
- d->insert( newText );
- d->finishChange( priorState );
- if ( d->undoState > priorState ) {
- d->cursor = newPos;
- d->selstart = TQMIN( newMarkAnchor, newMarkDrag );
- d->selend = TQMAX( newMarkAnchor, newMarkDrag );
- d->updateMicroFocusHint();
- update();
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- \property TQLineEdit::tqalignment
- \brief the tqalignment of the line edit
- Possible Values are \c TQt::AlignAuto, \c TQt::AlignLeft, \c
- TQt::AlignRight and \c TQt::AlignHCenter.
- Attempting to set the tqalignment to an illegal flag combination
- does nothing.
- \sa TQt::AlignmentFlags
-int TQLineEdit::tqalignment() const
- return d->tqalignment;
-void TQLineEdit::tqsetAlignment( int flag )
- d->tqalignment = flag & 0x7;
- update();
- \obsolete
- \fn void TQLineEdit::cursorRight( bool, int )
- Use cursorForward() instead.
- \sa cursorForward()
- \obsolete
- \fn void TQLineEdit::cursorLeft( bool, int )
- For compatibilty with older applications only. Use cursorBackward()
- instead.
- \sa cursorBackward()
- Moves the cursor forward \a steps characters. If \a mark is TRUE
- each character moved over is added to the selection; if \a mark is
- FALSE the selection is cleared.
- \sa cursorBackward()
-void TQLineEdit::cursorForward( bool mark, int steps )
- int cursor = d->cursor;
- if ( steps > 0 ) {
- while( steps-- )
- cursor = d->textLayout.nextCursorPosition( cursor );
- } else if ( steps < 0 ) {
- while ( steps++ )
- cursor = d->textLayout.previousCursorPosition( cursor );
- }
- d->moveCursor( cursor, mark );
- Moves the cursor back \a steps characters. If \a mark is TRUE each
- character moved over is added to the selection; if \a mark is
- FALSE the selection is cleared.
- \sa cursorForward()
-void TQLineEdit::cursorBackward( bool mark, int steps )
- cursorForward( mark, -steps );
- Moves the cursor one word forward. If \a mark is TRUE, the word is
- also selected.
- \sa cursorWordBackward()
-void TQLineEdit::cursorWordForward( bool mark )
- d->moveCursor( d->textLayout.nextCursorPosition(d->cursor, TQTextLayout::SkipWords), mark );
- Moves the cursor one word backward. If \a mark is TRUE, the word
- is also selected.
- \sa cursorWordForward()
-void TQLineEdit::cursorWordBackward( bool mark )
- d->moveCursor( d->textLayout.previousCursorPosition(d->cursor, TQTextLayout::SkipWords), mark );
- If no text is selected, deletes the character to the left of the
- text cursor and moves the cursor one position to the left. If any
- text is selected, the cursor is moved to the beginning of the
- selected text and the selected text is deleted.
- \sa del()
-void TQLineEdit::backspace()
- int priorState = d->undoState;
- if ( d->hasSelectedText() ) {
- d->removeSelectedText();
- } else if ( d->cursor ) {
- --d->cursor;
- if ( d->maskData )
- d->cursor = d->prevMaskBlank( d->cursor );
- d->del( TRUE );
- }
- d->finishChange( priorState );
- If no text is selected, deletes the character to the right of the
- text cursor. If any text is selected, the cursor is moved to the
- beginning of the selected text and the selected text is deleted.
- \sa backspace()
-void TQLineEdit::del()
- int priorState = d->undoState;
- if ( d->hasSelectedText() ) {
- d->removeSelectedText();
- } else {
- int n = d->textLayout.nextCursorPosition( d->cursor ) - d->cursor;
- while ( n-- )
- d->del();
- }
- d->finishChange( priorState );
- Moves the text cursor to the beginning of the line unless it is
- already there. If \a mark is TRUE, text is selected towards the
- first position; otherwise, any selected text is unselected if the
- cursor is moved.
- \sa end()
-void TQLineEdit::home( bool mark )
- d->moveCursor( 0, mark );
- Moves the text cursor to the end of the line unless it is already
- there. If \a mark is TRUE, text is selected towards the last
- position; otherwise, any selected text is unselected if the cursor
- is moved.
- \sa home()
-void TQLineEdit::end( bool mark )
- d->moveCursor( d->text.length(), mark );
- \property TQLineEdit::modified
- \brief whether the line edit's contents has been modified by the user
- The modified flag is never read by TQLineEdit; it has a default value
- of FALSE and is changed to TRUE whenever the user changes the line
- edit's contents.
- This is useful for things that need to provide a default value but
- do not start out knowing what the default should be (perhaps it
- depends on other fields on the form). Start the line edit without
- the best default, and when the default is known, if modified()
- returns FALSE (the user hasn't entered any text), insert the
- default value.
- Calling clearModified() or setText() resets the modified flag to
-bool TQLineEdit::isModified() const
- return d->modified;
- Resets the modified flag to FALSE.
- \sa isModified()
-void TQLineEdit::clearModified()
- d->modified = FALSE;
- d->history.clear();
- d->undoState = 0;
- \obsolete
- \property TQLineEdit::edited
- \brief whether the line edit has been edited. Use modified instead.
-bool TQLineEdit::edited() const { return d->modified; }
-void TQLineEdit::setEdited( bool on ) { d->modified = on; }
- \obsolete
- \property TQLineEdit::hasMarkedText
- \brief whether part of the text has been selected by the user. Use hasSelectedText instead.
- \property TQLineEdit::hasSelectedText
- \brief whether there is any text selected
- hasSelectedText() returns TRUE if some or all of the text has been
- selected by the user; otherwise returns FALSE.
- \sa selectedText()
-bool TQLineEdit::hasSelectedText() const
- return d->hasSelectedText();
- \obsolete
- \property TQLineEdit::markedText
- \brief the text selected by the user. Use selectedText instead.
- \property TQLineEdit::selectedText
- \brief the selected text
- If there is no selected text this property's value is
- TQString::null.
- \sa hasSelectedText()
-TQString TQLineEdit::selectedText() const
- if ( d->hasSelectedText() )
- return d->text.mid( d->selstart, d->selend - d->selstart );
- return TQString::null;
- selectionStart() returns the index of the first selected character in the
- line edit or -1 if no text is selected.
- \sa selectedText()
-int TQLineEdit::selectionStart() const
- return d->hasSelectedText() ? d->selstart : -1;
-/*! \obsolete use selectedText(), selectionStart() */
-bool TQLineEdit::getSelection( int *start, int *end )
- if ( d->hasSelectedText() && start && end ) {
- *start = d->selstart;
- *end = d->selend;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- Selects text from position \a start and for \a length characters.
- Note that this function sets the cursor's position to the end of
- the selection regardless of its current position.
- \sa deselect() selectAll() getSelection() cursorForward() cursorBackward()
-void TQLineEdit::setSelection( int start, int length )
- if ( start < 0 || start > (int)d->text.length() || length < 0 ) {
- d->selstart = d->selend = 0;
- } else {
- d->selstart = start;
- d->selend = TQMIN( start + length, (int)d->text.length() );
- d->cursor = d->selend;
- }
- update();
- \property TQLineEdit::undoAvailable
- \brief whether undo is available
-bool TQLineEdit::isUndoAvailable() const
- return d->isUndoAvailable();
- \property TQLineEdit::redoAvailable
- \brief whether redo is available
-bool TQLineEdit::isRedoAvailable() const
- return d->isRedoAvailable();
- \property TQLineEdit::dragEnabled
- \brief whether the lineedit starts a drag if the user presses and
- moves the mouse on some selected text
-bool TQLineEdit::dragEnabled() const
- return d->dragEnabled;
-void TQLineEdit::setDragEnabled( bool b )
- d->dragEnabled = b;
- \property TQLineEdit::acceptableInput
- \brief whether the input satisfies the inputMask and the
- validator.
