/* * * $Id: sourceheader 380067 2005-01-19 13:03:46Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2005 Sebastian Trueg * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include #include "k3bdataurladdingdialog.h" #include "k3bencodingconverter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::K3bDataUrlAddingDialog( K3bDataDoc* doc, QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : KDialogBase( Plain, i18n("Adding files to project '%1'").arg(doc->URL().fileName()), Cancel, Cancel, parent, name, true, true ), m_bExistingItemsReplaceAll(false), m_bExistingItemsIgnoreAll(false), m_bFolderLinksFollowAll(false), m_bFolderLinksAddAll(false), m_iAddHiddenFiles(0), m_iAddSystemFiles(0), m_bCanceled(false), m_totalFiles(0), m_filesHandled(0), m_lastProgress(0) { m_encodingConverter = new K3bEncodingConverter(); QWidget* page = plainPage(); QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout( page ); grid->setSpacing( spacingHint() ); grid->setMargin( 0 ); m_counterLabel = new QLabel( page ); m_infoLabel = new KSqueezedTextLabel( i18n("Adding files to project '%1'") .arg(doc->URL().fileName()) + "...", page ); m_progressWidget = new KProgress( 0, page ); grid->addWidget( m_counterLabel, 0, 1 ); grid->addWidget( m_infoLabel, 0, 0 ); grid->addMultiCellWidget( m_progressWidget, 1, 1, 0, 1 ); m_dirSizeJob = new K3bDirSizeJob( this ); connect( m_dirSizeJob, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), this, SLOT(slotDirSizeDone(bool)) ); // try to start with a reasonable size resize( (int)( fontMetrics().width( caption() ) * 1.5 ), sizeHint().height() ); } K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::~K3bDataUrlAddingDialog() { delete m_encodingConverter; } int K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::addUrls( const KURL::List& urls, K3bDirItem* dir, QWidget* parent ) { if( urls.isEmpty() ) return 0; // // A common mistake by beginners is to try to burn an iso image // with a data project. Let's warn them // if( urls.count() == 1 ) { K3bIso9660 isoF( urls.first().path() ); if( isoF.open() ) { if( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( parent, i18n("

The file you are about to add to the project is an ISO9660 image. As such " "it can be burned to a medium directly since it already contains a file " "system.
" "Are you sure you want to add this file to the project?"), i18n("Adding image file to project"), i18n("Add the file to the project"), i18n("Burn the image directly") ) == KMessageBox::No ) { // very rough dvd image size test if( K3b::filesize( urls.first() ) > 1000*1024*1024 ) k3bappcore->k3bMainWindow()->slotWriteDvdIsoImage( urls.first() ); else k3bappcore->k3bMainWindow()->slotWriteCdImage( urls.first() ); return 0; } } } K3bDataUrlAddingDialog dlg( dir->doc(), parent ); dlg.m_urls = urls; for( KURL::List::ConstIterator it = urls.begin(); it != urls.end(); ++it ) dlg.m_urlQueue.append( qMakePair( K3b::convertToLocalUrl(*it), dir ) ); dlg.slotAddUrls(); int ret = QDialog::Accepted; if( !dlg.m_urlQueue.isEmpty() ) { dlg.m_dirSizeJob->setUrls( urls ); dlg.m_dirSizeJob->setFollowSymlinks( dir->doc()->isoOptions().followSymbolicLinks() ); dlg.m_dirSizeJob->start(); ret = dlg.exec(); } // make sure the dir size job is finished dlg.m_dirSizeJob->cancel(); K3bSignalWaiter::waitForJob( dlg.m_dirSizeJob ); QString message = dlg.resultMessage(); if( !message.isEmpty() ) KMessageBox::detailedSorry( parent, i18n("Problems while adding files to the project."), message ); return ret; } QString K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::resultMessage() const { QString message; if( !m_unreadableFiles.isEmpty() ) message += QString("

%2") .arg( i18n("Insufficient permissions to read the following files") ) .arg( m_unreadableFiles.join( "
" ) ); if( !m_notFoundFiles.isEmpty() ) message += QString("

%2") .arg( i18n("Unable to find the following files") ) .arg( m_notFoundFiles.join( "
" ) ); if( !m_nonLocalFiles.isEmpty() ) message += QString("

%2") .arg( i18n("No non-local files supported") ) .arg( m_unreadableFiles.join( "
" ) ); if( !m_tooBigFiles.isEmpty() ) message += QString("

