/** First, the typedefs */ typedef int MY_INT; typedef int * MY_INTP; typedef int & MY_INTR; typedef CFoo& foo_ref_t; typedef int(*foo_t)(void *bar); typedef const char *(*somefunc_t)(void *barstool); /* Now, the types */ struct foo1 { unsigned int d_ino; const char *d_reclen; unsigned short d_namlen; char d_name[1]; CFoo&fref; }; struct foo { int a; char *b }; static int idx; static const char **tmp; CFoo&fref; static char buf[64]; static unsigned long how_long; // comment static int **tmp; static char buf[64]; void bar(int someval, void *puser, const char *filename, struct willy *the_list, int list_len) { int idx; const char **tmp; char buf[64]; CFoo&fref; unsigned long how_long; return(-1); }