- \sa setInputMask(), setValidator()
-bool TQLineEdit::hasAcceptableInput() const
- TQString text = d->text;
- int cursor = d->cursor;
- if ( d->validator && d->validator->validate( text, cursor ) != TQValidator::Acceptable )
- return FALSE;
- if ( !d->maskData )
- return TRUE;
- if ( d->text.length() != (uint)d->maxLength )
- return FALSE;
- for ( uint i=0; i < (uint)d->maxLength; i++) {
- if ( d->maskData[i].separator ) {
- if ( d->text[(int)i] != d->maskData[i].maskChar )
- return FALSE;
- } else {
- if ( !d->isValidInput( d->text[(int)i], d->maskData[i].maskChar ) )
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- \property TQLineEdit::inputMask
- \brief The validation input mask
- If no mask is set, inputMask() returns TQString::null.
- Sets the TQLineEdit's validation mask. Validators can be used
- instead of, or in conjunction with masks; see setValidator().
- Unset the mask and return to normal TQLineEdit operation by passing
- an empty string ("") or just calling setInputMask() with no
- arguments.
- The mask format understands these mask characters:
- \table
- \header \i Character \i Meaning
- \row \i \c A \i ASCII alphabetic character required. A-Z, a-z.
- \row \i \c a \i ASCII alphabetic character permitted but not required.
- \row \i \c N \i ASCII alphanumeric character required. A-Z, a-z, 0-9.
- \row \i \c n \i ASCII alphanumeric character permitted but not required.
- \row \i \c X \i Any character required.
- \row \i \c x \i Any character permitted but not required.
- \row \i \c 9 \i ASCII digit required. 0-9.
- \row \i \c 0 \i ASCII digit permitted but not required.
- \row \i \c D \i ASCII digit required. 1-9.
- \row \i \c d \i ASCII digit permitted but not required (1-9).
- \row \i \c # \i ASCII digit or plus/minus sign permitted but not required.
- \row \i \c > \i All following alphabetic characters are uppercased.
- \row \i \c < \i All following alphabetic characters are lowercased.
- \row \i \c ! \i Switch off case conversion.
- \row \i <tt>\\</tt> \i Use <tt>\\</tt> to escape the special
- characters listed above to use them as
- separators.
- \endtable
- The mask consists of a string of mask characters and separators,
- optionally followed by a semi-colon and the character used for
- blanks: the blank characters are always removed from the text
- after editing. The default blank character is space.
- Examples:
- \table
- \header \i Mask \i Notes
- \row \i \c;_ \i IP address; blanks are \c{_}.
- \row \i \c 0000-00-00 \i ISO Date; blanks are \c space
- \row \i \c >AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA;# \i License number;
- blanks are \c - and all (alphabetic) characters are converted to
- uppercase.
- \endtable
- To get range control (e.g. for an IP address) use masks together
- with \link setValidator() validators\endlink.
- \sa maxLength
-TQString TQLineEdit::inputMask() const
- return ( d->maskData ? d->inputMask + ';' + d->blank : TQString() );
-void TQLineEdit::setInputMask( const TQString &inputMask )
- d->parseInputMask( inputMask );
- if ( d->maskData )
- d->moveCursor( d->nextMaskBlank( 0 ) );
- Selects all the text (i.e. highlights it) and moves the cursor to
- the end. This is useful when a default value has been inserted
- because if the user types before clicking on the widget, the
- selected text will be deleted.
- \sa setSelection() deselect()
-void TQLineEdit::selectAll()
- d->selstart = d->selend = d->cursor = 0;
- d->moveCursor( d->text.length(), TRUE );
- Deselects any selected text.
- \sa setSelection() selectAll()
-void TQLineEdit::deselect()
- d->deselect();
- d->finishChange();
- This slot is equivalent to setValidator(0).
-void TQLineEdit::clearValidator()
- setValidator( 0 );
- Deletes any selected text, inserts \a newText, and validates the
- result. If it is valid, it sets it as the new contents of the line
- edit.
-void TQLineEdit::insert( const TQString &newText )
-// q->resetInputContext(); //#### FIX ME IN QT
- int priorState = d->undoState;
- d->removeSelectedText();
- d->insert( newText );
- d->finishChange( priorState );
- Clears the contents of the line edit.
-void TQLineEdit::clear()
- int priorState = d->undoState;
- resetInputContext();
- d->selstart = 0;
- d->selend = d->text.length();
- d->removeSelectedText();
- d->separate();
- d->finishChange( priorState );
- Undoes the last operation if undo is \link
- TQLineEdit::undoAvailable available\endlink. Deselects any current
- selection, and updates the selection start to the current cursor
- position.
-void TQLineEdit::undo()
- resetInputContext();
- d->undo();
- d->finishChange( -1, FALSE );
- Redoes the last operation if redo is \link
- TQLineEdit::redoAvailable available\endlink.
-void TQLineEdit::redo()
- resetInputContext();
- d->redo();
- d->finishChange();
- \property TQLineEdit::readOnly
- \brief whether the line edit is read only.
- In read-only mode, the user can still copy the text to the
- clipboard or drag-and-drop the text (if echoMode() is \c Normal),
- but cannot edit it.
- TQLineEdit does not show a cursor in read-only mode.
- \sa setEnabled()
-bool TQLineEdit::isReadOnly() const
- return d->readOnly;
-void TQLineEdit::setReadOnly( bool enable )
- d->readOnly = enable;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- setCursor( enable ? Qt::ArrowCursor : Qt::IBeamCursor );
- update();
- Copies the selected text to the clipboard and deletes it, if there
- is any, and if echoMode() is \c Normal.
- If the current validator disallows deleting the selected text,
- cut() will copy without deleting.
- \sa copy() paste() setValidator()
-void TQLineEdit::cut()
- if ( hasSelectedText() ) {
- copy();
- del();
- }
- Copies the selected text to the clipboard, if there is any, and if
- echoMode() is \c Normal.
- \sa cut() paste()
-void TQLineEdit::copy() const
- d->copy();
- Inserts the clipboard's text at the cursor position, deleting any
- selected text, providing the line edit is not \link
- TQLineEdit::readOnly read-only\endlink.
- If the end result would not be acceptable to the current
- \link setValidator() validator\endlink, nothing happens.