%2") .arg( i18n("It is not possible to add files bigger than %1").arg(KIO::convertSize(0xFFFFFFFF)) ) .arg( m_tooBigFiles.join( "
" ) ); if( !m_mkisofsLimitationRenamedFiles.isEmpty() ) message += QString("

%2") .arg( i18n("Some filenames had to be modified due to limitations in mkisofs") ) .arg( m_mkisofsLimitationRenamedFiles.join( "
" ) ); if( !m_invalidFilenameEncodingFiles.isEmpty() ) message += QString("

%2") .arg( i18n("The following filenames have an invalid encoding. You may fix this " "with the convmv tool") ) .arg( m_invalidFilenameEncodingFiles.join( "
" ) ); return message; } int K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::moveItems( const QValueList& items, K3bDirItem* dir, QWidget* parent ) { return copyMoveItems( items, dir, parent, false ); } int K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::copyItems( const QValueList& items, K3bDirItem* dir, QWidget* parent ) { return copyMoveItems( items, dir, parent, true ); } int K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::copyMoveItems( const QValueList& items, K3bDirItem* dir, QWidget* parent, bool copy ) { if( items.isEmpty() ) return 0; K3bDataUrlAddingDialog dlg( dir->doc(), parent ); dlg.m_infoLabel->setText( i18n("Moving files to project \"%1\"...").arg(dir->doc()->URL().fileName()) ); dlg.m_copyItems = copy; for( QValueList::const_iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it ) { dlg.m_items.append( qMakePair( *it, dir ) ); ++dlg.m_totalFiles; if( (*it)->isDir() ) { dlg.m_totalFiles += static_cast( *it )->numFiles(); dlg.m_totalFiles += static_cast( *it )->numDirs(); } } dlg.slotCopyMoveItems(); int ret = QDialog::Accepted; if( !dlg.m_items.isEmpty() ) { dlg.m_progressWidget->setTotalSteps( dlg.m_totalFiles ); ret = dlg.exec(); } return ret; } void K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::slotCancel() { m_bCanceled = true; m_dirSizeJob->cancel(); KDialogBase::slotCancel(); } void K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::slotAddUrls() { if( m_bCanceled ) return; // add next url KURL url = m_urlQueue.first().first; K3bDirItem* dir = m_urlQueue.first().second; m_urlQueue.remove( m_urlQueue.begin() ); // // HINT: // we only use QFileInfo::absFilePath() and QFileInfo::isHidden() // both do not cause QFileInfo to stat, thus no speed improvement // can come from removing QFileInfo usage here. // QFileInfo info(url.path()); QString absFilePath( info.absFilePath() ); QString resolved( absFilePath ); bool valid = true; k3b_struct_stat statBuf, resolvedStatBuf; bool isSymLink = false; bool isDir = false; bool isFile = false; ++m_filesHandled; #if 0 m_infoLabel->setText( url.path() ); if( m_totalFiles == 0 ) m_counterLabel->setText( QString("(%1)").arg(m_filesHandled) ); else m_counterLabel->setText( QString("(%1/%2)").arg(m_filesHandled).arg(m_totalFiles) ); #endif // // 1. Check if we want and can add the url // if( !url.isLocalFile() ) { valid = false; m_nonLocalFiles.append( url.path() ); } else if( k3b_lstat( QFile::encodeName(absFilePath), &statBuf ) != 0 ) { valid = false; m_notFoundFiles.append( url.path() ); } else if( !m_encodingConverter->encodedLocally( QFile::encodeName( url.path() ) ) ) { valid = false; m_invalidFilenameEncodingFiles.append( url.path() ); } else { isSymLink = S_ISLNK(statBuf.st_mode); isFile = S_ISREG(statBuf.st_mode); isDir = S_ISDIR(statBuf.st_mode); // symlinks are always readable and can always be added to a project // but we need to know if the symlink points to a directory if( isSymLink ) { resolved = K3b::resolveLink( absFilePath ); k3b_stat( QFile::encodeName(resolved), &resolvedStatBuf ); isDir = S_ISDIR(resolvedStatBuf.st_mode); } else { if( ::access( QFile::encodeName( absFilePath ), R_OK ) != 0 ) { valid = false; m_unreadableFiles.append( url.path() ); } else if( isFile && (unsigned long long)statBuf.st_size >= 0xFFFFFFFFULL ) { if ( !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "mkisofs" )->hasFeature( "no-4gb-limit" ) ) { valid = false; m_tooBigFiles.append( url.path() ); } } } // FIXME: if we do not add hidden dirs the progress gets messed up! // // check for hidden and system files // if( valid ) { if( info.isHidden() && !addHiddenFiles() ) valid = false; if( S_ISCHR(statBuf.st_mode) || S_ISBLK(statBuf.st_mode) || S_ISFIFO(statBuf.st_mode) || S_ISSOCK(statBuf.st_mode) ) if( !addSystemFiles() ) valid = false; if( isSymLink ) if( S_ISCHR(resolvedStatBuf.st_mode) || S_ISBLK(resolvedStatBuf.st_mode) || S_ISFIFO(resolvedStatBuf.st_mode) || S_ISSOCK(resolvedStatBuf.st_mode) ) if( !addSystemFiles() ) valid = false; } } // // 2. Handle the url // QString newName = url.fileName(); // filenames cannot end in backslashes (mkisofs problem. See comments in k3bisoimager.cpp (escapeGraftPoint())) bool bsAtEnd = false; while( newName[newName.length()-1] == '\\' ) { newName.truncate( newName.length()-1 ); bsAtEnd = true; } if( bsAtEnd ) m_mkisofsLimitationRenamedFiles.append( url.path() + " -> " + newName ); // backup dummy name if( newName.isEmpty() ) newName = "1"; K3bDirItem* newDirItem = 0; // // The source is valid. Now check if the project already contains a file with that name // and if so handle it properly // if( valid ) { if( K3bDataItem* oldItem = dir->find( newName ) ) { // // reuse an existing dir // if( oldItem->isDir() && isDir ) newDirItem = dynamic_cast(oldItem); // // we cannot replace files in the old session with dirs and vice versa (I think) // files are handled in K3bFileItem constructor and dirs handled above // else if( oldItem->isFromOldSession() && isDir != oldItem->isDir() ) { if( !getNewName( newName, dir, newName ) ) valid = false; } else if( m_bExistingItemsIgnoreAll ) valid = false; else if( oldItem->localPath() == resolved ) { // // Just ignore if the same file is added again // valid = false; } else if( m_bExistingItemsReplaceAll ) { // if we replace an item from an old session the K3bFileItem constructor takes care // of replacing the item if( !oldItem->isFromOldSession() ) delete oldItem; } // // Let the user choose // else { switch( K3bMultiChoiceDialog::choose( i18n("File already exists"), i18n("

