#define RENDER_POINTS_USING_MESH namespace UnityEditor { internal class CurveWrapper { private void DoIconAndName (Rect rect, AnimationWindowHierarchyNode node, bool selected, bool focused, float indent) { EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize (new Vector2 (13, 13)); // If not set we see icons scaling down if text is being cropped } public void foo() { if (this) { if (b) { // Now draw for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; i++) { ticksPos[i] /= axisUiScalars.y; if (ticksPos[i] < vRangeMin || ticksPos[i] > vRangeMax) continue; Vector2 pos = DrawingToViewTransformPoint(new Vector2(0, ticksPos[i])); // Important to take floor of positions of GUI stuff to get pixel correct alignment of // stuff drawn with both GUI and Handles/GL. Otherwise things are off by one pixel half the time. pos = new Vector2(pos.x, Mathf.Floor(pos.y)); float uiValue = ticks[i]; Rect labelRect; if (settings.vTickStyle.centerLabel) labelRect = new Rect(0, pos.y - 8, leftmargin - 4, 16); // text expands to the left starting from where grid starts (leftmargin size must ensure text is visible) else labelRect = new Rect(0, pos.y - 13, labelSize, 16); // text expands to the right starting from left side of window GUI.Label(labelRect, uiValue.ToString(format) + settings.vTickStyle.unit, ms_Styles.labelTickMarksY); } } } // Cleanup GUI.color = tempCol; GUI.EndClip(); } } } // namespace namespace UnityEditor { internal class TreeView { public System.Action selectionChangedCallback { get; set; } // ids public System.Action itemDoubleClickedCallback { get; set; } // id public System.Action dragEndedCallback { get; set; } // dragged ids, if null then drag was not allowed, bool == true if dragging tree view items from own treeview, false if drag was started outside public System.Action contextClickItemCallback { get; set; } // clicked item id } }