- \sa copy() cut()
-void TQLineEdit::paste()
- insert( TQApplication::tqclipboard()->text( TQClipboard::Clipboard ) );
-void TQLineEditPrivate::copy( bool clipboard ) const
- TQString t = q->selectedText();
- if ( !t.isEmpty() && echoMode == TQLineEdit::Normal ) {
- q->disconnect( TQApplication::tqclipboard(), TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), q, 0);
- TQApplication::tqclipboard()->setText( t, clipboard ? TQClipboard::Clipboard : TQClipboard::Selection );
- q->connect( TQApplication::tqclipboard(), TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),
- q, TQT_SLOT(clipboardChanged()) );
- }
-#endif // !TQT_NO_CLIPBOARD
-void TQLineEdit::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent *e )
- TQFrame::resizeEvent( e );
-/*! \reimp
-bool TQLineEdit::event( TQEvent * e )
- if ( e->type() == TQEvent::AccelOverride && !d->readOnly ) {
- TQKeyEvent* ke = (TQKeyEvent*) e;
- if ( ke->state() == Qt::NoButton || ke->state() == ShiftButton
- || ke->state() == TQt::Keypad ) {
- if ( ke->key() < Key_Escape ) {
- ke->accept();
- } else {
- switch ( ke->key() ) {
- case Qt::Key_Delete:
- case Qt::Key_Home:
- case Qt::Key_End:
- case Qt::Key_Backspace:
- case Qt::Key_Left:
- case Qt::Key_Right:
- ke->accept();
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if ( ke->state() & ControlButton ) {
- switch ( ke->key() ) {
-// Those are too frequently used for application functionality
-/* case Qt::Key_A:
- case Qt::Key_B:
- case Qt::Key_D:
- case Qt::Key_E:
- case Qt::Key_F:
- case Qt::Key_H:
- case Qt::Key_K:
- case Qt::Key_C:
- case Qt::Key_V:
- case Qt::Key_X:
- case Qt::Key_Y:
- case Qt::Key_Z:
- case Qt::Key_Left:
- case Qt::Key_Right:
-#if defined (TQ_WS_WIN)
- case Qt::Key_Insert:
- case Qt::Key_Delete:
- ke->accept();
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::Timer ) {
- // should be timerEvent, is here for binary compatibility
- int timerId = ((TQTimerEvent*)e)->timerId();
- if ( timerId == d->cursorTimer ) {
- if(!hasSelectedText() || tqstyle().tqstyleHint( TQStyle::SH_BlinkCursorWhenTextSelected ))
- d->setCursorVisible( !d->cursorVisible );
- } else if ( timerId == d->dndTimer ) {
- if( !d->drag() )
- return TRUE;
- } else if ( timerId == d->tripleClickTimer ) {
- killTimer( d->tripleClickTimer );
- d->tripleClickTimer = 0;
- }
- }
- return TQWidget::event( e );
-/*! \reimp
-void TQLineEdit::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* e )
- if ( sendMouseEventToInputContext( e ) )
- return;
- if ( e->button() == Qt::RightButton )
- return;
- if ( d->tripleClickTimer && ( e->pos() - d->tripleClick ).manhattanLength() <
- TQApplication::startDragDistance() ) {
- selectAll();
- return;
- }
- bool mark = e->state() & ShiftButton;
- int cursor = d->xToPos( e->pos().x() );
- if ( !mark && d->dragEnabled && d->echoMode == Normal &&
- e->button() == Qt::LeftButton && d->inSelection( e->pos().x() ) ) {
- d->cursor = cursor;
- d->updateMicroFocusHint();
- update();
- d->dndPos = e->pos();
- if ( !d->dndTimer )
- d->dndTimer = startTimer( TQApplication::startDragTime() );
- } else
- {
- d->moveCursor( cursor, mark );
- }
-/*! \reimp
-void TQLineEdit::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent * e )
- if ( sendMouseEventToInputContext( e ) )
- return;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- if ( ( e->state() & Qt::MouseButtonMask ) == 0 ) {
- if ( !d->readOnly && d->dragEnabled
- && !TQWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode()
- )
- setCursor( ( d->inSelection( e->pos().x() ) ? Qt::ArrowCursor : Qt::IBeamCursor ) );
- }
- if ( e->state() & Qt::LeftButton ) {
- if ( d->dndTimer ) {
- if ( ( d->dndPos - e->pos() ).manhattanLength() > TQApplication::startDragDistance() )
- d->drag();
- } else
- {
- d->moveCursor( d->xToPos( e->pos().x() ), TRUE );
- }
- }
-/*! \reimp
-void TQLineEdit::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent* e )
- if ( sendMouseEventToInputContext( e ) )
- return;
- if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) {
- if ( d->dndTimer ) {
- killTimer( d->dndTimer );
- d->dndTimer = 0;
- deselect();
- return;
- }
- }
- if (TQApplication::tqclipboard()->supportsSelection() ) {
- if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) {
- d->copy( FALSE );
- } else if ( !d->readOnly && e->button() == Qt::MidButton ) {
- d->deselect();
- insert( TQApplication::tqclipboard()->text( TQClipboard::Selection ) );
- }
- }
-/*! \reimp
-void TQLineEdit::mouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent* e )
- if ( sendMouseEventToInputContext( e ) )
- return;
- if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) {
- deselect();
- d->cursor = d->xToPos( e->pos().x() );
- d->cursor = d->textLayout.previousCursorPosition( d->cursor, TQTextLayout::SkipWords );
- // ## text tqlayout should support end of words.
- int end = d->textLayout.nextCursorPosition( d->cursor, TQTextLayout::SkipWords );
- while ( end > d->cursor && d->text[end-1].isSpace() )
- --end;
- d->moveCursor( end, TRUE );
- d->tripleClickTimer = startTimer( TQApplication::doubleClickInterval() );
- d->tripleClick = e->pos();
- }
- \fn void TQLineEdit::returnPressed()
- This signal is emitted when the Return or Enter key is pressed.
- Note that if there is a validator() or inputMask() set on the line
- edit, the returnPressed() signal will only be emitted if the input
- follows the inputMask() and the validator() returns \c Acceptable.
- Converts key press event \a e into a line edit action.
- If Return or Enter is pressed and the current text is valid (or
- can be \link TQValidator::fixup() made valid\endlink by the
- validator), the signal returnPressed() is emitted.
- The default key bindings are listed in the \link #desc detailed
- description.\endlink
-void TQLineEdit::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent * e )
- d->setCursorVisible( TRUE );
- if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || e->key() == Qt::Key_Return ) {
- const TQValidator * v = d->validator;
- if ( hasAcceptableInput() ) {
- emit returnPressed();
- }
- else if ( v && v->validate( d->text, d->cursor ) != TQValidator::Acceptable ) {
- TQString vstr = d->text;
- v->fixup( vstr );
- if ( vstr != d->text ) {
- setText( vstr );
- if ( hasAcceptableInput() )
- emit returnPressed();
- }
- }
- e->ignore();
- return;
- }
- if ( !d->readOnly ) {
- TQString t = e->text();
- if ( !t.isEmpty() && (!e->ascii() || e->ascii()>=32) &&
- e->key() != Qt::Key_Delete &&
- e->key() != Qt::Key_Backspace ) {
-#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
- extern bool qt_hebrew_keyboard_hack;
- if ( qt_hebrew_keyboard_hack ) {
- // the X11 keyboard tqlayout is broken and does not reverse
- // braces correctly. This is a hack to get halfway correct
- // behaviour
- if ( d->isRightToLeft() ) {
- TQChar *c = (TQChar *)t.tqunicode();
- int l = t.length();
- while( l-- ) {
- if ( c->mirrored() )
- *c = c->mirroredChar();
- c++;
- }
- }
- }
- insert( t );
- return;
- }
- }
- bool unknown = FALSE;
- if ( e->state() & ControlButton ) {
- switch ( e->key() ) {
- case Qt::Key_A:
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- home( e->state() & ShiftButton );
- selectAll();
- break;
- case Qt::Key_B:
- cursorForward( e->state() & ShiftButton, -1 );
- break;
- case Qt::Key_C:
- copy();
- break;
- case Qt::Key_D:
- if ( !d->readOnly ) {
- del();
- }
- break;
- case Qt::Key_E:
- end( e->state() & ShiftButton );
- break;
- case Qt::Key_F:
- cursorForward( e->state() & ShiftButton, 1 );
- break;
- case Qt::Key_H:
- if ( !d->readOnly ) {
- backspace();
- }
- break;
- case Qt::Key_K:
- if ( !d->readOnly ) {
- int priorState = d->undoState;
- d->deselect();
- while ( d->cursor < (int) d->text.length() )
- d->del();
- d->finishChange( priorState );
- }
- break;
-#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
- case Qt::Key_U:
- if ( !d->readOnly )
- clear();
- break;
- case Qt::Key_V:
- if ( !d->readOnly )
- paste();
- break;
- case Qt::Key_X:
- if ( !d->readOnly && d->hasSelectedText() && echoMode() == Normal ) {
- copy();
- del();
- }
- break;
-#if defined (TQ_WS_WIN)
- case Qt::Key_Insert:
- copy();
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Delete:
- if ( !d->readOnly ) {
- cursorWordForward( TRUE );
- del();
- }