File %1 already exists in " "project folder %2.") .arg(newName) .arg('/' + dir->k3bPath()), QMessageBox::Warning, this, 0, 6, KGuiItem( i18n("Replace"), QString::null, i18n("Replace the existing file") ), KGuiItem( i18n("Replace All"), QString::null, i18n("Always replace existing files") ), KGuiItem( i18n("Ignore"), QString::null, i18n("Keep the existing file") ), KGuiItem( i18n("Ignore All"), QString::null, i18n("Always keep the existing file") ), KGuiItem( i18n("Rename"), QString::null, i18n("Rename the new file") ), KStdGuiItem::cancel() ) ) { case 2: // replace all m_bExistingItemsReplaceAll = true; // fallthrough case 1: // replace // if we replace an item from an old session the K3bFileItem constructor takes care // of replacing the item if( !oldItem->isFromOldSession() ) delete oldItem; break; case 4: // ignore all m_bExistingItemsIgnoreAll = true; // fallthrough case 3: // ignore valid = false; break; case 5: // rename if( !getNewName( newName, dir, newName ) ) valid = false; break; case 6: // cancel slotCancel(); return; } } } } // // One more thing to warn the user about: We cannot follow links to folders since that // would change the doc. So we simply ask the user what to do with a link to a folder // if( valid ) { // let's see if this link starts a loop // that means if it points to some folder above this one // if so we cannot follow it anyway if( isDir && isSymLink && !absFilePath.startsWith( resolved ) ) { bool followLink = dir->doc()->isoOptions().followSymbolicLinks() || m_bFolderLinksFollowAll; if( !followLink && !m_bFolderLinksAddAll ) { switch( K3bMultiChoiceDialog::choose( i18n("Adding link to folder"), i18n("

'%1' is a symbolic link to folder '%2'." "