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Backspace:
- if ( !d->readOnly ) {
- cursorWordBackward( TRUE );
- del();
- }
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Right:
- case Qt::Key_Left:
- if ( d->isRightToLeft() == (e->key() == Qt::Key_Right) ) {
- if ( echoMode() == Normal )
- cursorWordBackward( e->state() & ShiftButton );
- else
- home( e->state() & ShiftButton );
- } else {
- if ( echoMode() == Normal )
- cursorWordForward( e->state() & ShiftButton );
- else
- end( e->state() & ShiftButton );
- }
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Z:
- if ( !d->readOnly ) {
- if(e->state() & ShiftButton)
- redo();
- else
- undo();
- }
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Y:
- if ( !d->readOnly )
- redo();
- break;
- default:
- unknown = TRUE;
- }
- } else { // ### check for *no* modifier
- switch ( e->key() ) {
- case Qt::Key_Shift:
- // ### TODO
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Left:
- case Qt::Key_Right: {
- int step = (d->isRightToLeft() == (e->key() == Qt::Key_Right)) ? -1 : 1;
- cursorForward( e->state() & ShiftButton, step );
- }
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Backspace:
- if ( !d->readOnly ) {
- backspace();
- }
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Home:
-#ifdef TQ_WS_MACX
- case Qt::Key_Up:
- home( e->state() & ShiftButton );
- break;
- case Qt::Key_End:
-#ifdef TQ_WS_MACX
- case Qt::Key_Down:
- end( e->state() & ShiftButton );
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Delete:
- if ( !d->readOnly ) {
-#if defined (TQ_WS_WIN)
- if ( e->state() & ShiftButton ) {
- cut();
- break;
- }
- del();
- }
- break;
-#if defined (TQ_WS_WIN)
- case Qt::Key_Insert:
- if ( !d->readOnly && e->state() & ShiftButton )
- paste();
- else
- unknown = TRUE;
- break;
- case Qt::Key_F14: // Undo key on Sun keyboards
- if ( !d->readOnly )
- undo();
- break;
- case Qt::Key_F16: // Copy key on Sun keyboards
- copy();
- break;
- case Qt::Key_F18: // Paste key on Sun keyboards
- if ( !d->readOnly )
- paste();
- break;
- case Qt::Key_F20: // Cut key on Sun keyboards
- if ( !d->readOnly && hasSelectedText() && echoMode() == Normal ) {
- copy();
- del();
- }
- break;
- default:
- unknown = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Direction_L || e->key() == Qt::Key_Direction_R ) {
- d->direction = (e->key() == Qt::Key_Direction_L) ? TQChar::DirL : TQChar::DirR;
- d->updateTextLayout();
- update();
- }
- if ( unknown )
- e->ignore();
- This function is not intended as polymorphic usage. Just a shared code
- fragment that calls TQWidget::sendMouseEventToInputContext() easily for this
- class.
- */
-bool TQLineEdit::sendMouseEventToInputContext( TQMouseEvent *e )
-#ifndef TQT_NO_IM
- if ( d->composeMode() ) {
- int cursor = d->xToPosInternal( e->pos().x(), TQTextItem::OnCharacters );
- int mousePos = cursor - d->imstart;
- if ( mousePos >= 0 && mousePos < d->preeditLength() ) {
- TQWidget::sendMouseEventToInputContext( mousePos, e->type(),
- e->button(), e->state() );
- } else if ( e->type() != TQEvent::MouseMove ) {
- // send button events on out of preedit
- TQWidget::sendMouseEventToInputContext( -1, e->type(),
- e->button(), e->state() );
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-/*! \reimp
- */
-void TQLineEdit::imStartEvent( TQIMEvent *e )
- if ( d->readOnly ) {
- e->ignore();
- return;
- }
- d->removeSelectedText();
- d->updateMicroFocusHint();
- d->imstart = d->imend = d->imselstart = d->imselend = d->cursor;
-/*! \reimp
- */
-void TQLineEdit::imComposeEvent( TQIMEvent *e )
- if ( d->readOnly ) {
- e->ignore();
- return;
- }
- d->text.replace( d->imstart, d->imend - d->imstart, e->text() );
- d->imend = d->imstart + e->text().length();
- d->imselstart = d->imstart + e->cursorPos();
- d->imselend = d->imselstart + e->selectionLength();
- d->cursor = d->imstart + e->cursorPos();
- d->updateTextLayout();
- d->updateMicroFocusHint();
- update();
-/*! \reimp
- */
-void TQLineEdit::imEndEvent( TQIMEvent *e )
- if ( d->readOnly) {
- e->ignore();
- return;
- }
- d->text.remove( d->imstart, d->imend - d->imstart );
- d->cursor = d->imselstart = d->imselend = d->imend = d->imstart;
- d->textDirty = TRUE;
- insert( e->text() );
-void TQLineEdit::focusInEvent( TQFocusEvent* tqfe )
-#ifdef USE_QT4
- if ( tqfe->reason() == TQFocusEvent::Tab ||
- tqfe->reason() == TQFocusEvent::Backtab ||
- tqfe->reason() == TQFocusEvent::Shortcut )
-#else // USE_QT4
- if ( tqfereason() == TQFocusEvent::Tab ||
- TQFocusEvent::reason() == TQFocusEvent::Backtab ||
- TQFocusEvent::reason() == TQFocusEvent::Shortcut )
-#endif // USE_QT4
- d->maskData ? d->moveCursor( d->nextMaskBlank( 0 ) ) : selectAll();
- if ( !d->cursorTimer ) {
- int cft = TQApplication::cursorFlashTime();
- d->cursorTimer = cft ? startTimer( cft/2 ) : -1;
- }
- if( !hasSelectedText() || tqstyle().tqstyleHint( TQStyle::SH_BlinkCursorWhenTextSelected ) )
- d->setCursorVisible( TRUE );
- if ( d->hasIMSelection() )
- d->cursor = d->imselstart;
- d->updateMicroFocusHint();
-void TQLineEdit::focusOutEvent( TQFocusEvent* tqfe )
-#ifdef USE_QT4
- if ( tqfe->reason() != TQFocusEvent::ActiveWindow &&
- tqfe->reason() != TQFocusEvent::Popup )
-#else // USE_QT4
- if ( TQFocusEvent::reason() != TQFocusEvent::ActiveWindow &&
- TQFocusEvent::reason() != TQFocusEvent::Popup )
-#endif // USE_QT4
- deselect();
- d->setCursorVisible( FALSE );
- if ( d->cursorTimer > 0 )
- killTimer( d->cursorTimer );
- d->cursorTimer = 0;
-#ifdef USE_QT4
- if (tqfe->reason() != TQFocusEvent::Popup)
-#else // USE_QT4
- if (TQFocusEvent::reason() != TQFocusEvent::Popup)
-#endif // USE_QT4
- emit lostFocus();
-void TQLineEdit::drawContents( TQPainter *p )
- const TQColorGroup& cg = tqcolorGroup();
- TQRect cr = contentsRect();
- TQFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
- TQRect lineRect( cr.x() + innerMargin, cr.y() + (cr.height() - fm.height() + 1) / 2,
- cr.width() - 2*innerMargin, fm.height() );
- TQBrush bg = TQBrush( paletteBackgroundColor() );
- if ( paletteBackgroundPixmap() )
- bg = TQBrush( cg.background(), *paletteBackgroundPixmap() );
- else if ( !isEnabled() )
- bg = cg.brush( TQColorGroup::Background );
- TQPoint brushOrigin = p->brushOrigin();
- p->save();
- p->setClipRegion( TQRegion(cr) - lineRect );
- p->setBrushOrigin(brushOrigin - backgroundOffset());
- p->fillRect( cr, bg );
- p->restore();
- TQSharedDoubleBuffer buffer( p, lineRect.x(), lineRect.y(),
- lineRect.width(), lineRect.height(),
- hasFocus() ? TQSharedDoubleBuffer::Force : 0 );
- p = buffer.painter();
- brushOrigin = p->brushOrigin();
- p->setBrushOrigin(brushOrigin - backgroundOffset());
- p->fillRect( lineRect, bg );
- p->setBrushOrigin(brushOrigin);
- // locate cursor position
- int cix = 0;
- TQTextItem ci = d->textLayout.findItem( d->cursor );
- if ( ci.isValid() ) {
- if ( d->cursor != (int)d->text.length() && d->cursor == ci.from() + ci.length()
- && ci.isRightToLeft() != d->isRightToLeft() )
- ci = d->textLayout.findItem( d->cursor + 1 );
- cix = ci.x() + ci.cursorToX( d->cursor - ci.from() );
- }
- // horizontal scrolling
- int minLB = TQMAX( 0, -fm.minLeftBearing() );
- int minRB = TQMAX( 0, -fm.minRightBearing() );
- int widthUsed = d->textLayout.widthUsed() + 1 + minRB;
- if ( (minLB + widthUsed) <= lineRect.width() ) {
- switch ( d->visualAlignment() ) {
- case TQt::AlignRight:
- d->hscroll = widthUsed - lineRect.width() + 1;
- break;
- case TQt::AlignHCenter:
- d->hscroll = ( widthUsed - lineRect.width() ) / 2;
- break;
- default:
- d->hscroll = 0;
- break;
- }
- d->hscroll -= minLB;
- } else if ( cix - d->hscroll >= lineRect.width() ) {
- d->hscroll = cix - lineRect.width() + 1;
- } else if ( cix - d->hscroll < 0 ) {
- d->hscroll = cix;
- } else if ( widthUsed - d->hscroll < lineRect.width() ) {
- d->hscroll = widthUsed - lineRect.width() + 1;
- } else if (d->hscroll < 0) {
- d->hscroll = 0;
- }
- // This updateMicroFocusHint() is corresponding to update() at
- // IMCompose event. Although the function is invoked from various
- // other points, some situations such as "candidate selection on
- // AlignHCenter'ed text" need this invocation because
- // updateMicroFocusHint() requires updated contentsRect(), and
- // there are no other chances in such situation that invoke the
- // function.
- d->updateMicroFocusHint();
- // the y offset is there to keep the baseline constant in case we have script changes in the text.
- TQPoint topLeft = lineRect.topLeft() - TQPoint(d->hscroll, d->ascent-fm.ascent());
- // draw text, selections and cursors
- p->setPen( cg.text() );
- bool supressCursor = d->readOnly, hasRightToLeft = d->isRightToLeft();
- int textflags = 0;
- if ( font().underline() )
- textflags |= TQt::Underline;
- if ( font().strikeOut() )
- textflags |= TQt::StrikeOut;
- if ( font().overline() )
- textflags |= TQt::Overline;
- for ( int i = 0; i < d->textLayout.numItems(); i++ ) {
- TQTextItem ti = d->textLayout.itemAt( i );
- hasRightToLeft |= ti.isRightToLeft();
- int tix = topLeft.x() + ti.x();
- int first = ti.from();
- int last = ti.from() + ti.length() - 1;
- // text and selection
- if ( d->selstart < d->selend && (last >= d->selstart && first < d->selend ) ) {
- TQRect highlight = TQRect( TQPoint( tix + ti.cursorToX( TQMAX( d->selstart - first, 0 ) ),
- ),
- TQPoint( tix + ti.cursorToX( TQMIN( d->selend - first, last - first + 1 ) ) - 1,
- lineRect.bottom() ) ).normalize();
- p->save();
- p->setClipRegion( TQRegion( lineRect ) - highlight, TQPainter::CoordPainter );
- p->tqdrawTextItem( topLeft, ti, textflags );
- p->setClipRect( lineRect & highlight, TQPainter::CoordPainter );
- p->fillRect( highlight, cg.highlight() );
- p->setPen( cg.highlightedText() );
- p->tqdrawTextItem( topLeft, ti, textflags );
- p->restore();
- } else {
- p->tqdrawTextItem( topLeft, ti, textflags );
- }
- // input method edit area
- if ( d->composeMode() && (last >= d->imstart && first < d->imend ) ) {
- TQRect highlight = TQRect( TQPoint( tix + ti.cursorToX( TQMAX( d->imstart - first, 0 ) ), ),
- TQPoint( tix + ti.cursorToX( TQMIN( d->imend - first, last - first + 1 ) )-1, lineRect.bottom() ) ).normalize();
- p->save();
- p->setClipRect( lineRect & highlight, TQPainter::CoordPainter );
- int h1, s1, v1, h2, s2, v2;
- TQT_TQCOLOR_OBJECT(cg.color( TQColorGroup::Base )).hsv( &h1, &s1, &v1 );
- TQT_TQCOLOR_OBJECT(cg.color( TQColorGroup::Background )).hsv( &h2, &s2, &v2 );
- TQColor imCol;
- imCol.setHsv( h1, s1, ( v1 + v2 ) / 2 );
- p->fillRect( highlight, imCol );
- p->tqdrawTextItem( topLeft, ti, textflags );
- // draw preedit's underline
- if (d->imend - d->imstart > 0) {
- p->setPen( cg.text() );
- p->drawLine( highlight.bottomLeft(), highlight.bottomRight() );
- }
- p->restore();
- }
- // input method selection
- if ( d->hasIMSelection() && (last >= d->imselstart && first < d->imselend ) ) {
- TQRect highlight = TQRect( TQPoint( tix + ti.cursorToX( TQMAX( d->imselstart - first, 0 ) ), ),
- TQPoint( tix + ti.cursorToX( TQMIN( d->imselend - first, last - first + 1 ) )-1, lineRect.bottom() ) ).normalize();
- p->save();
- p->setClipRect( lineRect & highlight, TQPainter::CoordPainter );
- p->fillRect( highlight, cg.text() );
- p->setPen( paletteBackgroundColor() );
- p->tqdrawTextItem( topLeft, ti, textflags );
- p->restore();
- supressCursor = TRUE;
- }
- // overwrite cursor
- if ( d->cursorVisible && d->maskData &&
- d->selend <= d->selstart && (last >= d->cursor && first <= d->cursor ) ) {
- TQRect highlight = TQRect( TQPoint( tix + ti.cursorToX( TQMAX( d->cursor - first, 0 ) ), ),
- TQPoint( tix + ti.cursorToX( TQMIN( d->cursor + 1 - first, last - first + 1 ) )-1, lineRect.bottom() ) ).normalize();
- p->save();
- p->setClipRect( lineRect & highlight, TQPainter::CoordPainter );
- p->fillRect( highlight, cg.text() );
- p->setPen( paletteBackgroundColor() );
- p->tqdrawTextItem( topLeft, ti, textflags );
- p->restore();
- supressCursor = TRUE;
- }
- }
- // draw cursor
- //
- // Asian users regard IM selection text as cursor on candidate
- // selection phase of input method, so ordinary cursor should be
- // invisible if IM selection text exists.