If you intend to make K3b follow symbolic links you should consider letting K3b do this now " "since K3b will not be able to do so afterwards because symbolic links to folders inside a " "K3b project cannot be resolved." "

If you do not intend to enable the option follow symbolic links you may safely " "ignore this warning and choose to add the link to the project.") .arg(absFilePath) .arg(resolved ), QMessageBox::Warning, this, 0, 5, i18n("Follow link now"), i18n("Always follow links"), i18n("Add link to project"), i18n("Always add links"), KStdGuiItem::cancel() ) ) { case 2: m_bFolderLinksFollowAll = true; case 1: followLink = true; break; case 4: m_bFolderLinksAddAll = true; case 3: followLink = false; break; case 5: slotCancel(); return; } } if( followLink ) { absFilePath = resolved; isSymLink = false; // count the files in the followed dir if( m_dirSizeJob->active() ) m_dirSizeQueue.append( KURL::fromPathOrURL(absFilePath) ); else { m_progressWidget->setTotalSteps( 0 ); m_dirSizeJob->setUrls( KURL::fromPathOrURL(absFilePath) ); m_dirSizeJob->start(); } } } } // // Project valid also (we overwrite or renamed) // now create the new item // if( valid ) { // // Set the volume id from the first added url // only if the doc was not changed yet // if( m_urls.count() == 1 && !dir->doc()->isModified() && !dir->doc()->isSaved() ) { dir->doc()->setVolumeID( K3b::removeFilenameExtension( newName ) ); } if( isDir && !isSymLink ) { if( !newDirItem ) { // maybe we reuse an already existing dir newDirItem = new K3bDirItem( newName , dir->doc(), dir ); newDirItem->setLocalPath( url.path() ); // HACK: see k3bdiritem.h } QDir newDir( absFilePath ); int dirFilter = QDir::All|QDir::Hidden|QDir::System; QStringList dlist = newDir.entryList( dirFilter ); const QString& dot = KGlobal::staticQString( "." ); const QString& dotdot = KGlobal::staticQString( ".." ); dlist.remove( dot ); dlist.remove( dotdot ); for( QStringList::Iterator it = dlist.begin(); it != dlist.end(); ++it ) { m_urlQueue.append( qMakePair( KURL::fromPathOrURL(absFilePath + '/' + *it), newDirItem ) ); } } else { (void)new K3bFileItem( &statBuf, &resolvedStatBuf, url.path(), dir->doc(), dir, newName ); } } if( m_urlQueue.isEmpty() ) { m_dirSizeJob->cancel(); m_progressWidget->setProgress( 100 ); accept(); } else { updateProgress(); QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(slotAddUrls()) ); } } void K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::slotCopyMoveItems() { if( m_bCanceled ) return; // // Pop first item from the item list // K3bDataItem* item = m_items.first().first; K3bDirItem* dir = m_items.first().second; m_items.remove( m_items.begin() ); ++m_filesHandled; m_infoLabel->setText( item->k3bPath() ); if( m_totalFiles == 0 ) m_counterLabel->setText( QString("(%1)").arg(m_filesHandled) ); else m_counterLabel->setText( QString("(%1/%2)").arg(m_filesHandled).arg(m_totalFiles) ); if( dir == item->parent() ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bDataUrlAddingDialog) trying to move an item into its own parent dir." << endl; } else if( dir == item ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bDataUrlAddingDialog) trying to move an item into itselft." << endl; } else { // // Let's see if an item with that name alredy exists // if( K3bDataItem* oldItem = dir->find( item->k3bName() ) ) { // // reuse an existing dir: move all child items into the old dir // if( oldItem->isDir() && item->isDir() ) { const QPtrList& cl = dynamic_cast( item )->children(); for( QPtrListIterator it( cl ); *it; ++it ) m_items.append( qMakePair( *it, dynamic_cast( oldItem ) ) ); // FIXME: we need to remove the old dir item } // // we cannot replace files in the old session with dirs and vice versa (I think) // files are handled in K3bFileItem constructor and dirs handled above // else if( oldItem->isFromOldSession() && item->isDir() != oldItem->isDir() ) { QString newName; if( getNewName( newName, dir, newName ) ) { if( m_copyItems ) item = item->copy(); item->setK3bName( newName ); dir->addDataItem( item ); } } else if( m_bExistingItemsReplaceAll ) { // // if we replace an item from an old session K3bDirItem::addDataItem takes care // of replacing the item // if( !oldItem->isFromOldSession() ) delete oldItem; if( m_copyItems ) item = item->copy(); dir->addDataItem( item ); } else if( !m_bExistingItemsIgnoreAll ) { switch( K3bMultiChoiceDialog::choose( i18n("File already exists"), i18n("

File %1 already exists in " "project folder %2.") .arg( item->k3bName() ) .arg("/" + dir->k3bPath()), QMessageBox::Warning, this, 0, 6, KGuiItem( i18n("Replace"), QString::null, i18n("Replace the existing file") ), KGuiItem( i18n("Replace All"), QString::null, i18n("Always replace existing files") ), KGuiItem( i18n("Ignore"), QString::null, i18n("Keep the existing file") ), KGuiItem( i18n("Ignore All"), QString::null, i18n("Always keep the existing file") ), KGuiItem( i18n("Rename"), QString::null, i18n("Rename the new file") ), KStdGuiItem::cancel() ) ) { case 2: // replace all m_bExistingItemsReplaceAll = true; // fallthrough case 1: // replace // // if we replace an item from an old session K3bDirItem::addDataItem takes care // of replacing the item // if( !oldItem->isFromOldSession() ) delete oldItem; if( m_copyItems ) item = item->copy(); dir->addDataItem( item ); break; case 4: // ignore all m_bExistingItemsIgnoreAll = true; // fallthrough case 3: // ignore // do nothing break; case 5: {// rename QString newName; if( getNewName( newName, dir, newName ) ) { if( m_copyItems ) item = item->copy(); item->setK3bName( newName ); dir->addDataItem( item ); } break; } case 6: // cancel slotCancel(); return; } } } // // No old item with the same name // else { if( m_copyItems ) item = item->copy(); dir->addDataItem( item ); } } if( m_items.isEmpty() ) { m_dirSizeJob->cancel(); accept(); } else { updateProgress(); QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(slotCopyMoveItems()) ); } } bool K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::getNewName( const QString& oldName, K3bDirItem* dir, QString& newName ) { bool ok = true; newName = oldName; QValidator* validator = K3bValidators::iso9660Validator( false, this ); do { newName = KInputDialog::getText( i18n("Enter New Filename"), i18n("A file with that name already exists. Please enter a new name:"), newName, &ok, this, "renamedialog", validator ); } while( ok && dir->find( newName ) ); delete validator; return ok; } bool K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::addHiddenFiles() { if( m_iAddHiddenFiles == 0 ) { // FIXME: the isVisible() stuff makes the static addUrls method not return (same below) if( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( /*isVisible() ? */this/* : parentWidget()*/, i18n("Do you also want to add hidden files?"), i18n("Hidden Files"), i18n("Add"), i18n("Do Not Add") ) == KMessageBox::Yes ) m_iAddHiddenFiles = 1; else m_iAddHiddenFiles = -1; } return ( m_iAddHiddenFiles == 1 ); } bool K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::addSystemFiles() { if( m_iAddSystemFiles == 0 ) { if( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( /*isVisible() ? */this/* : parentWidget()*/, i18n("Do you also want to add system files " "(FIFOs, sockets, device files, and broken symlinks)?"), i18n("System Files"), i18n("Add"), i18n("Do Not Add") ) == KMessageBox::Yes ) m_iAddSystemFiles = 1; else m_iAddSystemFiles = -1; } return ( m_iAddSystemFiles == 1 ); } void K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::slotDirSizeDone( bool success ) { if( success ) { m_totalFiles += m_dirSizeJob->totalFiles() + m_dirSizeJob->totalDirs(); if( m_dirSizeQueue.isEmpty() ) { m_progressWidget->setTotalSteps( 100 ); updateProgress(); } else { m_dirSizeJob->setUrls( m_dirSizeQueue.back() ); m_dirSizeQueue.pop_back(); m_dirSizeJob->start(); } } } void K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::updateProgress() { if( m_totalFiles > 0 ) { unsigned int p = 100*m_filesHandled/m_totalFiles; if( p > m_lastProgress ) { m_lastProgress = p; m_progressWidget->setProgress( p ); } } else { // make sure the progress bar shows something m_progressWidget->setProgress( m_filesHandled ); } } #include "k3bdataurladdingdialog.moc"