- if ( d->cursorVisible && !supressCursor && !d->hasIMSelection() ) {
- TQPoint from( topLeft.x() + cix, );
- TQPoint to = from + TQPoint( 0, lineRect.height() );
- p->drawLine( from, to );
- if ( hasRightToLeft ) {
- bool rtl = ci.isValid() ? ci.isRightToLeft() : TRUE;
- to = from + TQPoint( (rtl ? -2 : 2), 2 );
- p->drawLine( from, to );
- from.ry() += 4;
- p->drawLine( from, to );
- }
- }
- buffer.end();
-void TQLineEdit::dragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent *e )
- if ( !d->readOnly && TQTextDrag::canDecode(e) ) {
- e->acceptAction();
- d->cursor = d->xToPos( e->pos().x() );
- d->cursorVisible = TRUE;
- update();
- }
-/*!\reimp */
-void TQLineEdit::dragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent * e )
- TQLineEdit::dragMoveEvent( e );
-/*!\reimp */
-void TQLineEdit::dragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent *)
- if ( d->cursorVisible ) {
- d->cursorVisible = FALSE;
- update();
- }
-/*!\reimp */
-void TQLineEdit::dropEvent( TQDropEvent* e )
- TQString str;
- // try text/plain
- TQCString plain = "plain";
- bool decoded = TQTextDrag::decode(e, str, plain);
- // otherwise we'll accept any kind of text (like text/uri-list)
- if (! decoded)
- decoded = TQTextDrag::decode(e, str);
- if ( decoded && !d->readOnly ) {
- if ( e->source() == this && e->action() == TQDropEvent::Copy )
- deselect();
- d->cursor =d->xToPos( e->pos().x() );
- int selStart = d->cursor;
- int oldSelStart = d->selstart;
- int oldSelEnd = d->selend;
- d->cursorVisible = FALSE;
- e->acceptAction();
- insert( str );
- if ( e->source() == this ) {
- if ( e->action() == TQDropEvent::Move ) {
- if ( selStart > oldSelStart && selStart <= oldSelEnd )
- setSelection( oldSelStart, str.length() );
- else if ( selStart > oldSelEnd )
- setSelection( selStart - str.length(), str.length() );
- else
- setSelection( selStart, str.length() );
- } else {
- setSelection( selStart, str.length() );
- }
- }
- } else {
- e->ignore();
- update();
- }
-bool TQLineEditPrivate::drag()
- q->killTimer( dndTimer );
- dndTimer = 0;
- TQTextDrag *tdo = new TQTextDrag( q->selectedText(), q );
- TQGuardedPtr<TQLineEdit> gptr = q;
- bool r = tdo->drag();
- if ( !gptr )
- return FALSE;
- // ### fix the check TQDragObject::target() != q in TQt4 (should not be needed)
- if ( r && !readOnly && TQDragObject::target() != q ) {
- int priorState = undoState;
- removeSelectedText();
- finishChange( priorState );
- }
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- q->setCursor( readOnly ? Qt::ArrowCursor : Qt::IBeamCursor );
- return TRUE;
-enum { IdUndo, IdRedo, IdSep1, IdCut, IdCopy, IdPaste, IdClear, IdSep2, IdSelectAll };
-void TQLineEdit::contextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent * e )
-#ifndef TQT_NO_IM
- if ( d->composeMode() )
- return;
- d->separate();
- TQPopupMenu *menu = createPopupMenu();
- if (!menu)
- return;
- TQGuardedPtr<TQPopupMenu> popup = menu;
- TQGuardedPtr<TQLineEdit> that = this;
- TQPoint pos = e->reason() == TQContextMenuEvent::Mouse ? e->globalPos() :
- mapToGlobal( TQPoint(e->pos().x(), 0) ) + TQPoint( width() / 2, height() / 2 );
- int r = popup->exec( pos );
- delete (TQPopupMenu*)popup;
- if ( that && d->menuId ) {
- switch ( d->menuId - r ) {
- case IdClear: clear(); break;
- case IdSelectAll: selectAll(); break;
- case IdUndo: undo(); break;
- case IdRedo: redo(); break;
- case IdCut: cut(); break;
- case IdCopy: copy(); break;
- case IdPaste: paste(); break;
- default:
- ; // nothing selected or lineedit destroyed. Be careful.
- }
- }
- This function is called to create the popup menu which is shown
- when the user clicks on the line edit with the right mouse button.
- If you want to create a custom popup menu, reimplement this
- function and return the popup menu you create. The popup menu's
- ownership is transferred to the caller.
-TQPopupMenu *TQLineEdit::createPopupMenu()
- TQPopupMenu *popup = new TQPopupMenu( this, "qt_edit_menu" );
- int id = d->menuId = popup->insertItem( tr( "&Undo" ) + ACCEL_KEY( Z ) );
- popup->insertItem( tr( "&Redo" ) + ACCEL_KEY( Y ) );
- popup->insertSeparator();
- popup->insertItem( tr( "Cu&t" ) + ACCEL_KEY( X ) );
- popup->insertItem( tr( "&Copy" ) + ACCEL_KEY( C ) );
- popup->insertItem( tr( "&Paste" ) + ACCEL_KEY( V ) );
- popup->insertItem( tr( "Clear" ) );
- popup->insertSeparator();
- popup->insertItem( tr( "Select All" )
-#ifndef TQ_WS_X11
- + ACCEL_KEY( A )
- );
-#ifndef TQT_NO_IM
- TQInputContext *qic = getInputContext();
- if ( qic )
- qic->addMenusTo( popup );
- popup->setItemEnabled( id - IdUndo, d->isUndoAvailable() );
- popup->setItemEnabled( id - IdRedo, d->isRedoAvailable() );
- popup->setItemEnabled( id - IdCut, !d->readOnly && d->hasSelectedText() );
- popup->setItemEnabled( id - IdCopy, d->hasSelectedText() );
- popup->setItemEnabled( id - IdPaste, !d->readOnly && !TQApplication::tqclipboard()->text().isEmpty() );
- popup->setItemVisible( id - IdCut, FALSE );
- popup->setItemVisible( id - IdCopy, FALSE );
- popup->setItemVisible( id - IdPaste, FALSE );
- popup->setItemEnabled( id - IdClear, !d->readOnly && !d->text.isEmpty() );
- popup->setItemEnabled( id - IdSelectAll, !d->text.isEmpty() && !d->allSelected() );
- return popup;
- return 0;
-/*! \reimp */
-void TQLineEdit::windowActivationChange( bool b )
- //### remove me with WHighlightSelection attribute
- if ( tqpalette().active() != tqpalette().inactive() )
- update();
- TQWidget::windowActivationChange( b );
-/*! \reimp */
-void TQLineEdit::setPalette( const TQPalette & p )
- //### remove me with WHighlightSelection attribute
- TQWidget::setPalette( p );
- update();
- \obsolete
- \fn void TQLineEdit::repaintArea( int from, int to )
- Repaints all characters from \a from to \a to. If cursorPos is
- between from and to, ensures that cursorPos is visible.
-/*! \reimp
- */
-void TQLineEdit::setFont( const TQFont & f )
- TQWidget::setFont( f );
- d->updateTextLayout();
-/*! \obsolete
-int TQLineEdit::characterAt( int xpos, TQChar *chr ) const
- int pos = d->xToPos( xpos + contentsRect().x() - d->hscroll + innerMargin );
- if ( chr && pos < (int) d->text.length() )
- *chr = d-> pos );
- return pos;
- \internal
- Sets the password character to \a c.
- \sa passwordChar()
-void TQLineEdit::setPasswordChar( TQChar c )
- d->passwordChar = c;
- \internal
- Returns the password character.
- \sa setPasswordChar()
-TQChar TQLineEdit::passwordChar() const
- return ( d->passwordChar.isNull() ? TQChar( tqstyle().tqstyleHint( TQStyle::SH_LineEdit_PasswordCharacter, this ) ) : d->passwordChar );
-void TQLineEdit::clipboardChanged()
-void TQLineEditPrivate::init( const TQString& txt )
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- q->setCursor( readOnly ? Qt::ArrowCursor : Qt::IBeamCursor );
- q->setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus );
- q->setInputMethodEnabled( TRUE );
- // Specifies that this widget can use more, but is able to survive on
- // less, horizontal space; and is fixed vertically.
- q->tqsetSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
- q->setBackgroundMode( PaletteBase );
- q->setKeyCompression( TRUE );
- q->setMouseTracking( TRUE );
- q->setAcceptDrops( TRUE );
- q->setFrame( TRUE );
- text = txt;
- updateTextLayout();
- cursor = text.length();
-void TQLineEditPrivate::updateTextLayout()
- // replace all non-printable characters with spaces (to avoid
- // drawing boxes when using fonts that don't have glyphs for such
- // characters)
- const TQString &displayText = q->displayText();
- TQString str(displayText.tqunicode(), displayText.length());
- TQChar* uc = (TQChar*)str.tqunicode();
- for (int i = 0; i < (int)str.length(); ++i) {
- if (! uc[i].isPrint())
- uc[i] = TQChar(0x0020);
- }
- textLayout.setText( str, q->font() );
- textLayout.setDirection((TQChar::Direction)direction);
- textLayout.beginLayout(TQTextLayout::SingleLine);
- textLayout.beginLine( INT_MAX );
- while ( !textLayout.atEnd() )
- textLayout.addCurrentItem();
- ascent = 0;
- textLayout.endLine(0, 0, TQt::AlignLeft|TQt::SingleLine, &ascent);
-int TQLineEditPrivate::xToPosInternal( int x, TQTextItem::CursorPosition betweenOrOn ) const
- x-= q->contentsRect().x() - hscroll + innerMargin;
- for ( int i = 0; i < textLayout.numItems(); ++i ) {
- TQTextItem ti = textLayout.itemAt( i );
- TQRect tir = ti.tqrect();
- if ( x >= tir.left() && x <= tir.right() )
- return ti.xToCursor( x - tir.x(), betweenOrOn ) + ti.from();
- }
- return x < 0 ? -1 : text.length();
-int TQLineEditPrivate::xToPos( int x, TQTextItem::CursorPosition betweenOrOn ) const
- int pos = xToPosInternal( x, betweenOrOn );
- return ( pos < 0 ) ? 0 : pos;
-TQRect TQLineEditPrivate::cursorRect() const
- TQRect cr = q->contentsRect();
- int cix = cr.x() - hscroll + innerMargin;
- TQTextItem ci = textLayout.findItem( cursor );
- if ( ci.isValid() ) {
- if ( cursor != (int)text.length() && cursor == ci.from() + ci.length()
- && ci.isRightToLeft() != isRightToLeft() )
- ci = textLayout.findItem( cursor + 1 );
- cix += ci.x() + ci.cursorToX( cursor - ci.from() );
- }
- int ch = q->fontMetrics().height();
- return TQRect( cix-4, cr.y() + ( cr.height() - ch + 1) / 2, 8, ch + 1 );
-void TQLineEditPrivate::updateMicroFocusHint()
- // To reduce redundant microfocus update notification, we remember
- // the old rect and update the microfocus if actual update is
- // required. The rect o is intentionally static because some
- // notifyee requires the microfocus information as global update
- // rather than per notifyee update to place shared widget around
- // microfocus.
- static TQRect o;
- if ( q->hasFocus() ) {
- TQRect r = cursorRect();
- if ( o != r ) {
- o = r;
- q->setMicroFocusHint( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height() );
- }
- }
-void TQLineEditPrivate::moveCursor( int pos, bool mark )
- if ( pos != cursor )
- separate();
- if ( maskData && pos > cursor )
- pos = nextMaskBlank( pos );
- else if ( maskData && pos < cursor )
- pos = prevMaskBlank( pos );
- bool fullUpdate = mark || hasSelectedText();
- if ( mark ) {
- int anchor;
- if ( selend > selstart && cursor == selstart )
- anchor = selend;
- else if ( selend > selstart && cursor == selend )
- anchor = selstart;
- else
- anchor = cursor;
- selstart = TQMIN( anchor, pos );
- selend = TQMAX( anchor, pos );
- } else {
- deselect();
- }
- if ( fullUpdate ) {
- cursor = pos;
- q->update();
- } else {
- setCursorVisible( FALSE );
- cursor = pos;
- setCursorVisible( TRUE );
- }
- updateMicroFocusHint();
- if ( mark && !q->tqstyle().tqstyleHint( TQStyle::SH_BlinkCursorWhenTextSelected ) )
- setCursorVisible( FALSE );
- if ( mark || selDirty ) {
- selDirty = FALSE;
- emit q->selectionChanged();
- }
-void TQLineEditPrivate::finishChange( int validateFromState, bool setModified )
- bool lineDirty = selDirty;
- if ( textDirty ) {
- // do validation
- bool wasValidInput = validInput;
- validInput = TRUE;
- if ( validator && validateFromState >= 0 ) {
- TQString textCopy = text;
- int cursorCopy = cursor;
- validInput = ( validator->validate( textCopy, cursorCopy ) != TQValidator::Invalid );
- if ( validInput ) {
- if ( text != textCopy ) {
- q->setText( textCopy );
- cursor = cursorCopy;
- return;
- }
- cursor = cursorCopy;
- }
- }
- if ( validateFromState >= 0 && wasValidInput && !validInput ) {
- undo( validateFromState );
- history.resize( undoState );
- validInput = TRUE;
- textDirty = setModified = FALSE;
- }
- updateTextLayout();
- updateMicroFocusHint();
- lineDirty |= textDirty;
- if ( setModified )
- modified = TRUE;
- if ( textDirty ) {
- textDirty = FALSE;
- emit q->textChanged( maskData ? stripString(text) : text );
- }
- TQAccessible::updateAccessibility( q, 0, TQAccessible::ValueChanged );
- }
- if ( selDirty ) {
- selDirty = FALSE;
- emit q->selectionChanged();
- }
- if ( lineDirty || !setModified )
- q->update();
-void TQLineEditPrivate::setText( const TQString& txt )
- deselect();
- TQString oldText = text;
- if ( maskData ) {
- text = maskString( 0, txt, TRUE );
- text += clearString( text.length(), maxLength - text.length() );
- } else {
- text = txt.isEmpty() ? txt : TQT_TQSTRING(txt.left( maxLength ));
- }
- history.clear();
- undoState = 0;
- cursor = text.length();
- textDirty = ( oldText != text );
-void TQLineEditPrivate::setCursorVisible( bool visible )
- if ( (bool)cursorVisible == visible )
- return;
- if ( cursorTimer )
- cursorVisible = visible;
- TQRect r = cursorRect();
- if ( maskData || !q->contentsRect().contains( r ) )
- q->update();
- else
- q->update( r );
-void TQLineEditPrivate::addCommand( const Command& cmd )
- if ( separator && undoState && history[undoState-1].type != Separator ) {
- history.resize( undoState + 2 );
- history[undoState++] = Command( Separator, 0, 0 );
- } else {
- history.resize( undoState + 1);
- }
- separator = FALSE;
- history[ undoState++ ] = cmd;
-void TQLineEditPrivate::insert( const TQString& s )
- if ( maskData ) {
- TQString ms = maskString( cursor, s );
- for ( int i = 0; i < (int) ms.length(); ++i ) {
- addCommand ( Command( DeleteSelection, cursor+i, ) );
- addCommand( Command( Insert, cursor+i, ) );
- }
- text.replace( cursor, ms.length(), ms );
- cursor += ms.length();
- cursor = nextMaskBlank( cursor );
- } else {
- int remaining = maxLength - text.length();
- text.insert( cursor, s.left(remaining) );
- for ( int i = 0; i < (int) s.left(remaining).length(); ++i )
- addCommand( Command( Insert, cursor++, ) );
- }
- textDirty = TRUE;
-void TQLineEditPrivate::del( bool wasBackspace )
- if ( cursor < (int) text.length() ) {
- addCommand ( Command( (CommandType)((maskData?2:0)+(wasBackspace?Remove:Delete)), cursor, ) );
- if ( maskData ) {
- text.replace( cursor, 1, clearString( cursor, 1 ) );
- addCommand( Command( Insert, cursor, cursor ) ) );
- } else {
- text.remove( cursor, 1 );
- }
- textDirty = TRUE;
- }
-void TQLineEditPrivate::removeSelectedText()
- if ( selstart < selend && selend <= (int) text.length() ) {
- separate();
- int i ;
- if ( selstart <= cursor && cursor < selend ) {
- // cursor is within the selection. Split up the commands
- // to be able to restore the correct cursor position
- for ( i = cursor; i >= selstart; --i )
- addCommand ( Command( DeleteSelection, i, ) );
- for ( i = selend - 1; i > cursor; --i )
- addCommand ( Command( DeleteSelection, i - cursor + selstart - 1, ) );
- } else {
- for ( i = selend-1; i >= selstart; --i )
- addCommand ( Command( RemoveSelection, i, ) );
- }
- if ( maskData ) {
- text.replace( selstart, selend - selstart, clearString( selstart, selend - selstart ) );
- for ( int i = 0; i < selend - selstart; ++i )
- addCommand( Command( Insert, selstart + i, selstart + i ) ) );
- } else {
- text.remove( selstart, selend - selstart );
- }
- if ( cursor > selstart )
- cursor -= TQMIN( cursor, selend ) - selstart;
- deselect();
- textDirty = TRUE;
- }
-void TQLineEditPrivate::parseInputMask( const TQString &maskFields )
- if ( maskFields.isEmpty() || maskFields.section( ';', 0, 0 ).isEmpty() ) {
- if ( maskData ) {
- delete [] maskData;
- maskData = 0;
- maxLength = 32767;
- q->setText( TQString::null );
- }
- return;
- }
- inputMask = maskFields.section( ';', 0, 0 );
- blank = maskFields.section( ';', 1, 1 ).at(0);
- if ( blank.isNull() )
- blank = ' ';
- // calculate maxLength / maskData length
- maxLength = 0;
- TQChar c = 0;
- uint i;
- for ( i=0; i<inputMask.length(); i++ ) {
- c =;
- if ( i > 0 && i-1 ) == '\\' ) {
- maxLength++;
- continue;
- }
- if ( c != '\\' && c != '!' &&
- c != '<' && c != '>' &&
- c != '{' && c != '}' &&
- c != '[' && c != ']' )
- maxLength++;
- }
- delete [] maskData;
- maskData = new MaskInputData[ maxLength ];
- MaskInputData::Casemode m = MaskInputData::NoCaseMode;
- c = 0;
- bool s;
- bool escape = FALSE;
- int index = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < inputMask.length(); i++ ) {
- c =;
- if ( escape ) {
- s = TRUE;
- maskData[ index ].maskChar = c;
- maskData[ index ].separator = s;
- maskData[ index ].caseMode = m;
- index++;
- escape = FALSE;
- } else if ( c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '!') {
- switch ( c ) {
- case '<':
- m = MaskInputData::Lower;
- break;
- case '>':
- m = MaskInputData::Upper;
- break;
- case '!':
- m = MaskInputData::NoCaseMode;
- break;
- }
- } else if ( c != '{' && c != '}' && c != '[' && c != ']' ) {
- switch ( c ) {
- case 'A':
- case 'a':
- case 'N':
- case 'n':
- case 'X':
- case 'x':
- case '9':
- case '0':
- case 'D':
- case 'd':
- case '#':
- s = FALSE;
- break;
- case '\\':
- escape = TRUE;
- default:
- s = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- if ( !escape ) {
- maskData[ index ].maskChar = c;
- maskData[ index ].separator = s;
- maskData[ index ].caseMode = m;
- index++;
- }
- }
- }
- q->setText( TQString::null );
-/* checks if the key is valid compared to the inputMask */
-bool TQLineEditPrivate::isValidInput( TQChar key, TQChar mask ) const
- switch ( mask ) {
- case 'A':
- if ( key.isLetter() && key != blank )
- return TRUE;
- break;
- case 'a':
- if ( key.isLetter() || key == blank )
- return TRUE;
- break;
- case 'N':
- if ( key.isLetterOrNumber() && key != blank )
- return TRUE;
- break;
- case 'n':
- if ( key.isLetterOrNumber() || key == blank )
- return TRUE;
- break;
- case 'X':
- if ( key.isPrint() && key != blank )
- return TRUE;
- break;
- case 'x':
- if ( key.isPrint() || key == blank )
- return TRUE;
- break;
- case '9':
- if ( key.isNumber() && key != blank )
- return TRUE;
- break;
- case '0':
- if ( key.isNumber() || key == blank )
- return TRUE;
- break;
- case 'D':
- if ( key.isNumber() && key.digitValue() > 0 && key != blank )
- return TRUE;
- break;
- case 'd':
- if ( (key.isNumber() && key.digitValue() > 0) || key == blank )
- return TRUE;
- break;
- case '#':
- if ( key.isNumber() || key == '+' || key == '-' || key == blank )
- return TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return FALSE;
- Applies the inputMask on \a str starting from position \a pos in the mask. \a clear
- specifies from where characters should be gotten when a separator is met in \a str - TRUE means
- that blanks will be used, FALSE that previous input is used.
- Calling this when no inputMask is set is undefined.
-TQString TQLineEditPrivate::maskString( uint pos, const TQString &str, bool clear) const
- if ( pos >= (uint)maxLength )
- return TQString::tqfromLatin1("");
- TQString fill;
- fill = clear ? clearString( 0, maxLength ) : text;
- uint strIndex = 0;
- TQString s = TQString::tqfromLatin1("");
- int i = pos;
- while ( i < maxLength ) {
- if ( strIndex < str.length() ) {
- if ( maskData[ i ].separator ) {
- s += maskData[ i ].maskChar;
- if ( str[(int)strIndex] == maskData[ i ].maskChar )
- strIndex++;
- ++i;
- } else {
- if ( isValidInput( str[(int)strIndex], maskData[ i ].maskChar ) ) {
- switch ( maskData[ i ].caseMode ) {
- case MaskInputData::Upper:
- s += str[(int)strIndex].upper();
- break;
- case MaskInputData::Lower:
- s += str[(int)strIndex].lower();
- break;
- default:
- s += str[(int)strIndex];
- }
- ++i;
- } else {
- // search for separator first
- int n = findInMask( i, TRUE, TRUE, str[(int)strIndex] );
- if ( n != -1 ) {
- if ( str.length() != 1 || i == 0 || (i > 0 && (!maskData[i-1].separator || maskData[i-1].maskChar != str[(int)strIndex])) ) {
- s += fill.mid( i, n-i+1 );
- i = n + 1; // update i to find + 1
- }
- } else {
- // search for valid blank if not
- n = findInMask( i, TRUE, FALSE, str[(int)strIndex] );
- if ( n != -1 ) {
- s += fill.mid( i, n-i );
- switch ( maskData[ n ].caseMode ) {
- case MaskInputData::Upper:
- s += str[(int)strIndex].upper();
- break;
- case MaskInputData::Lower:
- s += str[(int)strIndex].lower();
- break;
- default:
- s += str[(int)strIndex];
- }
- i = n + 1; // updates i to find + 1
- }
- }
- }
- strIndex++;
- }
- } else
- break;
- }
- return s;
- Returns a "cleared" string with only separators and blank chars.
- Calling this when no inputMask is set is undefined.
-TQString TQLineEditPrivate::clearString( uint pos, uint len ) const
- if ( pos >= (uint)maxLength )
- return TQString::null;
- TQString s;
- int end = TQMIN( (uint)maxLength, pos + len );
- for ( int i=pos; i<end; i++ )
- if ( maskData[ i ].separator )
- s += maskData[ i ].maskChar;
- else
- s += blank;
- return s;
- Strips blank parts of the input in a TQLineEdit when an inputMask is set,
- separators are still included. Typically "127.0__.0__.1__" becomes "".
-TQString TQLineEditPrivate::stripString( const TQString &str ) const
- if ( !maskData )
- return str;
- TQString s;
- int end = TQMIN( maxLength, (int)str.length() );
- for (int i=0; i < end; i++ )
- if ( maskData[ i ].separator )
- s += maskData[ i ].maskChar;
- else
- if ( str[i] != blank )
- s += str[i];
- return s;
-/* searches forward/backward in maskData for either a separator or a blank */
-int TQLineEditPrivate::findInMask( int pos, bool forward, bool findSeparator, TQChar searchChar ) const
- if ( pos >= maxLength || pos < 0 )
- return -1;
- int end = forward ? maxLength : -1;
- int step = forward ? 1 : -1;
- int i = pos;
- while ( i != end ) {
- if ( findSeparator ) {
- if ( maskData[ i ].separator && maskData[ i ].maskChar == searchChar )
- return i;
- } else {
- if ( !maskData[ i ].separator ) {
- if ( searchChar.isNull() )
- return i;
- else if ( isValidInput( searchChar, maskData[ i ].maskChar ) )
- return i;
- }
- }
- i += step;
- }
- return -1;
-#endif // TQT_NO_LINEEDIT